Bill Gates’ Philanthropy: 30,000 Indian girls used as guinea pigs to test cancer vaccine

Bill Gates’ Philanthropy: 30,000 Indian girls used as guinea pigs to test cancer vaccine:

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is praised for its philanthropy around the world, but much of the foundation’s good deeds are merely no-consent vaccine experiments carried out on the poor. Under the pretense of providing healthcare to third world countries, the Gates Foundation instead coerces tens of thousands of children to test out various vaccines for pharmaceutical companies.

Bill Gate’s massive wealth from selling computers is being redistributed to pharmaceutical research, as human rights-violating corporations such as Merck and GlaxoSmithKline test out new vaccines on multiple thousands of unsuspecting victims.

In India, the propaganda campaign is in full force, as the natives are instructed to get their “well-being” shots. The resulting health problems have been noticeable and devastating, raising questions about the sinister motives behind the Gates Foundation and their extraordinary vaccine push.

Read moreBill Gates’ Philanthropy: 30,000 Indian girls used as guinea pigs to test cancer vaccine

G. Edward Griffin: The Science And Politics Of Cancer (2005 – Full Presentation)


In this presentation, G. Edward Griffin, author of World without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17 and founder of the Cancer Cure Foundation, addresses the following topics: * Two opposed views of cancer. * Pancreatic enzymes and food factors in the control of cancer. * How the pharmaceutical cartel captured the medical profession. * How (and why) Sloan Kettering falsified research to discredit Laetrile. * Is there a conspiracy to withhold a control for cancer?

Read moreG. Edward Griffin: The Science And Politics Of Cancer (2005 – Full Presentation)

Stealth, Cunning, Long Range Planning And The Fate Of Humanity

H/t reader squodgy:

“T, this is a beautifully written pointer which I feel could have been written by you.
The similarity of yours, his & David’s understanding, and its eloquent projection is reassuring as the common thread becomes more obvious.

Our freedom has been steadily taken away. I don’t think we could have stopped it. Those who saw events and connected dots for public awareness were either murdered or ridiculed.

I ask, is there any point to prepping etc? It will only expose one to the machine if you aren’t grovelling and rounded up.”

Thank you!

I do not see an alternative to preparedness.


Stealth, Cunning, Long Range Planning and the Fate of Humanity (Zen Gardner, July 1, 2014):

by Zen Gardner

This overwhelming yet cleverly obscured phenomenon of extremely patient and devious long range planning by the changing guard of the occult driven “powers that be” is of paramount importance.

This “patience of the planners” aspect eventually becomes evident to any sincere researcher, and literally haunts and even taunts with its seductive perfidy. Even putting your finger on this slippery subject is a chore, since we don’t think like they do and we have a hard time even conceiving of such inter-generational, pathological conniving, the complete fulfillment of which most of whom would knowingly not see in their lifetimes.

It’s beyond us. And that’s the key. They’re not normal. Something very powerful and sinister is driving them.

Read moreStealth, Cunning, Long Range Planning And The Fate Of Humanity

This Tower Pulls Drinking Water Out Of Thin Air

When searching for solutions to produce distilled water without electricity I came along a lot simple, incredibly cheap, efficient, stunning and award-winning inventions, but all of them (seem to) have never been implemented to help the people.


Because distilled water is one of the secrets to a long & healthy life and it boosts brain power and that is exactly the opposite what the elitists want, because the elitists want us to be dumb, lethargic and sterile serfs.

Actually they want most of us to be dead.

The plan is to get rid of about 6 billion people.

That’s why.

On philanthropist Bill Gates:

Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology From Merck, Becomes Drug Development Partner With Top Global Vaccine Manufacturer

Bill Gates Funds Technology To Cause Instant Male Infertility

Bill Gates In Global Push To Vaccinate Every Child On The Planet

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are For Depopulation

Philanthropists like Bill Gates are not wrong, just evil!

Warka Water towers are designed to take advantage of condensation
Warka Water towers are designed to take advantage of condensation. (Architecture and Vision )
This Tower Pulls Drinking Water Out of Thin Air (The Smithonian, April 8, 2014):

Designer Arturo Vittori says his invention can provide remote villages with more than 25 gallons of clean drinking water per day

In some parts of Ethiopia, finding potable water is a six-hour journey.

People in the region spend 40 billion hours a year trying to find and collect water, says a group called the Water Project. And even when they find it, the water is often not safe, collected from ponds or lakes teeming with infectious bacteria, contaminated with animal waste or other harmful substances.

