Australia Prime Minister Puts Citizens On Notice: All Will Likely Undergo Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations – “I would expect it to be as mandatory as you could possibly make it,” PM Scott Morrison said, already going on the offensive against resisters…

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Fiona Barnett: Eyes Wide Open (PDF)


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Max Igan: The Common SMART Prison (Video) #NWO #Illuminati #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #5G #Surveillance #BigBrother

Watch what is going on in China (and not just China)…

5G & total surveillance coming to a country near you.

Don’t miss.

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World News (June 19, 2018 Edition)

Read moreWorld News (June 19, 2018 Edition)

Migrant Crisis & Crime (June 5, 2018 Edition): 13 months in prison for whoever made the following image. However, everyone within the image can walk free!

This guy has learned NOTHING at 62….

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (June 5, 2018 Edition): 13 months in prison for whoever made the following image. However, everyone within the image can walk free!

Migrant Crisis & Crime (June 4, 2018 Edition): Germany: 80 arrests of partially masked people attacking police in Darmstadt. 15 officers were injured. – Germany: Man (35) drawn into conversation only to be robbed with a knife to his throat by two “Southern” looking men (25-30) in Munich. – Watch “Moderate” Australian Imam in Sydney furiously brainwashing Muslim youth – Germany: 15 German youths attacked by 25 foreign youths with knives in Plauen. – Meet the leaders of the Swedish Socialist youth party in the region of Halland. – UK: Over 40 Per Cent of Terrorists Jailed in Past Decade Will Be Released

Read moreMigrant Crisis & Crime (June 4, 2018 Edition): Germany: 80 arrests of partially masked people attacking police in Darmstadt. 15 officers were injured. – Germany: Man (35) drawn into conversation only to be robbed with a knife to his throat by two “Southern” looking men (25-30) in Munich. – Watch “Moderate” Australian Imam in Sydney furiously brainwashing Muslim youth – Germany: 15 German youths attacked by 25 foreign youths with knives in Plauen. – Meet the leaders of the Swedish Socialist youth party in the region of Halland. – UK: Over 40 Per Cent of Terrorists Jailed in Past Decade Will Be Released

World News (May 22, 2018 Edition): “It’s Ridiculous”: Parents Furious As Australia Seeks To Ban Use Of “Boy” Or “Girl” In Books – Cartoonist Fired From German Newspaper Over Netanyahu Drawing – Rep. Eric Swalwell Pushes ‘Assault Weapons’ Buyback, Criminal Prosecution of Those Who Refuse – Syrian army liberates the last ISIS foothold in the vicinity of the Syrian capital – Germany: High Regional Court rejects detention. Carles Puigdemont remains free – Ramadan Rage: Jihadists Kill 41, Injure 102 in First 4 Days

Read moreWorld News (May 22, 2018 Edition): “It’s Ridiculous”: Parents Furious As Australia Seeks To Ban Use Of “Boy” Or “Girl” In Books – Cartoonist Fired From German Newspaper Over Netanyahu Drawing – Rep. Eric Swalwell Pushes ‘Assault Weapons’ Buyback, Criminal Prosecution of Those Who Refuse – Syrian army liberates the last ISIS foothold in the vicinity of the Syrian capital – Germany: High Regional Court rejects detention. Carles Puigdemont remains free – Ramadan Rage: Jihadists Kill 41, Injure 102 in First 4 Days

#GrandSolarMinimum Update 5/12/18 – Merapi Replay – 100 Year Floods – Record Hail – K7RA Solar Update (Video) – Possible Tsunami Threat: Big Island Coast Slips, Eruptions Expected in Hawaii Kilauea Volcano (Video) – Antarctic Cold Front Plunges Temps to 1970s Levels in Australia (Video)

GSM Update 5/12/18 – Merapi Replay – 100 Year Floods – Record Hail – K7RA Solar Update (Video)

Possible Tsunami Threat: Big Island Coast Slips, Eruptions Expected in Hawaii Kilauea Volcano

Antarctic Cold Front Plunges Temps to 1970s Levels in Australia’s Grain Belt

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Government workers who have saved dozens of criminals from deportation will enjoy three-day junket at a luxury beachside resort – and taxpayers will foot the $500,000 bill

Government workers who have saved dozens of criminals from deportation will enjoy three-day junket at a luxury beachside resort – and taxpayers will foot the $500,000 bill:

  • The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (ATT) is preparing for a three-day junket 
  • It is expected to cost taxpayers $500,000 to fit the bill for the convention
  • ATT has made headlines this week after allowing criminals to remain in Australia

Government workers will enjoy a three-day junket on the taxpayers dime.

