What Causes Cancer?

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What causes cancer?:

You would not believe how many emails we have gotten from cancer patients who have gone through these three steps:

  • The patient had chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to treat their cancer;
  • The patient was told they were “cancer-free”;
  • Months later cancer “came back,” which is called “regression.”

Among other things, this article will explain what went wrong and how to prevent cancer from coming back. When talking about what causes cancer we need to talk about it at two different levels.

The first level is talking about cancer at the systemic level, meaning what conditions in the body allowed cancer to grow out of control and how do we deal with this issue.

The second level of talking about cancer is talking about what causes cancer at the cellular level. In other words, why does a healthy cell become cancerous?

Read moreWhat Causes Cancer?

G. Edward Griffin: The Science And Politics Of Cancer (2005 – Full Presentation)



In this presentation, G. Edward Griffin, author of World without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17 and founder of the Cancer Cure Foundation, addresses the following topics: * Two opposed views of cancer. * Pancreatic enzymes and food factors in the control of cancer. * How the pharmaceutical cartel captured the medical profession. * How (and why) Sloan Kettering falsified research to discredit Laetrile. * Is there a conspiracy to withhold a control for cancer?




Read moreG. Edward Griffin: The Science And Politics Of Cancer (2005 – Full Presentation)

G. Edward Griffin – Alternative Cancer Cure – Vitamin B17 – Amygdalin – Laetrile (Video)

Related info:

G. Edward Griffin – A World Without Cancer – The Story Of Vitamin B17 – Laetrile (Documentary)



Read moreG. Edward Griffin – Alternative Cancer Cure – Vitamin B17 – Amygdalin – Laetrile (Video)

Apricot Kernels Help To Keep Cancer At Bay

Related info:

G. Edward Griffin – A World Without Cancer – The Story Of Vitamin B17 – Laetrile (Documentary)

apricot kernels cancer vitamin b17 laetrile
Paul Reid: “I don’t think my journey has been unscientific, it’s just that there’s been no science in a big way applied to it.” Photo: Simon ODwyer

Can apricot kernels keep cancer at bay?:

PAUL Reid should be dead. Diagnosed with a rare, incurable lymphoma, he was given five years, seven tops, by his oncologist. But, having cheated death in the Ash Wednesday bushfires, he was not about to surrender his life without a fight.

His weapon of choice? Apricot kernels. Thirty a day. Reid turned down chemotherapy, vowing to eat himself well. Today, 13 years in remission, the 68-year-old believes that ”cancer-killing” properties in the kernels he still eats daily, coupled with a strict vegan diet and prayer, have cured him. ”We’re not immortal, but I believe I’ll be healthy from taking this direction,” he says.

Read moreApricot Kernels Help To Keep Cancer At Bay

G. Edward Griffin – A World Without Cancer – The Story Of Vitamin B17 – Laetrile (Documentary)



G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.

This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle.

Read moreG. Edward Griffin – A World Without Cancer – The Story Of Vitamin B17 – Laetrile (Documentary)