The Subatomic Discovery That Physicists Considered Keeping Secret

The Subatomic Discovery That Physicists Considered Keeping Secret:

A pair of physicists announced the discovery of a subatomic event so powerful that the researchers wondered if it was too dangerous to make public.

The explosive event? The duo showed that two tiny particles known as bottom quarks could theoretically fuse together in a powerful flash. The result: a larger subatomic particle, a second, spare particle known as a nucleon, and a whole mess of energy spilling out into the universe. This “quarksplosion” would be an even more powerful subatomic analog of the individual nuclear fusion reactions that take place in the cores of hydrogen bombs.

Read moreThe Subatomic Discovery That Physicists Considered Keeping Secret

‘Angel particle’ which is both matter and anti-matter discovered in ‘landmark’ quantum physics breakthrough

‘Angel particle’ which is both matter and anti-matter discovered in ‘landmark’ quantum physics breakthrough:

Scientists say they have found the first evidence that ‘Majorana fermions’ exist, 80 years after they were first suggested

Physicists believe they have discovered a particle that is both matter and anti-matter, an idea that was first theorised 80 years ago.

Read more‘Angel particle’ which is both matter and anti-matter discovered in ‘landmark’ quantum physics breakthrough

David Icke: What You Really Are (Video) – #Consciousness, #Brain, #Science, #Spirituality, #Meditation, #Reality, #MindControl


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Scientists Are About to Perform an Experiment to See if The Human Mind Is Bound by Physics

Scientists Are About to Perform an Experiment to See if The Human Mind Is Bound by Physics:

Perhaps one of the most intriguing and interesting phenomena in quantum physics is what Einstein referred to as a “spooky action at a distance” – also known as quantum entanglement.

This quantum effect is behind what makes quantum computers work, as quantum bits (qubits) generally rely on entanglement to process data and information. It’s also the working theory behind the possibility of quantum teleportation.

Read moreScientists Are About to Perform an Experiment to See if The Human Mind Is Bound by Physics

David Icke: AWAKEN!! – Live At London Wembley Arena, 25th October 2014 (Full Presentation)


These must-see videos have been re-uploaded.

In case you’ve missed them:

David Icke: AWAKEN!! – Live At London Wembley Arena, 25th October 2014 (Full Presentation)

David Icke: AWAKEN!! – Live At London Wembley Arena, 25th October 2014 (Full Presentation)

You may not like David Icke’s Archon (Reptilian) theory, but listen to what he has to say about TPTB and their agenda:

Agenda 21, GMOs, vaccination, fluoride, Big Pharma, ISIS/Al-Qaeda, Fukushima, depopulation, eugenics etc.


* * *

The videos have all been deleted.

I’ve found some some replacements.

Download them first before you watch them.


David Icke Live At Wembley 2014.

British author David Icke has written 16 books and travelled to over 40 countries since 1990.

David Icke is recognised as the leader in his field and is an inspiration to a new generation of conspiracy theory researchers around the world.

However, be careful about David Icke (and about everything you hear and watch these days)!


Former MI5 Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Technology Used By Intelligence Agencies Can Induce Pain, Illness, Even Heart Attacks And Cancer, They Can Program And Remote Control Humans (Video)


(Tomorrow I will post what Hugo Chavez had to say about this.)

Related info:

R.I.P. Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde On Mind Control (Video)

More from Barrie Trower:

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert: NWO TECHNOLOGY UPDATE – Deadly Mobile Phones & The Worst Genocide Ever Committed – The Dangers Of Wi-Fi To Women And Children (Video)

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)

MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: dangerous radiation everywhere from Henning Witte on Vimeo.


Former MI5 agent Barrie Trower is a physicist who worked for British intelligence. There he got secret knowledge about the huge danger of electro smog=scalar waves and microwave radiation in our cell phone and Wi-Fi technology. He reveals how intelligence agencies misuse microwaves to influence people’s bodies, even the brain. They can induce pain everywhere in the body and illness, even heart attacks and every form of cancer. They can control your mind by reading your thoughts, changing them, spying on your memory, change or erase it. They can remote control a human totally without the targeted individual knowing about it. People can be programmed to be a living video camera, killing- or sex-machine.
It is easy to let people hear voices in their skulls. V2K is not a mental illness but the result of modern technology.

