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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
For your information…
Glad you posted about Epstein. 1/1 The information I am going to pass on is extremely important. The links of the Trump escorts site & Trump models are hot. Both sites were crawled & captured by the https://t.co/jP3OtcucCa (aka the Wayback Machine). Click them for more details.
— Jessica (@JessicaOutLoud) November 10, 2019
3/10 Trump was linked to Epstein. Actually Epstein the pedophile was quoted saying; ‘I want to set up my modeling agency the same way Trump set up his modeling agency.’ It is curious he was trying to do something similar to Trump.’ https://t.co/YCtIJJbahj
— Jessica (@JessicaOutLoud) November 10, 2019
5/10 Some ask, why didn’t Epstein’s fight records show that DJT flew in the Lolita Express. He did, the records show this. But everyone forgets tRump has a plane. If he wanted some young stuff he could just fly his plane. pic.twitter.com/jNslDC9Qf2
— Jessica (@JessicaOutLoud) November 10, 2019
Trump & Epstein hung together, here’s an episode @ the pool: “The pool was filled with beautiful young girls,” Trump said, before jokingly adding, “’How nice,’ I thought, ‘he let the neighborhood kids use his pool.'" From Roger Stone’s 2016 book, The Clintons’ War on Women.
— Jessica (@JessicaOutLoud) November 10, 2019
8/10 An entire article about John Casablancas detailing his business and connections with DJT and a section on Ivanka and how she was groomed by Casablancas at 13yrs into the horridly exploitative modeling business. https://t.co/43pCpVluCU
— Jessica (@JessicaOutLoud) November 10, 2019
9/10 Later Ivanka is directly involved in her fathers modeling business having experience in that industry. The modeling agency closed in 2017!!!! https://t.co/DTYAGTPiZG
See print commercial stating that meeting with Ivanka is 1st prize.— Jessica (@JessicaOutLoud) November 10, 2019
“When I started out, I could barely stand in heels and didn’t understand how to show clothes to the camera. I didn’t readily grasp what the photographer or art directors were looking for because I was a child.”—Maggie Rizer. https://t.co/DKLjvEVxPI
— Jessica (@JessicaOutLoud) November 10, 2019
The following 2 photos are totally ‘unrelated’…
It’s probably nothing…666…
Roy Cohn & Donald Trump…
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell…
Nathaniel Rothschild and Ghislaine Maxwell…
The Clintons & the Rothchilds…
Donald Trump and Lynn Forester de Rothschild…
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VIDEO of Prince Andrew staying in Epstein’s sex mansion forces palace into damage control https://t.co/uYLPw0b6K4#JeffreyEpstein #Epstein #PrinceAndrew #BreakingNews #Breaking
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) August 19, 2019
And clearly MI5 & MI6 must have done a complete background check on Jimmy Savile.
So the British government, MI5, MI6 and those ‘Royals’ knew and are part of a worldwide (SATANIC) pedophile ring…
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– Reporter who exposed BBC pedophilia cover-up ‘drops dead’:
Liz MacKean, the former British investigative reporter who exposed Jimmy Savile and the culture of pedophile protection at the BBC, has been found dead. She was 52.
MacKean worked at the BBC until she quit in 2013 after executives decided to ban her groundbreaking and brave investigation into predatory pedophile Jimmy Savile in order to protect him and other pedophiles.
Dismissed by the establishment as mad and dangerous, MacKean was finally vindicated when the truth about Savile’s pedophilia eventually came out in 2012, a full year after MacKean first tried to bring his notorious crimes to light.
The BBC, who blocked her groundbreaking investigation from airing and spent the next few years attempting to destroy her reputation, are reporting that she died of “complications from a stroke.”
Acknowledging her life was under threat during the time she was investigating Savile and BBC elites, MacKean said her conscience left her no option but to pursue the truth and expose the culture of pedophila. The mother of two children believed it was her duty.
Read moreReporter who exposed BBC pedophilia cover-up ‘drops dead’
Scotland Yard tried to suppress 1964 document which told how band visited brothel along with “well known disc jockey’
A pop group was suspected of abusing girls at a paedophile brothel visited by Jimmy Savile, according to a secret police report.
