“Health Canada” Is Moving Forward With A Plan To Stop The Sale Of ALL Natural Health Supplements That Will Shut Down All Natural Healthcare Practitioners & The Naturopathic Industry For Good

‘CODEX Alimentarius’ coming to all countries in the United Nations…

(I’ve been warning you about this since 2008.)


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Codex Alimentarius : Control The Food, Control The People

Codex Alimentarius : Control The Food, Control The People:

Written by: Wally Paul


The UN plan to eradicate organic farming & to destroy the Natural Health Industry.

“Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship . . . denying equal privileges. All such laws are un-American and despotic . . . “ Benjamin Rush, Physician, Signer of Declaration of Independence

-”If you control the food supply, you control the people” – Henry Kissinger

The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “food code” or “food book”) is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety. Its name derives from the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus. Its texts are developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body that was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Commission’s main aims are stated as being to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the international food trade. The Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization, (The United States of America has been a WTO member since January 1, 1995) as an international reference point for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection.

Codex has been around for a long time. It is very important to understand and most Americans have no idea what it is about. Most Americans do not know about bill S510. This bill is the instrument they are using to implement Codex in America. The media does not talk about these things. S 510 and the implementation of Codex will do more harm to our American way of life and our health than anything else. Bill S510 is a WMD. This is all part of the eugenics agenda as described on the Georgia Guidestones. (Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature, the first Guidestone principle).

Read moreCodex Alimentarius : Control The Food, Control The People

We Become Silent – The Last Days Of Health Freedom (Video)


International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. ‘We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom’ details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies — in concert with the WTO, the WHO and others — to limit the public’s access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies.

‘We Become Silent’ is narrated by Dame Judi Dench, the noted UK actress who has won multiple Golden Globe awards, an Oscar, and a Tony for her on-stage work, in addition to dozens of other honors throughout her prestigious career.

Agenda 21: The Depopulation Agenda For A New World Order (Video)

Australian politician Ann Bressington exposes Agenda 21, starting at 1:03:55 into the video:

At 1:05:05: ‘That’s the origin of global warming, ladies and gentlemen.”

Aug 31, 2013


Read moreAgenda 21: The Depopulation Agenda For A New World Order (Video)

(Not Only) US Rice Imports Contain Very High Levels Of Lead, Some Samples Exceed PTTI By A Factor Of 120

From the article:

FDA spokesman Noah Bartolucci told BBC News that the “FDA plans to review the new research on lead levels in imported rice released today”.

“As part of an ongoing and proactive effort to monitor and address contaminants in food traded internationally, FDA chairs an international working group to review current international standards for lead in selected commodities, including rice, and to revise, if necessary, maximum lead levels under the… Codex Alimentarius,” he said.

Codex Alimentarius!

As a side note:

If you give rats a LD1 (Lethal dose killing 1% of the rats) of mercury … 1% of the rats die.

If you give rats a LD1 (Lethal dose killing 1% of the rats) of lead … 1% of the rats die.

How many rats will die if you give them a LD1 of mercury AND a LD1 of lead?

Take a guess!

Answer: ALL OF THEM!!!

The researchers found the highest levels of lead in rice from China and Taiwan

US rice imports ‘contain harmful levels of lead’ (BBC News, April 10, 2013):

Analysis of commercially available rice imported into the US has revealed it contains levels of lead far higher than regulations suggest are safe.

Some samples exceeded the “provisional total tolerable intake” (PTTI) set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by a factor of 120.

The report at the American Chemical Society Meeting adds to the already well-known issue of arsenic in rice.

The FDA told the BBC it would review the research.

Lead is known to be harmful to many organs and the central nervous system.

Read more(Not Only) US Rice Imports Contain Very High Levels Of Lead, Some Samples Exceed PTTI By A Factor Of 120

Stealth Codex Alimentarius Regulations Postponed In US … For Now

Stealth Codex Alimentarius Regulations Postponed in US … For Now (Activist Post, Jan 13, 2013):

The recently shelved New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) draft guidelines proposed by the FDA has been the subject of much concern by natural health supplement manufacturers and consumers ever since the announcement was made by the agency in early 2011.

The guidelines, which were published in the Federal Register, would have clarified some definitions of terms, changed requirements for “new” supplement introduction and manufacture, and a host of other more minor, but important, tweaks in previous FDA policy.

Read moreStealth Codex Alimentarius Regulations Postponed In US … For Now

UPDATE: Results of Codex Alimentarius Meetings 2012, In Frankfurt, Germany

From the article:

“Dr. Henry Kissinger himself wrote: “Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.” Apparently America is the new ‘third World.’”

UPDATE: Results of Codex Alimentarius Meetings 2012, In Frankfurt, Germany (The Sleuth Journal, Dec 25, 2012):

Codex Alimentarius is One Big Football Game

Codex Alimentarius is a UN-sponsored concept and organization, which – under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – creates food standards and guidelines used in international trade. In 1994, the World Trade Organization (WTO) replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) with actual trade-sanction power to enforce Codex and other standards and guidelines. Not surprisingly, Codex took on an entirely new importance.

Now nearly 300 of us – Country delegates and International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_nongovernmental_organization) – were involved in Germany this December in a playoff where inches of dry but crucial script would gain the yardage of victory or bitter defeat. This was the 34th session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), alias “Malnutrition Meeting,” in frigid Bad Soden, Germany the first week of December 2012, where the National Health Federation sought to make its own gains and preserve our health freedoms.

Read moreUPDATE: Results of Codex Alimentarius Meetings 2012, In Frankfurt, Germany

WAR ON HEALTH – The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny (Documentary)


“We Are In A Perfect Storm.”

YouTube Added: 03.07.2012


Progressive Radio Network presents
A Gary Null Production
WAR ON HEALTH: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny
Introduced by the director (from his speech at the world premiere in New York City, June 15, 2012)

In the near future, American medical practice may change dramatically for the worse. No longer will maximal dose natural supplements—vitamins, natural compounds, and scientifically proven medicinal herbs—be available over the counter in local health and grocery stores. Holistic practice, which relies upon non-prescription natural treatments instead of Big Pharma drugs prescribed life-long, will diminish. American healthcare will be imprisoned, patients will be forced to abide by a single medical paradigm defined by corporate drug and food executives and dictated by a government enforcement agency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is the bleak scenario if the FDA succeeds in limiting Americans’ options to prevent and treat diseases.

