Eva Golinger: I Believe Hugo Chavez Was Assassinated

Eva Golinger: I Believe Chavez Was Assassinated:

I believe there is a very strong possibility that President Chavez was assassinated. There were notorious and documented assassination attempts against him throughout his presidency. Most notable was the April 11, 2002 coup d’etat, during which he was kidnapped and set to be assassinated had it not been for the unprecedented uprising of the Venezuelan people and loyal military forces that rescued him and returned him to power within 48 hours. I was able to find irrefutable evidence using the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), that the CIA and other US agencies were behind that coup and supported, financially, militarily and politically, those involved. Later on, there were other attempts against Chavez and his government, such as in 2004 when dozens of Colombian paramilitary forces were captured on a farm outside of Caracas that was owned by an anti-Chavez activist, Robert Alonso, just days before they were going to attack the presidential palace and kill Chavez.

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Venezuela Sells Billions In Gold To Repay Its Debt

Venezuela Sells Billions In Gold To Repay Its Debt:

Just under a year ago in the aftermath of the “OPEC Thanksgiving Massacre” of 2014 which sent oil crashing when Saudi Arabia effectively ended the oil cartel, we predicted that Venezuela (with its CDS trading at 2300 bps back then) would become the first casualty of the “crude carnage.” Since then not only has Venezuela, which relies on crude oil for 95% of its export revenue, suffered a dramatic episode of hyperinflation (which is only accelerating) coupled with total economic collapse, but its CDS has, as expected, blown out to reflect a default of probability at 96% over the next five years as shown below.


Yet while everyone promptly jumped on the “Venezuela will default bandwagon” it has so far avoided bankruptcy.

How can this country with a massive debt load and a paralyzed economy have avoided default so far?

Read moreVenezuela Sells Billions In Gold To Repay Its Debt

Hugo Chavez On Cancer Inducing Technology – Why He Had To Be Eliminated – To Obama: “You Are The Shame Of All Black People! Leave Us Alone!” (Videos)

As a side note:

Why somebody like Hugo Chavez, who seemed to know quite a bit about what is really going on in the world, resorted to chemotherapy (= death camp/gulag medicine) is beyond me.

Take a close look at the cancer drug 5-Fluoracil. Here is some historic background:

Dr. Louis Bullock, president of the Los Angeles branch of the American Cancer Society touted the new cancer drug 5-Fluoracil as “one of the most effective drugs used to treat and control cancer”, stating that they ‘safely’ gave cancer patients 150 to 500 mg of fluoride a day”, and that “it strengthened the bones”. [Yet, the 1965 Modern Drug Encyclopedia and Therapeutic Index Pharmaceuticals, Biologicals and Allergens contains a three-column listing of disasterous effects from 5-Fluoracil, one of them being “fatalities may be encountered occasionally in patients in relatively good condition”. In March 31, 1972, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner headlined a story “Scientist Hots Cancer Drug ‘Overkill’ “, which stated that 5-Fluoracil as a cancer treatment represents a case of classic overkill which does more harm than the cancer itself.” In other words, Bullock was either naive or he lied at the July 21, 1966 meeting ]. See 1969 LA Times.

Well, and here is the ugly truth:

“Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
– Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute

Dr. Dean Burk Former Head Of National Cancer Institute Research: ‘Fluoridated Water Amounts To Public Murder On A Grand Scale’ (Video)

Fluoride makes people docile, infertile and gives them cancer. With about 70% of the public drinking water being fluoridated in the U.S. it is safe to say that TPTB turned the U.S. into one big concentration camp. This is genocide!

