Top 7 alarming food modifications you should avoid at ALL COSTS


Top 7 alarming food modifications you should avoid at ALL COSTS:

There are many ways corporations modify food products with chemicals in order to increase sales. They use toxic chemicals to extend shelf life, make food look more attractive, kill bugs in the fields, stave off mold and mildew, kill fungus and bacteria, add flavor back in after chemicals kill the taste, and actually make people depressed and anxious to fuel the chemical medicine industry. Most of it’s nothing new, and has been going on since WWII. GMOs have been in existence for 30 years now, though few people are aware of that.

The cumulative effect of poisons in the body is something you can’t sue one food manufacturer for, or one doctor, or one chemical company. The corporate food industry in America is sinister and insidious. They know they can’t be held accountable for long-term chronic sicknesses from which so many Americans suffer. The FDA could care less about Americans’ health and well-being.

Read moreTop 7 alarming food modifications you should avoid at ALL COSTS