‘War on Health’ is the first documentary detailing and challenging the FDA agenda and its allegiance with the international Codex Alimentarius, which hopes to establish a monolithic food and health regime. Betraying its founding mandate to assure drug, food and chemical safety in the interests of public health, the FDA today is a repressive bureaucracy serving pharmaceutical and agricultural greed and profits. Vaccines, medical devices, prescription drugs are fast tracked at alarming rates through the FDA at the expense of scientific oversight to assure their efficacy and safety.

The result is hundreds of thousands premature deaths annually from pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and medical devices and an epidemic of medical incompetence and fraud sanctioned by federal health officials.

Read moreWAR ON HEALTH – The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny (Documentary)

Proposed ‘Natural Health Products Bill’ In New Zealand Would Fine Individuals $50,000 For Making A Cup Of Unapproved Herbal Tea


Proposed ‘Natural Health Products Bill’ in New Zealand would fine individuals $50,000 for making a cup of unapproved herbal tea (Natural News, April 10, 2012):

The health freedom of New Zealanders is under very serious threat, as the federal government there pushes to pass a bill known as the Natural Health Products Bill (NHPB), or Bill 324-1, that will bring the nation into compliance with the overbearing and authoritarian food and health restrictions found in Codex Alimentarius, the so-called world food code.

If passed, NHPB will combine with the equally-threatening New Zealand Food Bill (http://www.naturalnews.com) to make it essentially illegal for individuals to even prepare for themselves, let alone try to sell, herbal products and teas, vitamins and supplements, or any other natural products that are not explicitly approved by the government as acceptable.

Overturning the common law principles of freedom that have triumphed in New Zealand for centuries, Bill 324-1 will require that all herbal remedies, traditional treatments, homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements first be approved — and very strictly regulated — by the government before being allowed to be sold or even prepared for one’s own personal use.

“The system will, for the first time in New Zealand, introduce risk-based regulation of natural health products,” says Bill 324-1. In simple terms, this means that natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, and all other nutrients used to promote health and prevent disease will be subject to the same corrupt regulatory approval process that pharmaceutical drugs are, which will in turn make it difficult or even impossible for New Zealanders to access many of these products in the future.

Bill 324-1, Codex Alimentarius, and the world takeover of food and health

Read moreProposed ‘Natural Health Products Bill’ In New Zealand Would Fine Individuals $50,000 For Making A Cup Of Unapproved Herbal Tea

MANIAC FASCISM: New Zealand Food Bill To Make Growing Food A Government Privilege Rather Than A Human Right

NZ food bill to make growing food a government privilege rather than a human right (Natural News, Dec. 7, 2011):

The God-given human right to freely cultivate food is under attack in New Zealand (NZ) as special interest groups and others are currently attempting to push a “food security” bill through the nation’s parliament that will strip individuals of their right to grow food, save seeds, and even share the fruits of their labor with friends and family members.

In accordance with the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Codex Alimentarius scheme for global food control, the NZ Food Bill, if passed, will essentially transfer primary control of food from individuals to corporations under the guise of food safety. And unless massive public outcry and awakened consciences within the NZ government are able to put a stop to it, the bill could become law very soon.

According to NZ Food Security, a group working to protect the food freedom of New Zealanders, the bill will turn growing and sharing food into a government-granted privilege rather than a human right. It will also make it illegal to distribute any type of food based on the bill’s language. This includes seeds, nutrients, natural medicines, minerals, and even water — without expressed government permission.

You see, agribusiness giants like Monsanto want full control of the food supply, which means putting an end to small-scale agriculture systems that operate “off the grid,” so to speak. This is why they have worked so hard in places like the US to convert conventional, staple crop systems to genetically-modified (GM) ones that are continually reliant upon new seeds and chemical interventions.

As far as enforcement, the NZ bill also authorizes private companies to deploy “Food Safety Officers” that can raid private property without warrant. Not only will these “Food Safety Officers” be permitted to draw weapons against those they are pursuing, but they will also be immune from criminal and civil prosecution for their illegal actions.

Read moreMANIAC FASCISM: New Zealand Food Bill To Make Growing Food A Government Privilege Rather Than A Human Right

The FDA Trilateral Cooperation Charter – The End Of Health Freedom As We Know It

“The Trilateral Cooperation Charter would allow the FDA to take part in a tyrannical regulatory scheme spanning the USA, Mexico and Canada, where many vitamins are outlawed and dietary supplements are severely restricted.

Read more about this latest threat to food freedom, which will undoubtedly criminalize raw milk too!”

–  Natural News

FDA Trilateral Cooperation Charter – the end of health freedom as we know it (Natural News, Oct. 17, 2011):

As horrific as the recent US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) guidelines are for health freedom (http://www.naturalnews.com/033482_F…), they are not necessarily the worst threat currently on the regulatory horizon. Far off the radar of most in the natural health community is the quietly-developing North American Trilateral Cooperation Charter (TCC), which threatens to merge the dietary supplement regulation guidelines of the US, Mexico, and Canada into a single, highly-restrictive regulatory paradigm.

The “Food & Nutrition” section of Health Canada’s “International Activities” website explains that TCC, which was officially signed by representatives from seven food, drug, health, and trade agencies of the three North American countries, is designed to “improve product safety” and “promote public health.” This is done by “facilitat[ing] the communication, collaboration, leveraging of resources, and the exchange of information on issues of mutual interest among the three countries” (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/intact…).

There are many problems with such a cooperative arrangement, but one specific area of particular concern is the document’s references concerning the collaboration of product regulation among the three countries. In the summary, Health Canada states that collaboration under TCC is “intended to cover all products,” including “dietary supplements, natural health products, and food.”