Read moreFormer MI5 Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Technology Used By Intelligence Agencies Can Induce Pain, Illness, Even Heart Attacks And Cancer, They Can Program And Remote Control Humans (Video)

NSA Seeks To Build Quantum Computer That Could Crack Most Types Of Encryption


NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption (Washington Post, Jan 2, 2014):

In room-size metal boxes ­secure against electromagnetic leaks, the National Security Agency is racing to build a computer that could break nearly every kind of encryption used to protect banking, medical, business and government records around the world.

According to documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, the effort to build “a cryptologically useful quantum computer” — a machine exponentially faster than classical computers — is part of a $79.7 million research program titled “Penetrating Hard Targets.” Much of the work is hosted under classified contracts at a laboratory in College Park, Md.

“If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don’t understand quantum mechanics,” said the late Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, widely regarded as the pioneer in quantum computing. The science video blog Vertiasium tries to help make sense of it.

Large Hadron Collider Data Suggest The Collisions May Be Producing A New Type Of Matter (MIT News)

Lead-proton collisions yield surprising results (MIT News, Nov 27, 2012):

Unexpected data from the Large Hadron Collider suggest the collisions may be producing a new type of matter.

A proton collides with a lead nucleus, sending a shower of particles through the CMS detector.
Image: CERN

Collisions between protons and lead ions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have produced surprising behavior in some of the particles created by the collisions. The new observation suggests the collisions may have produced a new type of matter known as color-glass condensate.

When beams of particles crash into each other at high speeds, the collisions yield hundreds of new particles, most of which fly away from the collision point at close to the speed of light. However, the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) team at the LHC found that in a sample of 2 million lead-proton collisions, some pairs of particles flew away from each other with their respective directions correlated.

Read moreLarge Hadron Collider Data Suggest The Collisions May Be Producing A New Type Of Matter (MIT News)

Humans Think Like Quantum Particles (Scientific American)

Quantum theory once seemed like the last nail in the coffin of pure reason. Now it’s looking like its savior

Humans Think Like Quantum Particles (Scientific American, Nov 5, 2012):

An American election season seems like a bad time to sing the praises of human rationality. Candidates make promises that will never be kept yet voters somehow accept; thoughtful arguments hold no sway, while sound bites carry the day. What a comedown from the Enlightenment ideals, the faith in rationality, that inspired the founding of the republic. And it is even worse than you might think. Some things you think should be possible to figure out rationally if only you exerted yourself aren’t. If you actually succeeded in living a life of reason—never voting without weighing each candidate’s record carefully, never buying an appliance without consulting Consumer Reports, never begging the question, never erecting straw men, never falling into any of the other traps that flesh is heir to—you still would find yourself doing things that made no sense, not because you had failed but because reason itself is a saw blade missing a few teeth.

Read moreHumans Think Like Quantum Particles (Scientific American)

David Icke: Humanity’s Last Stand (Video)

YouTube Added: 20.10.2012

See also:


Former Minister Says Thatcher Aide Was Paedophile Who Preyed On Boys’ Home – And Hague Should Have Known

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Exposes Satanism, Paedophilia Elite, Assassinations, New World Order (Videos)

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: CIA & Satanism, Peadophilia, Organized Child Kidnapping Rings, International Trafficking Of Children, Terrorism, Illuminati, NWO (Video)

US Government Develops Ultimate Cyber Weapon; Prime-Factoring Quantum Computing Makes Encryption Obsolete

US government developing ultimate cyber weapon; Prime-factoring quantum computing makes encryption obsolete (Natural News, Aug 20, 2012)

The U.S. government is making steady progress on a game-changing technology that would give it the most powerful weapon ever devised in the realm of cyber warfare and information dominance. The weapon is called a “prime-factoring quantum computer,” and a small-scale version of the game-changing technology has already been demonstrated by researchers at UC Santa Barbara, where qubits — quantum bits of computational potential — factored the number 15 into its prime factors three and five.

