Judicial Watch: Justice Department Documents Reveal Widespread Use of Fast and Furious Weapons by Major Mexican Drug Cartels – Linked to at least 69 Killings

Judicial Watch: Justice Department Documents Reveal Widespread Use of Fast and Furious Weapons by Major Mexican Drug Cartels – Linked to at least 69 Killings:

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today released Justice Department documents showing that weapons sent from the U.S. into Mexico as part of the Obama administration’s Operation Fast and Furious gunrunning program have been widely used by major Mexican drug cartels.  According to the new records, over the past three years, a total of 94 Fast and Furious firearms have been recovered in Mexico City and 12 Mexican states, with the majority being seized in Sonora, Chihuahua and Sinaloa.  Of the weapons recovered, 82 were rifles and 12 were pistols identified as having been part of the Fast and Furious program.  Reports suggest the Fast and Furious guns are tied to at least 69 killings.

Read moreJudicial Watch: Justice Department Documents Reveal Widespread Use of Fast and Furious Weapons by Major Mexican Drug Cartels – Linked to at least 69 Killings

Obama Administration Doesn’t Care Anymore, Releases Fast And Furious Documents


Obama Administration Doesn’t Care Anymore, Releases Fast And Furious Documents:

After four long years of ensuring the detail behind the US Government’s role in running guns to Mexico (aka “Fast and Furious”) never saw the light of day, the “most transparent administration in history” has finally released the requested documents to the House Oversight Committee. It is not lost on anyone that this is taking place well after it could do any significant damage to the Obama administration.

Read moreObama Administration Doesn’t Care Anymore, Releases Fast And Furious Documents

Obama Is Trying To Keep Operation ‘Fast And Furious’ That Armed Drug Cartels Secret, Judge Says Otherwise


Obama is Trying to Keep Program that Armed Drug Cartels Secret, Judge Says Otherwise:

United States — On Tuesday a federal judge ruled President Obama cannot use executive privilege to deny Congress access to records related to failed gun running scheme, Operation Fast and Furious.
U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that the Department of Justice’s prior release of information related to Fast and Furious invalidated President Obama’s claim that releasing details of the program would cause harm.

The Department itself has already publicly revealed the sum and substance of the very material it is now seeking to withhold. Since any harm that would flow from the disclosures sought here would be merely incremental, the records must be produced,” Jackson wrote.

Read moreObama Is Trying To Keep Operation ‘Fast And Furious’ That Armed Drug Cartels Secret, Judge Says Otherwise

Tying It All Together: Rifle Lost During “Fast And Furious” Found In El Chapo’s Hideout

el chapo_0

Tying It All Together: Rifle Lost During “Fast And Furious” Found In El Chapo’s Hideout:

Just when we thought the surreal story surrounding Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s second capture couldn’t get any more bizarre, it does just that, but in an oddly satisfying way, one which ties the soon to be incarcerated criminal south of the border with a criminal located right inside Washington D.C., one who however will never be punished. According to the Hill, a .50-caliber rifle recovered from El Chapo’s hideout was one of the firearms lost by the U.S. government’s gun-smuggling operation Fast and Furious.

Read moreTying It All Together: Rifle Lost During “Fast And Furious” Found In El Chapo’s Hideout

Attorney General Eric Holder Tells Fast And Furious Critics To Kiss His Butt In Released Emails

Holder tells Fast and Furious critics to kiss his butt in released emails (Washington Post, Nov 8, 2014):

WASHINGTON — Newly released emails show Attorney General Eric Holder said that Justice Department prosecutors who were critical of the department’s handling of the fallout of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal could “kiss my a**.”

Operation Fast and Furious was a botched effort by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to track firearms across the Southwest border. Revelations about it created a political firestorm, leading to congressional investigations and turnover within the ATF and Justice Department.

Read moreAttorney General Eric Holder Tells Fast And Furious Critics To Kiss His Butt In Released Emails

Book By Whistleblower At Center Of ‘Fast And Furious’ Blocked By The ATF

Book by whistleblower at center of ‘Fast and Furious’ blocked by the ATF (RT, Oct 8, 2013):

A book authored by an agent at the center of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ “Fast and Furious” gun running debacle has been rejected and barred from being published by the agency, citing concerns for morale.

