Michio Kaku: Fukushima The End Of Humanity

Michio KaKu Fukushima The end of Humanity:

We know it’s bad – but how bad?

10 days ago from this writing, the sardine fishery of British Columbia, Canada was reported to have “inexplicably” collapsed.

Simply no sardines were caught and the fleet went home, empty-handed. Starfish and seal populations in that region are also collapsing.

We’ve heard now about three complete meltdowns that are occurring at the afflicted power plant at Fukushima – but we’ve never heard about the fact that there are actually 6 reactors at the site!

H/t reader squodgy:

“Now it’s the Sardines, yet still the mainstream media keep schtum.”

* * *

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Top theoretical physicist (and elite puppet) Michio Kaku: ‘Colossal space object, possible alien superstructure, civilization, found 1,500 light-years from Earth’

Kaku is an elite asset. He is not ‘for real’.

The question is … why are TPTB releasing this “information” now?

Prof. Michio Kaku speaking (Brasil/Flickr)

Top theoretical physicist Kaku: ‘Colossal space object, possible alien superstructure, civilization, found 1,500 light-years from Earth’:

Potentially a ‘Dyson sphere’

By Shepard Ambellas

Have you ever wondered if intelligent life exists somewhere else other than on the planet Earth?

Well wonder no more because top futurist, theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku just let the cat out of the bag and what he had to say may shock you!

“This could be the biggest story in the past five-hundred years,” Michio Kaku explained.

You see the Kepler Telescope team has been monitoring a particular star named “KIC 8462852?, first discovered in 2009, for quite some time now and what the operators have found is simply amazing.

Kaku said that “this star is breaking all the rules” and that “we would have to rewrite astronomy text books” to think anything different.

Read moreTop theoretical physicist (and elite puppet) Michio Kaku: ‘Colossal space object, possible alien superstructure, civilization, found 1,500 light-years from Earth’

Huge Earthquake To Devastate Pacific Northwest (Video)



Huge earthquake to devastate Pacific Northwest – Video (Ice Age Now, July 20, 2015):

Some of our viewers may see Seattle and Portland destroyed in their lifetimes, says reporter Shepard Smith.

If you or someone you know lives in or near that area, you will want to watch this.

We are positive this will happen, says Smith, reporting on Fox News. “Frankly, if I lived right now in the Pacific Northwest, I’d be considering moving. Seriously.”

Read moreHuge Earthquake To Devastate Pacific Northwest (Video)

National Geographic: Fukushima considered world’s worst nuclear accident – Kaku: ‘It’s so bad, they don’t even have a picture of melted core … the agony is unending’

National Geographic: Fukushima considered world’s worst nuclear accident — Physician: Fukushima remains a “global health concern” — Kaku: “It’s so bad, they don’t even have a picture of melted core… the agony is unending” (VIDEO) (ENENews, April 15, 2014):

Asian Perspective Vol. 37, No. 4, Tilman A. Ruff, physician and Associate Professor in the Nossal Institute for Global Health at University of Melbourne, Oct.-Dec. 2013: A Public Health Perspective on the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster — The Fukushima nuclear disaster is far from over and remains a global health concern. While evacuations, sheltering, reducing intake of contaminated food, and other measures reduced radiation exposures, both the immediate and longer-term public health responses to the disaster leave major room for improvement. Commercially and institutionally, vested interests have undermined public health and safety. […]

National Geographic, Apr. 14, 2014: The meltdown at the Chernobyl power plant in 1986 made front-page news and, until Japan’s Fukushima disaster of 2011, was considered the world’s worst nuclear accident. […] Early estimates by the Associated Press (Dec. 16, 2000) were that the health of 3.4 million of Ukraine’s 50 million people was negatively affected, including 1.26 million children […]

Read moreNational Geographic: Fukushima considered world’s worst nuclear accident – Kaku: ‘It’s so bad, they don’t even have a picture of melted core … the agony is unending’

Michio Kaku: Fukushima Reactors ‘A Ticking Time Bomb’ – ‘Catastrophe Beyond Comprehension’ If Major Pipe Break Or Earthquake (VIDEO)

Kaku: Fukushima reactors “a ticking time bomb” — “Catastrophe beyond comprehension” if major pipe break or quake (VIDEO) (ENENews, Dec 17, 2012)

Preventing TOTAL ARMAGEDDON Would Cost Only $100 Million … But Congress Is Too Thick to Approve The Fix

From the article:

“In the event of an extreme GMD-induced long-term grid collapse covering much of the globe, if just half of the world’s spent fuel ponds were to boil off their water and become radioactive, zirconium-fed infernos, the ensuing contamination could far exceed the cumulative effect of 400 Chernobyls.”

