The Jeffrey Epstein Network: People And Activity Connected To Jeffrey Epstein, Government And Organized Crime

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The Saudi Purge And The Rothschild NWO And The Saudi Oil (Video)

The Saudi Royal Family were Khazars, just like the Rothschilds.


The Saudi Purge and the Rothschild NWO and the Saudi Oil:

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Stunning 1967 Dissertation Warns Infiltration of Rothschild Luciferians in US Government

Related info:

Insider Exposed NEW WORLD ORDER Plans In 1969 (MP3 & Transcipt)

Stunning 1967 Dissertation Warns Infiltration of Rothschild Luciferians in US Government

H/t reader squodgy:

“The Rothschild Illuminati Conspiracy is now over 250 years old.”

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NATO-Russia War Seen As Top “Conflict” Risk For 2017 By CFR

NATO-Russia War Seen As Top “Conflict” Risk For 2017 By CFR:

The Council on Foreign Relations yesterday released its annual Preventive Priorities Survey, which evaluates ongoing and potential conflict flashpoints based on their likelihood of occurring in the coming year and their impact on U.S. interests.

A NATO-Russia confrontation has been deemed a top risk by by the CFR survey, conducted by foreign policy experts. This placed it alongside the risk of a nuclear crisis with North Korea, a highly disruptive cyberattack, and a severe terrorist attack on the US among the events with the highest impact on the US.

Read moreNATO-Russia War Seen As Top “Conflict” Risk For 2017 By CFR

Shocking: Trump Fills Cabinet With Council on Foreign Relations War Hawks (Video)


Shocking: Trump Fills Cabinet With Council on Foreign Relations War Hawks (Video)

H/t reader squodgy:

“So, that’s that then! Status Quo.

No change. A total load of campaign bollocks.

And the Jill Stein issue only makes the point that they have successfully divided the country.”

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Meet Heidi Cruz (Ted Cruz’s Wife): Region Head For Goldman Sachs And Former Member Of The CFR

Heidi Cruz And Ted Cruz

According to Wikipedia:

In 2003, she worked for the Bush administration on economic policy.[1][11] Eventually becoming the director for the Western Hemisphere on the National Security Council under National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice in 2003.[1][10][12] She left Washington DC in 2004 to support her husband’s run for elective office in Texas.[13] In 2005, she joined Goldman Sachs, serving as a private wealth manager[14] and is currently the Region Head for the Southwest Region in the Investment Management Division of Goldman Sachs in Houston.[1][10][15] She had served as vice president for seven years before the promotion in 2013.[16] She took a leave of absence without pay for her husband’s 2016 presidential campaign.[13]

Read moreMeet Heidi Cruz (Ted Cruz’s Wife): Region Head For Goldman Sachs And Former Member Of The CFR

The Illuminati And Their ‘One World Government’ Plans Exposed By Myron Fagan In 1967 (Video)



Vinyl rip from my personal collection. Best audio on the net.

This 3x LP record set documents the activities of a secret society known as The Illuminati, and their New World Order.

Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a “One World Government”.

The New World Order, Illuminati & Rothschilds Exposed (Video)

 Amazing speech by Myron Fagan a Jewish man who totally exposes the New World Order from it’s beginnings to what they have planned for the future.

Read moreThe New World Order, Illuminati & Rothschilds Exposed (Video)

Ray Dalio: “If You Don’t Own Gold, You Either Don’t Know History Or Economics”

–  Ray Dalio: “If You Don’t Own Gold, You Either Don’t Know History Or Economics” (ZeroHedge, May 14, 2015):

Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio explains in under 120 seconds why everyone should allocate some of their portfolio to gold

“If you dont own gold…there is no sensible reason other than you dont know history or you dont know the economics of it…”

Of course, few ‘status quo’ believers will pay heed to the $150 billion AUM fund manager, despite his imploring that to be successful, “Think Independently, Stay Humble”

Willem ‘Gold-Is-A-6000-Year-Bubble’ Buiter Joins Council on Foreign Relations As Senior Fellow

Willem “Gold-Is-A-6000-Year-Bubble” Buiter Joins Council on Foreign Relations As Senior Fellow (ZeroHedge, Dec 9, 2014):

Less than two weeks after penning his “gold-is-a-6000-year-old bubble” propaganda, which understandably did not include the following chart…


… Citigroup’s Willem Buiter was just made an honorary member of the Council of Foreign Relations.

Distinguished Economist Willem Buiter Joins CFR as Senior Fellow

December 9, 2014—Willem H. Buiter, a renowned macroeconomist and global chief economist at Citigroup, has joined the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as an adjunct senior fellow. His work will focus on geoeconomics, deglobalization, international financial institutions, and global economic governance.

