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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
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To further improve VO2 max practice the Buteyko method.
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– Russian athletes exonerated but ignored in the West:
Last year, the Disciplinary Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC DC) issued rulings that 44 Russian athletes were guilty of Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) at the Sochi 2014 Olympics.
Many of these athletes had been preparing intensely for the upcoming PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Some 39 Russian athletes quickly filed appeals to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), claiming their innocence. The hearings proceeded rapidly.
Read moreRussian athletes exonerated but ignored in the West
– IOC upholds Russia suspension & ban of national flag at PyeongChang Olympics closing ceremony:
The International Olympic Committee has voted not to lift the suspension of Russia before the closing ceremony of PyeongChang Winter Olympics, prohibiting Russian athletes from appearing under their national tricolor.
Full IOC membership unanimously voted in favor of the Executive Board’s recommendation to uphold the ban on Russia until after the 2018 Winter Olympics.
“The IOC Executive Board decided first not to lift the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee for the closing ceremony,” IOC President Thomas Bach said. “Therefore, no delegation of the Russian Olympic Committee will have taken part in these Olympic Winter Games.”
– Russian Figure Skater Reveals Doping Officers Disrupt Numerous Trainings:
On February 19, doping officers interrupted Alina Zagitova’s training session in order to take a urine sample after she had failed to do it before her practice.
Russian figure skater Ekaterina Bobrova shared with Russian media outlet that doping control officers had disrupted numerous training sessions, and this happened not only to the Russian athletes.
“Doping tests are okay. In Russia people pay special attention to them, putting everyone in a flurry. Zagitova’s training session is said to have been disrupted, but the same happened to the Italians. Alina was not the only one. It’s good that they conduct tests, and they control everyone,” said Bobrova.
Read moreRussian Figure Skater Reveals Doping Officers Disrupt Numerous Trainings
🙂 Your new training routine!!! 🙂
H/t reader U.B.
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– You can’t beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage:
Drinking beetroot juice may help attenuate muscle damage following strenuous physical activities, British scientists revealed in a recent study.
As part of the study, a team of researchers at the University of Northumbria in the U.K. recruited 30 active men aged 18 to 28 years who work out at least twice a week. The participants were instructed to do 100 intensive jump exercises to induce leg muscle damage.
The men were then given either 250 ml beetroot juice, 125 ml beetroot juice, or a placebo over the next three days. The placebo drink contained as much calories and carbohydrates as the beetroot juice.
“Three days of consuming the higher beetroot juice dose enhanced participants’ recovery. Those in the beetroot juice group jumped an average of 18 per cent higher than those in the placebo group two days after completing the exercise bout,” lead researcher Dr. Tom Clifford said in a Daily Mail article.
– Germany win Confed Cup with 1-0 victory over Chile in St. Petersburg:
The victory means that Germany now hold the World Cup, Confederations Cup and European U21 Championship titles.
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– UK Soccer Players Abandon Pound, Demand Payment In Euros:
Leading English Premier League football (soccer) stars are demanding to be paid in euros because of the weak value of the Pound, according to Manchester United, the wealthiest club in world football.
As The FT reports, speaking at the KPMG Football Benchmark event in London on Wednesday. Cliff Baty, the English Premier League side’s chief financial officer said that last summer’s Brexit vote, which led to a sharp drop in the pound against the euro, had complicated the transfers of big-name players.
Read moreUK Soccer Players Abandon Pound, Demand Payment In Euros
Maybe that record has been broken a long time ago …
“Astonishingly, the entire tribe consisting of men, women, old and young, every one of them is capable of running at least 250+ miles in a single run, without shoes. Such extreme feat of endurance has never been seen among humans anywhere else in the world.”
– #Breaking2: Kenyan runner comes agonizingly close to sub 2-hour marathon (VIDEO):
Kenyan runner Eliud Kipchoge narrowly missed out on becoming the first person to run a marathon in under two hours when he posted a time of 2:00.25 at the Monza Grand Prix circuit in Italy.
The hashtag #Breaking2 is currently trending online as marathon fans, who had been glued to the live streams of the event on Twitter and Facebook, heap praise on the runner.
“I can say it is possible for a human to run under the two-hour mark. This journey has been good. It has been hard,” Kipchoge said on completing the run Saturday morning. “It has taken seven good months of preparation but I am happy to have done that. I think this is history.”
Despite beating the world record time of 2:02.57, set by fellow Kenyan, Dennis Kimetto, Kipchoge’s time does not count as a world record due to the use of in-out pacemakers – a group of 20 runners deployed to keep the pace necessarily quick and shield the attempted record breaker from wind.
Read more#Breaking2: Kenyan runner comes agonizingly close to sub 2-hour marathon (VIDEO)
For my English speaking readers: Watch at 8:00 minutes into the video.