The four-page document, which Scotland Yard tried to suppress, reveals how Savile and the unnamed band visited the flat in the 1960s.
The identities of the music stars aren’t revealed in the report, which was only released following a lengthy Freedom of Information battle.
The BBC missed numerous opportunities to stop sexual abuse perpetrated by now-deceased DJ and television star Jimmy Savile, a report into his crimes has revealed.
Published on Thursday, The Dame Janet Smith Review criticized the broadcaster for letting the star continue to commit offenses with impunity.
How about the BBC staff knew that not only the senior management was totally aware and supportive of Jimmy Savile’s crimes, but that this went way beyond senior management?
– Jimmy Savile scandal inquiry contains ‘pretty shocking’ revelations:
Last month the former head of Newsnight investigations claimed Alan Yentob, the BBC’s creative director, accused the journalists who exposed the corporation’s cover-up of Jimmy Savile’s crimes of being “traitors”.
Newsnight revealed the BBC’s attempts to stop the programme exposing Savile as a paedophile who carried out attacks on BBC premises.
– MI5 warned Thatcher about Westminster pedophiles, no action taken
– Jimmy Savile Abused Up To 1,000 Victims On BBC Premises (The Guardian)
– BBC Paid For Pedophile Jimmy Savile’s Cash Gifts To Children
– So Much For BBC Transparency: 90 Pages Of BBC’s Jimmy Savile Report Blacked Out
More info down below.
– BBC staff knew of Jimmy Savile abuse but culture of ‘fear’ kept them silent:
LONDON — A long-awaited report into the culture at the BBC that allowed TV personality Jimmy Savile to abuse children while working there has found that senior management were unaware of his actions.
Dame Janet Smith’s review, published Thursday morning, found that, while some staff were aware of Savile’s conduct, none of them reported it to their managers. Therefore she “found no evidence that the BBC as a corporate body was aware of Savile’s conduct.”
In the conclusion to her report, Smith wrote:
My conclusion is that a number of BBC staff were aware of specific complaints about Savile’s conduct and in two cases were aware of his sexual interest in teenage girls, some of whom might have been underage. All of these people ought to have reported their awareness to their line managers or to someone in a more senior position. None of them did so. The result is that I must conclude that there is no evidence that any senior member of staff (of Head of Department status or above) was aware of Savile’s conduct. It follows that I have found no evidence that the BBC as a corporate body was aware of Savile’s conduct.
She added that a culture of “fear” prevented them from reporting their concerns.
Read more“BBC Staff Knew Of Jimmy Savile Abuse But Culture Of ‘Fear’ Kept Them Silent”
– MI5 warned Thatcher about Westminster pedophiles, no action taken
– Jimmy Savile Abused Up To 1,000 Victims On BBC Premises (The Guardian)
– BBC Paid For Pedophile Jimmy Savile’s Cash Gifts To Children
– So Much For BBC Transparency: 90 Pages Of BBC’s Jimmy Savile Report Blacked Out
More info down below.
The inquiry found that Jimmy Savile had told a nurse in graphic detail about how he sexually interfered with bodies Photo: REX FEATURES
– Jimmy Savile scandal inquiry contains ‘pretty shocking’ revelations:
The Culture Secretary has said the inquiry into Savile’s abuse will reveal a culture at the BBC culture which allowed “things which should never have been tolerated”
The inquiry into the BBC’s handling of the Jimmy Savile scandal contains some “pretty shocking” revelations, John Whittingdale has said.
Read moreJimmy Savile scandal inquiry contains ‘pretty shocking’ revelations
H/t reader squodgy:
“Bloody hell, it’s far worse than I thought.”
What the people call the ‘OK sign’ really means 666 to ‘them’. See HERE.