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has invited 304 members to the Novotel Twin Waters Resort on the Sunshine Coast, according to the Herald Sun.

Between flights, food and beverages and accommodation over May 28, 29 and 30 the expected cost of the weekend is $500,000.

H/t reader kevin a.

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World News (April 29, 2018 Edition): Following Knife Ban, London Mayor Declares City “One Of Safest In The World” – Researchers are keeping pig brains alive outside the body – Dr. Judy Wood: 9/11 Seismic Data – PINE GAP SECRET UFO BASE & ULTRA ROOM ESOTERIC CIRCLE! DARK JOURNALIST X-SERIES VIII

Following Knife Ban, London Mayor Declares City “One Of Safest In The World”

French Ambassador: “US Withdrawal From Iran Deal May Lead To War”

UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd Resigns Over Immigration Scandal

During the coming earth changes that shit will sink to the bottom of the ocean, just like any other ship on the ocean: Russia: Floating nuclear plant towed to sea for fueling trip:

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) — A floating nuclear power plant built in Russia has embarked on its first sea voyage so its reactors can be loaded with fuel. The floating plant, the Akademik Lomonosov, was towed on Saturday out of the St. Petersburg shipyard where it was constructed.

– FYI: Trump: If Dems Win Midterms, They’ll Impeach Me; Stocks Could Be Up 60% But “I Have To Do Things”

– WW3:  ‘Deep state’ elements pushing for Syrian conflict – Dennis Kucinich tells Larry King on RT (VIDEO)


Researchers are keeping pig brains alive outside the body

Snow and Ice Surprises:

Reader kevin a asks:

“Baltic sea temp.
1740 temperature was the same as today.
and why the massive rise @ 1700?”

Pompeo Lands In Saudi, Immediately Calls For New Iran Sanctions

Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 Seismic Data:

Pompeo Lands In Saudi, Immediately Calls For New Iran Sanctions

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World News (April 25, 2018 Edition): OPCW Investigators Reportedly Found “No Evidence” Of Chemical Weapons At Syrian Facilities Bombed By US – Russian Military Shows Wreckage Of US Missiles Intercepted In Syria – The US government “can’t find” $20 TRILLION, while pension funds are tanking

OPCW Investigators Reportedly Found “No Evidence” Of Chemical Weapons At Syrian Facilities Bombed By US:

“According to the statements of the Pentagon’s representatives, 22 missiles hit the above-ground facilities. We registered no more than seven hits, which is shown in the space image…”

Russian Military Shows Wreckage Of US Missiles Intercepted In Syria:

One unexploded Tomahawk cruise missile and one high accuracy air-launched missile launched by the US and its allies on Syria on April 14 have been brought to Moscow…

The government “can’t find” $20 trillion, while pension funds are tanking:

Among other feats, she has identified a giant sucking black hole in the US government. And what has disappeared down that hole is money. Over the years, at least $20 trillion.

Unaccounted for.


North Korean Nuclear Test Site Has Collapsed, Explaining Kim’s “Suspension” Of Further Tests:

The mountain’s collapse after a fifth blast last fall has led to the creation of a massive ‘chimney’ that could (???) leak radioactive fallout into the air, researchers have found.

Jeff Bezos Booed By Amazon Workers

–  “Very Pissed Off” Obama DOJ Made “Dramatic” Call To McCabe To Quash Clinton Probe

John Whitehead: “Is The US Government Evil?”

Macron Tells Trump To Reject Nationalism; Says France Will Not Leave Iran Deal

Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump’s 2020 Reelection Bid

A Furtive Glance At Washington’s Ongoing War Preparations Against Russia

Inflation Is Here.. Get Used To It!:

“If wealth without work is one of Ghandi’s seven deadly sins, paper wealth without production that is consumed is surely inflationary...”

