Jordan Maxwell – Star Wars – Yoda – Freemasonry (Video)

H/t reader Kevin A.:




Masonic handshake…

Zecharia Sitchin & Jordan Maxwell:





Masonic handshakes…

…here with David Icke…

Ex-wife of David Icke…

All of the above is FYI.

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Fake Illuminati Police Dept. or the Real Deal? The Freemasonic Connections of Kamala ‘Kabala’ Harris

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Trump Starting Albert Pike’s WW3?

Full article here:

Trump Starting Albert Pike’s WWIII?:

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”

“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

(Readers who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both these movements. In addition, Communism as an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution. In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out. Restif and Babeuf, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau – as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt.)

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Illuminati traitors. Donald took the pic.

Another important point is that Israel will be destroyed? I find this hard to believe. The Rothschilds are personally involved in building Israeli institutions like the Knesset and Supreme Court. Nevertheless, it is consistent with what insider Svali revealed 20 years ago.

Israel (all of Palestine) is predicted to get totally destroyed…

…and it is planned to get destroyed by its founding fathers!

The Rothschilds, who are the founders of Israel, have planned to totally destroy Israel during WW3.

Baron Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild

… known as the “Father of the (Jewish) Settlement” (Avi ha-Yishuv) …

Baron Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild

Baron Edmond de Rothschild-2

… looks exactly like the architect of the matrix, doesnt’ he?

“You are here, because ZION (Israel) is about to be destroyed.

Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.”

As a side note…

Matrix (1999): Neo’s Passport expires on September 11, 2001:

(Click on image to enlarge.)


Just one of many signs…

And NO, this is not the “Go Horns” sign!
Pope Benedict is also not flashing the sign for ‘LOVE’ in sign language. 

Picture from the Satanic Bible


This is a handsign of the devil worshippers (goat horns).

Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto: this gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups.

Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan


More on Albert Pike:

“Lucifer is God,…”


Albert Pike Predicted Three World Wars In 1871

The outstanding German seer Alois Irlmaier foresaw this in around 1950…

It will start with the Jews and the Arabs. There it will begin.”

– Alois Irlmaier

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

Another seer predicted that Trump will be the “large one” falling.

The 3 Days of Darkness – #WW3

Seers Who Foresaw The 3 Days Of Darkness And #WW3

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Henry Makow: “Remembering Time Magazine Man of the Year 1938… but Hitler wasn’t Illuminati…” – Oh, Wait: HITLER WAS AN ILLUMINATI PUPPET!

Adolf Hitler was a Freemason (even though he prohibited Freemasonry) and an Illuminati puppet (and one of their best ones), like Stalin, Churchill, Truman and Roosevelt,



 For those who think this is a coincidence…


Masonic handshakes, with Rommel, Himmler, etc. …

(Click on images to enlarge)









Aaaand wait for it…

Lion paw (left hand):


Another Masonic sign (M)…



WW2 has been a staged event and I can prove it.

WW3 is planned by TPTB.

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The Trump Card – The Satanic Bloodlines: “The Presidential Candidate With the Most Royal Genes Has Won EVERY Single American Election Since (And Incl.) George Washington”


Read moreThe Trump Card – The Satanic Bloodlines: “The Presidential Candidate With the Most Royal Genes Has Won EVERY Single American Election Since (And Incl.) George Washington”

Freemason Pope Francis (Petrus Romanus) Tells Migrants: ‘You Are Warriors of Hope’ – #MigrantCrisis, #NWO

Freemason and Illuminati puppet Pope Francis is ‘Petrus Romanus’:

St. Malachy Prophecy Fulfilled: Pope Francis Is ‘Petrus Romanus’ (Video)

Pope Francis Is ‘Petrus Romanus’ – ‘Fantastic Fulfillment Of Prophecy’

Malachy Prophecy: Next Pope Will Be Last – Update: Pope Francis I Is ‘Petrus Romanus’

Catholic Exorcist Warns: Pope Francis is NOT the Legitimate Pope & Satan Has Taken Over the Throne (Video)


Pope Francis Tells Migrants: ‘You Are Warriors of Hope’:

Pope Francis flew to Bologna, Italy, Sunday and met with a large group of migrants and refugees, calling them “warriors of hope” while insisting that nations open broader avenues for immigration.

During a full day in Bologna, Francis spent an hour meeting hundreds of migrants personally while posing with them for selfies under light drizzle. Later, the pontiff hosted a luncheon for asylum-seekers and prisoners in the St. Petronius basilica. He even donned a yellow plastic ID bracelet used by asylum-seekers to express his solidarity with them.

