Xi Jinping (Photo)

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China To Change Constitution, Allowing Xi To Stay In Power Forever

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China To Change Constitution, Allowing Xi To Stay In Power Forever:

The change to the country’s constitution follows the decision during last October’s National People’s Congress to enshrine Xi’s name in the country’s constitution (see “Xi Could Rule For “Decades” As China’s New Leadership Team Unveiled“), making him the first living leader to be granted such an honor.

In addition, the Party’s appointments to the Politburo lacked a clear successor to Xi, another sign that he intends to seek a third term after the conclusion of his second term, which has only just begun.

As the NYT reports, citing local media, the Central Committee approved the amendments to the Constitution at a meeting last month. But the vague official announcement released at that time did not hint at the momentous expansion of Mr. Xi’s presidential power, which was kept secret until Sunday.

Read moreChina To Change Constitution, Allowing Xi To Stay In Power Forever

China tells world: It’s us or the United States ahead of President Trump’s Davos speech

China tells world: It’s us or the United States ahead of President Trump’s Davos speech:

CHINA has given the world a blunt choice by asking global leaders to choose between Xi Jinping’s global outlook and that of US President Donald Trump.

In a strongly worded editorial by the state’s news agency, Beijing said the world needed to choose between “two fundamentally different outlooks” which included the Chinese President’s shared future and Mr Trump’s America First policy.

The commentary, by Xinhua, comes as global leaders and policy makers gather in the Swiss town of Davos for the World Economic Forum which draws to a close on Friday.

Read moreChina tells world: It’s us or the United States ahead of President Trump’s Davos speech

Death of Liu Xiaobo: Activists scorn Freemason Trump for hailing ‘terrific’ Freemason Xi

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Death of Liu Xiaobo: activists scorn Trump for hailing ‘terrific’ Xi:

The US president’s praise for China’s leader was ‘shameful’ coming after the death of the Nobel-winning political prisoner

Human rights activists have poured scorn on Donald Trump for showering China’s “terrific” president Xi Jinping with praise just hours after one of the world’s most famous political prisoners died in the custody of Chinese security services.

Speaking in Paris shortly after it was announced that the democracy champion and Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo had died, the US president said nothing of the activist’s plight.

Read moreDeath of Liu Xiaobo: Activists scorn Freemason Trump for hailing ‘terrific’ Freemason Xi

China Urges Rural Christians to Replace Jesus Images with Xi Jinping

China Urges Rural Christians to Replace Jesus Images with Xi Jinping:

Chinese officials and residents in a rural area of Jiangxi province have revealed a government plan to “melt the hard ice” in the hearts of Christians towards communism by denying them pivotal poverty relief packages if they do not replace images of Jesus in their households with photos of President Xi Jinping.

One official stated that the move was necessary because Christians are “ignorant” and need to be taught to worship the state, not God.

The move is the latest in a string of crackdowns against Christianity in the Xi era. Xi’s regime views Christianity, which has experienced a popularity boom in the past decade, as a challenge to the supremacy of the Communist Party’s growing cult of personality around Xi himself.

Read moreChina Urges Rural Christians to Replace Jesus Images with Xi Jinping

A New Era Has Begun in Asia as Chinese President Elevated to Mao Status

A New Era Has Begun in Asia as Chinese President Elevated to Mao Status:

Asia — Right as Chinese President Xi Jinping’s political thought is being enshrined in the country’s constitution, cementing the leader’s control of the government, it was reported Tuesday that some of China’s neighbors are taking the Asian superpower up on its offer of cooperation.

From the South China Morning Post:

“China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plan to deepen their military relations and will go ahead with a joint maritime exercise proposed by Beijing, according to a statement from Singapore’s defence ministry, in a sign of greater engagement between the 10-member bloc and the region’s leading economic power.

Read moreA New Era Has Begun in Asia as Chinese President Elevated to Mao Status

“We Will Go To War; We Will Fight You”: China’s Xi Threatens Duterte If Philippines Drills For Oil

“We Will Go To War; We Will Fight You”: China’s Xi Threatens Duterte If Philippines Drills For Oil:

The Philippines’ outspoken president Rodrigo Duterte got a glimpse of the true snarling, belligerent Chinese dragon hiding behind the cheerful, globalist Panda facade earlier this week, when in response to a claim that his country was prepared to drill for oil in a disputed part of the South China Sea, China’s president Xi told him matter-of-factly that in that case he should prepare for war.

Read more“We Will Go To War; We Will Fight You”: China’s Xi Threatens Duterte If Philippines Drills For Oil

New Tech To Track Every Homeless Person In NYC – #NewWorldNextWeek (Video)


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H/t reader squodgy:

“Never underestimate zioyid Kissinger’s involvement in the death of the civilisation of mankind. From VietNam, through the Middle East to China., he’s the permanent CENTENNIAL.”

