Linda Courtney: URGENT Details on Three Days and Nights of Darkness (Video)

H/t reader Squodgy:

“Just as you predict.”




The outstanding German seer Alois Irlmaier foresaw this around 1950…

“It will start with the Jews and the Arabs. There it will begin.”

– Alois Irlmaier

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

The 3 Days of Darkness – #WW3

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3


Some more important details here…

Orbán Invites Putin To Budapest For Talks With Zelensky – The Seer Alois Irlmaier (1950): “Peace Conference USA/Russia in Budapest”; “Assassination of the US President”; “US Vice President Immediately Declares War On Russia” – #WW3:

Alois Irlmaier in around 1950…

Google translation:

“At the time, Irlmaier was a frequent guest of the G. family on Lake Chiemsee. The then young G. reports that Irlmaier said that there would be a worldwide earthquake ‘before’. The USA is particularly affected. With us, the earthquakes would be strongest along the Rhine Graben. The tremors can also be felt ‘here’ (i.e. in Bavaria). There would still be aftershocks during the Russian campaign, and they were of such magnitude that both offensive and defensive operations suffered.”

“With his parents he could already do the above. Mr G. heard the following statements from Irlmaier:

‘It starts with a war in the Middle East.’

‘The spheres of influence and areas of interest of the USA and Russia are colliding: there are already minor skirmishes.’

‘US/Russia Peace Conference in Budapest.’

‘The American President is assassinated, and the Vice President immediately declares war on Russia.

At practically the same hour, huge numbers of Russian tanks were rolling west on the autobahn near Passau. The people of Passau are petrified with surprise and horror.’

“In the south, tens of thousands of Austrians are fleeing on both lanes of the autobahn from Salzburg in the direction of Munich.”

‘The Russians use their tanks to push escape vehicles out of the way on the autobahn west of Passau and drive at high speed in the direction of the Rhine.’

‘After three to four days the westerly wind picks up and western planes drop so much ‘yellow dust’ in a strip between Salzburg and the Baltic Sea that it becomes dark underneath. Nobody survives in Vienna.’ “

“The remnants of the Bundeswehr – completely surprised and taken by surprise – flee, the weapons are thrown away, trucks and the few ready-to-use tanks are left standing in panic.”

‘Denver will be incinerated from a submarine.’

‘Russians land in Alaska.’

‘There is a second moon in the sky.’

‘Three days of darkness. Nobody survives in northern Germany.’

‘No massive famine after the war, because many didn’t survive at all.’”

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“The largest part of England as well as most of the countries on the Atlantic and North Sea coast are flooded by this torrent that reaches even to Berlin.”

Was not Vladimir Zhirinovsky the one that suggested (I think it was in 2008) to drop nuclear bombs in the Atlantic in order to flood England?


Alois Irlmaier’s Twitter account:

“Documenting the lead up to World War 3 as predicted by German seer of same name. is right around the corner. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”

Alois Irlmaier replied to my tweet…

… the following…

(… and London will be gone.)

I have the book about Alois Irlmaier by Stefam Berndt (in German) and Stefan Berndt is not sure if the second statement can be 100% verified.

However, during WW3 massive earth changes, the “3 Days of Darkness”, will set in and will put an end to WW3 and no place on the planet that is anywhere near the coast will be safe.

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

The 3 Days of Darkness – #WW3

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

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The 3 Days of Darkness – #WW3

There are many seers who foresaw the ‘3 Days of Darkness’:

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

Alois Irlmaier foresaw all of this in around 1950:

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

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During the Three Days of Darkness event the Earth will be rotated on its axis just as it was in ancient times (Video)

Next up:

(Planned) financial collapse & hyperinflation,…

… causing (planned) revolution & civil war in the U.S. and all of Europe,…

… directly followed by (planned) WW3,…

…which will be interrupted by the 3 Days of Darkness and the coming pole shift.

The Chinese saying (intended as a curse!)…

“May you live in interesting times.”

…comes to mind.

THE EQUATOR AT 12500 YEARS BEFORE PRESENT – Nazca and Angkor Wat Connection – POLE SHIFT

Related info:

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

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The Three Days of Darkness mentioned in the Bible (Video)

Related information:

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

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Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

Related info:

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

The following is an excerpt from the book:

Alois Irlmaier

Alois Irlmaier: Ein Mann sagt, was er sieht

I’ve translated the meaning of the abbreviations into English.

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Darkness = Finsternis in German.

3 = Duration = 3 Days

F = Darkness

W = Cloud (Wolke in German)

Krieg = War (WW3)

Natural catastrophes = Naturkatastrophen

Read moreSeers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

Alois Irlmaier – Ein Mann sagt, was er sieht – #WW3 (Book in German – Article in English)

For my German speaking readers:


Here is an article about Alois Irlmaier in English:

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

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Alois Irlmaier: “Anfangen tut es bei den Juden und den Arabern. Da geht es los.” – #WW3 (Book in German – Article in English)

For my German speaking readers:


Here is an article about Alois Irlmaier in English:

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

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Nibiru – Planet X: The Best Evidence To Date – What Is Coming – Preparing For It (Videos)

H/t reader Squodgy:

“This might be a key to what is going on.

This video from BAC John Moore is interesting, because he actually does join some key dots, such as the slowing Gulfstream, the Solar hibernation, the probable gravitational effects of the incoming mystery planet/comet, the existing polar shift transitory phase being accelerated and the way Governments are preparing for it under our noses.”