Read moreThe FDA Trilateral Cooperation Charter – The End Of Health Freedom As We Know It

And Now: Fascist FDA Says Walnuts Are Drugs!

Here is how the FDA pharma whores get things done

Huge Pharma Scam Unveiled: FDA Approved Drugs With No Scientific Data!

…and viciously attack all potential competition for Big Pharma:

FDA Accuses Supplement Manufacturers of…Selling Drugs?

See also:

Shocking FDA SWAT-Style Raid: As many As 80 Armed Agents Invade Maxam Nutraceutics And Steal All Natural Health Products, Company Documents, Even Personal Files and Computers

Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA (New American,  July 21, 2011):

Seen any walnuts in your medicine cabinet lately? According to the Food and Drug Administration, that is precisely where you should find them. Because Diamond Foods made truthful claims about the health benefits of consuming walnuts that the FDA didn’t approve, it sent the company a letter declaring, “Your walnut products are drugs” — and “new drugs” at that — and, therefore, “they may not legally be marketed … in the United States without an approved new drug application.” The agency even threatened Diamond with “seizure” if it failed to comply.

Diamond’s transgression was to make “financial investments to educate the public and supply them with walnuts,” as William Faloon of Life Extension magazine put it. On its website and packaging, the company stated that the omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts have been shown to have certain health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. These claims, Faloon notes, are well supported by scientific research: “Life Extension has published 57 articles that describe the health benefits of walnuts”; and “The US National Library of Medicine database contains no fewer than 35 peer-reviewed published papers supporting a claim that ingesting walnuts improves vascular health and may reduce heart attack risk.”

This evidence was apparently not good enough for the FDA, which told Diamond that its walnuts were “misbranded” because the “product bears health claims that are not authorized by the FDA.”

The FDA’s letter continues: “We have determined that your walnut products are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs because these products are intended for use in the prevention, mitigation, and treatment of disease.” Furthermore, the products are also “misbranded” because they “are offered for conditions that are not amenable to self-diagnosis and treatment by individuals who are not medical practitioners; therefore, adequate directions for use cannot be written so that a layperson can use these drugs safely for their intended purposes.” Who knew you had to have directions to eat walnuts?

The FDA’s language,” Faloon writes, “resembles that of an out-of-control police state where tyranny [reigns] over rationality.” He adds:

Read moreAnd Now: Fascist FDA Says Walnuts Are Drugs!

FDA Accuses Supplement Manufacturers of…Selling Drugs?

All Infinite Unknown readers that have watched the videos on Codex alimentarius knew that this would happen eventually.

Misleading claims vs. legitimate science—getting to the truth can be a minefield! Which is why the Free Speech about Science Act is so important.

The US Food and Drug Administration recently sent warning letters to manufacturers of a number of products—MedaVir, Herpaflor, Viruxo Anti-Viral Support, C-Cure, and Never an Outbreak—for making health claims about treating or preventing sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes.

According to the FDA press release, “While some of the companies market these products as dietary supplements, these products are all drug products under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), as they are offered for the treatment of disease. These drug products, which are offered for the treatment of STDs, may not be introduced into interstate commerce without an FDA-approved new drug application (NDA).”

Read moreFDA Accuses Supplement Manufacturers of…Selling Drugs?

Herbal Remedies Banned As New (Codex Alimentarius) EU Rules Take Effect

I informed you about this situation before:

Hundreds of Herbal Medicine Products to be Outlawed Across EU in Early 2011

Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU, Big Pharma Wins

EU Legislation Puts An End To Herbal Medicine As We Know It

Notice how the MSM leaves out Codex alimentarius in their reports below!

From the Codex alimentarius website:

The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme.

And here is why I am telling you this:

“The WHO Is A Private Corporation Just Like The Federal Reserve And Receives More Than Two Thirds of Its Funding From The Pharmaceutical Industry.”
– Dr. Rima Laibow

The fascist New World Order health inquisition at work!

And those elitists who run your governments, the big corporations (incl. Big Pharma), the MSM and the central banks are about to take away what is left from your freedom and they will only stop when there is NOTHING left.

Think this will not affect you? The coming greatest financial collapse in world history created by the elitists, the Greatest Depression, will affect everyone.

We and our children will live in Orwell’s ‘1984’ if we don’t stop them and even more important create alternatives that do not include them NOW.

(Read the comment from Nicola Spencer and visit http://www.avaaz.org/en/eu_herbal_medicine_ban/?copy)


Herbal remedies banned as new EU rules take effect (Guardian):

New EU rules came into force at the weekend banning hundreds of herbal remedies. The laws are aimed at protecting consumers from potentially damaging “traditional” medicines.

Herbal medicines banned as EU directive comes into force (Daily Mail):

Patients have lost access to hundreds of herbal medicines today, after European regulations came into force.

Sales of all herbal remedies, except for a small number of popular products for ‘mild’ illness such as echinacea for colds and St John’s Wort for depression have been banned.

For the first time traditional products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner.
Both herbal remedy practitioners and manufacturers fear they could be forced out of business as a result.

Health shops’ fear over EU ban on herbal medicines (Herald Scotland):

CONSUMERS will no longer be able to buy certain herbal medicines over the counter from tomorrow as a European directive regulating their sale comes into force.

EU crackdown on herbal ‘remedies’ (Irish Independent):

From April 30 many herbal products will begin to disappear from the shelves of Ireland’s 300 herbal outlets following an EU directive which will regulate medicinal herbs in the same way as pharmaceutical products.

News Analysis: TCM global presence challenged by EU herbal directive (Xinhua):

BRUSSELS, April 29 (Xinhua) — As Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is expanding its presence in the global market, a disputed European Union (EU) herbal directive to be fully implemented on Sunday could be a stumbling block on the road.

Starting from May 1, herbal medicinal products, most of which have been sold as food supplements for decades in the EU market, will no longer be allowed unless they have obtained a medicine license, according to the EU Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive adopted in 2004.

The directive introduced a so-called simplified registration procedure with a seven-year transition period for traditional herbal medicinal products to be licensed, including Chinese and Indian traditional medicines.

