On the same day that 17 students and staff were killed in a Florida high school shooting, nearly 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications. Yet no one cried a single tear, and the (pharma-funded) news didn’t even mention the tragedy.
When children are killed by guns, the news is emotionally multiplied with pseudojournalism “theatrics” to push for gun control while ignoring the far more devastating causes of preventable death in America. You see, while the Florida school shooting happened just once, the deaths of hundreds of Americans from FDA-approved prescription medications goes on every single day, without pause.
That’s why, according to scientific research, at least 106,000 Americans are killed each year by legal medications which are prescribed by licensed doctors. (Source: “Death By Medicine” analysis.)
Chemotherapy kills an estimated 2,700 people every day across the globe
The website PharmaDeathClock.com counts the number of people killed by toxic medicine every day, both in America and around the world. According to the site, chemotherapy alone kills an estimated 2700 people every day around the world. (See the Chemo Kills website for more details.)