The water scarcity issue—which affects nearly 1 billion people in Africa alone—has drawn the attention of big-name philanthropists like actor and co-founder Matt Damon and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who, through their respective nonprofits, have poured millions of dollars into research and solutions, coming up with things like a system that converts toilet water to drinking water and a “Re-invent the Toilet Challenge,” among others.

Read moreThis Tower Pulls Drinking Water Out Of Thin Air

Bill Gates, Jeb Bush, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett And Michael Bloomberg Meeting On South Carolina Island

Bill Gates, Jeb Bush, Oprah and Warren Buffett meeting at SC island (WBTW/WCBD News, May 10, 2013):

CHARLESTON, SC – Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world, is spending time in the Lowcountry.WCBD  confirmed the American business magnate is at the Sanctuary on Kiawah Island.

Suspicion was raised when nearly 20 very expensive jets were seen lined up at the Charleston International Airport on Johns Island.

Officials with the Beach Company confirmed to WCBD that other big names such as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, TV host Oprah Winfrey and Billionaire Warren Buffet flew into the Charleston Executive airport on Johns Island Wednesday night.

Other prominent people said to also be staying there this weekend are  Jeb Bush and Dan Gilbert, owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Read moreBill Gates, Jeb Bush, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett And Michael Bloomberg Meeting On South Carolina Island

Chinese Billionaire Chen Guangbiao Sells Clean Air For $0.80 Per Breath

In China Clean Air Sells At $0.80 Per Breath (ZeroHedge, March 3, 2013):

With now daily reports that the smog levels in Beijing are frequently literally “off the charts“, it was only a matter of time before some aspiring Chinese entrepreneur decided to provide a much demanded product: clean air. As expected, Xinhua reports that “philanthropist” Chen Guangbiao is now actively selling canned air to willing and eager Beijingites, tired of inhaling toxic, carcinogenic smog particles. The cost: $0.80 for a can of fresh air.

Xiamen University adds:

Chinese billionaire and controversial philanthropist Chen Guangbiao has unveiled his latest invention, canned fresh air, under his registered trademark “Good Person Chen Guangbiao.”

Each can retails for between 4 yuan and 5 yuan (around $0.80).

He has produced 100,000 cans, containing the fresh air collected from Wuhe county in Anhui province and Taiwan.

He also said he is willing to donate profits from selling organic food to the People’s Liberation Army to safeguard China’s sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

So the next time someone asks what it takes to make one a controversial, billionaire “philanthropist” the answer is simple – selling empty cans to idiots for $0.80 a pop. And tangentially, we dread to learn just what passes for “organic food” in China…

Read moreChinese Billionaire Chen Guangbiao Sells Clean Air For $0.80 Per Breath

George Lucas Will Donate Disney $4 Billion To ‘Education’


Walt Disney Satanic Illuminati Co. (Video)

Tom and Jerry: Illuminati Pyramid and Satan Worship (Video)

George Lucas Will Donate Disney $4 Billion To Education (Huffington Post , Nov 2, 2012):

George Lucas is ensuring that the force may be with young Jedis everywhere.

The “Star Wars” director will donate the $4.05 billion he will receive from the sale of Lucasfilm Ltd. to Disney to a foundation focused on education, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

On Tuesday, the Walt Disney Company announced it had paid the huge sum to acquire Lucasfilm Ltd., which produced “Star Wars” and is 100 percent owned by George Lucas himself. Disney also announced plans to release a seventh “Star Wars” film, “Star Wars: Episode VII,” in 2015.

“For 41 years, the majority of my time and money has been put into the company,” Lucas said in a statement on Wednesday. “As I start a new chapter in my life, it is gratifying that I have the opportunity to devote more time and resources to philanthropy.”

Read moreGeorge Lucas Will Donate Disney $4 Billion To ‘Education’

Ted Turner Apologizes For Saying It’s ‘Good’ U.S. Soldiers Are Committing Suicide (Video)


The World’s Biggest Landowners

Top billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation (Times)

Ted Turner Repeats Call For Population Curb (Video):

Billionaire Globalist Ted Turner, who earlier this month predicted that global warming would eventually lead to cannibalism, has repeated his call to curb population growth, claiming that disappearing farmland will cause food riots, despite the fact that Turner himself is behind the push to grow corn-based ethanol, an industry the UN has blamed for food shortages and increased poverty.