“This Is Mushrooming” – Nicaragua Teeters On The Brink Of Revolution As US Pulls Diplomats

Bitcoin Tumbles Back Below $9,000 As Crypto Gets Clobbered

Hackers Steal $150K After Infiltrating Popular Ethereum Wallet

Read moreWorld News (April 25, 2018 Edition): OPCW Investigators Reportedly Found “No Evidence” Of Chemical Weapons At Syrian Facilities Bombed By US – Russian Military Shows Wreckage Of US Missiles Intercepted In Syria – The US government “can’t find” $20 TRILLION, while pension funds are tanking

World News (April 16, 2018 Edition): Russia Reveals Who “Staged” Syria Gas Attack, As US Claims Moscow “May Have Tampered” With Site -Take The Red Pill: The History Of Syrian False Flags Exposed – Syria ‘DESTROYED chemical weapons’ BEFORE alleged attack, Russia says in SHOCK claims

Russia Reveals Who “Staged” Syria Gas Attack, As US Claims Moscow “May Have Tampered” With Site:

“We have not just a “high degree of confidence,” as our Western partners claim, but we have incontrovertible evidence that there was no incident on April 7 in Douma”

Michael Cohen’s Mystery “Third Client” Is Sean Hannity

Paul Craig Roberts Has One Awkward Question For Washington Warmongers:

Do chemical weapons only release their elements when they explode from intended use but not when they explode from being militarily attacked?”

Take The Red Pill – The History Of Syrian False Flags Exposed

Syria ‘DESTROYED chemical weapons’ BEFORE alleged attack, Russia says in SHOCK claims

Trump Halts Plan For More Russia Sanctions; Russian Stocks, Ruble Jump

Obama And Lynch “Jeopardized” Clinton Email Investigation: Comey

Russian Engagement Helped Avoid Libyan Scenario in Syria – Berlusconi

Why Theresa May Must Be ‘Impeached’

Police probe two killings in London in just HALF AN HOUR: Young father becomes 59th victim of capital’s murder epidemic – just moments before a woman in her 30s is stabbed to death

‘Big Freeze’: Russian Counter-Sanctions Draft May Put Boeing ‘on Hold’

‘US, UK & France want new intl. order with no UN supervision’ – ex-OSCE VP Willy Wimmer to RT

Read moreWorld News (April 16, 2018 Edition): Russia Reveals Who “Staged” Syria Gas Attack, As US Claims Moscow “May Have Tampered” With Site -Take The Red Pill: The History Of Syrian False Flags Exposed – Syria ‘DESTROYED chemical weapons’ BEFORE alleged attack, Russia says in SHOCK claims

World News (April 12, 2018 Edition): Putin Urges Israel Not To Take Action In Syria – New California Bill Would ELIMINATE Free Speech, Require ‘Online Fact Checkers’ – 11 Russian Warships Leave Syrian Port To Conduct Exercises – UK Moves Submarines Next To Syria, Strikes May Begin As Soon As Thursday

New California Bill Would ELIMINATE Free Speech, Require ‘Online Fact Checkers’

UK Moves Submarines Next To Syria, Strikes May Begin As Soon As Thursday

11 Russian Warships Leave Syrian Port To Conduct Exercises

Putin Urges Israel Not To Take Action In Syria

No chance, because TPTB have WW3 planned for us:

Four-Star US General Warns “War Is On The Horizon” As Syria Situation Escalates

– ‘Treason May’: Theresa May Ready To Join Syria Strike Without Seeking Parliamentary Approval

Syrian Army Discovers White Helmets’ Filming Site in Eastern Ghouta

Tesla Blames Dead Driver For Fatal Crash, As Family Prepares To Sue

First “Luxury Space Hotel” Set To Open In 2022 (NOT going to happen!)

Doug Casey Warns “It’s Going To Get Very Unpleasant In The US At Some Point Soon”

Trump Lawyer Raid: Bank Records, Taxes And Deals With Women Sought

Facebook Has Dozens Of Former Obama And Hillary Staffers In Senior Positions

– Because we all know that it’s “Thank you Russia!!!” instead:

The World’s Two Superpower Countries Are Walking On The Edge Of The Abyss In Syria

6 Simple Reasons Why Trump Is Going To War In Syria

World War III Will Be An Economic War (No, it won’t. It will be the HOTTEST WAR ever!!!)

After Months Of Stalling, DOJ Hands Over Memo That Helped Launch Russia Probe

Russia Credit Risk Spikes Most In 5 Years As “Real Economic War” Escalates

Terrorists supported by the U.S. …

Is that Freemason and Illuminati puppet now playing 7D chess in the eyes of his followers,…

…or will Americans finally see the truth, that he is an elite puppet, just like Killary Rotten Clinton?

Links sent by readers:

– Insanity reaches another record high: LA Painting Streets White to Prevent Global Warming:

Los Angeles is spending $40,000 per mile painting asphalt streets white to try to prevent global warming.