“Do you know what you are? You are ‘warriors of hope’!” Francis exclaimed during his address to the many migrants present, urging them not to give in to disappointment or despair.

In his address, the Pope also offered his explanation of why he believes some people in Europe oppose mass migration, building on earlier statements in which he suggested that xenophobia was fueling people’s concerns.

Read moreFreemason Pope Francis (Petrus Romanus) Tells Migrants: ‘You Are Warriors of Hope’ – #MigrantCrisis, #NWO

The (Freemason) Kalergi Plan: The Sinister Plot To Genocide an Entire Race! Its Not a Secret Now! (Video)

Jan 27, 2017

There are not words to describe the desire of the most evil and vile beings on this earth to literally destroy an entire race. They have admitted it. The secret is out. The people have opened their eyes. You are seeing some of the most evil leaders, bankers, and people ever in World History. They have declared War against a race and a Belief! There is a dangerous Muslim and Immigration problem in the United States and Europe. Sadly, many people are unaware. Adults know what is on TV, they know what sports are on, but they are oblivious to the Muslim invasion! Soon, they will have no choice but to face it. We are In it! Wake Up! SHARE these videos. Please subscribe, I will have a Strong channel with diverse and meaningful content for people to learn. I do not ask for money, and I have nothing to sell you. I want to share the truth with my fellow men and women who have the Courage to hear it. Fair Use Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material. This material is made available for Educational, research, and news reporting purposes only. This constitutes a “fair use” of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law, which allows citizens to reproduce, distribute, or exhibit portions of copyrighted motion pictures or televised programming under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder.

H/t reader kevin a.

Der Plan heißt „Kalergi-Plan“ und ist bereits in vollem Gange!

Die Masseneinwanderung, Merkel und der Coudenhove-Kalergi-Plan

H/t reader U.W.

Rothschild Zionist Hypocrisy – Flooding Europe with Immigrants (Video)

Coudenhove-Kalergi Preis für:

2014: Jean-Claude Juncker, EU-Kommissionspräsident

2012: Herman Van Rompuy, Ex-Ratspräsident der EU

2010: Angela Merkel, Kanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Related info:

Predicted around 1950!!!

There also will be civil war in Europe….

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3):

“Everything calls peace, Schalom! Then it will occur – a new Middle East war suddenly flames up, big naval forces are facing hostiley in the Mediterranean – the situation is strained. But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkan: I see a “large one” falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him – then impact is on impact. …”

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The incredible (MASONIC) lunar TEMPLE: European space bosses reveal plan for 50m high ‘dome of contemplation’

The European Space Agency says the 50m high dome, close to a planned moonbase near to the moon’s south pole, would give the first settlers ‘a place of contemplation’.

The incredible lunar TEMPLE: European space bosses reveal plan for 50m high ‘dome of contemplation’

  • Perpetually sunlit peak close to the Moon’s south pole
  • Would be built on the sunlit rim of Shackleton Crater, near proposed lunar base
  • 50 m-high domed structure Temple will be ‘symbol of unity for humankind’ 

‘I’ve been having all sorts of discussions with my ACT colleagues, including speculating on the likely needs of future lunar settlers,’ said Jorge.

‘What kind of social interactions will they share, what cultural activities and rituals will they have, and what sort of art and artefacts will they be producing?

‘Humans have been creating art for at least 30 000 years, so I have no doubt this will continue in space and on the Moon.’

The temple would be built on the sunlit rim of Shackleton Crater, which is bathed much of the time in sunlight while overlooking a 4.2 km-deep interior mired in perpetual shadow.

The lunar poles have previously been identified as promising locations for future settlement because craters kept shaded by the lowness of the Sun in the local sky are thought to serve as ‘cold traps’ to preserve water ice, potentially a vital source of water, air or rocket fuel.

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Donald Trump, Illuminati, Zionists, New World Order [FULL DOCUMENTARY]


Trump is an elite puppet, like Obama, Bush and Clinton.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are both Rothschild puppets.


Rex Tillerson … ExxonMobil CEO

Gary Cohn … Goldman President.

Jamie Dimon … JPMorgan CEO

Billionaire Wilbur Ross made his money working for Rothschild, has an appartment in the same building as Evelyn de Rothschild & Henry Kissinger.

Steven Mnuchin … former Goldman partner, friend of George Soros and Skull & Bones member .

Steve Bannon … Goldman.

Anthony Scaramucci … Goldman.

Philantropist Betsy DeVos’ brother is Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater.

Kathleen McFarland … former aide to Kissinger, CFR member & a 150% Zionist.