So what, you say? Can’t any fifth grader do the same thing?

But hold on: Every digital encryption algorithm used today depends in the extreme mathematical difficulty of factoring (the prime numbers of) very large numbers. When you buy something on the internet, for example, your credit card number is sent to the merchant using something called “SSL encryption” which typically uses a 40-bit, 128-bit or sometimes even a 256-bit encryption algorithm. Anyone who might intercept your web form data would not be able to extract your credit card number unless they decrypted your encrypted data. This task requires extraordinary computing power.

For example, using “military grade” 512-bit encryption means that it would take a supercomputer longer than the age of the known universe to decrypt your file and expose your secrets. This is why the U.S. military uses such encryption. It’s virtually unbreakable given today’s computers.

But quantum computers have the spooky ability to process complex decryption algorithms using what some scientists believe are computational bits which coexist in an infinite number of parallel universes. You feed the quantum computer a decryption task, and it “calculates” the answer in all possible parallel universes. The correct answer then emerges in this universe, seemingly magically.

Quantum computing appears to break the laws of physics… yeah, it’s spooky

Read moreUS Government Develops Ultimate Cyber Weapon; Prime-Factoring Quantum Computing Makes Encryption Obsolete

Physicists At CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Discover New Subatomic Particle That Looks Like The Higgs Boson

Particle’s Discovery Points to a Firmer Grasp of Physics (The New York Times, July 4, 2012):

ASPEN, Colo. — Physicists working at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider said Wednesday that they had discovered a new subatomic particle that looks for all the world like the Higgs boson, a potential key to an understanding of why elementary particles have mass and indeed to the existence of diversity and life in the universe.

“I think we have it,” Rolf-Dieter Heuer, the director general of CERN, said in an interview from his office outside Geneva, calling the discovery “a historic milestone.” His words signaled what is probably the beginning of the end for one of the longest, most expensive searches in the history of science. If scientists are lucky, the discovery could lead to a new understanding of how the universe began.

Read morePhysicists At CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Discover New Subatomic Particle That Looks Like The Higgs Boson

God Particle Is ‘Found’: Scientists At Cern Expected To Announce Discovery Of Higgs Boson Particle

God particle is ‘found’: Scientists at Cern expected to announce on Wednesday Higgs boson particle has been discovered (Daily Mail, July 1, 2012):

  • Scientists ‘will say they are 99.99% certain’ the particle has been found
  • Leading physicists have been invited to event – sparking speculation that Higgs boson particle has been found
  • ‘God Particle’ gives particles that make up atoms their mass
  • Fermi Lab in Chicago also ‘closing in’ on proof of Higgs boson

Scientists at Cern will announce that the elusive Higgs boson ‘God Particle’ has been found at a press conference next week, it is believed.

Five leading theoretical physicists have been invited to the event on Wednesday – sparking speculation that the particle has been discovered.

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider are expected to say they are 99.99 per cent certain it has been found – which is known as ‘four sigma’ level.

Read moreGod Particle Is ‘Found’: Scientists At Cern Expected To Announce Discovery Of Higgs Boson Particle

Chinese Physicists Smash Distance Record For Teleportation,Teleport Photons Over 100 Kilometers

Chinese Physicists Smash Distance Record For Teleportation (Technology Review, May 11, 2012):

The ability to teleport photons through 100 kilometres of free space opens the way for satellite-based quantum communications, say researchers

Teleportation is the extraordinary ability to transfer objects from one location to another without travelling through the intervening space.

The idea is not that the physical object is teleported but the information that describes it. This can then be applied to a similar object in a new location which effectively takes on the new identity.

And it is by no means science fiction. Physicists have been teleporting photons since 1997 and the technique is now standard in optics laboratories all over the world.