Related info:
– Royal Family Member Was Investigated As Part Of Paedophile Ring Before Cover-Up, Ex-Cop Says
– In Great Britain, Powerful Pedophiles are Seemingly Everywhere and Totally Above the Law
– Jimmy Savile & Margaret Thatcher (Video)
Read moreThe Monarchy – British VIP Pedophile Ring For Decades! (Video)
Related info:
– Jimmy Savile Abused Up To 1,000 Victims On BBC Premises (The Guardian)
– BBC Paid For Pedophile Jimmy Savile’s Cash Gifts To Children (Daily Express)
– So Much For BBC Transparency: 90 Pages Of BBC’s Jimmy Savile Report Blacked Out (Daily Mail)
The treatment of BBC staff involved in the breaking of the Jimmy Savile story is a scandal that has gone largely unnoticed. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA
– The sinister treatment of dissent at the BBC (The Guardian, March 8, 2015):
The whistleblowers who broke the Jimmy Savile story have seen their careers nosedive while executives protect their own status
Nobody from John Humphrys in the morning to Evan Davis at night dares mention a scandal at the BBC. It undermines their reporting of every abuse whistleblowers reveal. It reinforces the dirty common sense of British life that you must keep your head down if you want to keep your job.
H/t reader squodgy:
“The BBC carried out an extensive two part report on the extent of his abuse at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, North London, but at no time did they mention their own institutional paedophilia nor the fact that they covered up his well known activities in their organisation….WHO US???…SHURLY NOT”
Related info:
– Jimmy Savile Abused Up To 1,000 Victims On BBC Premises (The Guardian)
– BBC Paid For Pedophile Jimmy Savile’s Cash Gifts To Children (Daily Express)
– So Much For BBC Transparency: 90 Pages Of BBC’s Jimmy Savile Report Blacked Out (Daily Mail)
– Savile ‘abused 63 people at Stoke Mandeville Hospital’ (BBC News, Feb 26, 2015):
Jimmy Savile abused 63 people connected to Stoke Mandeville Hospital, but one formal complaint was ignored, an independent report has found.
It found Savile’s reputation as a “sex pest” was an “open secret” among some staff – but allegations probably did not reach managers.
The formal complaint – made in 1977 by a victim’s father – should have been reported to police, it added.
A separate report said “elements of the Savile story” could happen again.
Read moreJimmy Savile ‘Abused 63 People At Stoke Mandeville Hospital’ (BBC NEWS)
– Police admit they were told Jimmy Savile was a paedophile a DECADE before he was exposed (Daily Mail, Oct 5, 2014):
- Surrey Police admitted they were told Savile was a paedophile in 2003
- Journalist called with information that a victim had been abused by him
- But the force did nothing with the tip-off and no crime record was created
- Call emerged after an examination of police phone records last year
- Investigation is underway by external force to assess missed opportunities
A police force has admitted they were told Jimmy Savile was a paedophile nearly a decade before his horrific crimes came to light, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Surrey Police have disclosed that a journalist called them in 2003 with information that an unnamed victim had been abused by Savile as a child in London – but the force did nothing with the information.
The call only emerged after an examination of police phone records in November last year, long after Savile was unmasked as the UK’s most notorious paedophile.
Read morePolice Admit They Were Told Jimmy Savile Was A Paedophile A DECADE Before He Was Exposed
– The U.K. Political Pedophile Ring Scandal is Just The Tip of the Iceberg – The Full Story is Much More Disturbing [UPDATED] (SCG, News, July 8, 2014):
Numerous high ranking British politicians are being investigated for their involvement in an extensive pedophile ring, however the full scope of this scandal can’t be fully appreciated without looking at the other side of the Atlantic
It wasn’t that long ago that those who claimed that there was a massive pedophile ring involving officials in the highest levels of government were written off as conspiracy theorists and kooks. That is no longer the case, at least in the U.K. It turns out that this so called conspiracy theory was true, and is finally being officially investigated. The coverup isn’t going well at this point. The British government is even coming under heat for the convenient disappearance of key files regarding the allegations. At least forty British MPs are implicated, but this is really just the tip of the iceberg.
– Bush & Blair: Blackmailed pedophiles or just war criminals? (Veterans Today, June 20, 2014):
Today, after more than a million dead and several millions exiled, as the “too extreme for al-Qaeda” ISIL is grabbing more and more of Iraq, the question once again arises:
Why did George Bush and Tony Blair drag us into the Iraq quagmire?