Jeff Sessions … introduced the first bill to exempt fracking from drinking water rules

Trump takes advice from Kissinger and is a good friend of Benjamin Netanyahu aaand Why Did George Soros Forgive Donald Trump As Much As $312 MILLION In Debt For No Apparent Reason?

Read moreDonald Trump, Illuminati, Zionists, New World Order [FULL DOCUMENTARY]

Trump Represents, Just Like Hillary, The Establishment. He Is An Elite Puppet, A Freemason, Related To The Royal Family And Jesuit Trained. Trump And Hillary Are Distant Cousins.

From the article:

“In fact, Trump is nearly as much of an insider as Hillary.  And, consider this …

Trump is reportedly a high degree Freemason, one related to the royal family of UK.  His father and grandfather were high-level Freemasons… and as we pointed out recently, he is Jesuit trained.  The Jesuits are near the highest level of the proverbial pyramid.

He is also a very good friend to the Clinton family and to other Illuminati families as well. Do you really think he would have gotten so far without connections to the ruling class at every level? He is most likely a Trojan Horse.

Watch his speeches. He makes all the possible Masonic hand signs.  He flashes the 666 sign almost every few seconds.”

Related info:

Trump and Clinton are both Rothschild puppets.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed to be distant cousins as family trees show they share same set of royal ancestors


Dow Futures Down 777 Points As Trump Is Selected During Jubilee Time Period:

Donald Trump was selected as the new President of the US tonight and, just as we warned, markets are crashing.

As I write, Dow futures are currently down 777 points, the Japanese Nikkei is currently down 5%, bitcoin is up 3% to $730, gold is up 4% to near $1330 and silver is up 3% to nearly $19.

We have been saying all year to prepare for massive chaos and volatility to occur in the fall of 2016 – and this is why. The trends we watch are all pointing us in very specific directions. And those are not good ones.

The Biblical Jubilee year (an extension of the Shemitah year) ended in early October and the Catholic Jubilee year ends on November 20th. And, within that time period, a LOT has changed!

I stated earlier in the year that Killary had been selected.  But, I’ve been outspoken that something shifted in the last month.  It became clear the elites had decided to throw Killary under the bus and allow Trump to win.

Read moreTrump Represents, Just Like Hillary, The Establishment. He Is An Elite Puppet, A Freemason, Related To The Royal Family And Jesuit Trained. Trump And Hillary Are Distant Cousins.

… and when you’ve grown up, Angela, you will destroy the whole of Europe … und wenn Du groß bist, Angela, zerstörst Du ganz Europa

For your entertainment …


It’s probably just a coincidence …


… a lot of coincidences …









George Soros hand sign




Juncker hand sign 666















And NO, the following is not the “Go Horns” sign!

And please don’t tell me that of all people Obama, Cheney, the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Pope Benedict, Sarkozy etc. are flashing the sign for ‘LOVE’ in sign language.

Picture from the Satanic Bible
This is a handsign of the devil worshippers (goat horns).

Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto: this gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups.

Anton Lavey, Founder of the 'Church of Satan'
Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan





Hillary Rodham Clinton Satanic Handsign

















Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hand sign




















Justin Bieber-satanic handsign



Prince William-Satanic-handsign






Music Industry Satanism Satanic

Inverted cross:
Satanists inside, Illuminati puppets, Freemasons! Lots of them!




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Rothschild Puppet Donald Trump Wants Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee To Serve As Treasury Secretary


Goldman Sachs, George Soros, ….

And how many of you can guess Steven Mnuchin’s religious affiliation in under a second?

So Trump is a Rothschild puppet, just like Killary, …

Hillary Bill Clinton Evelyn de Rothschild

“Serving Lord Rothschild Great Again!”

More bullshit you can take a bath in coming your way America!

And of course Trump is also a Freemason, …


… just like Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Obama, G.W. Bush, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Hollande, Sarkozy, Vladimir Putin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin and Adolf Hitler, …

… which is why …

We Are On Our Own

Divide et impera!

PTB engineered migrant crisis, financial/economic collapse, civil war and WW3 coming to a place near you.

