QAnon Zionist Disinformation Psychological Operation 6D Chess Honeytrap | Know More News (Part 1 & 2) – WARNING!!! Top Israeli Rabbi says “AMERICA COLLAPSING, ISRAEL MUST STEP UP AS NEW WORLD SUPERPOWER” – Was Adolf Hitler a Zionist Stooge? – James Corbett: “Hitler Was A Rothschild”


QAnon Zionist Disinformation Psychological Operation 6D Chess Honeytrap | Know More News (Part 1)


QAnon Zionist Disinformation Psychological Operation 6D Chess Honeytrap | Know More News (Part 2)




God’s Chosen People (Documentary Banned from YouTube)


Was Adolf Hitler a Zionist Stooge?


“Hitler Was A Rothschild” -James Corbett


BLOODSPORTS DEBATE! Christopher Jon Bjerknes vs. Dennis Wise | The Truth About Hitler?


Freemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’

D-Day Was Staged Too – Part 1 & Part 2 (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Was The Strait Of Gibraltar Crucial For Hitler? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Did Jewish Leaders Reveal That Hitler Was A Jew? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The strange Greco-Italian war decided by Mussolini (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Yes, 99 % of websites saying Hitler was a Jew or an agent are made by Jews (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The absurdity of wanting to develop the vital space to the east (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Adolf Hitler: A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany

Why didn’t Hitler attack British forces in North Africa in 1940? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The sleazy things regarding the invasion of Italy (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Hitler and Dunkirk: it was not a mistake (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

How Jewish leaders forced Jews to go to Israel (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Myron Fagan explains Hitler – Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967] (Video)

Insider Exposed NEW WORLD ORDER Plans In 1969 (MP3 & Transcipt)

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

Adolf Hitler was a Freemason (even though he prohibited Freemasonry) and an Illuminati puppet (and one of their best ones), like Stalin, Churchill, Truman and Roosevelt,



For those who think this is a coincidence…


Masonic handshakes, with Rommel, Himmler, etc. …

(Click on images to enlarge)









Lion paw (left hand):


Another Masonic sign (M)…



WW2 has been a staged event and I can prove it.

WW3 is planned by TPTB.

* * *

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Henry Makow: “Remembering Time Magazine Man of the Year 1938… but Hitler wasn’t Illuminati…” – Oh, Wait: HITLER WAS AN ILLUMINATI PUPPET!

Adolf Hitler was a Freemason (even though he prohibited Freemasonry) and an Illuminati puppet (and one of their best ones), like Stalin, Churchill, Truman and Roosevelt,



 For those who think this is a coincidence…


Masonic handshakes, with Rommel, Himmler, etc. …

(Click on images to enlarge)









Aaaand wait for it…

Lion paw (left hand):


Another Masonic sign (M)…



WW2 has been a staged event and I can prove it.

WW3 is planned by TPTB.

* * *

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Fearing Russia 101: UK news service for kids says Putin may be ‘most dangerous leader since Hitler’

Russian President and Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin

Fearing Russia 101: UK news service for kids says Putin may be ‘most dangerous leader since Hitler’:

In case pupils in the UK don’t understand the headlines on Russia and its president, a special publication for kids explains how “toxic Putin” is poisoning the West, without bothering to distinguish between fact and allegation.

The Day, a news website that produces short articles about current affairs meant to be used as teaching aids in British schools, has offered students two alternatives to believe about Vladimir Putin: he is either Europe’s “most dangerous leader since Hitler,” or a puffed up figure attacking other nations out of weakness.

The alternatives are a classic example of ‘Russophrenia’ – a popular notion claiming that Russia is both the biggest threat to humanity and a country on the brink of collapse. Apparently, some media in the UK want to impose the condition on readers before they even grow up. One in three schools is subscribed to the publication.

Read moreFearing Russia 101: UK news service for kids says Putin may be ‘most dangerous leader since Hitler’

Hitler’s food taster speaks of Führer’s vegetarian diet

Hitler was a Freemason and an Illuminati puppet.