Yes, aside from the obvious elite agenda, 9/11, the war on terror, all those illegal wars, the financial crisis, Fukushima, the migrant crisis are maybe really nothing more than a smokescreen for incoming Planet X.

The smokescreen needs to be getting even better, because of Planet X coming closer and closer and so this might be another explanation for the coming greatest financial/economic collapse, civil war and WW3 being planned for us.

Many seers have predicted the 3 days of darkness, with some of them naming an heavenly object as the cause.

But to fit in all the predictions that should take place before the 3 days of darkness in 2016 sounds, at least right now, nearly impossible.

So far it doesn’t look like it will be in 2016, but if you see hyperinflation, financial collapse, revolution, civil war and shortly thereafter WW3, then 3 months into the war the 3 days of darkness will set in and they will (probably) be caused by Nibiru.

Related info:

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

So let’s see.


“Embedding disabled by request” visit the links to watch the videos.



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(Click on image to enlarge.)

23rd Sept 2017 - Revelation - 22nd Sept 2017 Feast of Trumpets

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So what was that all about?

The claim was made on May 13, 2014 pointing to somewhere around Sept. 25, 2015:

French Foreign Minister Says ‘We Have 500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos’

Remember “500 days to climate chaos”? Pope to give sermon at Ground Zero on the 500th day

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The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

There is not much information about Alois Irlmaier available on the internet in English and even less good quality information.

He made his predictions before, during and after WW2.

For more and accurate information I recommend this book (in German):

Alois Irlmaier

Alois Irlmaier: Ein Mann sagt, was er sieht

He predicted the migrant crisis.

He predicted hyperinflation, financial collapse, revolution, civil war, WW3 and the “3 Days Of Darkness”, which will set in during WW3 and will put an immediate end to all combat operations.

He saw (around 1950) people using smartphones in the future.

When Germany was occupied territory he was visited by General Lucius D. Clay’s sister and could clearly describe her home without ever being there. General Clay invided Irlmaier to come to Frankfurt, but he declined. Additionally he was offered and invited many times by a lot of people to come to America (Amerika in German) and earn a lot of money there with his abilities, but he declined. He clearly stated that he was not interested in earning a lot of money.

In case you think that foreseeing the future is impossible I give you some examples of his abilities:

Alois Irlmaier, my favorite seer, warned the citizens of his hometown during the end of WW2 April, 25, 1945, that at the moment of his warning British bombers were started in England and would arrive within a few hours to bomb the city of Freilassing in Bavaria.

He told the people where to go to be safe and he pointed out exactly to some people, which houses will be destroyed, partially destroyed or which houses will survive almost unharmed or totally unharmed.

He warned people in Rosenheim, Bavaria days ahead of the heavy bombardment on April 18, 1945. He told the people, that when going into the bunker to NOT go to the safest spot, which is in the middle, but to stay near the entrance, because the roof of the bunker would collapse in the middle. It happened just as he predicted and so only a few soldiers who ridiculed and ignored Irlmaier’s warning were buried.

You could give him a picture of any soldier and he could tell you exactly in what condition that soldier was at the moment: Well, injured or dead.

He clearly saw all of this right in front of his eyes, as a picture or like a movie. He did not want to have this ability at all.

It would take an entire book to describe his abilities, his life and what has been said about him.

Here is what lies ahead of us according to him:

A migrant crisis, high inflation, then hyperinflation, financial economic collapse, chaos, revolution, civil war in Italy (Pope will have to flee the Vatican, most priests will be killed), France (Paris will burn, will be set on fire by its own people), Germany, etc.

If my interpretation of what he said is correct, then the greatest revolution of all times will happen in America.

The crisis in the middle east will escalate even further, a highranked (at the level of Trump) will be killed, then within 24h Russian tanks will be rolling all over Europe.

The U.S. will use drones & advanced chemical weapons to create a death strip to cut of the Russian ordnance.

The Russians drop a bomb (nuclear weapon) into the North Sea, creating a gigantic tsunami, which will flood parts of England, France, Holland, Germany and Denmark.

The start of WW3 is predicted to happen “when the grain will be ready for harvest” (perfect timing!), that means around late July, beginning of August. A lot of other seers have seen the same time of the outbreak of WW3 in their visions.

The war will last around 3 months, then the earth changes will set in. Irlmaier saw a heavenly body, which is probably responsible for the “3 Days Of Darkness”.

The “3 Days of Darkness” will include a pole shift. So you need to be living in a high place, having a safe place that is pretty much airtight, protecting against the (big) dust particles from the heavenly body and you need lots of supplies and water.

After that he predicts a peaceful time.

“….After these events a long, lucky time comes. Those, who will experience it, will be very happy and can praise themselves lucky. But the people have to begin there, where their grandfathers began.”

And because of the climatic changes, caused by the pole shift, oranges will grow in Bavaria.

The events mentioned in the following article are not in the correct chronological order, but luckily for us somebody made the effort to translate what Irlmaier said.


The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier

On this page statements of Alois Irlmaier are listed, which refer to a big war in the future. Conrad Adlmaier got these statements when discussing with Alois Irlmaier and published them later. In addition also statements are listed, which Conrad Adlmaier did not publish in his books, but indicated to a third person orally. In these statements Alois Irlmaier shows an almost precise description of a large battle in the future.

What causes the war?

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

“Two men kill a third highranked. They were paid by other people. …”

“The third murder occurred. Then the war starts. …”

Read moreThe Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)