Flashback (further exposing Clinton and Trump):

Donald Trump … The Likud Trojan Horse

Trump Wins Over AIPAC Audience With Strong pro-Israel Stance (Haaretz)

Donald Trump At AIPAC: Hypnotic Gig Will Go Down In History

Donald Trump Picks Mike Pence As Vice President

Donald Trump: “We have to stay with Israel and stay with them big time” – “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

Hillary Clinton: “If I’m President, We Will Attack Iran … We Would Be Able To Totally Obliterate Them.” (= WW3)

Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria For Israel

Hillary Clinton At AIPAC: “One of the first things I’ll do in office is invite the Israeli prime minister to visit the White House”

Hillary Clinton: ‘America’s Commitment To Israel’s Security Is Rock Solid And Unwavering’


Donald Trump Endorses Netanyahu in New Video (VIDEO):

“I’m a big fan of Israel and frankly a strong Prime Minister is a strong Israel, and you truly have a great Prime Minister in Benjamin Netanyahu. There’s nobody like him, he’s a winner, he’s highly respected, he’s highly thought of by all,” Trump says. “Vote for Benjamin: terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.”

Trump’s Deck Of Jewish Cards (Video)

When Trump Makes A Deal (Video)

Israel is a creation of the Rothschilds, which is why Baron Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild is known as the “Father of the (Jewish) Settlement” (Avi ha-Yishuv).

Baron Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild

Trump Wants Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee To Serve As Treasury Secretary:

Six months ago, Steven Mnuchin became finance chair for the Trump campaign. Having succesfully helped to raise 10s of millions of dollars for the campaign, the former Goldman Sachs partner and Soros Fund management employee is now positioned for something much larger as Donald Trump reportedly told his aides today that he wants Mnuchin to serve as his Treasury Secretary.

Steven Mnuchin (PRNewsFoto/Relativity Media)
Steven Mnuchin (PRNewsFoto/Relativity Media)

Ironically, Trump has often criticized Clinton (and his former competitor Ted Cruz) for their links to the big banks:

“I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over him. Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,” Trump said in one debate.

But as we noted previously, he had no qualms, however, in hiring one of the most prominent Goldman alums to raise money for him.

Read moreRothschild Puppet Donald Trump Wants Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee To Serve As Treasury Secretary

Governments Preparing for Big Global Event: Putin is now Dismantling Russian Central Bank and alongside Rothschild the Petrodollar. Rothschild´s Hegelian War Dialectics at Work – Putin Appointed “King of Jews”, i.e. the World, by the NWO Pharisee Top?


H/t reader squodgy:

“You said it all along.I was hoping you were wrong.
You were right, we really are on our own.

Governments Preparing for Big Global Event: Putin is now Dismantling Russian Central Bank and alongside Rothschild the Petrodollar. Rothschild´s Hegelian War Dialectics at Work

Putin Appointed “King of Jews”, i.e. the World, by the NWO Pharisee Top?

Related info:

We Are On Our Own

The Prophecies Of Alois Irlmaier – The Roadmap To WW3 – The 3 Days Of Darkness (Worse Than WW3)

* * *


Masonic handshakes:

Read moreGovernments Preparing for Big Global Event: Putin is now Dismantling Russian Central Bank and alongside Rothschild the Petrodollar. Rothschild´s Hegelian War Dialectics at Work – Putin Appointed “King of Jews”, i.e. the World, by the NWO Pharisee Top?

Freemasonry linked to ‘police cover-up’ of Hillsborough disaster that left 96 dead

Freemasonry linked to ‘police cover-up’ of Hillsborough disaster that left 96 dead:

Freemasonry has been linked to allegations of a police cover-up concerning the Hillsborough disaster, as a decades-long battle for justice for the families of 96 people who died that fateful day rolls on.

Freemasons’ power and influence in Britain and allegations that Scotland Yard ran a “black propaganda unit” are being probed by two separate criminal inquiries due to come to a close by the end of 2016.

Read moreFreemasonry linked to ‘police cover-up’ of Hillsborough disaster that left 96 dead

The Illuminati And Their ‘One World Government’ Plans Exposed By Myron Fagan In 1967 (Video)



Vinyl rip from my personal collection. Best audio on the net.

This 3x LP record set documents the activities of a secret society known as The Illuminati, and their New World Order.

Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a “One World Government”.

Killuminati – The Movie



This is a documentary about political issues, the truth about 911, lying politicians, new world order, satanic government, ancient history & cultures, rituals, freemasonry, the illuminati, tv mind control & more..

Its all about being aware of what’s happening in our backyard, it’s time to wake up. We all have been asleep for too long. The truth will set us free 😉

I’m really sorry for the super annoying “clicking” noises, it was there before I compiled it, so it’s not my bad 😉

Eustace Mullins: Murder By Money (Video)

Eustace Mullins has been called ‘the most dangerous man in America.’

The Illuminati (the Rothschild’s and the 12 other elite families) were behind the French revolution, the Russian revolution, WW I, WW II and they have planned WW III for us.