Related info:

Former MI5 Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Technology Used By Intelligence Agencies Can Induce Pain, Illness, Even Heart Attacks And Cancer, They Can Program And Remote Control Humans (Video)

R.I.P. Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde On Mind Control (Video)

More from Barrie Trower:

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert: NWO TECHNOLOGY UPDATE – Deadly Mobile Phones & The Worst Genocide Ever Committed – The Dangers Of Wi-Fi To Women And Children (Video)

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)

Hugo Chavez and US Cancer induced Technology 12-29-11

Hugo Chavez Murdered by Illuminati

Hugo Chavez : Obama ! You are the shame of black people , leave us alone

Hugo Chavez : Obama ! You are the shame of black people , leave us alone

What ‘Democracy’ Really Means in U.S. and New York Times Jargon: Latin America Edition

What ‘Democracy’ Really Means in U.S. and New York Times Jargon: Latin America Edition (The Intercept, Oct 17, 2014):

One of the most accidentally revealing media accounts highlighting the real meaning of “democracy” in U.S. discourse is a still-remarkable 2002 New York Times Editorial on the U.S.-backed military coup in Venezuela, which temporarily removed that country’s democratically elected (and very popular) president, Hugo Chávez. Rather than describe that coup as what it was by definition – a direct attack on democracy by a foreign power and domestic military which disliked the popularly elected president – the Times, in the most Orwellian fashion imaginable, literally celebrated the coup as a victory for democracy:

With yesterday’s resignation of President Hugo Chávez, Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be dictator. Mr. Chávez, a ruinous demagogue, stepped down after the military intervened and handed power to a respected business leader, Pedro Carmona.

Thankfully, said the NYT, democracy in Venezuela was no longer in danger . . . because the democratically-elected leader was forcibly removed by the military and replaced by an unelected, pro-U.S. “business leader.” The Champions of Democracy at the NYT then demanded a ruler more to their liking: “Venezuela urgently needs a leader with a strong democratic mandate to clean up the mess, encourage entrepreneurial freedom and slim down and professionalize the bureaucracy.”

Read moreWhat ‘Democracy’ Really Means in U.S. and New York Times Jargon: Latin America Edition

Obama Administration Targets Venezuela For ‘Regime Change’


Obama Administration Targets Venezuela for ‘Regime Change’ (American Free Press, March 14, 2014)

• Ousted U.S. consular officials caught conspiring with protest groups

Continuing unrest in Venezuela can be traced to an ongoing plot by the Obama administration to topple the country’s democratically elected government and replace it with a regime run by rich families and corporations allied with Washington.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who succeeded the late Hugo Chavez, a Washington nemesis, recently expelled three United States consular officials, accusing them of conspiring for months with protest groups funded by Washington.

Read moreObama Administration Targets Venezuela For ‘Regime Change’

Did The NSA Kill Hugo Chavez? (Global Research)

Related info:

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert: NWO TECHNOLOGY UPDATE – Deadly Mobile Phones & The Worst Genocide Ever Committed – The Dangers Of Wi-Fi To Women And Children (Video)

Here’s what happens to foreign leaders who could not be bought with $200 million:


The Extended Confessions Of Economic Hit Man John Perkins (Video)

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World

Did the NSA Kill Hugo Chavez? (Global Research, Jan 14, 2014):

During 2013, Venezuela experienced one of the most difficult times in its history with the death of President Hugo Chavez on March 5. Chavez, a major leader whose policies transformed the country, was the victim of an aggressive cancer that killed him in less than two years. The charismatic Venezuelan president faced large and powerful enemies during his 14 years in power ever democratically elected majorities and strong. Coups, economic sabotage, electoral interventions, psychological warfare, U.S. billionaire from his opponents and attempts on his life funding agencies were some of the tactics and strategies of destabilization that Chavez had to fight during his tenure.

He headed the lists of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon as the main target of their attacks, and the United States significantly expanded its military presence open and clandestine-around Venezuela during his administration. So his sudden and unexpected death caused much suspicion among his followers and those scholars of his socio-political vision. Chavez defied the most powerful interests in the world, and in turn, controlled the largest oil reserves on the planet. Could it have been a political assassination Chavez’s death?