30 Jahre Triathlon Erfahrung, PB IRONMAN 8.35h, 5 x Schweizer Meister, Autor von TRIATHLON TOTAL,Veganer, ZEN-Praktizierender und Life-Coach.
Roy Hinnen ist fünfmaliger Schweizer Meister mit einer persönlichen Langdistanz-Bestzeit von 8:35 Stunden. Er erlebte den Triathlonsport von der Pike auf und trainierte schon Mitte der 1980er Jahre in den USA. Seine erste Firma gründete er 1989, später entwickelte er Fahrräder und Neoprenanzüge. Seit 2002 coacht er Athleten aller Leistungsklassen.
In seinem neuen Buch; TRIATHLON TOTAL fasst er seine Erfahrungen aus 30 Jahren Triathlonsport in 30 Kapiteln zusammen und bietet jedem Athleten das Know-how, das er braucht, um schneller zu werden. Sein Buch richtet sich vor allem an Sportler, die bereits Trainings- und Wettkampferfahrungen gesammelt haben und nun ihre persönliche Bestzeit verbessern möchten.
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If you are an athlete and you have done iron infusions before, then you may have noticed that you feel great afterwards, but then comes the crash down to earth.
Here is an iron supplement that will almost be fully absorbed by the body (100% bioavailable).
I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true and it really works.
I’ve seen this with patients.
(An additional parasite treatment is recommended, because parasites love iron and you do not want to feed them.)
For those athletes of you, whose ferritin level is too low and do not want to go into the iron infusion rollercoaster, this is the way to get your iron and ferritin levels back on track.
This is the only product I know of that really keeps up to its promises.
You can take two pipettes iron as suggested by Roy Hinnen daily, but you can also take 2 x 2 pipettes or 1 x 4 pipettes per day to get there faster (as suggested by Dr. Töth).
If you are an athlete and you try this product you will very soon very much appreciate this product.
The videos are in German.
Sportler können einen Eisenmangel entwickeln, weil sie oftmals dem erhöhten Bedarf an Nährstoffen und Spurenelementen durch ihre Ernährung nicht ausreichend nachkommen. Wer pro Woche mehr als 6 Stunden Sport treibt hat ein höherer Bedarf an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen. Der Eisenverlust kann bei Sportlern bei ca. 2 mg pro Tag liegen und ist damit etwa doppelt so hoch wie normal.
Das Spurenelement Eisen ist vor allem an der Bildung roter Blutkörperchen beteiligt und somit unverzichtbar für den lebensnotwendigen Sauerstofftransport im Blut. Eisen hat auch eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung und somit eine vorteilhafte Wirkung auf den Stoffwechsel. Es trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems und zur Abwehr gegen äußere Einflüsse bei und ist für die Erhaltung der normalen Muskelfunktion und den Energiestoffwechsel von Bedeutung.
Beim Ausdauerathleten schaue ich dann beim Bluttest auf das Ferritin. Herkömmliche pharmakologische Arzneimittel verfügen selten über eine höhere Bioverfügbarkeit von 10%. Mit solchen Arzneien lässt sich das Ferritin fast nie in das richtige “Arbeitsfenster” von über 100ug/L bringen. Viele Athleten gehen dann zum Arzt und bekommen eine Eiseninfusion. Das ist ein grosser schock für den Körper.
Per Zufall bin ich auf ein Produkt von Dr. Ewald Töth (Licht-Quanten aktivierte Eisen-Oxydul-Oxyd Verbindungen) gestossen und machte einen selbsttest. Über 3 Monate habe ich das Eisen in einen gesüssten Tee getropft und jeden Tag 2 Pipetten genommen, mein Ferritin stieg von anfänglich 35ug/L auf 138ug/L innert 3 Monaten.
Täglich 1 x 4 ml (1 Pipette) in 0.3L Wasser oder Tee mit 1 TL Honig enthalten 11mg Fe2+ und Fe3+ Eisen. Den besten Nutzen erzielen Sie, wenn Sie das Stoffwechsel-Eisen-Energetikum in der Früh oder tagsüber trinken. Wenn Sie Diabetiker sind, verwenden Sie einfach Ihren gewohnten Süßstoff in der jeweiligen Menge. Als Dosierungshilfe verwenden Sie einfach die in der Packung beiliegende Pipette!
Was für ein Eisen verwendet Herr Dr. Ewald Töth?
Das alchemistische Eisen besteht aus der essigsauren Eisen-Oxyduloxydverbindung so wie sie von Paracelsus beschrieben wurde. Es handelt sich um ein spezielles Eisensulfat, das Heptahydrat, ein in der Natur als Melanterit vorkommendes Eisensulfat. Es hat die Eigenschaft, sich mit 7 Wassermolekülen zu verbinden. Da beim Lösungsvorgang Fe2 sauer und Fe3 basisch reagieren, bilden sie eine bestmögliche Pufferung und eine optimale zellgängigen PH-Wert. Diese bio-elektrische und bio-magnetische Energie führt zu einer Erhöhung und Neubildung von roten Blutkörperchen und Hämoglobin. Somit erreicht das eisen eine Bioverfügbarkeit von 100%.
