Point of No Return: No Veggies to Can – “China Eats Kenya’s Donkeys” (Video) – #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #Collapse #EndTimes

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Mini Ice Age Conversations: Transition Where Food Becomes More Valuable than Money (Video) – #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #Collapse #EndTimes

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Mini ICE Age Conversations: USA & China Need Lifeboats for Their Corn Production the Future of Prices (Video) – #GSM #GrandSolarMinimum #ClimateChange #GlobalCooling #NoPlant19 #Agriculture

We are moving towards those massive earth changes that I’ve warned you about.

Next up:

Total financial collapse, high inflation and then hyperinflation > revolution & all-out-civil war > directly followed by WW3 > Massive earth changes will put an abrupt end to WW3.

There will be hunger!!!

Got food???

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Mini Ice Age Conversations: European Drought Stones and 300 Year Climate Cycles (Video) #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling #ClimateChange

This is an audio segment from my tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations

David DuByne creator of the ADAPT 2030 channel on YouTube discusses societal changes as our Earth enters deeper into the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum, a 400-year cycle in our Sun which will affect everyone on our planet.

  • Droughts on 300 year cycles
  • European crop losses drought in the east, floods and wind in the west
  • How the media will distract you as food & energy prices rise
  • Earliest snow in Japan ever recorded
  • Saudi Arabia’s cooling climate
  • How the economy will be affected by doubling food prices
  • Different proxies used to reconstruct climate thousands into the past
  • Native American city exposed by drought central USA
  • Droughts exposing ruins and relics in Europe in a 400-year cycle
  • Small quakes directly in the center of the New Madrid Fault Zone

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Two-Hour Grand Solar Minimum Roundtable Featuring David DuByne of Adapt 2030, Christian from Ice Age Farmer and Diamond of the Oppenheimer Ranch Project (Video)

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Don’t miss!


Related info:

Anita Bailey PhD Interview – Part 1 – Cold Times: Preparing For The Mini Ice-Age (Video)

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Alcohol Prohibition to Begin During the Grand Solar Minimum (Video)

There will be a pole shift and the earth changes that precede the pole shift will bring huge changes & destruction and the sun has been predicted to rise in the west.

Also some scientists are expecting this to happen:

Sunrise in the WEST: Scientists warn North could be SOUTH as Earth’s magnetic poles SWITCH

Also predicted…

Lactantius: “Nor will the seasons preserve their regularity, winter & summer being confused.” – Saint Columba: “Only the leaves on the trees will show the difference between summer and winter.”

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