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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
– AMI Smart Meters Defined In Four Minute Cartoon
H/t reader squodgy:
No chance!”
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Everyone knows that wireless “smart” meters communicate via microwaves. What was unknown until now is that additional frequencies are transmitted in the 2 to 50 kilohertz range. Numerous studies have shown repeatedly that those very same frequencies disrupt the human nervous system. Indeed, “nerve block” is the phrase used in the studies to describe what occurs.
The studies are not controversial. In other words, there are no studies that show otherwise. Nerve block induced by frequencies in the 2 to 50 kilohertz range is an established fact. The studies that show this nerve block are all from mainstream sources including the epitome of “establishment” science when it comes to electricity, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
For more information on how frequencies radiate off household wiring, go to the 5 minute and 20 second mark of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbebp… .
Nerve Disrupting Frequencies Radiating from “Smart” Meters needs to be shared. Send the video to your utilities, your state utility regulators, your state health departments, and to hungry lawyers everywhere.
Links to studies:
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– Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)
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– The DUMB Aspects of Smart Meters:
Utility companies are having a heyday installing electric, natural gas and water AMI Smart Meters, which probably will help many of them—electric power companies, in particular—avoid building new power plants: they can brown-out high demand days or interrupt individual home usage if consumers use more power than utilities think we should—in addition to running up customer tabs for new Smart Meters every several years
I my opinion we should resist smart meters in our homes as much as forced microchip implants.
Related info:
– Smart Meters – Scientists And Health Professionals Correct The Gross Misinformation
– Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt: Smart Meters & EMR – The Health Crisis Of Our Time (Video)
– Smart Meters: Enforcement Of Mandatory Water Restrictions Is Only Just The Beginning (Economic Collapse, April 8, 2015):
Smart meters are now being used by authorities to crack down on “water wasters” in the state of California, but this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as what they can be used for. Ultimately, smart meters are designed to be part of an entire “smart grid” that will enable government bureaucrats “to control everything from your dishwasher to thermostat“. And in recent years, there has been a massive push to install smart meters in as many homes in the United States and Europe as possible. Back in December 2007, there were only 7 million smart meters installed in this country. Today there are more than 51 million. On the other side of the Atlantic, the European Parliament has set a goal of having smart meters in 80 percent of all homes by the year 2020. This is being promoted as the “green” thing to do, but could it be possible that there is more to these smart meters than meets the eye?
In Long Beach, California authorities were getting complaints that a local McDonald’s restaurant was wasting water in the middle of the night.
So what did the authorities do?
Read moreSmart Meters: Enforcement Of Mandatory Water Restrictions Is Only Just The Beginning
You may not like David Icke’s Archon (Reptilian) theory, but listen to what he has to say about TPTB and their agenda:
Agenda 21, GMOs, vaccination, fluoride, Big Pharma, ISIS/Al-Qaeda, Fukushima, depopulation, eugenics etc.
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The videos have all been deleted.
I’ve found some some replacements.
Download them first before you watch them.
David Icke Live At Wembley 2014.
British author David Icke has written 16 books and travelled to over 40 countries since 1990.
David Icke is recognised as the leader in his field and is an inspiration to a new generation of conspiracy theory researchers around the world.
However, be careful about David Icke (and about everything you hear and watch these days)!
Related info:
– Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt: Smart Meters & EMR – The Health Crisis Of Our Time (Video)
– Smart Meters – Correcting the Gross Misinformation (Waking Times, March 2, 2013):
Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)’s School of Public Health, to comment on a letter published in the Montreal daily Le Devoir last May 24. This letter claimed wireless smart meters pose no risk to public health. Some forty international experts contributed to the following rebuttal.
We, the undersigned are a group of scientists and health professionals who together have coauthored hundreds of peer-reviewed studies on the health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). We wish to correct some of the gross misinformation found in the letter regarding wireless “smart” meters that was published in the Montreal daily Le Devoir on May 24. Submitted by a group Quebec engineers, physicists and chemists, the letter in question reflects an obvious lack of understanding of the science behind the health impacts of the radiofrequency (RF)/microwave EMFs emitted by these meters.