Ted Turner Apologizes For Saying It’s “Good” U.S. Soldiers Are Committing Suicide (Prison Planet, Oct 26, 2012):

After Infowars broke the story of Ted Turner commenting that it was “good” U.S. troops are killing themselves during an appearance on CNN, the issue went viral and Turner was last night forced to apologize for making the remarks.


Turner’s comments on Piers Morgan Tonight a few days ago had gone virtually unnoticed until we highlighted them in a You Tube video. The story was then picked up by Breitbart and the Drudge Report and has since gone viral, appearing in Fox News, the Front Page Magazine, the Hollywood Reporter and numerous other outlets.

Had the story not gone viral, Turner’s offensive remarks would have gone unchecked but last night he was forced to issue a public apology.

During my recent interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, I inadvertently used the word “good” when asked for my thoughts on the increasing rate of suicide among U.S. military soldiers in the Middle East. It was certainly not my intent to imply that suicide is “good.” Rather, I was implying that it is good that the public is more aware of these tragedies and is more averse to war and war-related fatalities.

My message has always been one of peace, I believe that we’re born programmed to love and help each other, not to kill or hurt each other. I strongly support our U.S. troops and would never intentionally say anything to harm the brave men and women serving our country. I deeply apologize for any misunderstanding caused by this comment.

However, as we highlighted yesterday, Turner’s advocacy for “peace” and “love” doesn’t extend to the billions of people he wants to see wiped off the planet as part of a huge population reduction effort, nor to the millions of babies he would have killed under the global one child policy he advocates.

Read moreTed Turner Apologizes For Saying It’s ‘Good’ U.S. Soldiers Are Committing Suicide (Video)

Ex-Goldman Sachs Director Rajat Gupta Gets Only Two-Year Prison Sentence

Ex-Goldman director Gupta gets two-year prison sentence (Reuters Oct 24, 2012):

NEW YORK – Disgraced Wall Street titan and philanthropist Rajat Gupta was sentenced to only two years in prison, a much lighter sentence than U.S. prosecutors had demanded, even though the federal judge who imposed it on Wednesday called his insider trading crimes “disgusting” and “a terrible breach of trust.”

Gupta was also ordered to pay a $5 million fine. He was convicted in Manhattan federal court last June for leaking Goldman Sachs boardroom secrets to Raj Rajaratnam, the hedge fund manager at the center of a U.S. government crackdown on insider trading over the past four years.

Read moreEx-Goldman Sachs Director Rajat Gupta Gets Only Two-Year Prison Sentence

Goldman Sachs To Invest Nearly $10 Million In New York City Jails Program

New York tests social impact bond investing with Goldman Sachs (Reuters, Aug 2, 2012):

Goldman Sachs will invest nearly $10 million in a New York City jails program, using an innovative financial instrument in which private investments fund public social services, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Thursday.

Goldman will create one of the nation’s first “social service bonds” to help fund a New York City program that aims to lower the 50 percent recidivism rate among youthful offenders jailed at the Rikers Island correctional facility.

Unlike similar proposals being developed elsewhere, most of Goldman’s ‘Rikers bond’ will be guaranteed by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the mayor’s philanthropic group, which will back $7.2 million of the $9.6 million investment the bank plans.

Read moreGoldman Sachs To Invest Nearly $10 Million In New York City Jails Program

Warren Buffett Donates $1.52 Billion In Annual Gift To Bill Gates Foundation

See also:

Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation Spends Over $1.1 Million On ‘Galvanic’ Bracelets To Measure Student Engagement

Untested Polio Vaccines Causing New Wave Of Polio-Like Paralysis Across India

Bill Gates Backs Climate Scientists Lobbying For Large-Scale Geoengineering (Guardian)

Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology From Merck, Becomes Drug Development Partner With Top Global Vaccine Manufacturer

Bill Gates Funds Technology To Cause Instant Male Infertility

Bill Gates In Global Push To Vaccinate Every Child On The Planet

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are For Depopulation

Bill Gates is not wrong, just evil.

Buffett Donates $1.5 Billion in Annual Gift to Gates Foundation

Buffett Makes Annual Donation to Bill Gates Foundation (Bloomberg, July, 7, 2012):

Warren Buffett, the billionaire who pledged to donate most of his wealth to charity, contributed stock valued at $1.52 billion in his annual gift to the foundation created by Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates.