Preventing Armageddon Would Cost Only $100 Million … But Congress Is Too Thick to Approve the Fix (ZeroHedge, Nov 23, 2012):

The government has thrown tens of trillions of dollars at the big banks, even though bailing out the big banks hurts – rather than helps – the American economy. See this, this and this. (And it doesn’t take a PhD economist to guess that using bailout funds to buy gold toilet seats and prostitutes is probably not the best way to stimulate the economy as a whole)..Nobel prize winning economist Joe Stiglitz says that the $3-5 trillion spent on the Iraq war alone has been very bad for the American economy. See this, this and this. Security experts – including both hawks and doves – agree that waging war against Iraq and in other Middle Eastern countries weakens national security and increases terrorism. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

The government has thrown money at all sorts of other useless projects.

And yet Congress refuses to spend a mere $100 million to prevent Armageddon.

Specifically, well-known physicist Michio Kaku and other members of the American Physical Society asked Congress to appropriate $100 million to harden the country’s electrical grid against solar flares.

Congress refused.

Read morePreventing TOTAL ARMAGEDDON Would Cost Only $100 Million … But Congress Is Too Thick to Approve The Fix

Prof. Michio Kaku Shocked: Fukushima Reactor ‘Core Completely Liquified — There’s Nothing left — There’s No Hook — There’s No Remaining Collapsed Core’ (VIDEO)

Professor Shocked: “The core completely liquified — There’s nothing left — There’s no hook — There’s no remaining collapsed core” (VIDEO) (ENENews, May 14, 2012):

Follow-up to: Physicist: Unit 2 completely liquified, 100% liquification of uranium core — “We’ve never seen this before in the history of nuclear power” (VIDEO)

Michio Kaku: “Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives By the Year 2100?
Feb. 23, 2012
Audio Credit: KPFA’s Flashpoints, May 9, 2012 broadcast

Wikipedia: Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics in the City College of New York of City University of New York, a co-founder of string field theory […] Kaku graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University in 1968 and was first in his physics class. He attended the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley and received a Ph.D. in 1972.

At 27:20 – 28:00 in

The latest from Fukushima is, and I was shocked when I saw this…

We know there’s been partial meltdowns before, TMI, Chernobyl. The core collapses but still some of it is intact, it’s a partial meltdown.

The latest result from Fukushima is the nuclear power plant suffered at 100% liquification.

The core completely liquified. There’s nothing left. There’s no hook.

There’s no remaining collapsed core, the core completely liquified.

Listen to the broadcast here

Michio Kaku: Virginia Earthquake A Nuclear Wake-Up Call for US (Nuclear Plants Not Prepared)

YouTube (23.08.2011)

Sawyer: […] When you have to go to the backup to the backup that doesn’t sound good.

Michio Kaku, Physicist: Not good at all. We just dodged a bullet on this one. There are 4 backup pumps, one of them is out… if all four go out then you are on the road to a full scale meltdown […]

Dr. Michio Kaku on CNN: ‘They Lied To Us’ – Fukushima ‘Still A Ticking Time Bomb’ (Video – June 21, 2011)

Related info:

Fallout! (60 Minutes): Japan’s Recovery Won’t Be Measured In Years, But Centuries – Michio Kaku: These Humans Are Guinea Pigs!

Dr. Michio Kaku: We ‘Came Close’ To Losing Northern Japan (CNN – Video)

Added: 22.06.2011

??Fukushima ‘still a ticking time bomb’ (CNN June 21, 2011):

Michio Kaku – not only the radiation still leaking out, but “The truth keeps leaking out”.


CNN: Do they have control of the situation at that site?

Kaku: NO. It is still a ticking time bomb. Realize that after the big Sumatra tsunami, 90 days, 3 months after that there was a huge aftershock. If they have another aftershock, and they are not in cold shutdown yet until next year, the accident could start all over again. Its like hanging by your finger nails. Yeah, its stable but you are hanging by your finger nails.

CNN: Americans think this crisis is over, or some even think that it is solved or it is contained. Its not. What’s happening right now.

Read moreDr. Michio Kaku on CNN: ‘They Lied To Us’ – Fukushima ‘Still A Ticking Time Bomb’ (Video – June 21, 2011)

Fallout! (60 Minutes): Japan’s Recovery Won’t Be Measured In Years, But Centuries – Michio Kaku: These Humans Are Guinea Pigs!

Don’t miss to watch the video:

Fallout! (60 Minutes, June 17, 2011):

When Japan was rocked by a massive earthquake and tsunami back in March, we told ourselves the worst was behind us.

Tens of thousands dead, an economy shattered, whole communities razed.