“Hitler’s apparent enthusiasm for vegetarianism reflected the Nazi obsession with Aryan bodily purity.”

What’s wrong with eating healthy?

Oh, wait a minute…

…eating healthy is now a mental disorder….

Orthorexia: Healthy eating is now a mental disorder!

Officials Declare ‘Eating Healthy’ a Mental Disorder

However, it is said that Hitler was a drug addict, which certainly has nothing to do with “bodily purity”.


Hitler’s food taster speaks of Führer’s vegetarian diet:

A woman who served as Adolf Hitler’s food taster has claimed that the Führer was a dedicated vegetarian.

Margot Woelk, 95, said that Hitler ate only the freshest fruit and vegetables during the two and a half years that she was forced to check his food for traces of poison.

During the Second World War, Mrs Woelk, a German citizen whose husband had been sent to fight, was taken by the SS to Hitler’s Eastern Front headquarters in modern-day Poland, known as the “Wolf’s Lair”.

There, she joined a team of a dozen other women whose job it was to protect Hitler from any attempts to poison him.

Read moreHitler’s food taster speaks of Führer’s vegetarian diet

Freemason & Elite Puppet Obama Compares Freemason & Elite Puppet Trump To Freemason & Elite Puppet Hitler: “60 Million People Died So You’ve Got To Pay Attention, And Vote”

The Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Kohl, Schröder, Merkel, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Putin and Xi Jinping are all Freemasons and elite puppets and so were Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill and Hitler.

Let’s take Hitler for example…

(… with lots of info presented above and below the article):

Freemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’

WW2, like WW1, has been a staged event…

… and TPTB have WW3 planned for us…

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)


Obama Compares Trump To Hitler: “60 Million People Died So You’ve Got To Pay Attention, And Vote”:

It’s almost never a good idea for a political figure to invoke the name of Hitler.  In fact, that very mistake undoubtedly contributed to premature demise of Sean Spicer earlier this year.

Of course, the rules are slightly different for former President Obama as the media barely batted an eye when he compared the rise of Trump in the U.S. to that of Hitler in the 1930s and warned people to “pay attention…and vote” lest they want “sixty million people to die.”  As Crain’s noted, Obama’s controversial comments came at a speech before the Economic Club of Chicago earlier this week:

Still, the U.S. has survived tough times before and will again, he noted, particularly mentioning the days of communist fighter Joseph McCarthy and former President Richard Nixon. But one reason the country survived is because it had a free press to ask questions, Obama added. Though he has problems with the media just like Trump has had, “what I understood was the principle that the free press was vital.”

The danger is “grow(ing) complacent,” Obama said. We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly.”

(… by skyrocketing the national debt, with the illegal Obama assassination program and the NDAA??? Stalin, Hitler and Mao would be very proud of the NDAA. – I.U.)

That’s what happened in Germany in the 1930s, which despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high-level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolph Hitler rose to dominate, Obama noted. “Sixty million people died. . . .So, you’ve got to pay attention. And vote.”

Read moreFreemason & Elite Puppet Obama Compares Freemason & Elite Puppet Trump To Freemason & Elite Puppet Hitler: “60 Million People Died So You’ve Got To Pay Attention, And Vote”

Eustace Mullins: The Neo Zionist Order (Full) – 9/11, CIA, Mossad, FBI, Saudi Arabia & WW3 – Secrets of The Federal Reserve (Full) – Secret National Socialism and Zionism Alliance (Videos) – #WW3

Divide et impera!



Adolf Hitler was a Freemason and an Illuminati puppet.

And not only that…

Read moreEustace Mullins: The Neo Zionist Order (Full) – 9/11, CIA, Mossad, FBI, Saudi Arabia & WW3 – Secrets of The Federal Reserve (Full) – Secret National Socialism and Zionism Alliance (Videos) – #WW3

Saudi Crown Prince says Iran’s Ayatollah is the ‘new Hitler’

Adolf Hitler was a Freemason and an Illuminati puppet.