Special Agent John Dodson, who became a whistleblower in 2011 when he approached Republican lawmakers in Congress with details of a botched attempt by the ATF to allow sales of firearms in order to build a case against Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa cartel, has already penned a book on the saga, though it was unclear on Monday whether it will ever see the light of day.

“This would have a negative impact on morale in the Phoenix [field division] and would have a detremental [sic] effect on our relationships with [the Drug Enforcement Administration] and FBI,” the ATF’s rejection letter stated.

Current restrictions prevent federal employees from profiting from “any source other than the government for teaching, speaking or writing that relates to the employee’s official duties,” ruling out the possibility for Dodson to cash in on any book deal.

Read moreBook By Whistleblower At Center Of ‘Fast And Furious’ Blocked By The ATF

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro: U.S. Drug Agents Smuggling Cocaine


U.S. drug agents smuggling cocaine, Venezuelan president alleges (Video) (Examiner. Oct 2, 2013):

The president of Venezuela on Wednesday cast suspicion on an American law enforcement agency saying his nation is probing the American drug enforcement officers to learn whether or not they are involved in narcotics trafficking in his country.

President Nicolas Maduro announced that his own law enforcement officials are investigating whether the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was involved in a recent criminal case involving a multi-million dollar cocaine smuggling operation, according to Jerry Langher, a former narcotics detective and director of corporate security.

Read moreVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro: U.S. Drug Agents Smuggling Cocaine

More Fast And Furious Guns Surface At Crimes In Mexico

More Fast and Furious guns surface at crimes in Mexico (CBS News, Aug 14, 2013):

Three more weapons from Fast and Furious have turned up at crime scenes in Mexico, CBS News has learned, as the toll from the controversial federal operation grows.

According to Justice Department tracing documents obtained by CBS News, all three guns are WASR-10 762-caliber Romanian rifles. Two were purchased by Fast and Furious suspect Uriel Patino in May and July of 2010. Sean Steward, who was convicted on gun charges in July 2012, purchased a third. The rifles were traced yesterday to the Lone Wolf gun shop in Glendale, Ariz.

During Fast and Furious and similar operations, federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) encouraged the Lone Wolf and other gun stores to sell massive amounts of weapons to questionable purchasers who allegedly trafficked them Mexican drug cartels.

Read moreMore Fast And Furious Guns Surface At Crimes In Mexico

Forget Apology: Eric Holder Owes The American People A Resignation

Forget Apology: Eric Holder Owes The American People A Resignation (ZeroHedge, Aug 12, 2013):

Bloomberg’s Jon Weil, who has compiled the following stunning array of lies regarding the DOJ’s enforcement activity disclosed by none other than its head, Eric Holder, is far too kind when he says that the “fast and furious” Holder owes the American people an apology. What we really owes is at least a resignation (and frankly much more, but it is too early on Monday to become too politically incorrect). And considering that the DOJ in its now former employee Lanny Brauer’s words refused to prosecute those banks which were deemed “too big to prosecute”, the lying here has now became a meta phenomenon, as the DOJ is effectively caught lying about lying. How many more meta levels of higher up fraud “inception” can Holder take this, before the American people finally demand his head, metaphorically-speaking of course? Sadly, judging by the response to unprecedented scandals coming out of this administration so far, the answer is… more.

From Bloomberg’s Jonathan Weil:

Eric Holder Owes the American People an Apology

The Justice Department made a long-overdue disclosure late Friday: Last year when U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder boasted about the successes that a high-profile task force racked up pursuing mortgage fraud, the numbers he trumpeted were grossly overstated.

Read moreForget Apology: Eric Holder Owes The American People A Resignation

Mexican Hitman Claims Cartels Bought Guns From US Border Patrol


Mexican hitman claims cartels bought guns from US Border Patrol (Wired, Nov 9, 2012):

The testimony of a Mexican hitman turned US government witness has revealed some astonishing details of life inside Mexico’s criminal underworld. Most astonishing of all: claims that cartel assassins obtained guns from the US Border Patrol.

According to Mexican magazine Revista Contralinea, the testimony comes from a protected government witness and former hitman, who cooperated in the prosecution of a Sinaloa Cartel accountant by the Mexican Attorney General’s Office. The testimony details a series of battles fought by a group of cartel members attempting to drive out rival gangsters from territory in Mexico’s desert west. To do it, the group sought weapons from the US, including at least 30 WASR-10 rifles — a variant of the AK-47 — allegedly acquired from Border Patrol agents.

