Coffee found to be just as effective as ibuprofen for easing pain

Coffee found to be just as effective as ibuprofen for easing pain:

Adequate sleep and caffeine intake were found to be just as effective as some commonly-used analgesics such as ibuprofen in easing pain, according to a recent animal study published in the journal Nature Medicine. According to researchers at the Boston Children’s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, chronic sleep deprivation leads to increased pain sensitivity. The research team inferred that people who suffer from chronic pain may get relief from sleeping more or taking medications that promote wakefulness.

As part of the study, the research team tested the effects of acute or chronic sleep deprivation on mice and measured the animal models’ sleepiness and sensitivity to both painful and non-painful stimuli. The scientists also assessed the efficacy of standard pain medications such as ibuprofen and morphine against wakefulness-promoting agents like caffeine and modafinil. The research team also used tiny headsets that took electroencephalography and electromyography readings to monitor the animals’ sleeping patterns. In addition, the researchers induced sleep loss in the animals by “entertaining” them.

Read moreCoffee found to be just as effective as ibuprofen for easing pain

Drink coffee, live longer: Recent research finds 3 cups daily reduces the risk of death – from ALL causes

Related info:

Reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes with your daily cup of coffee

High Blood Caffeine Levels In Older Adults Linked To Avoidance Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Swedish Study: Women Who Have At Least One Cup Of Coffee Daily May Reduce Their Risk Of Stroke By As Much As 25 Percent

Drink coffee, live longer: Recent research finds 3 cups daily reduces the risk of death – from ALL causes:

Drinking up to three cups of coffee daily may improve longevity and reduce the risk of all-cause mortality, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. As part of the study, a team of researchers at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Imperial College London has examined the beneficial effects of coffee consumption among people across 10 European countries including the United Kingdom, Denmark, France, and Italy. The study has received funding from the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers and the IARC.

The research team has pooled data from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study with a total cohort population of  521,330 participants older than 35 years. The scientists have then evaluated the participants’ diet through questionnaires and interviews. Data from a 16-year follow-up has revealed that nearly 42,000 participants died from various conditions such as cancer, circulatory diseases, heart failure, and stroke.

Read moreDrink coffee, live longer: Recent research finds 3 cups daily reduces the risk of death – from ALL causes

Brazil: Cold to impact coffee production – “Takes away the sleep of farmers”

Brazil – Cold to impact coffee production:

“Takes away the sleep of farmers.”

18 July 2016 – Frost hit the coffee region in the south for the second time this year  and should directly impact the next crop. There will be an impact on vegetable crops as well. Although beautiful to the eye, it takes away the sleep of farmers.

Read moreBrazil: Cold to impact coffee production – “Takes away the sleep of farmers”

Top 7 alarming food modifications you should avoid at ALL COSTS


Top 7 alarming food modifications you should avoid at ALL COSTS:

There are many ways corporations modify food products with chemicals in order to increase sales. They use toxic chemicals to extend shelf life, make food look more attractive, kill bugs in the fields, stave off mold and mildew, kill fungus and bacteria, add flavor back in after chemicals kill the taste, and actually make people depressed and anxious to fuel the chemical medicine industry. Most of it’s nothing new, and has been going on since WWII. GMOs have been in existence for 30 years now, though few people are aware of that.

The cumulative effect of poisons in the body is something you can’t sue one food manufacturer for, or one doctor, or one chemical company. The corporate food industry in America is sinister and insidious. They know they can’t be held accountable for long-term chronic sicknesses from which so many Americans suffer. The FDA could care less about Americans’ health and well-being.

Read moreTop 7 alarming food modifications you should avoid at ALL COSTS

9 Reasons To Avoid Starbucks’ Fake Pumpkin Latte


9 Reasons to Avoid Starbucks’ Fake Pumpkin Latte  (Natural Society, Oct 4, 2014):

Starbucks Pumpkin lattes have been selling like hotcakes. In fact, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz recently said that pumpkin lattes ‘still rank as its most popular seasonal beverage.” Starbucks’ Chief Financial Officer Troy Alstead confided,”We are continually, frankly, even amazed internally at its ability to keep driving its proposition, comping over itself every year.”

In fact, Starbucks has sold more than 200 million pumpkin lattes to date. But are the lattes made with high quality ingredients? Are they even remotely healthy? Unfortunately, you need to be a food detective to figure out the answer to those questions. The coffee kingpin refuses to post its drinks’ ingredients list online; they only post their food ingredients.

Let’s take a moment to look under the hood and examine the actual ingredients that go into Starbuck’s bestselling, cult favorite, Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Read more9 Reasons To Avoid Starbucks’ Fake Pumpkin Latte

Coffee Production May Drop Up To 40% As Fungus Spreads

Coffee Fungus Raising Prices for High-End Blends (ABC News/AP, May 18, 2014):

The U.S. government is stepping up efforts to help Central American farmers fight a devastating coffee disease — and hold down the price of your morning cup.

At issue is a fungus called coffee rust that has caused more than $1 billion in damage across Latin American region. The fungus is especially deadly to Arabica coffee, the bean that makes up most high-end, specialty coffees.

Already, it is affecting the price of some of those coffees in the United States.

Read moreCoffee Production May Drop Up To 40% As Fungus Spreads

High Blood Caffeine Levels In Older Adults Linked To Avoidance Of Alzheimer’s Disease

One study, I think it was done in Japan, showed that Guarana, which also contains high levels of caffeine, is able to stop the progress of Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s disease can be cured. (Links are down below.)