– Australia: ‘It’s a disgrace’: Police officer who was pushed out of the force for investigating a pedophile priest molesting children in the 70s is now struggling to make ends meet

– Mexico: 14 murdered in 36 hours as tourist paradise is overrun by violence:

MEXICO’S most popular holiday hotspot has become overrun with drug gangs, as violence in the tourist party town escalates to unprecedented levels.

Biologically inspired membrane purges coal-fired smoke of greenhouse gases

Infografía: Cómo se reparten los cárteles mexicanos sus zonas de influencia en Estados Unidos

Mexican drug cartels: ‘The most serious threat the US has faced from organized crime’

– PDF: UNCLASSIFIED (U) United States: Areas of Influence of Major Mexican Transnational Criminal Organizations

Sweden charges Tibetan resident with spying on fellow exiles for China

Revealed: What kills more people in the United States than guns? Life and death in fascinating charts

New Jersey investment banker who got cancer from talcum powder wins ANOTHER $80 MILLION in Johnson & Johnson case – bringing his total compensation to $117 million

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‘White invaders … dogs’: Terrifying moment woman is kicked in the face by a gang of Aboriginal youths as boy, 10, and girl, 13, are arrested after ‘bashing man with a garden stake and pegging rocks at cars on a highway’

‘White invaders … dogs’: Terrifying moment woman is kicked in the face by a gang of Aboriginal youths as boy, 10, and girl, 13, are arrested after ‘bashing man with a garden stake and pegging rocks at cars on a highway’:

  • Three teenagers have been charged with aggravated assault in South Australia
  • Police believe the teenagers are responsible for a series of attacks 
  • A man was rushed to hospital when he was attacked with rocks and garden stake
  • He stopped his car when he was hit with rocks and then attacked by youths 
  • CCTV footage shows a fight between youths and an elderly couple 

H/t reader kevin a.

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Australian Government Loses All Its UFO Files

Australian Government Loses All Its UFO Files:

Two months ago, an Australian newspaper submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to its government seeking files pertaining to UFO sightings across the country.

Government officials have just come back empty handed. The UFO files, they said, seem to have gone missing.

“The files could not be located and Headquarters Air Command formally advised that this file is deemed lost,” the Australia Department of Defense’s FOI assistant director, Natalie Carpenter, told the Sydney Morning Herald, the newspaper that made the request.

Read moreAustralian Government Loses All Its UFO Files

‘Thank you, Australia’: Hundreds rally in Brisbane to highlight the plight of South African farmers

All-out civil war is predicted for South Africa.

‘Thank you, Australia’: Hundreds rally in Brisbane to highlight the plight of South African farmers:

THE South African community has marched in support of Immigration Minister Peter Dutton over a controversial refugee offer to persecuted white farmers.

LARGE crowds of protesters chanting “thank you, Australia” and “thank you, Mr Dutton” marched through Brisbane’s CBD on Sunday in support of the government’s offer to bring persecuted South African farmers to Australia under the humanitarian program.

The march, organised by the Brisbane South African community and supported by Liberal backbencher Andrew Laming and independent Senator Fraser Anning, started at Emma Miller Place and ended at Queensland Parliament on George Street, where community members gave speeches highlighting the plight of their family and friends back home.

Read more‘Thank you, Australia’: Hundreds rally in Brisbane to highlight the plight of South African farmers

Inside the ‘most dangerous job in the world’: White farmers in South Africa are FOUR times more likely to be murdered than anyone else – as Peter Dutton vows to ‘fast-track’ them into Australia as refugees

Inside the ‘most dangerous job in the world’: White farmers in South Africa are FOUR times more likely to be murdered than anyone else – as Peter Dutton vows to ‘fast-track’ them into Australia as refugees:

  • White farmers in South Africa have the most dangerous job in the country, says civil rights group AfriForum
  • Claims farmers are twice as likely to be murdered than police and killed at four times rate of wider community
  • AfriForum claimed there had already been 109 attacks which left 15 white farm workers dead so far this year
  • Figures can’t be verified because the government has refused to release farm murder statistics since 2007
  • Some killings are reported to have been barbaric and involve torture, rape and slaughter in front of families
  • Government denies whites are targeted and says farm murders are part of South Africa’s wider crime problem
  • Ernst Roets, AfriForum’s vice president, claimed that ‘political factors’ were fuelling violent attacks on farmers
  • Peter Dutton last week announced plans to fast-track white South African farmers through refugee program

H/t reader kevin a.

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