Read moreMexican Hitman Claims Cartels Bought Guns From US Border Patrol

Mexican Diplomat Says America Pretty Much Invited The Sinaloa Drug Cartel Across The Border

Mexican Diplomat Says America Pretty Much Invited The Sinaloa Drug Cartel Across The Border (Business Insider, Oct 1, 2012):

Leaked emails from the private U.S. security firm Stratfor cite a Mexican diplomat who says the U.S. government works with Mexican cartels to traffic drugs into the United States and has sided with the Sinaloa cartel in an attempt to limit the violence in Mexico.Many people have doubted the quality of Stratfor’s intelligence, but the information from MX1—a Mexican foreign service officer who doubled as a confidential source for Stratfor—seems to corroborate recent claims about U.S. involvement in the drug war in Mexico.

Most notably, the reports from MX1 line up with assertions by a Sinaloa cartel insider that cartel boss Joaquin Guzman is a U.S. informant, the Sinaloa cartel was “given carte blanche to continue to smuggle tons of illicit drugs into Chicago,” and Operation Fast and Furious was part of an agreement to finance and arm the Sinaloa cartel in exchange for information used to take down rival cartels.

Read moreMexican Diplomat Says America Pretty Much Invited The Sinaloa Drug Cartel Across The Border

Senior ATF Agent In Charge Of ‘Fast And Furious’ Gun Running Program Was Also Working For JPMorgan

REPORT: Senior ATF Agent In Charge Of Fast ‘N Furious Gun Running Program Was Also Working For JPMorgan (The Daily Bail/Washington Post)

Update on Sep 19, 2012: Is This A Joke? – DOJ Review Says Holder did not know about ‘Fast and Furious’


High-Ranking Mexican Drug Cartel Member Makes Explosive Allegation: ‘Fast and Furious’ Is Not What You Think It Is

From the article:

The documents that detail the relationship between the federal government and the Sinaloa Cartel have still not been released or subjected to review — citing matters of national security.

National security? Oh, sure!

Don’t steal (kill and drug people), …

… our government hates competition.

You can’t make this stuff up!

High-Ranking Mexican Drug Cartel Member Makes Explosive Allegation: ‘Fast and Furious’ Is Not What You Think It Is (The Blaze, Aug 9, 2012):

A high-ranking Mexican drug cartel operative currently in U.S. custody is making startling allegations that the failed federal gun-walking operation known as “Fast and Furious” isn’t what you think it is.

It wasn’t about tracking guns, it was about supplying them — all part of an elaborate agreement between the U.S. government and Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa Cartel to take down rival cartels.

The explosive allegations are being made by Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, known as the Sinaloa Cartel’s “logistics coordinator.” He was extradited to the Chicago last year to face federal drug charges.

Zambada-Niebla claims that under a “divide and conquer” strategy, the U.S. helped finance and arm the Sinaloa Cartel through Operation Fast and Furious in exchange for information that allowed the DEA, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal agencies to take down rival drug cartels. The Sinaloa Cartel was allegedly permitted to traffic massive amounts of drugs across the U.S. border from 2004 to 2009 — during both Fast and Furious and Bush-era gunrunning operations — as long as the intel kept coming.

Read moreHigh-Ranking Mexican Drug Cartel Member Makes Explosive Allegation: ‘Fast and Furious’ Is Not What You Think It Is

Secret Service Is Fast-And-Furious In Crushing Anti-Holder Protest

Secret Service Is Fast-And-Furious In Crushing Anti-Holder Protest (ZeroHedge, July 2, 2012):

Via Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Another terrorist attack thwarted.  Another protest crushed.  Take that Al Qaeda!

You know the Obama goons couldn’t stand this photo below.  You know, since their only rebuttal to any criticism to the fact this entire Administration appears to be complete and total criminals is to yell “racist!”

A huge kudos to this guy for calling out the BS.

Key quotes:

Agents on scene claimed a backpack abandoned on a sidewalk was a “suspicious package,” closing the Pennsylvania Avenue pedestrian mall in front of the White House, and the adjoining Lafayette Park, from protesters and tourists. All pedestrian traffic, including media, was forced to retreat to side streets.

“To me, it seems like a bit of an overreaction to evacuate the entire — like — I don’t know. Was the White House evacuated?” Darcy said.