Surely the Japanese had suffered enough.

But all these weeks later, the crisis is far from over.

The crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is still leaking and, judging from the experience at Chernobyl, Japan’s recovery won’t be measured in years, but centuries.

Full transcript: LIZ HAYES: On Japan’s eastern shores where thousands of people once lived there are now only neat piles of rubble and an eerie silence to mark the tsunami that so devastated a nation. But it’s not long before that silence is shattered signalling there’s another disaster looming. What’s it saying, Frank?FRANK JACKSON: It’s nothing like it’s said before.

LIZ HAYES: We’re heading for ground zero of Japan’s nuclear crisis the meltdown of the Fukushima power plant. It’s more than 20km away, but already we’re picking up its deadly fallout.

FRANK JACKSON: The radiation is building, the further we go in so it’s going to be too dangerous to carry on.

LIZ HAYES: So we actually have to stop here.

FRANK: Yep. I’m not willing to take you any further.

LIZ HAYES: Radiation expert Frank Jackson and his Geiger counters tell us we’ve already come too far. Even the protective gear is not enough?

FRED: Gamma is the strongest form of radiation it will go through most things apart from lead.

LIZ HAYES: Well, that’s the type of radiation we want to avoid.

FRED: It is. Yeah.

LIZ HAYES: Fukushima a major supplier of Japan’s power once looked like this. These shocking new images show the moment the tsunami smashed into the plant triggering a series of fires and explosions. Just 200 kilometres from Tokyo, three of the six nuclear reactors at Fukushima are now in meltdown and deadly radiation has already leaked into the sea and air.

MICHIO: They say the reactor is stable, yes, that’s true. Stable like you’re hanging on the edge of a cliff hanging by your fingernails and that one by one your fingernails start to crack. That’s stability. In other words, it’s a race against time.

LIZ HAYES: If you thought nuclear disaster had been averted in Japan, then meet physicist, Michio Kaku.

MICHIO: If you’ve been exposed because you’re an atomic worker, even after you’re long dead and buried your gravesite will be radioactive. Your great grandkids can come with Geiger counters and see that great granddaddy still has radiation at his gravesite.

LIZ HAYES: Are you serious?

MICHIO: I’m serious

LIZ HAYES: The death and destruction, the displacement of so many families has been quite shocking and radioactive contamination just adds another layer to what is already an unspeakable tragedy, these were obviously people’s homes but because the nuclear plant is just 20 kilometres the decision to return rebuild may well be out of their hands. More than 135,000 people have been forced to evacuate. The streets, in towns and villages are now mostly deserted. And locals have been told their food and water may be contaminated. Shall we test these?

FRED: There’s the same as an X-ray according to this.

LIZ HAYES: So every time you have a cabbage you have an X-ray.

FRED: Yep.

LIZ HAYES: These are Japan’s radiation refugees, thousands who are now living in cardboard shelters sleeping on the floors of public buildings with few possessions and little privacy and facing a future that doesn’t seem to offer much more. When you look at this I do feel like I’m looking through someone’s window. People have gone to a lot of effort to try and make a cardboard box home.

CHIA: Yeah, I’m surprised to see there are photographs and all the book shelves built up.

LIZ HAYES: Many Japanese people, like Chia Matsumoto fear their country will never fully recover. Do you think you’ll ever be able to take food, water, the air you breathe for granted again?

CHIA: Ah, knowingly no, I don’t think so. I just have to believe that that’s safe to eat or drink. But somewhere in my mind I’m sure I know and I always suspect or always doubt is this, I have to ask myself “is this is okay, or if I do this, is it going to show in my health in a few years’ time. I already do.”

MICHIO: These are guinea pigs in some sense. Human guinea pigs to see exactly how radiation disperses in the environment and exactly how it’s incorporated into people’s bodies and into their children’s bodies and as the years and decades go by we’ll see an increase in cancer.

Read moreFallout! (60 Minutes): Japan’s Recovery Won’t Be Measured In Years, But Centuries – Michio Kaku: These Humans Are Guinea Pigs!

Dr. Michio Kaku: We ‘Came Close’ To Losing Northern Japan (CNN – Video)

Famed physicist Michio Kaku says northern Japan was almost lost to a “100% core melt” in the Fukushima nuclear accident.

Added On May 31, 2011

See also:

Dr. Michio Kaku: ‘The situation at Fukushima is relatively stable now… in the same way that you are stable if you hang by your fingernails off a cliff, and your fingernails begin to break one by one.’