And not only that…

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild!!!

A lot more information HERE:

Freemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’

WW2, like WW1, has been a staged event.

And TPTB have WW3 planned for us…

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)


– Saudi Crown Prince says Iran’s Ayatollah is the ‘new Hitler’ :

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has claimed that Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the “new Hitler of the Middle East” in his latest profile by the New York Times.

Bin Salman said Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei is akin to Adolf Hitler, Germany’s dictator during the Second World War, who sought to wipe out the Jewish people while creating an ethnically pure Aryan empire.

“But we learned from Europe that appeasement doesn’t work,” bin Salman told the Times. “We don’t want the new Hitler in Iran to repeat what happened in Europe in the Middle East.”

Bin Salman didn’t specify which policies of Nazi Germany he fears Iran is set to repeat: committing genocide, creating death camps or sparking another world war. Saudi Arabia has recently ramped up tensions with rival Iran, claiming it is the “number one state sponsor of terrorism,” in alignment with President Donald Trump’s administration, which has also accused Iran of the same. Both countries cite Iran’s support for Hamas in Palestine and its backing of Houthi rebels in Yemen as evidence of its support of terrorism.

Bin Salman, who is also the Kingdom’s defense minister, is waging a war in Yemen against the Houthis, which are supported by Iran and captured the capital in 2014.

Read moreSaudi Crown Prince says Iran’s Ayatollah is the ‘new Hitler’

😂 “Opel Adolf” 😂

😂 You can’t make this stuff up! 😂

Alufelgen des «Opel Adolf»:

RÜSSELSHEIM (D) – Opel verkauft eine Felge im Hakenkreuz-Design. Das erstaunt, denn das Symbol ist in Deutschland verboten. Der Autobauer streitet jegliche Ähnlichkeit ab.

Welchen Teufel hat den Alufelgen-Designer des neuen Opel Crossland X bloss geritten? Die Hakenkreuzoptik sorgt in deutschen Medien für hitzige Diskussionen. Nicht ohne Grund: Die Verwendung von hakenkreuzförmigen Symbolen ist seit 1945 verboten. Die Fachzeitschrift «Auto Bild» nennt den Crossland X bereits Opel «Adolf».

Read more😂 “Opel Adolf” 😂

Freemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’

…which is NOT a coincidence…

…because …

James Corbett: “Hitler Was A Rothschild” (Video)

Related info:

D-Day Was Staged Too – Part 1 & Part 2 (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Was The Strait Of Gibraltar Crucial For Hitler? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Did Jewish Leaders Reveal That Hitler Was A Jew? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The strange Greco-Italian war decided by Mussolini (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Yes, 99 % of websites saying Hitler was a Jew or an agent are made by Jews (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The absurdity of wanting to develop the vital space to the east (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Adolf Hitler: A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany

Why didn’t Hitler attack British forces in North Africa in 1940? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The sleazy things regarding the invasion of Italy (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Hitler and Dunkirk: it was not a mistake (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

How Jewish leaders forced Jews to go to Israel (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Myron Fagan explains Hitler – Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967] (Video)

Insider Exposed NEW WORLD ORDER Plans In 1969 (MP3 & Transcipt)

Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871


Did Adolf Hitler marry a Jewish woman? DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’:

The Dead Famous DNA film tested hair samples which are said to have come from a hairbrush used by Hitler’s secret lover and discovered at his mountain retreat

Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler’s long-term lover who married the Nazi leader hours before their joint suicide in his Berlin bunker, may have had Jewish ancestry, ground-breaking DNA testing has found.

DNA analysis of hair samples from a hairbrush claimed to belong to Braun suggests that the fascist dictator responsible for the murder of millions of Jews may have unwittingly married a woman of semitic descent, in one of his final acts as the Third Reich crumbled.

