Are You Really Ready For What’s Coming? – How Do You Even Begin Preparing? – Enlist The 7-P’s (Video)



As we enter the unknown…will you rise to the occasion or sit by the wayside. The descision is yours and yours alone. No one can tell you what to do. We will help you get informed and prepared for the inevitable.

Current Proxy Data Of The Past Events.

Smaller Scale (Millennial) proxy Data on Climate Catastrophe

Known and Accepted Magnetic Excursions Last 100 ky

Geomagnetic Excursions and Evolution

Randal Carlson’s Cosmic Clock

Active Volcanoes To Avoid

Active Seismic Regions In The USA

Nuclear Power Plants To Stay Away From

Seismic and Nuke Plant Overlay

High Voltage Transmission Lines

US Power Plants

Gas and Toxic Chemical Pipelines

Temperature Reconstruction For The Little ice Age

Temperature Anaomoly For The Little Ice Age

US Caves

US Coal Mines

Us Mineral Mines

Free 78 Item Preppers Checklist

46 Survival Skills to Keep You Entertained in the Backyard and Alive in the Backcountry

Foraging: How to Find Wild Food



Timeline To Destruction

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Dr. Chan Thomas – The Adam and Eve story – The History Of Cataclysms – Uncovering The Truth (Video)

Charles Hutchins Hapgood – Crustal Slip Hypothesis Explained – Cosmic Cover-Up Connection (Video)

ICYMI: Geomagnetic Excursion Explained – Earth Enters Unknown as Magnetic Pole Continues Push Toward Russia (Video)

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COSMIC DISASTER | CIA: Classified (Full Video)


Full video:


Cosmic Disaster, Solar Micronova, Superflare, Magnetic Reversal, Crustal Displacement, Ice Age, Tsunamis, Volcanoes… it’s all here, it’s all been done before and it’s all coming again soon.

Science tells us these magnetic events come on a cycle, we are due up again now, and shocker… the magnetic field is shifting and accelerating. This is not a coincidence.

Related info:

The Great Year – The Yuga Cycle – Cosmic Catastrophe Cyle – The Clock Cycle – Micro Nova & Amnesia (Video):

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Redundant Systems for Survival in the Grand Solar Minimum (w/Celeste Bishop Solum) (Adapt 2030) – #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #Collapse #EndTimes

Continue to…


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Sun Cycles, Food Shortages and the Swift Contraction of Civilization (Video) – #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #Collapse #EndTimes

Don’t miss…

Got food?

Continue to…

…because it’s coming!


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Mini Ice Age Conversations: Will Industry Proactively Jump to Action Before 2028 Global Starvation (Adapt 2030 Video) – #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #Collapse #EndTimes

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Lee Wheelbarger & Diamond (Oppenheimer Ranch Project): Prepping For The Grand Solar Minimum – Electric Blue Solar Yacht (Video)

Do NOT prepare to be on the ocean (or anywhere near any coastline on the planet for that matter) during the coming earth changes, unless you have the very strong desire to leave the planet!!!

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Scientists: Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Acting “Weird”, We Could Experience A “Shudder”

For the time after the coming financial collapse, civil war, WW3 and the 3 Days of Darkness…

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

…Alois Irlmaier predicted/foresaw:

„Ich sehe in späterer Zeit Weinberge und Südfrüchte bei uns wachsen, ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht.”
„Blick in die Zukunft”, 1950, Seite 39 u. Seite 54

So it will get much warmer in Bavaria in the future, because of the pole shift and it will be possible to grow citrus fruits and wine and to harvest two times per year, where you could definitely not even grow tomatoes without a geothermal greenhouse right now.

In other places the climate will get much colder, because of the earth changes & the Grand Solar Minimum…

#GrandSolarMinimum Update 5/2/18 – Historically Cold April – Record Snow – Baseball Size Hail – Flooding (Video)

#GrandSolarMinimum Update 5/1/18 – More Snow – Deadly Nebraska Dust Storm – Spring Flooding – Winter Warfare? (Video)


Scientists: Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Acting “Weird”, We Could Experience A “Shudder”

Scientists are saying that the Earth’s magnetic field is acting strangely, and at some point, we could all experience a shudder.  Although we are being told we won’t experience a magnetic pole reversal in the near future, something incredibly strange is going on.

The Earth is showing signs that the poles will flip, yet scientists are denying it will happen soon.

The Earth has a fierce molten core that generates a magnetic field capable of defending our planet against devastating solar winds.  This magnetic field is vital to life on Earth and has weakened by 15 percent over the last 200 years. This protective field acts as a shield against harmful solar radiation and extends thousands of miles into space and its magnetism affects everything from global communication to power grids.

Historically, Earth’s North and South magnetic poles have flipped every 200,000 or 300,000 years. However, the last flip was about 780,000 years ago, meaning our planet is well overdue.  The latest satellite data, from the European Space Agency’s Swarm trio which monitors the Earth’s magnetic field, suggest a pole flip may be imminent.  The satellites allow researchers to study changes building at the Earth’s core, where the magnetic field is generated. Their observations suggest molten iron and nickel are draining the energy out of the Earth’s core near where the magnetic field is generated. While scientists aren’t sure why exactly this happens, they describe it as a “restless activity” that suggests the magnetic field is preparing to flip. –SHTFPlan

Read moreScientists: Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Acting “Weird”, We Could Experience A “Shudder”

The 3 Days of Darkness – #WW3

There are many seers who foresaw the ‘3 Days of Darkness’:

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

Alois Irlmaier foresaw all of this in around 1950:

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

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Genesis 9:11

H/t reader kevin a.