Fukushima Now Equal To 50 Plus Chernobyls & 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation

(San Francisco) – The world’s second big nuclear disaster occurred at Chernobyl Reactor No. 4 in the Ukraine on Apr 26, 1986. Simply tagged as “Chernobyl,” it is what the next big and well known nuke disaster, after the American Three Mile Island, on March 28, 1979 came to be called. “Chernobyl” ejected 30% of one 192 ton, three month old reactor core. That’s 57.6 radioactive tons thrown into the air by fire and explosions.

The tiny radioactive and burning smoke particles traveled around the world many times since 1979, killing an estimated one million people to date from radiation caused illnesses and cancers. This is according to Editor Dr Janette Sherman’s exhaustive and widely acclaimed book on 5,000 Chernobyl scientific papers recently published by the New York Academy of Sciences [1].

Fukushima Daiichi Equals 50 Plus Chernobyls

Read moreFukushima Now Equal To 50 Plus Chernobyls & 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation

Dr. Michio Kaku: ‘The situation at Fukushima is relatively stable now… in the same way that you are stable if you hang by your fingernails off a cliff, and your fingernails begin to break one by one.’


Dr. Michio Kaku: Three Raging Nuclear Meltdowns In Progress!


Physicist Michio Kaku Warns the World Citizens: Potential Mega Earthquake To Destroy Cities Like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mexico City, Tehran And Tokyo (18 Jan. 2011)

Hanging by your Fingernails – The Fukushima Meltdown

The situation at Fukushima is relatively stable now… in the same way that you are stable if you hang by your fingernails off a cliff, and your fingernails begin to break one by one.

As I mentioned before, the accident so far in Fukushima is progressing in three acts. The first act was the earthquake and tsunami, which immediately wiped out all emergency cooling systems simultaneously at all three reactors and all hell has broken loose.

Act II was the enormous damage done to the cores of these three reactors. With the loss of cooling water, temperatures began to rise rapidly, causing the hydrogen gas explosions and fuel melting. We know that about 70% of Unit 1’s core was damaged, and that 33% of Unit 2’s core was also damaged. All computer simulations done by various laboratories all show the same thing—that we came perilously close to a full scale metldown at all three reactors, including a spent fuel pond accident in Unit 4.

Against the wishes the utility, the Japanese government ordered flushing the entire reactors with seawater, which temporarily halted the accident from progressing to a full blown tragedy. This stabilized the accident, at present, from going into free fall (but reduced the three reactors to pieces of junk.) Meanwhile, radiation keeps flowing out of the reactors and into food, agricultural products, the oceans, the soil, etc. Now we are entering Act III. With the cores covered with seawater and fresh water, the workers are desperately trying to hit rock bottom, so they can begin recovery operations.

Unfortunately, we have not yet reached the bottom. Leaks of radiation are being found everywhere. The crucial thing is that the workers do not know precisely where this radiation is coming from. The primary suspect is that there is a direct contact between melted uranium (called “corium”) and the cooling water, probably caused by a pipe break or, more ominously, a pressure vessel that has completely melted through.

Read moreDr. Michio Kaku: ‘The situation at Fukushima is relatively stable now… in the same way that you are stable if you hang by your fingernails off a cliff, and your fingernails begin to break one by one.’

Physicist Michio Kaku Warns the World Citizens: Potential Mega Earthquake To Destroy Cities Like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mexico City, Tehran And Tokyo

And Kaku knows what he is talking about:

HAARP Project Bluebeam

In case you want to know on which side Kaku is standing:

Physicist Michio Kaku’s New World Order Speech: ‘If You Are Against World Government You Are A Terrorist’

“In our life time, we could very well see one of these cities destroyed,” Kaku said. “Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mexico City, Tehran, Tokyo.”

Physicist and author of “Physics of the Future” Michio Kaku warned world citizens this morning on Good Morning America about the pending threat of enormous  earthquakes.

Kaku pointed to changes in the physical structures of human civilization, and how the new composure poses many risks. “We are creating mega cities where there used to be fishing villages,” he said.

About the many disasters this year, he said: “Well, look at the Chilean earthquake. You realize it was so big it actually rocked the planet earth. The axis of the earth shifted 3 inches as a result of that 8.8 earthquake. The day is no longer 24 hours, it’s been shortened by one micro-second, That’s how big that earthquake was.”

Read morePhysicist Michio Kaku Warns the World Citizens: Potential Mega Earthquake To Destroy Cities Like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mexico City, Tehran And Tokyo

Physicist Michio Kaku’s New World Order Speech: ‘If You Are Against World Government You Are A Terrorist’

‘Either you are with the fascist New World Order, or you are with the terrorists.’
– Loosely based on G. W. Bush

Added: 1. November 2010

Beloved scientist Michio Kaku Claims world government is the future of human civilization and if you don’t agree you might be a terrorist.