However, as the transition period is to expire on Saturday, no single Chinese herbal medicinal product has been granted the license.

“For the time being, we can only stock as many herbal medicinal products from China as we can,” said Professor Lin Bin, director of a well-known TCM clinic in the Netherlands.

Croatia´s herbalists fearful of EU directive on alternative medicine (Croatian Times):

Croatian natural medicines producers have been anxious over the European Union directive that has just taken effect and which regulates traditional medicinal products.

2004/24/EC bans teas and other herbal remedies to be sold as medicine but rather as food or food supplements, regulated by Codex alimentarius.

The Codex has been accepted by 120 countries around the world including Croatia, and prescribes that these products must be scientifically controlled for about a decade.
Research of one such product costs around 100,000 Euros, the daily Jutarnji List writes.

These developments have made some of Croatia’s herbalists anxious as to how this could affect their livelihood.

Vedran Korounic, the president of the Croatian Society for Natural Medicine says that no country is obligated to accept everything from the Codex. If Croatia does not adopt a law banning the sale of herbs as medicines, no significant changes would take place.

European Union directive to ban natural remedies in favor of pharmaceuticals (allvoices):

On April 30, 2011, natural healing remedies made of herbs and plants are going to be banned by a directive from the European Union, leaving pharmaceutical products as the primary option for patients .

The directive, called the THMPD (Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive) seeks to not just ban the use of herbal remedies but to actually criminalize them — making the growing or keeping of herbs for use in teas just as illegal as those for less conventional use.

The use of traditional and herbal remedies has already been banned in Canada.

According to the Alliance for Natural Health, the EU, in a pact with Big Pharma, hopes to force the use of pharmaceutical products no matter whether they are truly the right choice for your situation.

On the other hand, proponents claim they are attempting to protect the naive from shoddily produced ‘snake-oil’ elixirs and medicines. They claim that herbal remedies will still be available but that they will simply be safer.

Herbal remedies are used throughout the world and have been in use since the beginning of history.

This proposed ban is seen by the ANH as a direct attack on your right to seek alternative medicine for yourself or your family, the motive being to force your money into the pockets of big pharmaceutical companies.

The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) is at the forefront of a massive effort to stop what they deem ‘this unprecedented attack’ on the rights of patients. The ANH is taking legal action against this directive, with the assistance of the European Benefyt Foundation (EBF).

Between them they have already managed to raise 90,000 pounds to fight the court case, but they’re requesting your help, too. Because, they say, if people don’t cry out in protest, it will be seen as agreement of the ban, or as lack of interest, which is why a citizens action group has been formed and has been circulating a petition to counter the THMPD Directive.

If the ban is allowed to take effect, the ANH says it will effectively eliminate access to phytotherapy, herbalism and all of the traditional plant-based remedies of Indian, Amazonian, African and Chinese cultures. In a very real sense, then, this could also be seen a a cultural attack on specific ethnic groups and ways of life.

The topic of alternative medicine is a hot-button issue with many communities, as is seen in this report about a mother trying to wean her daughter off prescription medications in favor of holistic treatment. Child services is trying to take the child away, citing ‘failure to provide proper medical care’, which is deemed as neglect.

For more information on the directive and how the ANH is fighting it, see their video attached to this report. You can also click here to sign the petition.

Below is a letter sent with the petition:

Dear All,

I know it sounded like hyperbole when you were informed about the Codex Alimentarius and its goal to control the world through food and medicine. Today we are seeing this diabolical plan galloping forward to reach its goal to ban all holistic healing protocols and natural/organic food. The Codex clearly supports GMOs, antibiotic use on each and every animal (including your pets), use of hormones for animal products and toxic sprays for agriculture. It applies Napoleonic Law which makes everything illegal unless otherwise approved. That includes organic foods, herbs, and other holistic methods we use for our health and survival.

Please watch this 10″ video on the current banning of herbs in all of Europe and sign the petition. Then pass it around. Time appears to be of the essence.

Then support the ANH (Alliance for Natural Health-EU) in their legal challenge of this draconian directive.

BTW, Canada did pass its Codex bill in 2008 (C-51) which bans herbs and homeopathic remedies are being limited. People did not believe Canada would do something like this, but they did. The FDA is raiding small raw milk farms in the US at an increasing rate only to create financial hardship and force them out of business. The Codex demands that any country that signs onto the Codex force their national laws to change to comply. Codex uses the World Trade Organization model in some ways and we have been seeing the FDA, USDA and the Obama administration aggressively pushing the Codex agenda forward. It is illegal in the sense that it forces people to use toxic chemicals against their will/knowledge. It attacks our civil liberty to pursue our personal lives in peace the way we chose.


More on Codex alimentarius:

Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization And Grants FDA Authority To Police Food Safety Of Foreign Nations

Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD reports from the Codex Committee on Nutrition Labeling

Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Codex Alimentarius and Food Nazification

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on the Contamination of the Food Supply & Deadly Antibiotics

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

In the US:

S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Bill and Codex Alimentarius

Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization And Grants FDA Authority To Police Food Safety Of Foreign Nations

S. 510 Food Safety Bill Still Alive, May Unleash New Army of FDA Agents

S. 510 Food Safety Bill Now Dead In The Water Due To Blue Slip Mistake

Hot Mic Catches US Senator: ‘Lame Duck Session Is All Rigged’ (Video)

Top Ten Lies About Unconstitutional Senate Bill 510

List of Traitor Senators Who Passed the Unconstitutional S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Act

Urgent call to action on unconstitutional Senate Bill 510 Food Safety Modernization Act

In the wake of S.510 Fake food safety … it won’t be a matter of what’s for dinner … but will we have dinner?