Read moreSmart Meters – Scientists And Health Professionals Correct The Gross Misinformation
– Naperville anti-smart meter activists fight back at council meeting, accuse city of breaking its own laws (Natural News, Feb 13, 2013):
The rule of law has completely gone out the window in the Chicago, Illinois, suburb of Naperville, where two mothers were recently arrested for trying to stop utility workers and local police from illegally trespassing on their private property in order to install cancer-causing “smart” meters. As voiced by anti-smart meter activists during a recent city council meeting following the arrests, the city of Naperville blatantly violated its own ordinances by not only having the women arrested, but also by trespassing on their private property without consent.
For several years, Jennifer Stahl, Malia “Kim” Bendis, and a cohort of other local residents informed about the dangers of remotely-controlled smart meters have been working to block efforts by the city to forcibly install the devices on all residents’ homes throughout the area. Smart meters, which are controlled by wireless access points, emit large amounts of electromagnetic radiation, and have been linked to causing severe headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, and even cancer, not to mention a plethora of personal privacy violations.
– Police now accompanying Smart Meter installations: Two homeowners arrested for saying NO! (Natural News, Feb 5, 2013):
As if police in most major cities didn’t have enough to do already, now they are being deployed as enforcers for the nanny state.
Cops in Naperville, Ill., a suburb of Chicago, have arrested two mothers after they attempted to block utility workers from installing so-called “smart meters” on their homes. The women, who were known to be vocal opponents of the wireless electric meters, apparently, were not the only smart meter opponents, however, because city officials told the Chicago Tribune they have ordered police to accompany utility crews as they install the meters on other homes where they were previously sent away.
“The previous installation attempts were met with some resistance and we wanted to ensure our employees’ safety,” City Manager Doug Krieger told the paper.
Translation: Your home isn’t really your home anymore.
Read morePolice now accompanying Smart Meter installations: Two homeowners arrested for saying NO!
Don’t miss:
– Military reports alarming breast cancer rates among troops (Bürgerwelle, Oct 3, 2012):
A slew of studies have linked breast cancer with men and women working as radio operators, electricians, telephone repair people and other jobs involving exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Chemicals. Army enlisted women younger than under 35…
If you think breast cancer is just something for your grandmother, mom and aunts to worry about, think again. Not only is breast cancer striking relatively young military women at alarming rates, but male service members, veterans and their dependents are at risk, as well.
Read moreMilitary Reports Alarming Breast Cancer Rates Among Troops
Related info:
– Stop Smart Meters – The Film (Trailer HD)
– US: Smart Meters Make Themselves At Home … By Force
– Measuring The Dangerous Pulsed Radiation From Smart Meters (Video)
– Red Level Alert America: THEY WANT US DEAD!
– How privacy-conscious consumers are fooling, hacking smart meters (Natural News, July 15, 2012):
The recent roll out of smart meters has brought about mixed reactions from consumers. On one hand, there are activist groups broadcasting the health and privacy concerns that smart meters may potentially have. On the other, the utility companies are championing the advantages of smart meters in the face of a $3.4 billion fund stimulus given by the government for smart grid technologies (it sure is nice of them to be advocating energy savings while they line their pockets with all that money from the government).
Curiously, in all this haste to accomplish the government’s energy program, no federal safeguards seem to have been designed to protect customer information from being accessed by others – information that smart meters could be sending (the activist group may have a point on this one). Worse, it appears that smart meters themselves are not an impregnable fortress – the meter can be subject to hacking.