Read moreDid The NSA Kill Hugo Chavez? (Global Research)

‘Scary’ NSA Will Spy On You – Every Which Way They Can

Appelbaum: ‘Scary’ NSA will spy on you – every which way they can (RT, Dec 30, 2013):

Security researcher Jacob Appelbaum revealed what he calls “wrist-slitting depressing” details about the National Security Agency’s spy programs at a computer conference in Germany on Monday where he presented previously unpublished NSA files.

Appelbaum is among the small group of experts, activists and journalists who have seen classified United States intelligence documents taken earlier this year by former contractor Edward Snowden, and previously he represented transparency group WikiLeaks at an American hacker conference in 2010. Those conditions alone should suffice in proving to most anybody that Appelbaum has been around more than his fair share of sensitive information, and during his presentation at the thirtieth annual Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg on Monday he spilled his guts about some of the shadiest spy tactics seen yet through leaked documents.

Read more‘Scary’ NSA Will Spy On You – Every Which Way They Can

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro: U.S. Drug Agents Smuggling Cocaine


U.S. drug agents smuggling cocaine, Venezuelan president alleges (Video) (Examiner. Oct 2, 2013):

The president of Venezuela on Wednesday cast suspicion on an American law enforcement agency saying his nation is probing the American drug enforcement officers to learn whether or not they are involved in narcotics trafficking in his country.

President Nicolas Maduro announced that his own law enforcement officials are investigating whether the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) was involved in a recent criminal case involving a multi-million dollar cocaine smuggling operation, according to Jerry Langher, a former narcotics detective and director of corporate security.

Read moreVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro: U.S. Drug Agents Smuggling Cocaine

Costa Rica’s President Flew In American Narco-Jet To Hugo Chavez Funeral

Costa Rica’s President flew narco-jet to Hugo Chavez funeral (Mad Cow News, July 22, 2013):

An American-registered drug plane has been plying the airspace over Central and South America carrying cargoes of cocaine for a good long while (authorities admit they’ve been “investigating” it since 2011) without apparent incident, until recently, when a newspaper in Costa Rica reported that the President of Costa Rica had been seen using it to fly to Hugo Chavez’s funeral, as well as the recent wedding of the son of Peru’s Vice-President in Lima.This was one of at least three seismic events recently which have shaken the drug trafficking industry. Most readers have probably only heard of one: the raid by Marines from the Mexican Navy last week near the US border in Nuevo Laredo that captured Los Zetas cartel kingpin Miguel Angel Trevino.

Read moreCosta Rica’s President Flew In American Narco-Jet To Hugo Chavez Funeral

The Secret World Of Gold (Documentary)

The Secret World Of Gold (ZeroHedge, April 21, 2013):

In a wide-ranging look at the history and present of the barbarous relic, CBC’s Ann-Marie MacDonald has gathered many perspectives (pro and con) on gold. The following documentary moves from historical shipwrecks to Nazi ‘death gold’ and England’s war chest to recent years where widespread economic uncertainty has given the yellow metal a “new lustre in the world of high finance.” Valued for its permanence, beauty and scarcity, people will lie, cheat, steal and kill in the name of gold; and the clip provides color on many of the market manipulations of the last few years. As MacDonald says, whether it’s a few gold coins or gold bars stored in one of the many vaults around the world, many investors are taking a shine to gold. But there’s not a lot of it. It is said that, even melted down, there would not be enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool. Some claim that much of the gold held by the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and Fort Knox is gone – that for every 100 ounces of gold traded, there exists only one ounce of real, physical gold. So, where is the gold – and who really owns it?

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Hugo Chavez

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Hugo Chavez (Paul Craig Roberts, March 12, 2013):

On March 5, 2013, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela and world leader against imperialism, died. Washington imperialists and their media and think tank whores expressed gleeful sighs of relief as did the brainwashed US population. An “enemy of America” was gone.

Chavez was not an enemy of America. He was an enemy of Washington’s hegemony over other countries, an enemy of Washington’s alliance with elite ruling cliques who steal from the people they grind down and deny sustenance. He was an enemy of Washington’s injustice, of Washington’s foreign policy based on lies and military aggression, bombs and invasions.