Read moreFreemason and Illuminati puppet Adolf Hitler married a Jewish woman: DNA tests ‘show Eva Braun associated with Ashkenazi Jews’

D-Day Was Staged Too – Part 1 & Part 2 (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


Related info:

Adolf Hitler has been a Freemason and an Illuminati (Rothschild and the other 12 elite families) puppet from the start.

Masonic handshake between Hitler and Himmler

Down below you’ll find more masonic handshakes/signs and Illuminati hand signs by Adolf Hitler.

WW2 has been a staged event.

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill have also been Freemasons and Illuminati puppets.

Other well known Freemasons and Illuminati puppets are/have been:

Obama, the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Cheney, Trump, Gorbachev, Putin, Xi Jinping, Merkel, May, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, etc.

TPTB have WW3 planned for us.

Hitler hired Hjalmar Schacht to run the Reichsbank.

Now look up who created the BIS, the central bank of central banks!!!


D-Day was staged too (part 1/2):

Since the result of the landing could be quite random, once again, Jewish leaders had to stage the event.

A failure of the landing was out of the question. Indeed, the USSR was about to crush Germany. And as it would have taken a year or two to repeat a similar operation, it would have been very difficult to justify a stagnation of the Eastern Front during all this time. And without a stagnating front, the USSR would have conquered most of Europe, and would have put communist governments everywhere. And such a thing was not part of the plans of Jewish leaders. And if Stalin had put communist governments in some countries and not in others, again it would have been difficult to justify.

So, Hitler and the German High Command had to help the Allies win, by reacting too slowly and inadequately. That’s why, once again, we see the presence of many quirks, inconsistencies, “errors” too numerous and too big to be honest, as well as hazards a little too good to be true; all this, mainly on the German side of course, but not only.

Read moreD-Day Was Staged Too – Part 1 & Part 2 (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Was The Strait Of Gibraltar Crucial For Hitler? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


Why was the strait of Gibraltar crucial for Hitler?:

If Hitler had controlled the strait of Gibraltar, there would have been the following consequences:

1) Hundreds of thousands soldiers and tons of material free from waiting for a possible invasion on the shores of Italy or the south of France.

2) German and Italian armies could have beaten easily the English forces in North Africa. English government could still have supplied its armies by the Suez Canal, theoretically. But it would have been much too far to let them be able to sustain a war. So, quickly, English forces would have been defeated and Germans would have taken the control of the Suez Canal also.

3) Then, the Mediterranean Sea would have been totally free of Allies forces. It would have become a German sea.

Read moreWhy Was The Strait Of Gibraltar Crucial For Hitler? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Why Did Jewish Leaders Reveal That Hitler Was A Jew? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


Why did Jewhis leaders reveal that Hitler was a jew?:

As soon as the 30’s, there have been stories of Hitler having Jewish ancestries published in newspapers.

A paper about Hitler being part jewish publish in the Chicago Tribune in September, 20, 1933

And these newspapers were of course owned by Jewish leaders. So, Jewish leaders revealed that Hitler was a jew. Why did they do this quite incredible thing?

At first sight, it seems stupid. If he was really a jew, they didn’t have any reason for telling it. If he wasn’t a jew, there was no reason either. Why invent such a story?

My opinion is that those informations were not intended for gentiles, but for everyday jews. It was an internal communication plan.

The problem for Jewish leaders was the following: as Hitler was a jew (and 100 % Jewish, so, with a Jewish father and a Jewish mother), it was certainly well known among the jewish community. Jewish leaders couldn’t hide this. There were certainly rumors about this among the Jewish community. So, quickly, ordinary jews could have been able to connect the dots, and then to understand that their leaders were betraying them. It would have destroyed the great unity between everyday jews and their leaders. This would have been apocalyptic for these.

Thus, Jewish leader absolutely needed to deceive ordinary jews about Hitler’s Jewishness.