List of Bribed US Senators To Support Senate Bill S. 510 (‘Food Safety Modernization Act’)

Unconstitutional Senate Bill S. 510 Vote Delayed Until After Thanksgiving

Senate Bill S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Act Vote Imminent: Outlaws Gardening And Saving Seeds

US Senate bill 3767 seeks to put dietary supplement makers in prison for ten years (for telling the truth)

RED ALERT: Dr. Rima E. Laibow On The Food Safety Bill (S 510): This Bill Eliminates All Local Farming, Organic Farmers and Garden Farmers:

“This bill is the triumph of agri-bills”

“It is the industrialization tool for the entire US food supply”

“It brings all of Codex standards and guidelines into implementation”

“This bill means that no farmer can safe seed”

“If it does pass, you and I, our children, our loved ones will suffer and we will die”

North Carolina Bill Threatens To Criminalize Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Herbalists, Midwives, Aromatherapists As Felons

(NaturalNews) Alternative health practitioners in North Carolina (NC) and their patients need your help to defeat a stealth bill that flew under the radar of most everyone in the natural health community. Senate Bill 31, which clarifies the penalties for the “unauthorized practice of medicine,” essentially criminalizes the practice of unlicensed forms of medicine, which includes the work of many naturopaths, homeopaths, herbalists, aromatherapists, and even some midwives in the state. The bill was adopted by a judiciary committee in early March, and it recently passed the NC Senate. Now, the NC House is set to vote on the bill tonight, and unless NC governor Bev Perdue vetoes it, the practice of natural medicine for many in NC may soon become a more severe criminal offense.

SB 31 states that anyone who practices medicine or surgery without having been first “licensed and registered to do so” will be guilty of a Class I felony. Class I felonies in NC are the least severe kinds of felonies, but they do include things like burning crosses on private or public property, and sexually exploiting children. So if passed, SB 31 will essentially make those who practice alternative medicine without an official, state-sanctioned license and permit, criminals of the likes of sexual predators and cross burners.

You can read the short bill for yourself at the following link:

Proponents of the bill say it fixes a loophole in the current law that classifies out-of-state practitioners who practice without a license as Class I felons, while in-state practitioners who practice without a license are only guilty of a Class I misdemeanor. But what the bill actually appears to do is make it even harder for alternative practitioners who literally cannot be licensed in NC because their work is not “approved,” to practice at all. After all, who is going to be willing to provide alternative medical services for consenting patients when doing so makes them a felon?

Read moreNorth Carolina Bill Threatens To Criminalize Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Herbalists, Midwives, Aromatherapists As Felons

US: Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma and Rockefeller! Food Freedom Betrayal!

Our food supply is in jeopardy. Not only from outside forces such as poisons from China, but from within. The very people that we look to for guidance seem to be working together to lead us straight into global food governance in the form of Codex Alimentarius. This is especially alarming when you consider that the very organizations such as the USDA and FDA, that are charged with the safeguarding and regulation of our food supply are at the forefront of the battle, leading us straight into worldwide genocide using food as a weapon.

But the USDA and FDA do not stand alone. There are others who consider food to be “fair game” in this war against the people, and they just happen to control some very large purse strings. So, who holds the purse strings behind the push to obliterate any food safeguards we may have? Let’s just pick two – Rockefeller and Merck, then take a closer look at a few of the “trusted” organizations that they fund.

The Purse Strings


Let’s take a look at just a part of what the Rockefeller crime family is involved in concerning our food supply.

Today, the Rockefellers use coercive population control tactics and food as a weapon through a front organization, CGIAR (Consultative Group on Agricultural Resources) as the Rockefellers are trying to distance themselves from public- just like the Rothschild clan has done. Engdahl reports that CGIAR operates under the umbrella of the UN World Bank, and its primary focus is the spread of GMO crops. CGIAR was created by the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, along with the UN World Bank in 1971 with $350 million dollars a year in funding. (MorphCity)

Financed by generous Rockefeller and Ford Foundation study grants, CGIAR saw to it that leading Third World agriculture scientists and agronomists were brought to the US to master the concepts of modern agribusiness production, in order to carry it back to their homeland. In the process they created an invaluable network of influence for US agribusiness promotion in those countries, most especially promotion of the GMO Gene Revolution in developing countries, all in the name of science and efficient, free market agriculture.(InformationLiberation)

The Rockefeller Foundation spent more than $100 million for the advance of the GMO revolution. (Engdahl – Seeds of Destruction)

Part of the Rockefeller dynasty includes a group known as Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors:

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that advises donors in their philanthropic endeavors throughout the world. The foundation is headquartered in New York City and adheres to John D. Rockefeller Sr.’s practice of managing philanthropy “as if it were a business.”[1] Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors currently advises on and manages more than $200 million in annual giving in more than 60 countries.[2] (Wikipedia)

Philanthropy can be used by business to advance a corporate image that is acceptable to certain groups of people in order to put up a benevolent facade while all the time conducting business as usual, which may or may not be so benevolent.


Now let’s take a peek at Merck:

Read moreUS: Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma and Rockefeller! Food Freedom Betrayal!

S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Bill and Codex Alimentarius

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Don’t miss:

Codex Alimentarius is here:

In the US:

Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization And Grants FDA Authority To Police Food Safety Of Foreign Nations

S. 510 Food Safety Bill Still Alive, May Unleash New Army of FDA Agents

S. 510 Food Safety Bill Now Dead In The Water Due To Blue Slip Mistake

Hot Mic Catches US Senator: ‘Lame Duck Session Is All Rigged’ (Video)

Top Ten Lies About Unconstitutional Senate Bill 510

List of Traitor Senators Who Passed the Unconstitutional S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Act

Urgent call to action on unconstitutional Senate Bill 510 Food Safety Modernization Act

In the wake of S.510 Fake food safety … it won’t be a matter of what’s for dinner … but will we have dinner?

