And The World’s Most Powerful Person For The Second Year In A Row Is…

And The World’s Most Powerful Person For The Second Year In A Row Is… (ZeroHedge, Nov 6, 2014):

When it comes to the second coming of the cold war, things are not looking good for the leader of the “Free World”, because for the second year in a row, at least according to Forbes editors, the person whom they have chosen as the world’s most powerful in the world…


Google’s Sergey Brin Is The Money Behind First Lab-Grown Synthetic Beef Hamburger

Google’s Sergey Brin is the Money Behind Test-Tube Synthetic Burgers (Liberty Blitzkrieg, Aug 6, 2013):

While I share Sergey Brin’s concerns about meat production and the completely cruel way in which we treat our animals, I can’t say I’m looking forward to biting into a test tube hamburger any time soon. This story has received a lot of press in the past few days following the synthetic meat’s taste testing in London yesterday. I have to admit, I’d take the entire thing a lot more seriously if Sergey wasn’t wearing those creepy and idiotic Google Glasses while discussing it (watch video):

From The Guardian:

The man who has bankrolled the production of the world’s first lab-grown hamburger has been revealed as Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The internet entrepreneur has backed the project to the tune of €250,000 (£215,000), allowing scientists to grow enough meat in the lab to create a burger – as a proof of concept – that will be cooked and eaten in London on Monday.

“It’s really just proof of concept right now, we’re trying to create the first cultured beef hamburger,” said Brin in a film to mark the tasting event in London. “From there I’m optimistic that we can really scale by leaps and bounds.”

Read moreGoogle’s Sergey Brin Is The Money Behind First Lab-Grown Synthetic Beef Hamburger