Durch die vermehrte Hämoglobin-Produktion erhöht sich als unmittelbare Folge der Sauerstofftransport und die Versorgung des Organismus mit Sauerstoff wesentlich. Die damit verbundene Optimierung aller biochemischen und elektromagnetischen Stoffwechselvorgänge wird z.B. durch eine bessere Verdauung, ein reineres Hautbild, gesteigerte Muskelleistung und Ausdauer, eine rasche Regeneration bei Stressbelastung, eine verminderte Infektanfälligkeit, eine bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit, eine bessere Gedächnisleistung, eine Normalisierung des Blutbildes und der Blutwerte, durch den Wegfall von Blähungen oder Verstopfung oder durch einen ausgeglichenen Hormonhaushalt sichtbar und für den Betreffenden spürbar.
Durch einen alchemistischen Prozess entsteht ein Eisen-Konzentrat mit einer neuen Synthese von essigsauren Eisenverbindungen mit der regulativen kraft des Schwefels und von basischen Mineralstoffen. Diese alchemistische Eisenverbindung von Paracelsus kann als ein Blutbildendes, die Nerven stärkendes, den Stoffwechsel aktivierendes sowie ein entgiftendes und das Immunsysthem kräftigendes Mittel angesehen werden.
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A 6-foot-2 personal trainer with the lean physique and toned muscles of a basketball pro might seem an unlikely match for Charlene Nilsen. A homemaker from Occoquan, she is 77 years old, she has a bad back, and she just had both knees replaced.
H/t reader kevin a.
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– The holistic science behind Tom Brady’s remarkable longevity and performance:
Tom Brady boasts one the longest-lived careers in the NFL, and the 39-year-old quarterback reportedly hopes to stay on the field for another seven years. After winning his fifth Superbowl, it certainly seems that whatever Brady puts his mind to, he achieves.
Playing for the NFL obviously requires a lot of hard work, dedication and more than a modicum of talent, but the longevity that has experienced Tom Brady isn’t a gift: He works for it through his diet and lifestyle. Fergus Connolly, football performance director for Brady’s alma mater, the University of Michigan, says, “I have no doubt that Tom Brady’s ability to recover is due to his lifestyle health.” Many players often have no choice but to leave the game of football behind, in the wake of injuries like torn ligaments and shredded cartilage. As a football expert Connolly says, maintaining proper sleep, nutrition, strength, flexibility, along with spiritual and cognitive resilience, are all integral parts of having a long career with the NFL.
Read moreThe holistic science behind Tom Brady’s remarkable longevity and performance
Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox
– Female athletes crushed by ‘women who were once men’:
Transgenders dominate in weightlifting, track, wrestling, football, basketball, mixed martial arts
You’ve heard the expression, “Boys will be boys.” But what happens when a brawny boy wants to be one of the girls – fiercely competing with females in weightlifting, brutally tackling girls on the football field or even dealing powerful knockout punches to ladies in a mixed martial-arts cage?
It’s now happening across America and around the world.
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Transgender Weightlifter Wins Women’s Competition
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 20, 2017
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– Scientists Examine 105-Year-Old Super Athlete:
In the world of competitive cycling, the most prestigious mark is the “hour record”: the longest distance cycled in one hour from a stationary start. The current record holder is Bradley Wiggins, who pedaled 54.526 kilometers during his attempt in June 2015.
Robert Marchand didn’t cycle quite so far when he undertook the feat a year earlier, only 26.93 kilometers. But that mark isn’t too shabby for a man born in 1911. In fact, it’s a record for his age group.
– New Study: Running Instantly Increases Brainpower:
We know that exercise is great for our bodies, but did you know it’s also great for your brain? A new study shows that running, even more than other aerobic or high-intensity exercises increases the development of neurons in the parts of the brain we use for learning and retaining information. Researchers saw that the hippocampus lights up on imaging scans during running (indicating growth and new connections) but stays dark during exercises like weight lifting.
I practice high-intensity interval training myself (with exercises like weight lifting or rope jumping) because studies show that exercising in this way burns more calories; however, the effects of neurogenesis only occur during sustained running (i.e., at a steady pace for 20 minutes or more). And compared to those who are sedentary, subjects who ran three times a week had 2-3 times more hippocampal neurons at the end of the study. While researchers are not exactly sure why these results are the case, there are theories about how sustained increased respiration (and therefore oxygen) and blood flow contribute to this brain activity. Running has even been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in known patients and researchers believe there may soon be evidence that running can prevent the disease altogether.