Genesis 9:11:

“I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

However, during the coming earth changes, there will be huge & totally devastating floods.

As I’ve said back in 2008:

“Your safe place should be in a High Place.
Do not live near the Ocean or at sea level.
Do not live near a river.
Do not live near a volcano, especially not near Yellowstone.
Do not live in a big city or close to it.
Most of Northern and Central Europe could soon be experiencing another Ice Age.
Do not live in places where it is difficult to grow your own food.”

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“They May Have Information We Don’t” – Are The Elite Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event? – Doomsday Map Has Billionaires Scrambling For Bunkers (Video)


“They May Have Information We Don’t” – Are The Elite Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event?:

As the world appears to be getting closer to the brink of widespread economic collapse and war, it seems we may all have something even more serious to consider: cataclysmic events.

Based on a flurry of reports, we know the Yellowstone Super Caldera has been quite active in recent weeks, with many warning that a super volcanic eruption could happen at any moment, threatening to potentially kill millions. Such an event would not be unprecedented according to scientists who subscribe to the Toba catastrophe theory, we suggests that a similar eruption may have been responsible for a near Extinction Level Event (ELE)  75,000 years ago that bottle-necked the human population down to about 10,000 people worldwide.

Read more“They May Have Information We Don’t” – Are The Elite Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event? – Doomsday Map Has Billionaires Scrambling For Bunkers (Video)

Inuit elders tell NASA Earth axis shifted

Inuit elders tell NASA Earth axis shifted:

The Inuit Tribe are indigenous people who live in the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, Siberia and Alaska. Their elders have written to the National Space and Aeronautics Administration (NASA) to tell them that the Earth’s axis has shifted. The elders do not believe that carbon emissions from humans are causing the current climate changes.

The sky has changed, claim Inuit elders

The Inuit elders note climate change in the melting glaciers, deterioration of sealskin, burns on seals, and disappearing sea ice. They attribute these changes in climate to changes in the sky. The tribal elders claim that the sun no longer rises where it used to rise. The days heat up more quickly and last longer. The stars and moon are also in different places in the sky and this affects the temperatures. This is a population that relies on the placement of the moon and stars for their survival as they live in total darkness during part of the year.

Read moreInuit elders tell NASA Earth axis shifted

Intensifying cosmic rays, grand solar minimum and Earth’s climate

Intensifying cosmic rays, grand solar minimum and Earth’s climate:

Data provided by the students of Earth to Sky Calculus and Dr. Tony Phillips of show cosmic ray levels are intensifying, as the Solar Minimum approaches, with an approximately 13% increase since March 2015. This article provides a brief overview of some of the consequences for our planet, its climate and us.

Today, May 13, 2017, marks the 34th day in 2017 that the Sun has been spotless. This exceeds the total number of spotless days in entire 2016 by 2.

“The accelerating pace of spotlessness is a sign that Solar Minimum is approaching,” Dr. Phillips explains, adding that forecasters expect the sunspot cycle to reach its nadir in 2019 – 2020.

Read moreIntensifying cosmic rays, grand solar minimum and Earth’s climate

Warning Issued Of ‘Galactic Mass Ejection’ To Hit Earth – Hundreds Of Thousands Died The Last Time An Event Like This Occurred


Warning Issued Of ‘Galactic Mass Ejection’ To Hit Earth – Hundreds Of Thousands Died The Last Time An Event Like This Occurred:

H/t reader squodgy.

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Nibiru – Planet X: The Best Evidence To Date – What Is Coming – Preparing For It (Videos)

H/t reader Squodgy:

“This might be a key to what is going on.

This video from BAC John Moore is interesting, because he actually does join some key dots, such as the slowing Gulfstream, the Solar hibernation, the probable gravitational effects of the incoming mystery planet/comet, the existing polar shift transitory phase being accelerated and the way Governments are preparing for it under our noses.”

Yes, aside from the obvious elite agenda, 9/11, the war on terror, all those illegal wars, the financial crisis, Fukushima, the migrant crisis are maybe really nothing more than a smokescreen for incoming Planet X.

The smokescreen needs to be getting even better, because of Planet X coming closer and closer and so this might be another explanation for the coming greatest financial/economic collapse, civil war and WW3 being planned for us.

Many seers have predicted the 3 days of darkness, with some of them naming an heavenly object as the cause.

But to fit in all the predictions that should take place before the 3 days of darkness in 2016 sounds, at least right now, nearly impossible.

So far it doesn’t look like it will be in 2016, but if you see hyperinflation, financial collapse, revolution, civil war and shortly thereafter WW3, then 3 months into the war the 3 days of darkness will set in and they will (probably) be caused by Nibiru.

Related info:

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

So let’s see.


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(Click on image to enlarge.)

23rd Sept 2017 - Revelation - 22nd Sept 2017 Feast of Trumpets

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So what was that all about?

The claim was made on May 13, 2014 pointing to somewhere around Sept. 25, 2015:

French Foreign Minister Says ‘We Have 500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos’

Remember “500 days to climate chaos”? Pope to give sermon at Ground Zero on the 500th day

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September 23, 2015 … The Beginning Of The End Times?

Way too many coincidences for my taste.


Related info:

Type “9/23/15? Into Google Maps ( And See What Comes Up

The Mystery Of September 23: Why Does 9/23 Keep Popping Up All Over the Place?

Will The Large Hadron Collider Open Up A Portal To Another Dimension?

SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015 (Video)

Read moreSeptember 23, 2015 … The Beginning Of The End Times?