Washington is not America. Washington is Satan’s home town.

Chavez was a friend of truth and justice, and this made him unpopular throughout the Western World where every political leader regards truth and justice as dire threats.

Chavez was a world leader. Unlike US politicians, Chavez was respected throughout the non-western world. He was awarded honorary doctorates from China, Russia, Brazil, and other countries, but not from Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, and Oxford.

Chavez was a miracle. He was a miracle, because he did not sell out to the United States and the Venezuelan elites. Had he sold out, Chavez would have become very rich from oil revenues, like the Saudi Royal Family, and he would have been honored by the United States in the way that Washington honors all its puppets: with visits to the White House. He could have become a dictator for life as long as he served Washington.

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: Hugo Chavez

Executive Orders To ‘Assassinate Foreign Leaders’ Emanate Directly From The US President

Related info:

Bolivian President Evo Morales ‘Almost Certain’ Hugo Chavez Was Poisoned

The Death of Hugo Chavez. Executive Orders to “Assassinate Foreign Leaders” Emanate Directly from the US President (Global Research, Updated March 10, 2013):

The Revocation of Executive Order 12333 which banned the CIA from conducting “targeted assassinations”

Was the president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez Frias the object of a targeted assassination by the Obama administration?

When addressing this question, it is worth recalling that in the immediate wake of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush restored the sordid practices of the CIA by revoking a ban initially enacted in 1976 by President Ford under Executive Order 11905.  The latter stated:  “Prohibition on Assassination. No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”

President Gerald Ford had issued EO 11905 in response to the findings of the 1975 Interim Report of  the  US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, entitled Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders.

This Select Committee was led by Senator Frank Church.

The “Church Committee” Interim Report, focused on alleged plots to kill:

• Patrice Lumumba (Congo)
• Fidel Castro (Cuba)
• Rafael Trujillo (Dominican Republic)
• Ngo Dinh Diem (Vietnam)
• Rene Schneider (Chile)

Read moreExecutive Orders To ‘Assassinate Foreign Leaders’ Emanate Directly From The US President

Bolivian President Evo Morales ‘Almost Certain’ Hugo Chavez Was Poisoned


Bolivian President Says “Almost Certain” Chavez was Poisoned (RIA Novosti, March 10, 2013):

CARACAS – Bolivian President Evo Morales said Saturday he was “almost certain” that “the empire” (the United States) had poisoned his political ally, late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, regional media reported.

President Chavez, who led Venezuela for 14 years, died Tuesday at the age of 58 after a two-year-long fight against cancer.

Read moreBolivian President Evo Morales ‘Almost Certain’ Hugo Chavez Was Poisoned

Venezuela: President Hugo Chavez Is Dead

Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez dies (CNN

Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan leader and US foil, dies (CBS News)

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dead after battle with cancer (Fox News)

Hugo Chavez: The 60 Minutes interview (CBS News)

Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez dies from cancer (Reuters)

Key Dates in Hugo Chavez’s Political Life (ABC News)

Hugo Chavez dies at 58 (Washington Post)

Venezuelans pour into streets to mourn Hugo Chavez (Huffington Post)

Venezuela Launches First Nuke In Currency Wars, Devalues Currency By 46%!

Coming to a country near you … soon.

Got gold and silver?