Read moreChinese Physicists Smash Distance Record For Teleportation,Teleport Photons Over 100 Kilometers

Dr. Bruce Lipton: The New Biology – Where Mind and Matter Meet (Video)


The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology.

Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist.

His experiments, and that of other leading edge scientists, have examined in great detail the processes by which cells receive information. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life.

It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.

Dr. Lipton’s profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles

by Bruce H. Lipton (Hardcover – Sep 15, 2008) The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles
by Bruce H. Lipton (Hardcover – Mar 18, 2005)


The New Biology – Where Mind and Matter Meet

Recent advances in cellular science are heralding an important evolutionary turning point.

For almost fifty years we have held the illusion that our health and fate were preprogrammed in our genes, a concept referred to as genetic determinacy.

Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the belief that the character of one’s life is genetically predetermined, a radically new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science.

Cellular biologists now recognize that the environment, the external universe and our internal physiology, and more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes.

This video will broadly review the molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismal evolution.

Second CERN ‘Faster Than Light’ Experiment Brings Scientists One Step Closer To Prove Einstein Wrong

Well, Nikola Tesla said over 100 years ago that Einstein was wrong.

CERN Experiment Excludes 1 Error In Faster-Than-Light Finding (Huffington Post, Nov. 18, 2011):

GENEVA — The chances have risen that Einstein was wrong about a fundamental law of the universe.

Scientists at the world’s biggest physics lab said Friday they have ruled out one possible error that could have distorted their startling measurements that appeared to show particles traveling faster than light.

Many physicists reacted with skepticism in September when measurements by French and Italian researchers seemed to show subatomic neutrino particles breaking what Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein considered the ultimate speed barrier.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research said more precise testing has now confirmed the accuracy of at least one part of the experiment.

“One key test was to repeat the measurement with very short beam pulses,” the Geneva-based organization, known by its French acronym CERN, said in a statement.r

The test allowed scientists to check if the starting time for the neutrinos was being measured correctly before they were fired 454 miles (730 kilometers) underground from Geneva to a lab in Italy.

The results matched those from the previous test, “ruling out one potential source of systematic error,” said CERN.

Read moreSecond CERN ‘Faster Than Light’ Experiment Brings Scientists One Step Closer To Prove Einstein Wrong

Faster Than The Speed Of Light… OPERA Update — Speed Of Light Broken, An Expert’s View — Speed Of Light Discovery: Would You Go Back In Time?

Neutrinos travelling faster than light have been found, say particle physicists in Italy. Photograph: Dan Mccoy /Corbis

Speed of light discovery: would you go back in time? (Guardian, Sep. 23, 2011):

Physicists’ discovery of neutrinos that may travel faster than the speed of light raises the prospect of time-travelling particles. You’re not a tachyon, granted. But if you had the opportunity, would you go back in time?

Speed of light broken – an expert’s view (Telegraph, Sep. 23, 2011):

If CERN scientists are correct in claiming they have observed particles travelling faster than the speed of light it would fundamentally change our understanding of the laws of physics, experts say.

Prof Jenny Thomas, of University College London, says the claims, if proven true, would call into question our very understanding of physics and the universe.

She said: “It would turn everything on its head. It is too awful to think about.

“The basic thing it that would be questioned is that there is an absolute speed limit which is the basis of special relativity and that is a huge building block of modern physics.

“It permeates everything to do with how we have modelled the universe and everything. It would be very hard to predict what the effects would be.”

Special relativity is integral to the understanding of particle accelerators and the creation of particle beams, which are of crucial importance in fields like medicine and engineering, she said.

It could even be that the most famous equation of all time, E=mc2, turns out to be incorrect because it is based on the law of special relativity, Prof Thomas said.

Faster Than The Speed Of Light… OPERA Update (Universe Today, Sep. 24, 2011):

A few days ago, the physics world was turned upside down at the announcement of “faster than the speed of light”. The mighty neutrino has struck again by breaking the cosmic speed limit and traveling at a velocity 20 parts per million above light speed. To absolutely verify this occurrence, collaboration is needed from different sources and we’re here to give you the latest update.

