From the article:
FDA spokesman Noah Bartolucci told BBC News that the “FDA plans to review the new research on lead levels in imported rice released today”.
“As part of an ongoing and proactive effort to monitor and address contaminants in food traded internationally, FDA chairs an international working group to review current international standards for lead in selected commodities, including rice, and to revise, if necessary, maximum lead levels under the… Codex Alimentarius,” he said.
Codex Alimentarius!
As a side note:
If you give rats a LD1 (Lethal dose killing 1% of the rats) of mercury … 1% of the rats die.
If you give rats a LD1 (Lethal dose killing 1% of the rats) of lead … 1% of the rats die.
How many rats will die if you give them a LD1 of mercury AND a LD1 of lead?
Take a guess!
Answer: ALL OF THEM!!!

The researchers found the highest levels of lead in rice from China and Taiwan
– US rice imports ‘contain harmful levels of lead’ (BBC News, April 10, 2013):
Analysis of commercially available rice imported into the US has revealed it contains levels of lead far higher than regulations suggest are safe.
Some samples exceeded the “provisional total tolerable intake” (PTTI) set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by a factor of 120.
The report at the American Chemical Society Meeting adds to the already well-known issue of arsenic in rice.
The FDA told the BBC it would review the research.
Lead is known to be harmful to many organs and the central nervous system.
Read more(Not Only) US Rice Imports Contain Very High Levels Of Lead, Some Samples Exceed PTTI By A Factor Of 120