As jews knew that Hitler was Jewish to some extent, Jewish leaders couldn’t say that he wasn’t Jewish at all. Everyday jews would have known it was a lie. So, Jewish leaders had to recognize that Hitler was indeed a jew, thus confirming what jews already knew (that is, the part of the story jewish leaders couldn’t hide). But the deceiving part was to add that he was just quarter jewish (whereas he was most probably 100 % jewish).

Read moreWhy Did Jewish Leaders Reveal That Hitler Was A Jew? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The strange Greco-Italian war decided by Mussolini (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


The strange Greco-Italian war decided by Mussolini:

I have already talked about Greece in the previous article. We are going to see more details about this affair.

So, the 28th of October 1940, Mussolini suddenly declared war on Greece. 560.000 Italians faced 300.000 Greeks. Then, not only Greeks weren’t defeated, but they even counter-attacked. In December, they had been able to advance of nearly 50 km in the Albanian territory. The 9th of March, Mussolini launched a second offensive, which didn’t work either. After one week and 12.000 soldiers killed, he decided to stop the offensive and to let Hitler resolve the problem. For days after, his army left Albania. Thus, Hitler was forced to intervene in order to avoid a serious defeat for his ally. Germany invaded Greece the 6th of April, and Greece lost the 28th of April.

There are several logical problems with this affair.

Read moreThe strange Greco-Italian war decided by Mussolini (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Yes, 99 % of websites saying Hitler was a Jew or an agent are made by Jews (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


Yes, 99 % of websites saying Hitler was a jew or an agent are made by jews:

In the nationalist community, many people say that the stories of Hitler being a jew are bullshit, because they are told by jews. In the conspirationist community they say they are told by jews, or illuminati agents or CIA agents, etc… So, for them, those stories are phony.
And yes, they are right.
Indeed, 99 % of the websites saying Hitler was a jew are run by jews and are talking bullshit.
So, it is perfectly understandable that most of those people think that Hitler wasn’t a jew or an agent and that those stories are phony.
In the conspirationist community, people are more receptive to the idea that Hitler was a jew or a mason. So, there are much more people believing that Hitler was not what he seemed to be than in the nationalist community. But usually, they are more easily deceived about the whole story than nationalists who have begun to understand what all this was about.
The question is: why would Jewish leaders do such a thing?

The absurdity of wanting to develop the vital space to the east (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Part of the plan of TPTB has been to destroy the white and Nordic races during WW2.

And now we have the migrant crisis just before the outbreak of civil war in Europe, which will be followed by WW3, which will wipe out all those white and Nordic races for the most part.



The absurdity of wanting to develop the vital space to the east

Related info:

Read moreThe absurdity of wanting to develop the vital space to the east (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Adolf Hitler: A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany


Adolf Hitler – A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany:

The following is an excellent article exposing the true origins, funding, and aims of the National Socialist party and Adolf Hitler.

As a preface to reading this article, one should be reminded of the following fundamental points:

1) The Nazi party was socialist by nature and policy, and remember that socialism/communism and any other forms of Marxism are and have been jewish-created and lead movements from the very beginning.

2) As has been documented by various historians (such as “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” by Anthony Sutton), the Nazi party was funded and aided into gaining power in Germany by very powerful banking institutions and corporations owned and controlled by the ruling international jewish banking cabal.

3) While at times masquerading as pro-Christian, the Nazi party was fundamentally anti-Christian by nature and policy.  Furthermore, the top leadership of the Nazi party are well-kown and well-documented to have been heavily involved in occult (Satanic) ideology, practices, and rituals.

Also, as a disclaimer, I must state that my only disagreement with the article is the view by the author that Paul is a true apostle.  As I have covered on another blog, Saul of Tarsus is a false prophet.



“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and His Anointed,” (Psalm 2:2).


