Prof. Takatsuji Detects 2.9 Bq From A Single Grain Of Rice (140,000 Bq/Kg)

2.9 Bq from a grain of rice in Fukushima, “It can be 140,000 Bq/Kg” (Fukushima Diary, Oct 13, 2012):

Assistant Professor. Takatsuji from Nagasaki university measured 2.9 Bq of cesium from a grain of rice.(0.02 g)

In 1Kg, it can be 140,000 Bq/Kg.

The rice was produced in Iwaki city Fukushima, where is not a evacuation zone. Iwaki city still ships rice.

They measured 357 Bq/Kg of cesium from the pack of rice, where they found this 2.9 Bq rice grain.

They check every pack of rice supposedly, but cesium concentration is not even, some grains of rice have extremely high level of cesium.








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