Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been keeping you informed about a bill recently introduced by Representative Glen Bradley to nullify S. 510, the Federal War on Food. S. 510 uses a patchwork of rules and regulations on the food “industry” to throw America’s heartland under the government-subsidized corporatist bus as it crushes local and community producers of healthy food.
Bradley’s bill, H.B. 65, the North Carolina Farmer’s Freedom Protection Act, nullifies S. 510 by making it a Class 1A misdemeanor to enforce S. 510 within the borders of North Carolina. Thanks to your support in contacting your legislators, H.B. 65 has passed its first reading and now has over 20 cosponsors.
Unfortunately, H.B. 65 is now stuck in the Agriculture Committee.
You see, even though the newly elected Republican majorities in the NC House and Senate quickly passed a bill to nullify ObamaCare in North Carolina, they’re afraid of the Farmer’s Freedom Protection Act.
H.B. 2, the Patient Protection Act, says that ObamaCare is null and void in NC, gives North Carolinians standing to sue Washington, DC over it, and instructs NC Attorney General Roy Cooper to join the 26-state lawsuit against ObamaCare in federal court. It does not, however, specify that enforcement of ObamaCare in NC is a crime.
H.B. 65, the Farmer’s Freedom Protection Act, goes a step further. It says that not only is S. 510, the War on Food, null and void in NC, but that any attempt to enforce it is a Class 1A misdemeanor. This interpositional language gives it teeth that H.B. 2 simply doesn’t have. That’s what has the members of the Agriculture Committee are scared.
Read moreNorth Carolina’s Farmer Freedom Act Criminalizes Unconstitutional Food Safety Modernization Act S.510