“This result comes as a complete surprise,” said OPERA spokesperson, Antonio Ereditato of the University of Bern. “After many months of studies and cross checks we have not found any instrumental effect that could explain the result of the measurement. While OPERA researchers will continue their studies, we are also looking forward to independent measurements to fully assess the nature of this observation.”

Read moreFaster Than The Speed Of Light… OPERA Update — Speed Of Light Broken, An Expert’s View — Speed Of Light Discovery: Would You Go Back In Time?

Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D. – Changing Our Cells by Thought

Source: YouTube

The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology.

Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist.

His experiments, and that of other leading edge scientists, have examined in great detail the processes by which cells receive information. The implications of this research radically change our understanding of life.

It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.

Dr. Lipton’s profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking.

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles
by Bruce H. Lipton (Hardcover – Sep 15, 2008)

The Perception Of Consciousness

Peter Russell studied mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge (UK), supervised for a while by Stephen Hawking. Then, as he became increasingly fascinated by the nature of consciousness, he changed to experimental psychology. He won several scholarships for his work at Cambridge and graduated with a first class honors degree. He then went India, where he studied meditation and Eastern philosophy, and on his return took up research into the psychophysiology of meditation at the University of Bristol. He also has a post-graduate degree from Cambridge in computer science, and conducted some of the early work on 3-D displays and what is now known as “virtual reality”.

Peter Russell was one of the first people to introduce human potential seminars into the corporate field, and for twenty years ran programs for senior management on creativity, learning methods, stress management, personal development, and sustainability. Clients have included IBM, Apple, Digital, American Express, Barclays Bank, Swedish Telecom, ICI, Shell Oil and British Petroleum.

His principal interest is the inner challenges presented by the times we are passing through. He has written several books in this area, including Meditation, The Brian Book, The Global Brain Awakens The Creative Manager, and Waking Up in Time. Peter’s latest book, From Science to God: A Physicist’s Journey into the Mystery of Consciousness, explores how a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness leads to a new synthesis of scientific and spiritual worldviews.

Read moreThe Perception Of Consciousness

Top 8 Large Hadron Collider Videos

The Large Hadron Collider has become fodder for tons of viral videos. Some are hilarious, others are informative, and the best are somewhere in between. Here are our favorites:

8. CERN Explained in 3 Minutes
A great introduction to the whole European Center for Nuclear Research, not just its highest profile project.

Read moreTop 8 Large Hadron Collider Videos

Large Hadron Collider to Be Stalled for 2 Months

The giant Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most expensive scientific experiment, will be shut down for at least two months, scientists at the European Center for Nuclear Research, or CERN, in Geneva said today.

The shutdown casts into doubt the hopes of CERN physicists to achieve high-energy collisions of protons in the machine before the end of the year. “It’s too early to say whether we’ll still be having collisions this year,” James Gillies, head of communications for CERN, said in an e-mail message. The laboratory shuts down to save money on electricity during the winter.

A gala inauguration party scheduled for Oct. 21 will still take place, Dr. Gillies said.

The collider is designed to accelerate the subatomic particles known as protons to energies of 7 trillion electron volts, far surpassing any other accelerator on Earth, and bang them together in search of new particles and forces.

Read moreLarge Hadron Collider to Be Stalled for 2 Months

Hackers claim there’s a black hole in the atom smashers’ computer network

September 13, 2008

Hackers have broken into one of the computer networks of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

A group calling itself the Greek Security Team left a rogue webpage describing the technicians responsible for computer security at the giant atom smasher as “schoolkids” – but reassuring scientists that they did not want to disrupt the experiment.

The hackers gained access to a website open to other scientists on Wednesday as the LHC passed its first test, sending its protons off on their dizzying journey through time and space, close to the speed of light.

Read moreHackers claim there’s a black hole in the atom smashers’ computer network