– Discovery of magnetic sensors in fish and rats may explain why some people can ‘feel’ wi-fi, smart meters, power lines and electropollution (Natural News, July 11, 2012):
It is well known that many people are sensitive to electromagnetic pollution. Wi-fi gives them headaches. Being near high-voltage power lines can bring on migraines. Using a cell phone unleashes similar symptoms. Until recently, there was no medically-understood mechanism by which electromagnetic waves could be sensed by humans. But now, thanks to some fascinating science summarized here, that mystery may be closer to being solved.
Scientists from the University of Munich, led by geophysicist Michael Winklhofer, say they’ve located and identified “internal compass needles” in the noses of rainbow trout. These are called magnetosensory cells, and they turn out to be far more sensitive to magnetic fields than anyone previously thought.
As TGdaily.com reports: (http://www.tgdaily.com/general-sciences-features/64572-source-of-anim…)
The cells sense the field by means of micrometer-sized inclusions composed of magnetic crystals, probably made of magnetite. These inclusions are coupled to the cell membrane, changing the electrical potential across the membrane when the crystals realign in response to a change in the ambient magnetic field.
“This explains why low-frequency magnetic fields generated by powerlines disrupt navigation relative to the geomagnetic field and may induce other physiological effects,” said Winklhofer.
Electro-smog is getting worse by the day
– Hacking Expert David Chalk Joins Urgent Call to Halt Smart Grid (Market Watch, April 12, 2012):
“100% certainty of catastrophic failure of energy grid within 3 years”
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Apr 12, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — The vulnerability of the energy industry’s new wireless smart grid will inevitably lead to lights out for everyone, according to leading cyber expert David Chalk. In an online interview for an upcoming documentary film entitled ‘Take Back Your Power’ ( www.ThePowerFilm.org ), Chalk says the entire power grid will be at risk to being taken down by cyber attack, and if installations continue it’s only a matter of time.
“We’re in a state of crisis,” said Chalk. “The front door is open and there is no lock to be had. There is not a power meter or device on the grid that is protected from hacking – if not already infected – with some sort of trojan horse that can cause the grid to be shut down or completely annihilated.”
“One of the most amazing things that has happened to mankind in the last 100 years is the Internet. It’s given us possibility beyond our wildest imagination. But we also know the vulnerabilities that exist inside of it. And then we have the backbone, the power grid that powers our nations. Those two are coming together. And it’s the smart meter on your home or business that’s now allowing that connectivity.”
Chalk also issued a challenge to governments, media and technology producers to show him one piece of digital technology that is hack-proof.
Related info:
– Stop Smart Meters – The Film (Trailer HD)
– US: Smart Meters Make Themselves At Home … By Force
– Measuring The Dangerous Pulsed Radiation From Smart Meters (Video)
– Red Level Alert America: THEY WANT US DEAD!
– TEPCO to Introduce Smart Meters to Households As Early As Fall of Next Year (EX-SKF, Feb. 25, 2012):
As if irradiating the population with Fukushima-origin radionuclides is not enough, TEPCO says it will introduce smart meters to its household customers by the fall of 2013.
Privacy concern about smart meters? Nah. The country is set to introduce the numbering system for the citizens for more efficient tax collection and tracking, calling it “My Number” as if you were queuing to be served at a deli.
From Yomiuri Shinbun (2/26/2012):
TEPCO plans to introduce “smart meters” as one of the best ways to conserve energy.
See also:
– Smart Meters: More Radiation Than A Cell Phone Tower (Video)
– Smart Meters Make Themselves At Home . . . by Force (Activist Post, Dec. 23, 2011):
Many Idaho residents want nothing to do with the new Smart Meters forced on them by Idaho Electric and the Public Utilities Commission in order to replace analog electric meters.
Some simply don’t want them, others don’t appreciate the eerie surveillance of residents’ whereabouts and usage and the ability for remote power shut-off, especially where medical devices are concerned.
Most alarming have been the health effects from the EMF output – headaches, insomnia, nausea, ringing ears and more reported by residents nationwide.
Read moreUS: Smart Meters Make Themselves At Home … By Force