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The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
PDF: Barrie Trower – Wi-Fi: A Thalidomide in the Making.Who Cares?
– U.K. expert warns against Wi-Fi:
The debate surrounding potentially dangerous Wi-Fi networks in schools has been put to rest by the Ontario education ministry, which feels that if Health Canada endorses the technology as safe, end of story.
But Barrie Trower, a British physicist who carried out research for the Royal Navy and military intelligence into the effects of microwave radiation, has come out of retirement to exhort bodies such as Health Canada to heed his life’s work.
The Star caught up with Trower after his Tuesday lecture at the University of Toronto on the dangers of Wi-Fi technology and other common household sources of microwave radiation.
In the face of its recent declaration that Wi-Fi networks are safe in schools, what would you tell Health Canada?
“That’s wrong. If we know there are no levels safe for children and children are everywhere, how can they be safe? I have never met a single person that has read the ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guideline. It says, ‘Children, the elderly and some chronically ill people, might have a lower tolerance for one or more forms of microwave exposure.’ Your government uses a safety threshold of ‘not (greater than) 1,000 microwatts per cm2.’ In 2007 a group of scientists came up with a safety level, the BioInitiative Report. Their level is ‘not 0.1 microwatts per cm2.’ ”
Other than those with “electrosensitivity” why are children so susceptible to illness from Wi-Fi?
“Children are physiologically and neurologically immature. It takes years for the blood-brain barrier to form, leaving children more prone to cell-leakage from microwave radiation. And a person’s immune system, which fights off damage, takes 18 years to develop. In all of the schools I have visited around the world with Wi-Fi, every one has reported the same symptoms in students: fatigue, headaches, nausea, chest pain, vision problems.
You have been invited to advise numerous countries about these dangers, but almost all have ignored the warnings. Why?
“The governments have buried this for 40 years. They have known about these dangers since the research was coming in decades ago. Now, what do they say? They’ve painted themselves into a corner. I think they’re hoping the whole thing will go away. They’re afraid of lawsuits if they admit this is dangerous. And despite all the research that shows microwave radiation is dangerous, no one in the telecom industry has ever admitted it. No one.”
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Interesting to note that most of the videos with Barrie Trower that I’ve posted before have been removed from YouTube!!!
UK Column Interview 2014 – Mike Robinson Dr. Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services.
H/t reader kevin a.
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– My 9 Tips To Cut Down On Exposure To Computer Radiation:
Who doesn’t use a computer today? I happily live without a cell phone but I’d find it very hard to get by without using a computer – especially for writing this blog!
But computers are not as harmless as they might seem.
All computers emit radiation or electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on many different frequencies. These EMFs can be extremely harmful to your health. Cancer and other serious diseases have been linked to these exposures – studies indicate pregnant women and small children are particularly vulnerable.
In this article I explain what you can do to minimize your exposure to these harmful EMFs.
H/t reader kevn a.
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… and they cause numerous health problems.
I’ve provided a lot more information down below.
Here is one expert, who knows what he is talking about…
– Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)
– Wi-fi and cellphones increase pregnant women’s risk of a miscarriage by nearly 50%, study reveals:
Wi-fi and cellphones increase pregnant women’s risk of suffering a miscarriage by nearly 50 percent, new research reveals.
Magnetic field (MF) non-ionizing radiation, which is also given off by power lines and cell towers, has been found in past studies to put a stress on the body, leading to genetic damage that can cause pregnant women to miscarry.
Those exposed to the highest levels of MF radiation are 48 percent more likely to lose their baby than women exposed to the lowest amounts, the US study found.
Read moreStudy: Wi-Fi And Cellphones Increase Pregnant Women’s Risk Of A Miscarriage By Nearly 50%
The recent Wi-Fi “KRACK” vulnerability, which allowed anyone to get onto a secure network (and which was quickly patched by reputable vendors), had been in plain sight behind a corporate-level paywall for 13 years. This raises a number of relevant, interesting, and uncomfortable questions.
When this week’s KRACK wi-fi vulnerabity hit, I saw a series of tweets from Emin Gür Sirer, who’s mostly tweeting on bitcoin topics but seemed to know something many didn’t about this particular Wi-Fi vulnerability: it had been in plain sight, but behind paywalls with corporate level fees, for thirteen years. That’s how long it took open source to catch up with the destructiveness of a paywall.
In this case, close scrutiny of the protocol would have (and in fact, did) uncovered the nonce reuse issues, but didn’t happen for 13 years.
— Emin Gün Sirer (@el33th4xor) October 16, 2017
Apparently, WPA2 was based on IEEE standards, which are locked up behind subscription fees that are so steep that open source activists and coders are just locked out from looking at them. This, in turn, meant that this vulnerability was in plain sight for anybody who could afford to look at it for almost a decade and a half. There are so many issues and followup questions on this, it deserves at least two more articles on the same topic, just for headlines to cover one important point at a time (yes, that’s necessary today).
– Wi-Fi & phone signals could be used to map your home – study:
Scientists are now able to create an image of objects in remote spaces using only wireless internet and phone signals, according to new research that’s likely to alarm privacy advocates.Researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) created hologram images of an aluminum cross by bombarding it with microwave radiation from household Wi-Fi transmitters and measuring the distortions as the waves reflected off it. The result is a microwave hologram.