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Trump To Tell Xi: “If China Is Not Going To Solve North Korea, We Will”

Trump To Tell Xi: “If China Is Not Going To Solve North Korea, We Will”:

Well if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you. China has great influence over North Korea. And China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t.” Trump told the FT. “If they do, that will be very good for China, and if they don’t, it won’t be good for anyone.”

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After Snubbing Obama, China Gives Putin Red Carpet Treatment, Warns Against Protectionism At G-20

After Snubbing Obama, China Gives Putin Red Carpet Treatment, Warns Against Protectionism At G-20:

Roughly at the same time as China’s infamous snub of Obama‘s arrival at Hangzhou for the G-20 summit, when the G-20 host nation’s delegation first made sure there was no staircase for Obama to exit the plane and descend on the red carpet; forcing the president of the world’s most powerful nation to use an emergency exit…

oabam china arrival

… followed by a shouting match by a Chinese official who unleashed on the US Press corps and national security advisor Susan Rice, blocking them from crossing a blue rope holding back press and saying “This is our country. This is our airport”, Chinese officials had no such problems greeting Russian president Vladimir Putin with full honors, whose arrival – on the red carpet – took place without a glitch.


Read moreAfter Snubbing Obama, China Gives Putin Red Carpet Treatment, Warns Against Protectionism At G-20

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: ‘The Entire World May Go Down The Tubes Together’

… as planned.

No Brains In Washington — Paul Craig Roberts:

Washington’s IQ follows the Fed’s interest rate – it is negative. Washington is a black hole into which all sanity is sucked out of government deliberations.

Washington’s failures are everywhere visible. We can see the failures in Washington’s wars and in Washington’s approach to China and Russia.

The visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, was scheduled for the week-end following the Pope’s visit to Washington. Was this Washington’s way of demoting China’s status by having its president play second fiddle to the Pope? The President of China is here for week-end news coverage? Why didn’t Obama just tell him to go to hell?

Read moreDr. Paul Craig Roberts: ‘The Entire World May Go Down The Tubes Together’

Russia, China agree to integrate Eurasian Union, Silk Road, sign deals

“More on the rising east……while the west continues to slide south.”


Russia, China agree to integrate Eurasian Union, Silk Road, sign deals (RT, May 8, 2015):

Russia and China have signed a number of energy, trade and finance deals on Friday aimed at strengthening economic ties. The two countries have multiple mutual projects which “achieved a unity of views on a wide range of issues.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping have signed a decree on cooperation in tying the development of the Eurasian Economic Union with the “Silk Road” economic project.

Read moreRussia, China agree to integrate Eurasian Union, Silk Road, sign deals

The Coming Chinese Crackup


The Coming Chinese Crackup (ZeroHedge, March 13, 2015):

Authored by David Shambaugh, originally posted at The Wall Street Journal,

On Thursday, the National People’s Congress convened in Beijing in what has become a familiar annual ritual. Some 3,000 “elected” delegates from all over the country—ranging from colorfully clad ethnic minorities to urbane billionaires—will meet for a week to discuss the state of the nation and to engage in the pretense of political participation.

Some see this impressive gathering as a sign of the strength of the Chinese political system—but it masks serious weaknesses. Chinese politics has always had a theatrical veneer, with staged events like the congress intended to project the power and stability of the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP. Officials and citizens alike know that they are supposed to conform to these rituals, participating cheerfully and parroting back official slogans. This behavior is known in Chinese as biaotai, “declaring where one stands,” but it is little more than an act of symbolic compliance.

Read moreThe Coming Chinese Crackup

What really happened in Beijing: Putin, Obama, Xi — and the back story the media won’t tell you


What really happened in Beijing: Putin, Obama, Xi — and the back story the media won’t tell you (Salon, Nov 14, 2014):

Ukraine, Iran’s nukes, the price of oil: There are ties worthy of a Bourne film, if the media connected the dots

By way of events on the foreign side, the past few weeks start to resemble some once-in-a-while event in the heavens when everyone is supposed to go out and watch as the sun, moon and stars align. There are lots of things happening, and if we put them all together, the way Greek shepherds imagined constellations, a picture emerges. Time to draw the picture.

Read moreWhat really happened in Beijing: Putin, Obama, Xi — and the back story the media won’t tell you

And The World’s Most Powerful Person For The Second Year In A Row Is…

And The World’s Most Powerful Person For The Second Year In A Row Is… (ZeroHedge, Nov 6, 2014):

When it comes to the second coming of the cold war, things are not looking good for the leader of the “Free World”, because for the second year in a row, at least according to Forbes editors, the person whom they have chosen as the world’s most powerful in the world…


HOPING To Isolate Russia, US Woos China On Ukraine

How stupid can they get?