“It did seem very odd that during a protest of Attorney General Eric Holder and Barack Obama in front of the White House that all of a sudden there was a mysterious bag left — accidentally, right?” Darcy continued.

Read the full article here.

DOJ Says It Won’t Prosecute DOJ Head Holder

DOJ Says It Won’t Prosecute DOJ Head Holder (ZeroHedge, June 29, 2012):

How should we say this: we are shocked, shocked, that the DOJ won’t prosecute itself.

  • BREAKING: DOJ says it won’t prosecute Attorney General Holder after the GOP-led House voted to hold him in criminal contempt of Congress – Fox

From CNN:

The White House and the Justice Department made clear Friday what had been expected all along: Attorney General Eric Holder will not face criminal prosecution under the contempt of Congress citation passed by the U.S. House.

Legal experts noted this week in the runup to Thursday’s House vote that President Barack Obama’s assertion of executive privilege in the case would prevent a criminal prosecution under a practice dating to the Reagan administration.

The House also cited Holder for civil contempt to give it the option of filing a lawsuit compelling Holder to turn over documents sought by Oversight Committee investigators linked to the failed Operation Fast and Furious weapons crackdown. Such a case was expected to take years to complete.

Read moreDOJ Says It Won’t Prosecute DOJ Head Holder

Judge Napolitano Breaks Down Latest Fast & Furious Developments (Video)




Judge Napolitano commented on today’s Studio B on the president’s invocation of executive privilege regarding the concealment of documents involved in the botched ‘Fast and Furious’ gunrunning operation.

“There’s actually a constitutional clash here,” Napolitano stated, saying that the Supreme Court resolved it once before in a very famous case called the United States vs. Nixon in which the then-president’s documents were subpoenaed and he refused to comply.

There are ways to tell if executive privilege applies to the said documents. The first way, according to Napolitano, is “if the conversations about the documents were intended to advise the president on his duties as president … if they’re talking about the Yankees, that’s not covered.”

The other applicable documents would be those involving a military secret, diplomatic secret or national security secret. “Those are the only three categories of permissable executive privilege … if it doesn’t fall into one of those three categories, and it’s difficult to find how this gunrunning thing could be [one of those three things], then the privilege doesn’t apply,” he said, defining a “privilege” as quite literally being the right of the president to keep the truth from the courts or the Congress.

Jon Stewart Slams Obama Executive Privilege In Fast & Furious Scandal (VIDEO)

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Jon Stewart Slams Obama Executive Privilege In Fast & Furious Scandal (VIDEO) (Huffington Post, June 22, 2012):

On Thursday night’s “Daily Show,” Jon Stewart dedicated the beginning of the episode to breaking down what’s been going on with the government’s Fast and Furious investigation.

In the segment, Stewart echoed Republicans who have charged that Attorney General Eric Holder has engaged in a cover-up and that the president’s assertion of executive privilege in the case is hypocritical.

After showing a clip of Obama in 2007 criticizing George W. Bush of using the controversial measure, Stewart went on to mock Democrats who have made the talk show rounds defending the president, announcing that it’s time to play America’s favorite game, “Differentiate Your Party’s Assertion of Executive Privilege From The Previous Administration’s.”

“The president needs to protect his ability to get advice,” Stewart joked. “Even if that advice is something incredibly stupid, like ‘Why don’t we let Mexican drug runners smuggle guns into Mexico and not track them for no f*cking reason whatsoever?'”

You can watch part one of the segment above and part two below.

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Obama’s Nixon Moment: Executive Order Invoked To Block Release Of Incriminating Fast And Furious Documents

Obama’s Nixon moment: Executive Order invoked to block release of incriminating Fast and Furious documents (Natural News, June 20, 2012)

The level of outright criminality in the Obama administration is now apparent to almost everyone. In the face of incriminating documents being released regarding the lawbreaking Fast and Furious operation pulled off by Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama has invoked executive order to prevent their release.

He followed it by saying, “I am not a crook.”

Oh wait, that was Nixon. But it’s hard to tell the difference anymore except that Nixon’s crimes pale in comparison to the crimes being committed by the Obama administration.