Read moreAdolf Hitler: A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany

Why didn’t Hitler attack British forces in North Africa in 1940? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


Why didn’t Hitler attack British forces in North Africa in 1940?:

Another discrepancy is about the Battle of North Africa. In August 1940, the Battle of France was over. England had lost a lot of his heavy armament. They were under the attack of the Luftwaffe. They were under the threat of being invaded. In this situation, they couldn’t send troops to North Africa.

At this time, there were only 36.000 British soldiers in North Africa, with 250 airplanes.

So, Hitler had a free hand to be able to defeat them and to get the oil of the Middle East. And oil of the Middle East was very important for Hitler. Officially, this is why he attacked the Russians in the south in 1941, instead of attacking Moscow, and thus, lost the war against Russia.

Hitler knew that British wouldn’t be able to send reinforcements. And during the following 10 months, his armies wouldn’t do anything. So, in August 1940, the moment was perfect to send troops in North Africa and beat the British armies. He didn’t have to send tons of soldiers; just 100.000 would have been enough.

Read moreWhy didn’t Hitler attack British forces in North Africa in 1940? (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

The sleazy things regarding the invasion of Italy (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


The sleazy things regarding the invasion of Italy:

The sleazy things regarding the invasion of Italy

Allies invaded Italy on 3 September 1943.
At first sight, the invasion of Italy seems normal. It seems logical that the Allies wanted to open a second front right away.

But when you study more closely how things happened, you see that, once again, there is something fishy.

The fishy thing is the fact that just when the Allies were on the verge of invading Italy, Mussolini was thrown out of the power.

And what is fishier is how things happened. On 24 July 1943, The Grand Council of Fascism met. It was the first time that this body had met since the start of the war. One of the resolutions on the agenda asked the king to resume his full constitutional powers; to the detriment of Mussolini of course. This motion carried by a 19-7 margin. The next day, Mussolini was arrested by Carabinieri on king’s orders.
The problem is that such things can’t happen. It’s just ridiculous. Mussolini would have seen the motion proposal on the agenda of the meeting. And faithful subordinates would have warned him about it. Then, Mussolini would have immediately put in jail or more probably killed the guys who had proposed the meeting.
Even if he had let the Council meet, he would have sent the conspirators to prison during the Council, or just after (or killed them).

Read moreThe sleazy things regarding the invasion of Italy (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Hitler and Dunkirk: it was not a mistake (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)


Hitler and Dunkirk: it was not a mistake


Related info:

Adolf Hitler has been a Freemason and an Illuminati (Rothschild and the other 12 elite families) puppet from the start.

Masonic handshake between Hitler and Himmler

Down below you’ll find more masonic handshakes/signs and Illuminati hand signs by Adolf Hitler.

WW2 has been a staged event.

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill have also been Freemasons and Illuminati puppets.

Other well known Freemasons and Illuminati puppets are/have been:

Read moreHitler and Dunkirk: it was not a mistake (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

How Jewish leaders forced Jews to go to Israel (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)



How Jewish leaders forced jews to go to Israel:

As we have seen it at the beginning of this blog, Hitler was put in power by Jewish leaders in order to force jews to go to Israel. Jewish leaders could steal Palestine, but they couldn’t force directly everyday jews to go to Israel. But, Hitler was not the only element put in place to force everyday jews to go to Israel. It was vaster than just Hitler.

With Hitler, Jewish leaders couldn’t have directly a massive immigration to Israel. But they were able to:

1) Push 200,000 jews to emigrate to Israel during the 30’s and 40’s

2) Create Israel with the deportation of jews (real) and the story of the holocaust (not real)

3) Allows jewish leaders to trap everyday jews of the east of Europe in the not friendly at all post war USSR and then give them the choice of staying in USSR of going to Israel

1° with the hostility of Hitler toward jews, Jewish leaders were able to push something like 200,000 jews to emigrate to Israel (180,000 between 1929 and 1939 and 20,000 between 1939 and 1945).

It wasn’t big. But it was a beginning.