(I know I shouldn’t have dared to ask such a question.)


Here comes more hope …

Hoping to isolate Russia, US woos China on Ukraine (AP, June 10, 2014):

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is stepping up its attempts to court China’s support for isolating Russia over its military intervention in Ukraine.

With official comments from China appearing studiously neutral since the Ukraine crisis began, President Barack Obama spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping late Sunday in a bid to get Beijing off the fence.

Read moreHOPING To Isolate Russia, US Woos China On Ukraine

Russia And China Finally Sign Historic $400 Billion ‘Holy Grail’ Gas Deal

Russia And China Finally Sign Historic $400 Billion “Holy Grail” Gas Deal (ZeroHedge, May, 21, 2014):

There was some trepidation yesterday when after the first day of Putin’s visit to China the two countries did not announce the completion of the long-awaited “holy grail” gas deal, and fears that it may get scuttled over price negotiations. It wasn’t: moments ago Russia’s Gazprom and China’s CNPC announced, that after a decade of negotiations, the two nations signed a 30 year gas contract amounting to around $400 billion. And with the west doing all it can to alienate Russia and to force it into China’s embrace, this is merely the beginning of what will be a far closer commercial (and political) relationship between China and Russia.

Gazprom deal

So far there have been no public pricing details on the deal which accrording to Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller is a “commercial secret”, and which is believed to involve Russia supplying 38 billion cubic metres of gas per year to China via a new eastern pipeline linking the countries.

Read moreRussia And China Finally Sign Historic $400 Billion ‘Holy Grail’ Gas Deal

China Sides With Russia In Opposing Military Strikes On Syria

China sides with Russia in opposing military strikes on Syria (RT, Sep 5, 2013):

China joined Russia in its opposition against military strikes on Syria ahead of the G20 summit on Thursday. Beijing said the use of force would cause a swing in oil prices, thereby hurting the global economy.

“Military action would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price – it will cause a hike in the oil price,” China’s vice finance minister, Zhu Guangyao, said at a pre-G20 briefing in St. Petersburg.

The remark was echoed by other members of the BRICS bloc, Reuters reported. Aside from China, the bloc consists of emerging economies including Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa.

Read moreChina Sides With Russia In Opposing Military Strikes On Syria

China Names Xi Jinping As New President

Xi Jinping, China’s new president

China names Xi Jinping as new president (PressTV, March 14, 2013):

China’s National People’s Congress has appointed Xi Jinping, the head of the Communist Party, as the country’s new president.

Xi Jinping was named president of China Thursday after a vote at the nation’s parliamentary meeting in the capital, Beijing.

Read moreChina Names Xi Jinping As New President

The Story That Got Bloomberg News Blocked In China

The Story That Got Bloomberg News Blocked In China (ZeroHedge, June 2,, 2012):

Bloomberg News may be the most read news source in the world, but as of today, it is no longer available in China. Why? According to Bloomberg TV News Editor Denise Pellegrini, all it takes is for some investigative reporting exposing the dirty laundry, or in this case the even dirtier assets of one Xi Jinping – “the man in line to be China’s next president.” In “Xi Jinping Millionaire Relations Reveal Fortunes of Elite” Bloomberg writes: “Xi warned officials on a 2004 anti-graft conference call: “Rein in your spouses, children, relatives, friends and staff, and vow not to use power for personal gain.” As Xi climbed the Communist Party ranks, his extended family expanded their business interests to include minerals, real estate and mobile-phone equipment, according to public documents compiled by Bloomberg. Those interests include investments in companies with total assets of $376 million; an 18 percent indirect stake in a rare- earths company with $1.73 billion in assets; and a $20.2 million holding in a publicly traded technology company.” That a country’s will seek to block the internet when the wealth of its humble leaders is exposed is expected. However, what is unexpected is that the hidden assets of China’s president in waiting are rather easily discovered is troubling: it means Goldman has still much work to do in China, and much more advisory work to the country’s elite over how to best hide its assets in various non-extradition locations around the world under assorted HoldCos. Just like in the US. The good news, for GS shareholders, however, is that this indeed provides a huge new potential revenue stream.

More from Bloomberg:

Xi has risen through the party over the past three decades, holding leadership positions in several provinces and joining the ruling Politburo Standing Committee in 2007. Along the way, he built a reputation for clean government.

Read moreThe Story That Got Bloomberg News Blocked In China