Buffett, chairman and chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A), donated about 18.4 million of his company’s Class B shares to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to a filing issued yesterday. The shares closed at $82.54 in New York.

Read moreWarren Buffett Donates $1.52 Billion In Annual Gift To Bill Gates Foundation

US: Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma and Rockefeller! Food Freedom Betrayal!

Our food supply is in jeopardy. Not only from outside forces such as poisons from China, but from within. The very people that we look to for guidance seem to be working together to lead us straight into global food governance in the form of Codex Alimentarius. This is especially alarming when you consider that the very organizations such as the USDA and FDA, that are charged with the safeguarding and regulation of our food supply are at the forefront of the battle, leading us straight into worldwide genocide using food as a weapon.

But the USDA and FDA do not stand alone. There are others who consider food to be “fair game” in this war against the people, and they just happen to control some very large purse strings. So, who holds the purse strings behind the push to obliterate any food safeguards we may have? Let’s just pick two – Rockefeller and Merck, then take a closer look at a few of the “trusted” organizations that they fund.

The Purse Strings


Let’s take a look at just a part of what the Rockefeller crime family is involved in concerning our food supply.

Today, the Rockefellers use coercive population control tactics and food as a weapon through a front organization, CGIAR (Consultative Group on Agricultural Resources) as the Rockefellers are trying to distance themselves from public- just like the Rothschild clan has done. Engdahl reports that CGIAR operates under the umbrella of the UN World Bank, and its primary focus is the spread of GMO crops. CGIAR was created by the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, along with the UN World Bank in 1971 with $350 million dollars a year in funding. (MorphCity)

Financed by generous Rockefeller and Ford Foundation study grants, CGIAR saw to it that leading Third World agriculture scientists and agronomists were brought to the US to master the concepts of modern agribusiness production, in order to carry it back to their homeland. In the process they created an invaluable network of influence for US agribusiness promotion in those countries, most especially promotion of the GMO Gene Revolution in developing countries, all in the name of science and efficient, free market agriculture.(InformationLiberation)

The Rockefeller Foundation spent more than $100 million for the advance of the GMO revolution. (Engdahl – Seeds of Destruction)

Part of the Rockefeller dynasty includes a group known as Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors:

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that advises donors in their philanthropic endeavors throughout the world. The foundation is headquartered in New York City and adheres to John D. Rockefeller Sr.’s practice of managing philanthropy “as if it were a business.”[1] Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors currently advises on and manages more than $200 million in annual giving in more than 60 countries.[2] (Wikipedia)

Philanthropy can be used by business to advance a corporate image that is acceptable to certain groups of people in order to put up a benevolent facade while all the time conducting business as usual, which may or may not be so benevolent.


Now let’s take a peek at Merck:

Read moreUS: Organic Consumers Association Funded by Big Pharma and Rockefeller! Food Freedom Betrayal!

Top billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation

The elitists are discussing the most effective ways to kill you.

America’s richest people meet to discuss ways of tackling a ‘disastrous’ environmental, social and industrial threat

SOME of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education.

The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.

Described as the Good Club by one insider it included David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty, Warren Buffett and George Soros, the financiers, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey.

Related article: Ted Turner Repeats Call For Population Curb

These members, along with Gates, have given away more than £45 billion since 1996 to causes ranging from health programmes in developing countries to ghetto schools nearer to home.

Read moreTop billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation

Top billionaires hold secret meeting

Bill Gates, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner among philanthropists at gathering in New York

In a quiet meeting closed to the news media and the public, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller Sr., Oprah Winfrey and other leading philanthropists met in New York this month to discuss ways to promote efforts to solve growing social problems in America and abroad.

Together, the philanthropists in the room have committed a total of more than $72.5 billion to charitable causes since 1996, according to Chronicle of Philanthropy tallies.

The unusual event was held May 5 at Rockefeller University and was organized by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Among the high-profile participants were Ted Turner, Warren E. Buffett, George Soros and New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. (All of those philanthropists have appeared at one time on The Chronicle’s ranking of America’s most-generous donors.)

Several of the people at the meeting confirmed their involvement, but declined to tell The Chronicle about what was discussed or why they gathered almost in secret.

According to a person familiar with the meeting, the wealthy philanthropists gathered to trade ideas about how to raise the level of philanthropy in the world.

Read moreTop billionaires hold secret meeting