High Blood Caffeine Levels in Older Adults Linked to Avoidance of Alzheimer’s Disease (IOS Press, June 4, 2012):

Tampa, FL (June 4, 2012) – Those cups of coffee that you drink every day to keep alert appear to have an extra perk – especially if you’re an older adult. A recent study monitoring the memory and thinking processes of people older than 65 found that all those with higher blood caffeine levels avoided the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in the two-to-four years of study follow-up. Moreover, coffee appeared to be the major or only source of caffeine for these individuals.

Researchers from the University of South Florida ( and the University of Miami ( say the case control study provides the first direct evidence that caffeine/coffee intake is associated with a reduced risk of dementia or delayed onset. Their findings will appear in the online version of an article to be published June 5 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, published by IOS Press ( The collaborative study involved 124 people, ages 65 to 88, in Tampa and Miami.

“These intriguing results suggest that older adults with mild memory impairment who drink moderate levels of coffee — about 3 cups a day — will not convert to Alzheimer’s disease — or at least will experience a substantial delay before converting to Alzheimer’s,” said study lead author Dr. Chuanhai Cao, a neuroscientist at the USF College of Pharmacy and the USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute. “The results from this study, along with our earlier studies in Alzheimer’s mice, are very consistent in indicating that moderate daily caffeine/coffee intake throughout adulthood should appreciably protect against Alzheimer’s disease later in life.”

Read moreHigh Blood Caffeine Levels In Older Adults Linked To Avoidance Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Keiser Report: How Goldman Sachs Rips Out Eyes, Tears Off Heads Of Its Customers – Britain To Offer 100-Year Gilts – FBI: Paying Cash For Coffee Is A Sign Of Terrorist Intent (Video)

YouTube Added: 17.03.2012

Dr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation

See also:

How To Decrease Radiation Illness And Protect Yourself From Radiation

Dr. Donald W. Miller, MD: Iodine for Radioactive Fallout

By Dr. Rima Laibow

First, the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation extend their sympathies to all those who have suffered from the effects of the mega-quake, tsunami and radiological disaster in Japan. We have been discussing how we can help you gain some greater understanding with regard to the radiation risks that face much of the planet; we are all truly “downwind” from the drift of modern technological mistakes and limitations (we note, in addition to the tragedy in Japan, the wide-spread “drift” of GMO pollution of the natural genetic properties of life on this planet and the foreseeable world-wide genetic harm engendered by dangerous vaccines; see: ). Below are Research Notes from Dr. Rima and comments about them, as she Skyped them to me earlier today, in between meetings and seeing patients, as the radiological disaster continued to unfold on the world’s media. [rf]

Dr. Rima: “If ever there was a time for life style change, coupled with a demand for clean, unadulterated food and the protection and support of the supplements that you need now and will need for the rest of your life, it is now. And if ever there was a time to call for the total banning of the two most dangerous misapplications of science in human history, GMOs and nuclear power, that time was yesterday. We missed yesterday so today is the time, and tomorrow and all the tomorrows that these disasters still allow us.”UPDATE 03.19.11: “I’ve sourced a good source of natural Iodine (not the phramaceutical form used for prescription purposes) since the disaster in Japan reminds us all how deficient in Iodine the population is; supplementing will benefit your body no matter what happens; product name: Emerald Sea: .” rel

[12:08:07 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Radiation detoxification:

Potassium iodide KI or KIO3, Lugol’s solution works. Iodine has low toxicity: most people are iodine deficient so high doses are advised. Just a couple (2 to 4) per day sipped in juice. Foods that may prevent the body from using iodine are: turnip, cabbage, mustard greens, cassava root, soybeans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet. These foods are called goitrogens and excessive consumption can cause goiters so if you are using them temporarily, eat them raw. [Iodine is sold as a dietary supplement, but if sold to protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine emitted by a reactor accident might be considered a “prescription drug” so remember, you are obtaining it to supplement your diet… rf]

[12:09:12 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Miso soup made BEFORE March 11, 2011 – traditionally used to detox from electromagnetic overdoses.

[12:10:36 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Sulfur containing, thiol rich compounds like MSM and foods like asparagus.

[12:14:21 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Alkalinizing diet and agents (sodium bicarbonate away from food, lemon juice in water).

[12:14:27 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Large amounts of the freshest, purest water you can get; magnetize your water before drinking or bathing!

[12:17:52 PM] Rima Laibow, MD: Minimum radiation doses which damage tissue:

Read moreDr. Rima Laibow Recommends What to Do About Radiation

Swedish Study: Women Who Have At Least One Cup Of Coffee Daily May Reduce Their Risk Of Stroke By As Much As 25 Percent

THURSDAY, March 10 (HealthDay News) — Women who have at least one cup of coffee — or even five cups — daily may be reducing their risk of stroke by as much as 25 percent, new Swedish research shows.

And women who don’t drink coffee at all may actually be increasing their risk for stroke, the researchers noted.

However, the researchers added, these findings are preliminary and should not cause any change in coffee-drinking habits.

“Results from our study in women showed that consumption of 1 to 5 cups of coffee per day was associated with a 22 to 25 percent lower risk of stroke, compared with consumption of less than 1 cup a day,” said lead researchers Susanna Larsson, from the National Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

“Even small amounts of coffee may reduce the risk of stroke,” she added.

Read moreSwedish Study: Women Who Have At Least One Cup Of Coffee Daily May Reduce Their Risk Of Stroke By As Much As 25 Percent