List of Bribed US Senators To Support Senate Bill S. 510 (‘Food Safety Modernization Act’)

Unconstitutional Senate Bill S. 510 Vote Delayed Until After Thanksgiving

Senate Bill S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Act Vote Imminent: Outlaws Gardening And Saving Seeds

US Senate bill 3767 seeks to put dietary supplement makers in prison for ten years (for telling the truth)

RED ALERT: Dr. Rima E. Laibow On The Food Safety Bill (S 510): This Bill Eliminates All Local Farming, Organic Farmers and Garden Farmers:

“This bill is the triumph of agri-bills”

“It is the industrialization tool for the entire US food supply”

“It brings all of Codex standards and guidelines into implementation”

“This bill means that no farmer can safe seed”

“If it does pass, you and I, our children, our loved ones will suffer and we will die”

In the EU:

Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU, Big Pharma Wins

EU Legislation Puts An End To Herbal Medicine As We Know It

More on Codex Alimentarius:

Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD reports from the Codex Committee on Nutrition Labeling

Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Codex Alimentarius and Food Nazification

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on the Contamination of the Food Supply & Deadly Antibiotics

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

On Alex Jones:

Alex Jones To Rev. Ted Pike – ‘Don’t Criticize Jews’:

He (Alex Jones) said what he was about to tell me was “off the record.” He said his broadcasting empire has “gotten so big” with many mainline affiliates that he cannot afford to lose those stations by criticizing Jews. “But I’ve got to mention ADL behind the hate bill!” I objected. “ADL is okay,” he said. “Talk about ADL all you want, but we can’t talk about Jews specifically.”

Oh, sure! Better not criticize NAZI Israel and the elitists …

Veterans Today: ADL To Attack Journalists And Publications Tying Israel To Wikileaks

Gilad Atzmon: Jews, Judaism and Jewishness

Israel Shahak: The History of the Jews (Must-see!)

Gaza War Lies Vs. Facts

Flashback: ‘Zionist’ Joe Biden on Shalom TV

Influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Non-Jews Are Donkeys, Created To Serve Jews

Israel: Influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Calls For Palestinians To ‘Perish From The World’

Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘America is something that can easily be moved.’ ‘The world won’t say a thing.’ ‘The world will say we’re defending.’ (!)

Exposed: The Truth About Israel’s Land Grab In The West Bank

Food Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization And Grants FDA Authority To Police Food Safety Of Foreign Nations

See also:

US House of Representatives Passes Unconstitutional S.510/HR 2751, The Food Safety Modernization Act

Unconstitutional S. 510 Food Safety Bill Passed by Senate in Late-Night Sneak Attack on Small Farmers and Food Freedom

BETRAYED BY THE GOP – Unconstitutional S.510 Food Safety Modernization Act Sent Back to House Tuesday 12.21. PUSH BACK NEEDED NOW!

And Now: Democrats Pull Fast One With S. 510 Food Safety Bill

(NaturalNews) Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has actually read the language in the bill — especially not those lawmakers who voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all becomes. For example, did you know there’s a global FDA power grab agenda hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I’ll quote text straight out of the bill itself.

Section 305 is entitled “BUILDING CAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY” and it gives the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictate the food safety plans of foreign governments. It says, specifically, on page 217 of the bill (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-…):

(a) IN GENERAL. – The Secretary shall establish offices of the Food and Drug Administration in foreign countries selected by the Secretary.

It then goes on to say:

(a) The Secretary shall, not later than 2 years of the date of enactment of this Act, develop a comprehensive plan to expand the technical, scientific, and regulatory food safety capacity of foreign governments, and their respective food industries, from which foods are exported to the United States.

Huh? The FDA is now going to run the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: I’m from the FDA and I’m here to help!

Homeland Security and U.S. Treasury also involved

So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global “food safety” plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department of Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Treasury. As the bill states:

(b) Consultation – In developing the plan under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the United States Trade Representative, and the Secretary of Commerce, representatives of the food industry, appropriate foreign government officials, nongovernmental organizations that represent the interests of consumers, and other stakeholders.

You might reasonably wonder “What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA’s food safety plan?” Or “Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the food supply?” Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you’ll have the answers to these questions. I don’t have space for all the details here, but read Ed Griffin’s book and visit http://www.realityzone.com if you really want to know what’s behind a lot of this.

Codex harmonization, data sharing and more

So what does this global food safety plan actually entail? It’s all spelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself on page 195 of the bill text in the PDF file at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-…

(c) Plan – The plan developed under subsection (a) shall include, as appropriate, the following:

• “Provisions for secure electronic data sharing.”

This is so that the FDA can electronically track and monitor the food production activities of foreign nations. That way, if somebody in Spain tries to sell raw almonds to the USA, the FDA can make sure those almonds get irradiated or fumigated with chemicals first. Because raw almonds are so dangerous they have actually been outlawed in America (http://www.naturalnews.com/021776.html).

• “Training of foreign governments and food producers on United States requirements for safe food.”

This is designed to shove the FDA’s “dead food” agenda down the throats of other nations. The FDA, you see, believes that the only safe food is dead food — that’s why, along with the USDA, they have declared war on raw milk, raw almonds and many raw vegetables (http://www.naturalnews.com/023015_f…).

Now, with this law, the FDA will begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting the FDA’s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy the nutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing. It’s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The more disease they can spread around the world, the more money they’ll make from selling medications.

Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill

The “Plan” described in this bill continues with the following:

• “Recommendations on whether and how to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.”

This is included so that the FDA will “harmonize” the U.S. food and dietary supplement industries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthy doses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex “harmonization,” America will be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will be virtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at a reasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized and products will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local law enforcement to bring in the firepower.

All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S. population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying to achieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more money gets collected by Big Pharma for “treating” sick people with medication and chemotherapy.

Read moreFood Safety Bill Invokes Codex Harmonization And Grants FDA Authority To Police Food Safety Of Foreign Nations

Senate Bill S. 510 Food Safety Modernization Act Vote Imminent: Outlaws Gardening And Saving Seeds

This is unconstitutional and violates your basic human right to grow your own food!

This is treason!

“The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.”
– Thomas Jefferson

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion…. And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms…. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
– Thomas Jefferson

Your help is needed to halt the tyrannical new “S.510” U.S. Senate bill that could criminalize saving seeds and outlaw backyard garden food production. It is being called “the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America.”