Read moreHow Jewish leaders forced Jews to go to Israel (Hitler The Jew And The Faked WW2)

Hitler was an Illuminati Puppet


Hitler was a Jew, working for the Jews:

In April, 1939, Ambassador William C. Bullitt, called me to the American Embassy in Paris. The American Ambassador told me that war had been decided upon. He did not say, nor did I ask, by whom. He let me infer it… When I said that in the end Germany would be driven into the arms of Soviet Russia and Bolshevism, the Ambassador replied: “What of it? There will not be enough Germans left when the war is over to be worth bolshevising.” Karl von Wiegand; reported in the Chicago Herald American, April 23, 1944.

Having the Jew Hitler run Nazi Germany had many advantages:

Read moreHitler was an Illuminati Puppet

Myron Fagan explains Hitler – Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967] (Video)


Adolf Hitler has been a Freemason and an Illuminati (Rothschild and the other 12 elite families) puppet from the start.

Masonic handshake between Hitler and Himmler

Down below you’ll find more masonic handshakes/signs and Illuminati hand signs by Adolf Hitler.

WW2 has been a staged event.

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill have also been Freemasons and Illuminati puppets.

Other well known Freemasons and Illuminati puppets are/have been:

Obama, the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Cheney, Trump, Gorbachev, Putin, Xi Jinping, Merkel, May, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, etc.

TPTB have WW3 planned for us.

Hitler hired Hjalmar Schacht to run the Reichsbank.

Now look up who created the BIS, the central bank of central banks!!!

Myron C. Fagan (1887-1972)

[Editor’s Note: The liner notes reprinted below, written by an unidentified author, accompanied the cassettes and records of The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations recorded by Myron Fagan, likely in 1967. These liner notes were written while Mr. Fagan was still alive. The parenthetical notes were apparently added by another person after Mr. Fagan had died and a transcript of the recordings had been committed to paper. The url from which I obtained this brief biography is listed at the bottom. I had to edit the text slightly, as I found the original format to be too cluttered with quotations marks and capitalized words, etc. as to make reading laborious. I think it’s important to note how thoroughly we’ve been conditioned to believe by mainstream media, talk shows, TV ‘documentaries’, Hollywood celebrities, and Woody Allen movies- that the Red ‘Witch Hunt’ of  the early 1950’s was the work of a deranged alcoholic named Senator Joseph McCarthy, who was obsessed with a crazy notion that caused great harm and suffering to innocent Hollywood writers, etc. It now seems that Joseph McCarthy was far more accurate and more of a true patriot than we had been led to believe

Myron Fagan was married to actress Minna Gombell (1892-1973)…Ken Adachi]


Read moreMyron Fagan explains Hitler – Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967] (Video)

So THIS Historic Photo About The Nazi/Muslim Collaboration Can Get You Into Prison In Germany? Really??? Well, Then Here Are Some MORE Photos …

So this photo can get you into prison in Germany? Really???

Well, then here are some MORE photos …

Germany: Man gets 6 months jail for posting on Facebook about Nazi/Muslim collaboration

The Nazis, with the help of an Arab cleric, used Islamic extremists as a tool

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world

And don’t get me wrong.

Hitler was a Freemason and a Illuminati/Rothschild puppet, like Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill.

WW2 has been a staged event!

There were 60,000 Muslims fighting in the Waffen SS!

By the way, the last soldiers to defend Hitlers bunker were French ‘Charlemagne’ Waffen SS.

Maybe you want to find out how many Jewish soldiers (also generals, even field marshals) were fighting for Hitler, maybe not.

(Spoiler alert: More than double the amount of all active serving soldiers in the German Army as of Feb. 2017!!!)

There is a lot more to say about all of this.

Trump, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Putin, Xi Jinping, May, Cameron, Blair, Merkel, Macron, Sarkozy, Hollande are all Freemasons and Iluminati puppets.

And TPTB have WW3 planned for us.

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