–  Venezuela Launches First Nuke In Currency Wars, Devalues Currency By 46% (ZeroHedge, Feb  10, 2013):

While the rest of the developed world is scrambling here and there, politely prodding its central bankers to destroy their relative currencies, all the while naming said devaluation assorted names, “quantitative easing” being the most popular, here comes Venezuela and shows the banana republics of the developed world what lobbing a nuclear bomb into a currency war knife fight looks like:


And that, ladies and gents of Caracas, is how you just lost 46% of your purchasing power, unless of course your fiat was in gold and silver, which just jumped by about 46%. And, in case there is confusion, this is in process, and coming soon to every “developed world” banana republic near you.

and just as we (and Kyle Bass) have warned – this is what happens to the nominal price of a stock market as currency wars escalate… how do those US investors who flooded Venezuela with cash feel now? bringing back those VEF gains is going to hurt…

The chart above is a free lesson in nominal vs real: the hardest lesson for some 99.9% of the world’s population to grasp. One person who certainly knows how to devalue a currency in real terms is FDR, whose 70% devaluation of the USD courtesy of executive order 6102, is merely an appetizer of what is about to be unleashed upon the US.

From Bloomberg:

Venezuela devalued its currency for the fifth time in nine years as ailing President Hugo Chavez seeks to narrow a widening fiscal gap and reduce a shortage of dollars in the economy.

Read moreVenezuela Launches First Nuke In Currency Wars, Devalues Currency By 46%!

How The Glorious Socialist Revolution Generated A 681% Return For Goldman Sachs

How The Glorious Socialist Revolution Generated A 681% Return For Goldman Sachs (ZeroHedge, Jan 30, 2013):

Back in 2011, BlackRock’s Larry Fink revealed one of the great unspoken truths of capital markets, namely that “markets like totalitarian governments.” They also like authoritarian socialism, sprinkled in with a healthy dose of nationalization, because as Bloomberg reports, one of the biggest beneficiaries of over ten years of the “glorious socialist revolution” in Venezuela, coupled with over 1000 nationalizations by the bed-ridden and roughly 15 times deceased Hugo Chavez (if one believes all the rumors), is none other than Goldman Sachs, which generated some 681% in returns due to “aligning its interests” with those of the unshakable Venezuelan ruler.

From Bloomberg:

Since taking office in 1999, Hugo Chavez has spread his socialist revolution in Venezuela by seizing more than 1,000 companies. For bondholders that stuck by him, he’s also delivered returns that are double the emerging- market average.

The 681 percent advance, equal to 14.7 percent annually, has enriched investors from OppenheimerFunds Inc. to Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP that counted on Chavez’s willingness to siphon the country’s oil wealth to pay its creditors in the face of start-stop growth and falling reserves. While his policies drove away enough investors to keep Venezuela’s borrowing costs over 12 percent on average during his tenure, or 4 percentage points higher than those of developing nations, he’s never missed a bond payment.

Read moreHow The Glorious Socialist Revolution Generated A 681% Return For Goldman Sachs

Venezuela: President Hugo Chavez Battling ‘Severe’ Lung Infection, Respiratory Failure

Chavez battling ‘severe’ lung infection, respiratory failure (CNN, Jan 3, 2013):

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is battling a “severe” lung infection that has caused respiratory failure, a top official said.Chavez, 58, has been hospitalized in Cuba since undergoing cancer surgery more than three weeks ago.

He is following a strict treatment regimen for “respiratory insufficiency” caused by the infection, Venezuelan Information Minister Ernesto Villegas said in a televised statement Thursday night.

The information minister did not provide details about the treatment or prognosis.

Read moreVenezuela: President Hugo Chavez Battling ‘Severe’ Lung Infection, Respiratory Failure

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Says His Cancer Is Back, Will Go To Cuba To Undergo Surgery (CNN)

Chavez says his cancer is back (CNN, Dec 9, 2012):

Havana — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced late Saturday that his cancer has returned and that he will go to Cuba to undergo surgery.

Speaking during a televised address from the presidential palace, he said that if his health were to worsen, Vice President Nicolas Maduro should replace him.