“We are thrilled to have someone of Willem Buiter’s experience and reputation joining CFR,” said CFR President Richard N. Haass. “His presence will make an already strong economics program that much stronger.”

Read moreWillem ‘Gold-Is-A-6000-Year-Bubble’ Buiter Joins Council on Foreign Relations As Senior Fellow

The Council Of Foreign Relations Apologizes For The ‘Greenspan Glitch’


Related info:

Alan Greenspan’s Stunning Admission: ‘Gold Is Currency; No Fiat Currency, Including The Dollar, Can Match It’

Alan Greenspan: QE Failed To Help The Economy, The Unwind Will Be Painful, ‘Buy Gold’

The Council Of Foreign Relations Apologizes For The “Greenspan Glitch” (ZeroHedge, Nov 10, 2014):

Last week, we brought to the public’s attention a controversial ‘missing’ section from the official transcript of Alan Greenspan’s interview last with the Council of Foreign Relations where he dared utter his honest opinion that, Gold is a currency. It is still, by all evidence, a premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it.” Well, it turns out the reason for the practically heterical section’s omission was “a glitch in the live stream” and CFR has apologized and posted the full transcript. Interesting coincidence that this gold-loving, Bernanke-denying section was the only one to be hit by the ‘glitch’; we are confident it’s mere coincidence…

New York Times: ‘In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis’ – And Yes, There Is More …

In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis ( The New York Times, Oct 26, 2014):

WASHINGTON — In the decades after World War II, the C.I.A. and other United States agencies employed at least a thousand Nazis as Cold War spies and informants and, as recently as the 1990s, concealed the government’s ties to some still living in America, newly disclosed records and interviews show.

At the height of the Cold War in the 1950s, law enforcement and intelligence leaders like J. Edgar Hoover at the F.B.I. and Allen Dulles at the C.I.A. aggressively recruited onetime Nazis of all ranks as secret, anti-Soviet “assets,” declassified records show. They believed the ex-Nazis’ intelligence value against the Russians outweighed what one official called “moral lapses” in their service to the Third Reich.

Read moreNew York Times: ‘In Cold War, U.S. Spy Agencies Used 1,000 Nazis’ – And Yes, There Is More …

CFR: Syrian Rebels Need Al-Qaeda Now

Al-Qaeda’s Specter in Syria (Council On Foreign Relations, Aug 6, 2012):

The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without al-Qaeda in their ranks. By and large, Free Syrian Army (FSA) battalions are tired, divided, chaotic, and ineffective. Feeling abandoned by the West, rebel forces are increasingly demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime’s superior weaponry and professional army. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve morale. The influx of jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and most importantly, deadly results. In short, the FSA needs al-Qaeda now.

Read moreCFR: Syrian Rebels Need Al-Qaeda Now

The US wants to start a war with Russia

The US wants to start a war with Russia (Darkmoon, Sep 6, 2014):

JB CAMPBELL interview on PressTV

The interviewer asked: “What about this ceasefire in Ukraine?” Here is JB Campbell’s answer in full:


I don’t think the ceasefire will last. America won’t let it last.

The private Rockefeller group called the Council on Foreign Relations in New York picked the Ukrainian gangsters, Yatsenyuk and Poroshenko, as provocateurs to create a war against Russia. So far, it hasn’t worked but they won’t stop.

Maybe even Americans are realizing that the Obama gangsters are taking us to war with Russia, totally against our will. This disaster cannot be fixed in Ukraine or Iraq or your country or Syria or Palestine, it can only be fixed in New York and Washington, by Americans.

What we’re witnessing is the Brzezinski doctrine in action, which is the destruction of Russia and regime change. Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CIA created al-Qaaeda in Afghanistan in ’79 to destroy the Soviet Union, which it did.

Now al-Qaeda has become ISIS, which is headed by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who we now learn is actually an Israeli named Elliot Shimon.

Real Muslims do not wage war on their own people and leave Israel and America alone! That alone is proof that all this mass murder is run by the CIA and Mossad.


Read moreThe US wants to start a war with Russia

It Begins: Council On Foreign Relations Proposes That ‘Central Banks Should Hand Consumers Cash Directly’

From the article:

“Rather than trying to spur private-sector spending through asset purchases or interest-rate changes, central banks, such as the Fed, should hand consumers cash directly…. Central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, have taken aggressive action, consistently lowering interest rates such that today they hover near zero. They have also pumped trillions of dollars’ worth of new money into the financial system. Yet such policies have only fed a damaging cycle of booms and busts, warping incentives and distorting asset prices, and now economic growth is stagnating while inequality gets worse. It’s well past time, then, for U.S. policymakers — as well as their counterparts in other developed countries — to consider a version of Friedman’s helicopter drops. In the short term, such cash transfers could jump-start the economy…  The transfers wouldn’t cause damaging inflation, and few doubt that they would work. The only real question is why no government has tried them”…

