AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for ‘smoking’ drums — CNN: “Imminent threat from radiation” — Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; “Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin”

AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for ‘smoking’ drums — CNN: “Imminent threat from radiation” — Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; “Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin” (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 23, 2014):

AP, May 21, 2014: Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL] on Wednesday told state government it has isolated and is closely monitoring nuclear waste […] packed with a type of cat litter suspected in a radiation leak at [WIPP]. [LANL] said the 55-gallon barrels have been secured in special containers and moved to an isolated area with a fire protection system. They also are being monitored 24 hours a day for any change in temperature, smoking or other abnormalities. […] More than 100 other suspect containers are being stored temporarily at Waste Control Specialists in Andrews, Texas.

AP, May 23, 2014: Has cat litter turned barrels of New Mexico nuclear waste into ticking time bombs? […] COULD THE OTHER BARRELS BE TICKING TIME BOMBS? [LANL] said it has packed them in special containers, placed them under a dome with a fire extinguishing system and is closely monitoring them. Waste Control Specialists has taken similar precautions. As for the more than 350 containers already at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Flynn has ordered the U.S. Department of Energy to expedite plans for sealing off the underground rooms where the waste is stored. Complicating that effort is the laborious investigative process […] they are still working to see if other containers have been breached.

CNN Interview with Arnie Gundersen, May 21, 2014: ‘Imminent’ threat from radiation leak

  • At :15 in — Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Chief Engineer: Barrels are above ground and still at Los Alamos, which is a major concern because this material gets more and more unstable as it gets warmer, and of course we’re heading into the summer months on the desert. So those barrels that are above ground, if they were to blow like the one that did below ground, we’d have a serious public health effect. […]
  • At 1:30 in – Gundersen: When the corn [in the kitty litter] absorbed the moisture, the nitrogen inside got very, very volatile. Almost like in these old movies when you see somebody holding nitroglycerin — any shake will cause it to be disturbed. Well that’s what happened to these canisters that have the organic kitty litter. They’ve got to go back through and find all of those and isolate them and then figure out how to change the litter.

Watch the CNN interview here

2 thoughts on “AP: Ticking time bombs of nuclear waste at multiple U.S. sites? Lab checking for ‘smoking’ drums — CNN: “Imminent threat from radiation” — Gundersen: Serious public health effects if one blows; “Very, very volatile… like nitroglycerin””

  1. Gunderson speaks little of what he really knows; his voice was shut down some years ago. If he says this much, it is far worse…..
    I have been asking, and receiving no answer, to one question…..could the hot radiation pouring out of Alaska, as well as Hanford in WA State, be adding to the heat melting the glaciers adding to the ongoing trend of rising sea levels?
    I am not saying it is all of it, one need only look at what has happened in Miami, FL, where the town is already under water…….to realize it is affecting the entire globe. The Fukushima disaster is rendering CA unlivable, and nobody wants to face it. We have Hanford, WA to our north, we have NM to our east, Japan to our south, San Diego to our south……and these are just the ones we hear about. Now, they move the waste to TX……..that will only poison more folks.
    I read here that Russia is providing Iran with six nuclear reactors…….can’t they realize how short term such energy provides? 30 years, and then you have what we have, death.
    Man evidently doesn’t deserve to survive. We are indeed going to join the 98% of species that are extinct…..
    Thanks for the report.


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