Read moreVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez Says His Cancer Is Back, Will Go To Cuba To Undergo Surgery (CNN)

As Hugo Chavez Wins Presidential Re-election Someone Makes Absolute Killing On InTrade

As Hugo Chavez Wins Presidential Re-election Someone Makes Absolute Killing On InTrade (ZeroHedge, Oct 7, 2012):

Moments ago the Venezuelan Electoral Council (one wonders if the term ‘Hanging Chad’ has a different meaning down there?), announced that with 90% of the votes counted, and an 80.4% turnout, the winner of 54.4% of the vote, and still reigning presidential champion, is Venezuela’s Hugo Chaved. This is not surprising. What is quite stunning however, is that someone made an absolute killing in the Chavez reelection contract, which after trading in the 80s range (indicating an 80% probability of reelection), dipped moments ago to the low 20s, following speculation Chavez may be on the way out, only to soar to 99.9 as of the last trade. In other words, someone just made 5x their money on the Chavez vote in minutes, money which has most likely been well spent on Cuban Cohibas by now. Congrats.

Source: Intrade

Paraguay’s President Fernando Lugo Ousted, Venezuela Stops Oil Shipments

‘Fake government’: Paraguay’s ousted President Fernando Lugo defiant after ‘coup’ (MSNBC, June 25, 2012):

ASUNCION, Paraguay – Ousted Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo branded the country’s new government illegitimate on Sunday and called for democracy to be restored as neighboring countries intensified criticism of his sudden impeachment.

Lugo, a leftist former Roman Catholic bishop, said his removal from office was “a parliamentary coup against the will of the people” and said he would back any peaceful effort to restore democracy in the South American nation.

Read moreParaguay’s President Fernando Lugo Ousted, Venezuela Stops Oil Shipments

WIKILEAKS: ‘The Global Intelligence Files’ (More Than Five Million Stratfor Emails)

For your information.

The Global Intelligence Files (Wikileaks, Feb. 27, 2012):


LONDON—Today, Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment-laundering techniques and psychological methods, for example :

“[Y]ou have to take control of him. Control means financial, sexual or psychological control… This is intended to start our conversation on your next phase” – CEO George Friedman to Stratfor analyst Reva Bhalla on 6 December 2011, on how to exploit an Israeli intelligence informant providing information on the medical condition of the President of Venezuala, Hugo Chavez.

The material contains privileged information about the US government’s attacks against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and Stratfor’s own attempts to subvert WikiLeaks. There are more than 4,000 emails mentioning WikiLeaks or Julian Assange. The emails also expose the revolving door that operates in private intelligence companies in the United States. Government and diplomatic sources from around the world give Stratfor advance knowledge of global politics and events in exchange for money. The Global Intelligence Files exposes how Stratfor has recruited a global network of informants who are paid via Swiss banks accounts and pre-paid credit cards. Stratfor has a mix of covert and overt informants, which includes government employees, embassy staff and journalists around the world.

The material shows how a private intelligence agency works, and how they target individuals for their corporate and government clients. For example, Stratfor monitored and analysed the online activities of Bhopal activists, including the “Yes Men”, for the US chemical giant Dow Chemical. The activists seek redress for the 1984 Dow Chemical/Union Carbide gas disaster in Bhopal, India. The disaster led to thousands of deaths, injuries in more than half a million people, and lasting environmental damage.

Stratfor has realised that its routine use of secret cash bribes to get information from insiders is risky. In August 2011, Stratfor CEO George Friedman confidentially told his employees : “We are retaining a law firm to create a policy for Stratfor on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. I don’t plan to do the perp walk and I don’t want anyone here doing it either.”

Read moreWIKILEAKS: ‘The Global Intelligence Files’ (More Than Five Million Stratfor Emails)

Hugo Chavez: Venezuelan Troops Would Fight With Argentina Against Britain Over Falkland Islands

Hugo Chavez says Venezuelan troops would fight with Argentina over Falklands (Telegraph, Feb. 6, 2012):

Hugo Chavez has pledged that Venezuelan armed forces would fight alongside Argentina against Britain in any future conflict over the Falkland Islands at a regional meeting this weekend.

The eight member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance bloc, or ALBA, met to approve an agreement barring any boats flying Falkland Islands flags from docking in their ports.