Plutonium poses no human health risk??? Unbelievable!!!
“Plutonium is the deadliest substance on the planet since 1 molecule of Plutonium in your body guarantees the development of cancer, according to radiation medicine experts.”
– Dr. Rima Laibow
Take a close look at the half-lives of the plutonium isotopes below.
It is now safe to say that plutonium is much less dangerous to the health of the Japanese people than TEPCO and the government.
Now listen to total ignorance …
– TEPCO says plutonium found on quake-damaged plant grounds (CNN):
Tokyo (CNN) — Some plutonium found in soil on the grounds of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have come from its earthquake-damaged reactors, but it poses no human health risk, the plant’s owners reported Monday.
The element was found in soil samples taken March 21-22 from five locations around the plant, the Tokyo Electric Power Company told CNN late Monday. The company said it was equivalent to the amounts that fell on Japan following aboveground nuclear weapons tests by other countries in past decades.
“It is not a health risk to humans,” the company said. But it added, “Just in case, TEPCO will increase the monitoring of the nuclear plant grounds and the surrounding environment.”
Plutonium is a byproduct of nuclear reactions that is also part of the fuel mix at the plant’s No. 3 reactor. It can be a serious health hazard if inhaled or ingested, but external exposure poses little health risk, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Three plutonium isotopes — Pu-238, -239 and -240 — were found in soil at five different points inside the plant grounds, Tokyo Electric reported. It said that plutonium found in two of the samples could have come out of the reactors that were damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that ravaged northern Japan.
All three isotopes have long half-lives, with plutonium-239 taking 24,000 years to lose half its radioactivity. Plutonium-238 has an 87-year half-life, while plutonium-240’s is more than 6,500 years.
The company said the discovery would not change efforts to bring an end to the crisis at the plant, where three of the six reactors are believed to have suffered damage to their radioactive cores.
– Plutonium find will not stop work at Japan plant – TEPCO (Reuters):
TOKYO, March 29 (Reuters) – The discovery of plutonium at five places within Japan’s damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex will not cause work there to be suspended, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Tuesday.
See also:
– US, Europe: Radiation and Jetstream FORECAST UPDATE (March 27, 2011)
– Updating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster
– Japan’s Government Asks Water Treatment Plants Not To Take In Radioactive Rainwater
– Japan Nuclear Crisis: Engineers Toil To Pump Radioactive Nuclear Plant Water Into The Ocean
–Japan Nuclear Crisis: Close-Up Aerial Video of Wrecked Reactors at Fukushima (25.03.2011)
– Japan Nuclear Meltdown: High Levels of Radiation Leaking From Reactor No. 3
– Japan Nuclear Crisis: High-Radiation Leaks In Fukushima Reactors No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3
– Japan Nuclear Crisis: Fukushima Nuclear Plant Emitted A Neutron Beam 13 Separate Times
– Dr. Chris Busby: Fukushima Now 72,000 Times Hiroshima Radiation
– Japan Officials Say HIGH SEAWATER RADIATION LEVELS Are NO Cause For Alarm
– Japan’s Science Ministry: Radiation Now Exceeds 400 Times Normal 40 km From Fukushima
– Germany Keeps Radiation Measurements Secret Since Japan Nuclear Disaster
– WHO On Japan Food Radiation: ‘It’s A Lot More Serious Than Anybody Thought’
– Japan Nuclear Crisis: Emergency Evacuation Of Workers Ordered After Reactor No. 3 Emits Black Smoke
– Japan’s Health Ministry Tells Villagers Not To Drink Radioactive Tap Water
– Japan Nuclear Meltdown: Partially Accurate MSM Reporting Now Reduced To Lies And Propaganda
– Japan Nuclear Meltdown: Total Information Blackout On Fukushima Unit 4 Reactor
– Japan Finds Radioactive Food Up To 90 Miles From Fukushima Nuclear Site
– Japan Nuclear Meltdown: Multiple Times Worse than Chernobyl
– Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant In Japan: A Dirty Bomb Waiting To Go Off
– Japan Nuclear Meltdown: Radiation Levels 6,600 Times Normal 20km Away from Fukushima Nuclear Plant
– Japan Nuclear Meltdown: It’s Much, Much Worse Than It Looks (Thanks To The Stupidity of Nuclear Engineers!) (MUST-READ!)