It Begins: Council On Foreign Relations Proposes That “Central Banks Should Hand Consumers Cash Directly”  (ZeroHedge, Aug 26, 2014):

… A broad-based tax cut, for example, accommodated by a program of open-market purchases to alleviate any tendency for interest rates to increase, would almost certainly be an effective stimulant to consumption and hence to prices. Even if households decided not to increase consumption but instead re-balanced their portfolios by using their extra cash to acquire real and financial assets, the resulting increase in asset values would lower the cost of capital and improve the balance sheet positions of potential borrowers. A money-financed tax cut is essentially equivalent to Milton Friedman’s famous “helicopter drop” of money

Ben Bernanke, Deflation: Making Sure “It” Doesn’t Happen Here, November 21, 2002


A year ago, when it became abundantly clear that all of the Fed’s attempts to boost the economy have failed, leading instead to a record divergence between the “1%” who were benefiting from the Fed’s aritficial inflation of financial assets, and everyone else (a topic that would become one of the most discussed issues of 2014) and with no help coming from a hopelessly broken Congress (who can forget the infamous plea by a desperate Wall Street lobby-funding recipient “Get to work Mr. Chariman”), we wrote that “Bernanke’s Helicopter Is Warming Up.”

Read moreIt Begins: Council On Foreign Relations Proposes That ‘Central Banks Should Hand Consumers Cash Directly’

9/11 Conspiracy Solved (Documentary)

Added: Apr 21, 2013


9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Watch this documentary and look for the evidence and then make up your own mind whether or not 9/11 was an inside job.

Special thanks to Michael C. Ruppert, Mark H. Gaffney, and Kevin Ryan for their amazing research, as they tried to solve the crimes of 9/11. This video is a compilation of evidence they have uncovered.

Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda (Video)



In 2002 one of Dr. Rima E. Laibow’s patients, a head of state, told her:

“It’s almost time for the great culling to begin.”

Dr. Rima E. Laibow’s husband is Albert “Bert” Newton Stubblebine III a retired Major General in the United States Army. He was the commanding general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army.

Added: 2. April 2010

“The WHO Is A Private Corporation Just Like The Federal Reserve And Receives More Than Two Thirds of Its Funding From The Pharmaceutical Industry.”

As a side note: I would have preferred that she would have said that men and women should be educated to make a difference in their community.

In case you don’t believe what she says about the swine flu vaccine, see this:

Read moreDr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda (Video)

Henry Kissinger Quotes On Depopulation And …

“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries”.
– Henry Kissinger

“World population needs to be decreased by 50%”.
– Henry Kissinger

“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac,” and “The elderly are useless eaters”.
– Henry Kissinger

Read moreHenry Kissinger Quotes On Depopulation And …

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda (Veterans Today)

The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda (Veterans Today, June 17, 2013):

by Dean Henderson

While the global elite construct underground bunkers, eat organic and hoard seeds in Arctic vaults; the global poor are being slowly starved thanks to high commodity prices and poisoned with genetically modified (GMO) food. Austerity measures aimed largely at the poor are being imposed on all the nations of the world. Weather events grow more deadly and brushfire wars more frequent. An AK-47 can be obtained for $49 in the markets of West Africa. The depopulation campaign of the inbred Illuminati bankers is accelerating.

In 1957 President Dwight Eisenhower, who later warned of a “military-industrial complex”, commissioned a panel of scientists to study the issue of overpopulation.  The scientists put forth Alternatives I, II and III, advocating both the release of deadly viruses and perpetual warfare as means to decrease world population.

Read moreThe Illuminati Depopulation Agenda (Veterans Today)

Timothy Geithner Joins The Council of Foreign Relations As ‘Tireless And Creative Practitioner And Thinker’

Tim Geithner Joins CFR As “Tireless And Creative Practitioner And Thinker” (ZeroHedge, Feb 6, 2013):

Well that didn’t take long. It appears spending time with the family is over-rated (or perhaps they couldn’t stand him either) as Turbo Timmy has landed his first post-Treasury gig (Citi next?). The Council of Foreign Relations has graciously brought this “tireless and creative” thinker on board as a Distinguished Fellow. His role… “to strengthen their capacity to produce thoughtful analysis of issues at the intersection of economic, political, and strategic developments.” We assume this is his gracious ‘giving back’ phase before six-months down the line slithering over to the big bucks at a bank when he suspects no one will be looking…The mutual adoration society continues..

Read moreTimothy Geithner Joins The Council of Foreign Relations As ‘Tireless And Creative Practitioner And Thinker’