(NaturalNews) Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called “the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America.” It would grant the U.S. government new authority over the public’s right to grow, trade and transport any foods. This would give Big brother the power to regulate the tomato plants in your backyard. It would grant them the power to arrest and imprison people selling cucumbers at farmer’s markets. It would criminalize the transporting of organic produce if you don’t comply with the authoritarian rules of the federal government.

“It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.”
– Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower

This tyrannical law puts all food production (yes, even food produced in your own garden) under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security. Yep — the very same people running the TSA and its naked body scanner / passenger groping programs.

This law would also give the U.S. government the power to arrest any backyard food producer as a felon (a “smuggler”) for merely growing lettuce and selling it at a local farmer’s market.

It also sells out U.S. sovereignty over our own food supply by ceding to the authority of both the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Codex Alimentarius.

It would criminalize seed saving (http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/20…), turning backyard gardeners who save heirloom seeds into common criminals. This is obviously designed to give corporations like Monsanto a monopoly over seeds.

It would create an unreasonable paperwork burden that would put small food producers out of business, resulting in more power over the food supply shifting to large multinational corporations.

I encourage you to read more about this dangerous bill at the Food Freedom blog on WordPress: http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/20…

S.510 in more detail:

Food Safety Bill S. 510: Local Farms Could Be Illegal

Take action now or lose your right to grow your own food

Sign this petition at Citizens for Health:

Do it today! This is really important.

In addition, the Cornucopia Institute recently sent out an urgent call-to-action email containing the following information: (http://www.cornucopia.org/2010/11/a…)

How to protest Senate Bill 510

1) Go to Congress.org and type in your zip code in the box in the upper right hand corner.

2) Click on your Senator’s name, and then on the contact tab for their phone number. You can also call the Capitol Switchboard and ask to be directly connected to your Senator’s office: 202-224-3121.

3) Once connected ask to speak to the legislative staff person responsible for agriculture. If they are unavailable leave a voice mail message. Be sure to include your name and phone number.

Give them this message in support of the “Tester Amendment” which would exempt small farms from S.510:

“I am a constituent of Senator___________. I ask that he/she support the Tester Amendment to the food safety bill. The Tester Amendment will exempt the safest, small, owner-operator farms and food facilities and farmers who direct market their products to consumers, stores or restaurants. Food safety legislation should not create inappropriate and costly regulatory barriers to family farms and the growing healthy food movement in the drive to crack down on corporate bad actors. Please support the Tester Amendment and market opportunities for small and mid-sized family farms, and small food processing facilities.”

You may also wish to explain that you oppose the Food Safety Modernization Act in its entirety, and it is a destructive, freedom-crushing law that will destroy the future of food in America.

Remember, America has already lost control over its money supply to the Federal Reserve (nearly a hundred years ago). America has lost its health due to the medical industry and its profit-from-sickness agenda. Now we may lose our right to grow our own food and save our own seeds if Senate Bill 510 passes.

This is a dangerous, tyrannical law that would thrust the American people into an age of darkness and malnutrition. It would criminalize many of the very people growing our food and turn food production into yet another corporate monopoly.

Please take the time right now to contact your U.S. Senator and voice your strong opposition to this bill.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
by Mike Adams

Source: Natural News

Codex alimentarius is here:

In the US:

US Senate bill 3767 seeks to put dietary supplement makers in prison for ten years (for telling the truth)

RED ALERT: Dr. Rima E. Laibow On The Food Safety Bill (S 510): This Bill Eliminates All Local Farming, Organic Farmers and Garden Farmers:

“This bill is the triumph of agri-bills”

“It is the industrialization tool for the entire US food supply”

“It brings all of Codex standards and guidelines into implementation”

“This bill means that no farmer can safe seed”

“If it does pass, you and I, our children, our loved ones will suffer and we will die”

In the EU:

Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU, Big Pharma Wins

EU Legislation Puts An End To Herbal Medicine As We Know It

RED ALERT: Dr. Rima E. Laibow On The Food Safety Bill (S 510): This Bill Eliminates All Local Farming, Organic Farmers and Garden Farmers

“This bill is the triumph of agri-bills”

“It is the industrialization tool for the entire US food supply”

“It brings all of Codex standards and guidelines into implementation”

“This bill means that no farmer can safe seed”

“If it does pass, you and I, our children, our loved ones will suffer and we will die”

Added: 22. August 2010

Dr Rima Laibow MD tells how massive public PUSH BACK has held of the forced industrialization of food bill, S.510 in the US Senate, since last November.

Now the PUSH BACK must continue or we risk the bill being rushed through in September as a “noncontroversial” unanimous consent bill. Action Item at www.healthfreedomusa.org to educate decision makers.

More from Dr. Rima E. Laibow:

Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD reports from the Codex Committee on Nutrition Labeling

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Codex Alimentarius and Food Nazification

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on the Contamination of the Food Supply & Deadly Antibiotics

Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

And after you have watched Dr. Rima E. Laibow and read the article below you will know exactly why the Gates Foundation Bought 500,000 Monsanto Shares.

Follow the money!

The Food Safety Modernization Act (S 510) Makes it Illegal To Grow, Share, Trade And Sell Homegrown Food


S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act,  may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US.  It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.

“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes.  It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.”  ~ Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower

It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.

Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto’s Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create – without judicial review – if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.


In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with contamination in the meat industry.  Clinton’s HACCP delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization “WTO”) meat packers since it allowed them to inspect themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors (with no history of contamination), and centralized meat into their control.  Monsanto promoted HACCP.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton, urged a powerful centralized food safety agency as part of her campaign for president.  Her advisor was Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller*, a giant PR firm representing Monsanto.  Clinton lost, but Clinton friends such as Rosa DeLauro, whose husband’s firm lists Monsanto as a progressive client and globalization as an area of expertise, introduced early versions of S 510.

S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, and human survival grounds.

1.  It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency.  It resembles the Kissinger Plan.

2.  It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security.  It would end the Uruguay Round Agreement Act of 1994, which put US sovereignty and US law under perfect protection.  Instead, S 510 says:


Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.

3.  It would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into “the United States.” Since under that law, the US is a corporate entity and not a location, “entry of food into the US” covers food produced anywhere within the land mass of this country and “entering into” it by virtue of being produced.