This is an administration that has abolished due process and legalized secret military arrests, interrogations and imprisonment (http://www.naturalnews.com/034537_NDAA_Bill_of_Rights_Obama.html), seized control over U.S. farms, livestock and seeds (http://www.naturalnews.com/035301_Obama_executive_orders_food_supply….), created secret “kill lists” of American citizens to be murdered by the state (including at least one young girl), escalated the failed War on Drugs, paid off Wall Street banksters with another trillion dollars in bailout money, conspired with Monsanto to eliminate regulation of GMOs, and expanded both DHS and the TSA to keep violating Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights across the airports (and city streets) of America.

The list of crimes the Obama administration has committed is too long to even fit in this story. It dwarfs the crimes of the Nixon Administration, Clinton Administration and Bush Administration combined!

Read moreObama’s Nixon Moment: Executive Order Invoked To Block Release Of Incriminating Fast And Furious Documents

Obama Asserts Executive Privilege On Fast And Furious Documents (CNN)

Obama asserts executive privilege on Fast and Furious documents (CNN, June 20, 2012):

Washington — An extraordinary House committee hearing began considering a contempt measure against Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday even though President Barack Obama asserted executive privilege over documents sought by the panel investigating the botched Fast and Furious gun-running sting.

Committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-California, said the White House assertion of executive privilege “falls short” of any reason to delay the hearing.

However, the committee’s top Democrat, Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, accused Issa of setting an “impossible standard” for Holder by demanding documents the attorney general was legally prohibited from providing.

Issa has “no interest in resolving” the dispute with Holder, Cummings said.

Read moreObama Asserts Executive Privilege On Fast And Furious Documents (CNN)

Obama Asserts Executive Privilege Over Fast And Furious Fiasco

U.S. President Obama bin Bush

Obama Asserts Executive Privilege Over Fast And Furious Fiasco (ZeroHedge, June 20, 2012):

If there was any confusion whether Obama is in fact Bush, or maybe even Nixon, this has now been squashed. From Fox:

President Obama has granted an 11th-hour request by Attorney General Eric Holder to exert executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents, a last-minute maneuver that appears unlikely to head off a contempt vote against Holder by Republicans in the House. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is expected to forge ahead with its meeting on the contempt resolution anyway.

Holder, whose guilt is implicitly proven by this action, is now likely absolved of everything as the TOTUS has effectively onboarded all of his “balance sheet risk.” And why not. The Fed does it for everyone else every day.

As a reminder, from the WSJ:

A showdown Wednesday in the House between Attorney General Eric Holder and Rep. Darrell Issa comes down to this: Who will blink first in a dispute over Justice Department documents Mr. Issa is demanding related to the botched Fast and Furious gun-trafficking probe?

Read moreObama Asserts Executive Privilege Over Fast And Furious Fiasco

Fast And Furious ‘Gunwalking’ Investigation: House Committee Schedules Contempt Vote Against Holder


Obama Regime Let GRENADES Walk In Operation ‘Fast And Furious’, Documents Show

More links down below.

House committee schedules contempt vote against Holder (CBS News, June 11, 2012):

CBS News has learned the House Oversight Committee will vote next week on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. It’s the fourth time in 30 years that Congress has launched a contempt action against an executive branch member.

This time, the dispute stems from Holder failing to turn over documents subpoenaed on October 12, 2011 in the Fast and Furious “gunwalking” investigation.

Read moreFast And Furious ‘Gunwalking’ Investigation: House Committee Schedules Contempt Vote Against Holder

Obama Regime Let GRENADES Walk In Operation ‘Fast And Furious’, Documents Show

Obama admin. let grenades walk in Fast and Furious, documents show (Daily Caller, May 2, 2012):

In a shocking development in the Operation Fast and Furious investigation, documents show Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents allowed grenade parts to walk in addition to guns.The emails also show Obama administration officials acknowledging that they may lose track of grenades but would still be able to accomplish their original objective even if the grenades explode.

According to an internal email that was provided to Congress by the Department of Justice and first reported by CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson — who’s been the media’s most dogged reporter in tracking down facts on Fast and Furious – ATF began watching accused smuggler Jean Baptiste Kingery’s AK-47 purchases in 2004. In the 2009 internal ATF email, Obama administration officials admitted they believed Kingery was “trafficking them into Mexico.”

The 2009 email shows the ATF officials had then become aware of Kingery’s alleged grenade trafficking.

Read moreObama Regime Let GRENADES Walk In Operation ‘Fast And Furious’, Documents Show