Read moreWi-Fi & phone signals could be used to map your home – study
Don’t use smartphones/mobile phones & Wi-Fi … if you can.
– Protect telomeres and decelerate aging with 4 common vitamins:
Telomeres, repeating sequences of DNA located at the ends of chromosomes, play a key role in survival and aging. Preserving the length of telomeres has been shown to extend cell lifespan, and many researchers now believe that protecting telomere length holds the key to slowing down the aging process – and sustaining the beneficial qualities of a youthful life.
We can age gracefully with the power of nutrition. There is plenty of scientific evidence that a healthy diet coupled with high-quality supplements can help to maintain our telomere length. Keep reading to see how four common vitamins can reverse the unwanted shortening of telomeres – and prevent the negative effects of aging.
Read moreLongevity – Protect Telomeres And Decelerate Aging With 4 Common Vitamins
– Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)
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Via ANY visible WIFI connection, even ones your computer is not authorized to access, a secret operating system is being rammed onto everyone’s computer RIGHT NOW and changing the operating system to something new. This is happening EVEN IF WINDOWS INSTALLER IS DISABLED AND UPDATES ARE DISABLED, AND THE COMPUTER ITSELF HAS NO INTERNET ACCESS OF ITS OWN. Even if you have never logged onto your neighbor’s wifi and never asked to, EVEN IF YOU NEVER LAUNCH A BROWSER, the operating systems are coming in, and installing themselves IN SECRET. Once the hijacking operating system is installed, I suspect the computers then upload their entire contents to a remote server that commands them to.
– Wifi Networks Can Now Identify Who You Are Through Walls:
Who needs a peep hole when a wifi network will do? Researchers from MIT have developed technology that uses wireless signals to see your silhouette through a wall—and it can even tell you apart from other people, too.
The team from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab are no strangers to using wireless signals to see what’s happening on the other side of a wall. In 2013, they showed off software that could use variations in wifi signal to detect the presence of human motion from the other side of a wall. But in the last two years they’ve been busy developing the technique, and now they’ve unveiled the obvious — if slightly alarming — natural progression: they can use the wireless reflections bouncing off a human body to see the silhouette of a person standing behind a wall.
Not only that, the team’s technique, known is RF-Capture, is accurate enough to track the hand of a human and, with some repeated measurements, the system can even be trained to recognise different people based just on their wifi silhouette. The research, which is to be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia next month, was published this morning on the research group’s website.
Read moreWifi Networks Can Now Identify Who You Are Through Walls
(Pictured: Proxyham by Benjamin Caudill / Rhino Security Labs)
– The Creator of This Amazing Internet Privacy Device Has Been Silenced: “Effective Immediately We Are Halting Further Development” (SHFTplan, July 19, 2015):
Data collection and invasive monitoring of American citizens has been at the forefront of government activities for decades. After revelations by Edward Snowden in recent years, the fringe conspiracy theorists who warned of Big Brother surveillance and had been laughed at by the general population were finally proven right.But despite the literal hundreds of thousands of pages of information about government snooping and the Congressional “investigations” that followed, nothing has been done to curb the unabated violations of Americans’ Constitutional rights to be secure in their homes and personal effects.
Thus, as always, the free market began developing its own solutions. Earlier this year an inventor by the name of Benjamin Caudill announced a device he dubbed the ProxyHam which was going to literally change everything about how those concerned with privacy could connect to the internet:
– Privacy advocates try to keep ‘creepy,’ ‘eavesdropping’ Hello Barbie from hitting shelves (The Washington Post, March 11, 2015):
At a recent New York toy fair, a Mattel representative introduced the newest version of Barbie by saying: “Welcome to New York, Barbie.”
The doll, named Hello Barbie, responded: “I love New York! Don’t you? Tell me, what’s your favorite part about the city? The food, fashion or the sights?”
To revive the sinking sales of its flagship brand, Mattel is bringing Barbie to life with voice-recognition software that will allow the doll to “listen” to children speak and give chatty responses. It will learn over time, remembering your dog’s name and adjusting to new topics.
This WiFi-connected Barbie may soon be a hit among children used to tinkering with iPads, but children’s privacy advocates are crying foul. Hello Barbie may be more accurately called “eavesdropping” Barbie, says one advocacy group. Another popular description? Creepy.
Hello Barbie works by recording a child’s voice with an embedded microphone that is triggered by pressing a button on the doll. As the doll “listens,” audio recordings travel over the Web to a server where the snippets of speech are recognized and processed. That information is used to help form Hello Barbie’s responses.
“If I had a young child, I would be very concerned that my child’s intimate conversations with her doll were being recorded and analyzed,” Angela Campbell, faculty adviser at Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology, said in a statement.
You may not like David Icke’s Archon (Reptilian) theory, but listen to what he has to say about TPTB and their agenda:
Agenda 21, GMOs, vaccination, fluoride, Big Pharma, ISIS/Al-Qaeda, Fukushima, depopulation, eugenics etc.