4.  It imposes Codex Alimentarius on the US, a global system of control over food. It allows the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the WTO to take control of every food on earth and remove access to natural food supplements.  Its bizarre history and its expected impact in limiting access to adequate nutrition (while mandating GM food, GM animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food, etc.) threatens all safe and organic food and health itself, since the world knows now it needs vitamins to survive, not just to treat illnesses.

5.  It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security. See Seeds – How to criminalize them, for more details.

6.  It includes NAIS, an animal traceability program that threatens all small farmers and ranchers raising animals. The UN is participating through the WHO, FAO, WTO, and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in allowing mass slaughter of even heritage breeds of animals and without proof of disease.  Biodiversity in farm animals is being wiped out to substitute genetically engineered animals on which corporations hold patents.  Animal diseases can be falsely declared.  S 510 includes the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), despite its corrupt involvement in the H1N1 scandal, which is now said to have been concocted by the corporations.

7.  It extends a failed and destructive HACCP to all food, thus threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production – put it in corporate hands and worsen food safety.

8.  It deconstructs what is left of the American economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of multinational corporations influencing the UN, WHO, FAO and WTO, with HHS, and CDC, acting as agents, with Homeland Security as the enforcer.  The chance to rebuild the economy based on farming, ranching, gardens, food production, natural health, and all the jobs, tools and connected occupations would be eliminated.

9.  It would allow the government to mandate antibiotics, hormones, slaughterhouse waste, pesticides and GMOs. This would industrialize every farm in the US, eliminate local organic farming, greatly increase global warming from increased use of oil-based products and long-distance delivery of foods, and make food even more unsafe.  The five items listed – the Five Pillars of Food Safety – are precisely the items in the food supply which are the primary source of its danger.

10. It uses food crimes as the entry into police state power and control. The bill postpones defining all the regulations to be imposed; postpones defining crimes to be punished, postpones defining penalties to be applied.  It removes fundamental constitutional protections from all citizens in the country, making them subject to a corporate tribunal with unlimited power and penalties, and without judicial review. It is (similar to C-6 in Canada) the end of Rule of Law in the US.

Read moreRED ALERT: Dr. Rima E. Laibow On The Food Safety Bill (S 510): This Bill Eliminates All Local Farming, Organic Farmers and Garden Farmers

Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD reports from the Codex Committee on Nutrition Labeling

Added: 2. Mai 2010

Related information:

Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Codex Alimentarius and Food Nazification

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on the Contamination of the Food Supply & Deadly Antibiotics

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

GMO Alert: US Attempting Global Censorship of GMO Food Labeling

Who would attempt to outlaw non-GMO labeling of foods? Criminals!

It’s a fact that the majority of consumers do not want GM-food.

Who would attempt to press it upon them anyway? Criminals!

AND who would sneak an anti-vitamin amendment into the Wall Street reform bill? Criminals!

Congressman Henry Waxman Sneaks Anti-Vitamin Amendment Into Wall Street Reform Bill

Dr. Len Horowitz calls Waxman what he is:

Dr. Len Horowitz: Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs to Vaccination Contaminations and Big Pharma Corruption:

Another gross example of corrupt government pharmawhores sucking Wall Street’s slime, is Congressman Henry Waxman’s (D-CA) treason against the American people for sneaking dietary supplement regulation language into ‘The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009,’ (H.R. 4173).

But don’t criticize the US government:

Obama Takes Direct Aim at Anti-Government Rhetoric (ABC NEWS):

In a blunt caution to political friend and foe, President Barack Obama said Saturday that partisan rants and name-calling under the guise of legitimate discourse pose a serious danger to America’s democracy, and may incite “extreme elements” to violence.

Mr. President, the First Amendment gives Americans the right to speak up against their looting and lying elite puppet government. In fact the First Amendment was created for exactly this purpose.

And PS: America is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy!


(NaturalNews) I received an urgent alert from Jeffrey Smith today about a dangerous situation taking place right now at the international CODEX conference. The U.S. is attempting to push its agenda to censor all GMO labeling of foods everywhere around the world. This would result in a global GMO cover-up as consumers are left in the dark about whether their foods and grocery products are genetically modified or not.

Your help is urgently needed to send a message to the Secretaries of State (Clinton), Agriculture (Vilsack), and Health and Human Services (Sebelius) to urge them to halt the USA’s nefarious attempts to install a global GMO deception.

Take part in this online petition, go here:

Please understand that the U.S. is attempting to outlaw non-GMO labeling of foods, thereby making it illegal for a non-GMO food product to even claim “non-GMO” on the label. If the U.S. succeeds in this global GMO cover-up, the FDA could seize any products in the USA that make “non-GMO” claims. Additionally, the USA could file lawsuits through the World Trade Organization against any country that allows non-GMO labeling or claims on its products.

Read moreGMO Alert: US Attempting Global Censorship of GMO Food Labeling

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on Codex Alimentarius and Food Nazification

The videos below have the German translation and Major General Albert N. Stubblebine’s preface cut out.

Albert N. Stubblebine is a retired Major General in the United States Army. He was the commanding general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command from 1981 to 1984, when he retired from the Army.

Watch the entire presentation (in German or) with German translation here:

(The preface from Major General Albert N. Stubblebine starts at around 4:30 into the video.)

Codex Alimentarius Dr. Laibow auf der AZK (1/11) (YouTube)


AZK – Dr. Rima E. Laibow – Codex Alimentarius (1:44:47) (Daily Motion)

or here:

AZK – Major. General. Albert N. Stubblebine Vorwort – Dr. Rima E. Laibow – Codex Alimentarius (Google Video – This video has some loss of vision in it.)

1 of 4:

Added: 4. August 2009

2 of 4:

Added: 4. August 2009

3 of 4:

Added: 4. August 2009

4 of 4:

Added: 4. August 2009

Related information:

Dr. Rima E. Laibow on the Contamination of the Food Supply & Deadly Antibiotics

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

One Nation Under Siege – Full Theatrical Release

Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs