Mumps is so easy to cure with acupunture that people have a hard time believing it.
Usually the cure can be obtained with only one treatment.
Sometimes up to 3 treatments are necessary, but that’s it.
Of course no human being is the same and so western medicine style formulaic acupuncture treatments are usually not a good idea.
Keep that in mind when I give you some of the key points here:
Blood letting: Point Ear Apex; Lu. 11 (Shaoshang)
Acupuncture (bilateral) : L.I. 4 (Hegu), L.I. 10 (Shousanli)
Not only have I personally treated patients in China and in the clinic successfully that way, I also have books containing different studies done in China that document the success rate of acupunture with thousands of patients.
Aaaaaand there are other very successful alternative medicine methods that easily cure mumps.

– Merck’s mumps vaccine clinical tests were totally fabricated, say scientists (Natural News, March 11, 2015):
The mainstream media have been tireless in their recent efforts to discredit and demonize those who dare question the safety or efficacy of vaccines, and particularly those who choose not to have their children vaccinated.
What seems obvious now is that an honest dialogue on the subject seems nearly impossible in a climate of fear-mongering created by those who control the flow of information to the masses.
Read moreScientists: Merck’s mumps vaccine clinical tests were totally fabricated