They told us it was about Saddam’s WMD. But that was a preposterous lie. Bush even camped it up about looking for WMD under his desk. He thought it was fabulously hilarious that anyone had ever believed in Iraqi WMD.
So what was the real reason for the Iraq war?
Read moreBush & Blair: Blackmailed Pedophiles Or Just War Criminals?
In other news:
– BBC staff knew of Savile sexual abuses: Inquiry (PressTV, Jan 19, 2014)
Related info:
– BBC Paid For Pedophile Jimmy Savile’s Cash Gifts To Children
– So Much For BBC Transparency: 90 Pages Of BBC’s Jimmy Savile Report Blacked Out
More info down below.
– Revealed: how Jimmy Savile abused up to 1,000 victims on BBC premises (The Guardian, Jan 18, 2014):
The BBC will be plunged into a major crisis with the publication of a damning review, expected next month, that will reveal its staff turned a blind eye to the rape and sexual assault of up to 1,000 girls and boys by Jimmy Savile in the corporation’s changing rooms and studios.
Dame Janet Smith, a former court of appeal judge, who previously led the inquiry into the murders by Dr Harold Shipman, will say in her report that the true number of victims of Savile’s sexual proclivities may never be known but that his behaviour had been recognised by BBC executives who took no action.
Smith’s investigations, which followed the Pollard inquiry into why the BBC shelved a Newsnight programme about Savile, will send shockwaves through the corporation.
Read moreJimmy Savile Abused Up To 1,000 Victims On BBC Premises (The Guardian)
– BBC paid for Jimmy Savile’s cash gifts to children (Daily Express, July 15, 2013):
THE BBC signed off Jimmy Savile’s “sweeteners” to children who appeared on his TV show.
BBC payroll records obtained through a Freedom of Information request show the corporation’s desperation to keep the paedophile employed for 50 years, through expense payments, appearance and programme fees.
In one instance, Savile was paid £4,000 for appearing on the Louis Theroux programme.
Tory MP Rob Wilson said the dossier was “deeply disturbing”.
Read moreBBC Paid For Pedophile Jimmy Savile’s Cash Gifts To Children
– ?So much for BBC transparency! 90 pages of BBC’s Savile report blacked out, DG goes to ground… and no one is blamed for fiasco (Daily Mail, Feb 22, 2013):
The BBC faced ridicule last night for publishing an ‘open’ dossier into the Jimmy Savile scandal that was covered in censor’s ink.
The corporation had repeatedly promised to be open and transparent about the material, which formed the basis of last year’s Pollard inquiry into the Savile crisis.
But there were accusations of a cover-up after large swathes of staff testimonies about the saga were blacked out.
Despite the redactions, which covered around 90 pages, stinging criticism remained – including Jeremy Paxman’s fury at the ‘contemptible’ way the BBC handled the affair.
He said it was ‘pathetic’ Newsnight had not tackled the Savile issue sooner, and said it was ‘common gossip’ at the corporation that the DJ ‘liked young…girls’.
Read moreSo Much For BBC Transparency: 90 Pages Of BBC’s Jimmy Savile Report Blacked Out
It’s more like a world wide satanic web.
Jimmy Savile raped a 12-year-old girl
JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital.
The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the terrifi ed victim in a candle-lit basement.
He also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former DJ’s 54-year reign of terror.
– Jimmy Savile sex-abuse scandal stretches across decades, report says (LA Times, Jan 11, 2013):
LONDON — The late entertainer Jimmy Savile sexually abused children on an unprecedented scale in Britain over half a century, using his fame and charitable work to deflect accusations of misconduct and to find vulnerable victims, particularly youngsters in hospitals, police said Friday.
A report by Scotland Yard after weeks of investigation painted a sickening portrait of a pedophile who molested hundreds of young people across the country between 1955 and 2009, a period during which he rose to national prominence and received various awards, including from Queen Elizabeth II, for his charity work.
Read moreJimmy Savile Sex-Abuse Scandal Stretches Across Decades, Report Says