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The videos have all been deleted.
I’ve found some some replacements.
Download them first before you watch them.
David Icke Live At Wembley 2014.
British author David Icke has written 16 books and travelled to over 40 countries since 1990.
David Icke is recognised as the leader in his field and is an inspiration to a new generation of conspiracy theory researchers around the world.
However, be careful about David Icke (and about everything you hear and watch these days)!
(Tomorrow I will post what Hugo Chavez had to say about this.)
Related info:
– R.I.P. Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde On Mind Control (Video)
More from Barrie Trower:
– Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)
MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: dangerous radiation everywhere from Henning Witte on Vimeo.
Former MI5 agent Barrie Trower is a physicist who worked for British intelligence. There he got secret knowledge about the huge danger of electro smog=scalar waves and microwave radiation in our cell phone and Wi-Fi technology. He reveals how intelligence agencies misuse microwaves to influence people’s bodies, even the brain. They can induce pain everywhere in the body and illness, even heart attacks and every form of cancer. They can control your mind by reading your thoughts, changing them, spying on your memory, change or erase it. They can remote control a human totally without the targeted individual knowing about it. People can be programmed to be a living video camera, killing- or sex-machine.
It is easy to let people hear voices in their skulls. V2K is not a mental illness but the result of modern technology.
… and so does Nokia, which is why the kid of a Nokia manager is the only one in class who has NO cell phone:
– Former Health Minister Of Finnland Dr. Rauni Kilde: MIND CONTROL (Video)
…and the WHO?
– Dr. Rima E. Laibow: The Globalist Depopulation Agenda (Video):
“The WHO Is A Private Corporation Just Like The Federal Reserve And Receives More Than Two Thirds of Its Funding From The Pharmaceutical Industry.”
– World Health Organization knew about dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (The Real Health Agenda, April 1, 2014):
Monday, February 3, 2014 was a very strange day in London. Only the weather was predictable. A cold rain fell as a dais of scientists faced a room full of reporters in the Royal Society Library’s Special Events Room on Carlton House Terrace. With its pillared roots going back to the 1600s, the Royal Society Library had welcomed scientists from all over the world for centuries.
On this day, two scientists distinguished themselves as authors of the thick, glossy tome that was almost the biggest presence in the press briefing. Co-authors Prof. Bernard Stewart, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales and Christopher Wild, PhD, Director of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) esteemed International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) prepared to tell the world we are on the verge of a cancer tsunami. World Cancer Report 2014 was nearly six years in the making. IARC is the cancer agency of the WHO, and a core part of their mission is to disseminate information on cancer. They gather information, frequently classify the risk level of various substances, and share that news with the world. This day the news was daunting.
Read moreWorld Health Organization Knew About Dangers Of Electromagnetic Radiation
– New Studies Show Wireless Radiation May Be Contributing To Male Infertility (Waking Times, March 27, 2014):
If you’ve got low sperm count and can’t figure out why, it may be because of your cell phone and laptop. Researchers have recently found a link between the radiation emitted by these devices and male infertility.
In the past, research studies on low sperm count focused on such things as chromosome defects, hormone imbalances and sperm duct defects. More recently, scientists began studying environmental causes, such as medications (especially steroids and hormones), alcohol, tobacco, pesticides, diet and heavy metal exposure. They even researched prolonged bicycling.
Now they’ve turned to radiation emitted by cell phones and laptops and have found some startling results.
Read moreNew Studies Show Wireless Radiation May Be Contributing To Male Infertility
– Cell Phone Use Linked to Lower Grades, Anxiety, and Much Worse… (Mercola, Dec 19, 2013):
Mounting research raises tremendously important questions about the long-term safety of saturating ourselves in electromagnetic frequencies. As a result, at least a dozen countries around the world have begun to adopt a precautionary approach toward cell phone use and other wireless technologies.
For example, two years ago, a Council of Europe committee concluded that “immediate action was required to protect children” after examining the evidence.1 Russian officials have issued the recommendation that all children under the age of 18 should avoid using cell phones entirely. And the UK, Israel, Germany, India and Finland also urge citizens to err on the side of caution with respect to their children’s use of cell phones.
Read moreCell Phone Use Linked To Lower Grades, Anxiety, And Much Worse …
– Enter The Quiet Zone: Where Cell Service, Wi-Fi Are Banned (NPR, Oct 8, 2013):
There are no physical signs you’ve entered the , a 13,000-square-mile area that covers the eastern half of West Virginia. But the silence gives you a signal. Somewhere around the Virginia-West Virginia state line, the periodic buzzes and pings of our smartphones stopped.
“Zero [service]. Searching,” said photographer John Poole, who traveled with me to the zone
Almost every radio station disappeared, too, except for , which broadcasts at a low enough frequency to avoid being banned.
“We didn’t realize the rest of the world was getting connected and staying connected constantly, via phones and computers and all that,” said radio host Caleb Diller, who grew up in Pocahontas County, W.Va. “So we were kinda back in time a little bit. We hadn’t progressed to that.”
Read moreEnter The Quiet Zone: Where Cell Service, Wi-Fi Are Banned