Start watching from 03:50 into the video.
For my German speaking readers: The translation is terrible, but still better than nothing.
Related info:
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either. – Benjamin Franklin
Start watching from 03:50 into the video.
For my German speaking readers: The translation is terrible, but still better than nothing.
Related info:
– Sweden pays jobless youth to move to Norway (Telegraph, Oct 31, 2012):
A Swedish town has taken to paying people to look for work in Norway in an attempt to reduce soaring youth unemployment.
Under a scheme organised by the local authorities in the town of Soderhamn and by Sweden’s national employment office, anyone aged between 18 and 28 can volunteer to take a “Job Journey” to Oslo and attempt track down gainful employment.
Those who sign up get a ticket to the Norwegian capital and are put up in an Oslo youth hostel for a month, with Soderhamn council picking up the £20 a night bill. The package also includes on-the-spot guidance on how to get a job in Sweden’s northern neighbour.
– Norway butter shortage threatens Christmas treats (AFP, Dec. 13, 2011):
OSLO — An acute butter shortage in Norway, one of the world’s richest countries, has left people worrying how to bake their Christmas goodies with store shelves emptied and prices through the roof.
The shortfall, expected to last into January, amounts to between 500 and 1,000 tonnes, said Tine, Norway’s main dairy company, while online sellers have offered 500-gramme packs for up to 350 euros ($465).
The dire shortage poses a serious challenge for Norwegians who are trying to finish their traditional Christmas baking — a task which usually requires them to make at least seven different kinds of biscuits.
The shortfall has been blamed on a rainy summer that cut into feed production and therefore dairy output, but also the ballooning popularity of a low-carbohydrate, fat-rich diet that has sent demand for butter soaring.
“Compared to 2010, demand has grown by as much as 30 percent,” Tine spokesman Lars Galtung told AFP.
Last Friday, customs officers stopped a Russian at the Norwegian-Swedish border and seized 90 kilos (198 pounds) of butter stashed in his car.
Norway’s emergency Delta Force unit conducted an exercise almost exactly like the attack at Utoya right before it happened for real. Photo: REUTERS
– Norwegian Police Conducted Drill For A “Practically Identical Scenario” Right Before The Utoya Attack (Northern Trumpet, August 27, 2011):
Just hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on Utoya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario”, Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports.
Sources within the top level management of the police in Oslo have confirmed to Aftenposten that the drill finished at 15:00 that same Friday. The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished, according to officials.
According to Aftenposten all of the officers from the anti-terror unit who took part in the action and arrest of Breivik had a full week training on a mobile terrorist attack scenario in which one or more perpetrators only goal is to shoot as many people as possible and then shoot the police when they arrive.
YouTube Added: 15.08.2011
– Leuren Moret: Japan, U.S., Canadian governments complicit in radiation cover-up (Examiner, August 14, 2011):
Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD) has declared that the governments of Japan, the U.S. and Canada are continuing in a concerted, lock-step program of complicit cover-up of dangerous radiation levels resulting from the Fukushima nuclear false flag event of March 11, 2011.
Ms. Moret’s statements are made in an ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released August 14, 2011. Also made public is a court Declaration on the impacts and levels of Fukushima radiation by Dr. Chris Busby, Member of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and the Ukraine Committee Physicians of Chernobyl. Dr. Busby’s court Declaration, filed in a Japanese court case seeking to force the evacuation of more that 350,000 children from the Fukushima area, is set out at the end of this article in the public interest.
Japan, U.S., Canadian governments complicit
DOE/Japan – Misleading radiation surveys and maps.
Ms. Moret reveals that her research has uncovered that the misleading radiation surveys and maps released by the Japanese government purportedly of radiation levels from the Fukushima area were in fact documents originally authored and created by the U.S. Department of Energy and then passed secretly on to the government of Japan, which made them public as its own or released them jointly with the US government.
Ms. Moret states, “Challenging the official Japan/US government radiation surveys, the Japanese government television network NHK TV, released a documentary in April 2011, about independent scientists Dr. Shinzo Kimura (formerly Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare), Dr. Masaharu Okano (retired leading expert in Japan on environmental radiation), and Dr. Keiji Imanaka (Kyoto Univ.) and others, who began on March 15, to make the first ever independent radiation survey after a major nuclear disaster. Not only did this survey identify and measure very short half-life isotopes, never reported before following a nuclear disaster, but NHK TV immediately released it to the public. On March 16, the day that Reactor Unit 2 exploded at Fukushima nuclear plant, Dr. Kimura took soil and air samples at the Tamura Municipal Junior High School 35 kilometers from the Fukushima plant. He reported that a soil sample from a path used daily by students, was contaminated with 5,150,000 Bq/m2 of Iodine 131, as well as 9 other radionuclides. Radiation in the air sample was 1.9-93 microSv/hr, more than 40 times higher than normal. When they entered the 20 km exclusion zone, the radiation levels inside the car reached 300 microSv/hr. They also reported that the Cesium contamination level 4 km from the Fukushima plant was 2000 times higher than 44 km away from the plant. The importance of this careful and thorough survey, conducted by Japan’s top radiation scientists in Fukushima Prefecture, will increase over time.”
Nuclear : Collaborating to create a radioactive fallout contamination map
Thus, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), under the directorship of Dr. Steven Chu (Secretary of Energy) and Dr. Stephen Koonin, is following in the Fukushima HAARP-radiation false flag operation the same methodology that they followed in the BP Gulf Oil Spill false flag operation.
Ms. Moret states, “Dr. Steven Chu received a $500 million grant from BP Oil prior to being appointed Secretary of Energy by newly elected President Obama. Obama also received $500 million from the British Crown two years prior to his election, to begin his election campaign for US President.. Upon his appointment as Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu appointed Dr. Stephen Koonin, chief scientist for BP, to run the DOE’s science operations. The Queen of England personally owns BP.”
See also:
– News Coverage Of Norway Mass-Killings Was FACT-FREE CONJECTURE (Guardian)
– Norway – Breaking Story: The Second Tragedy Is The Lies (Veterans Today)
– One more mass killer, one more drug-addled mind (Daily-Mail, August 1, 2011):
It’s the drugs, stupid. In hundreds of square miles of supposed analysis of the Norway mass murder, almost nobody has noticed that the smirking Anders Breivik was taking large quantities of mind-altering chemicals.
In this case, the substances are an anabolic steroid called stanozolol, combined with an amphetamine-like drug called ephedrine, plus caffeine to make the mixture really fizz.
I found these facts in Breivik’s vast, drivelling manifesto simply because I was looking for them.
The authorities and most of the media are more interested in his non-existent belief in fundamentalist Christianity.
I doubt if the drugs would ever have been known about if Breivik hadn’t himself revealed this.
Read moreOne More Mass Killer (Anders Breivik), One More Drug-Addled Mind
See also:
– News Coverage Of Norway Mass-Killings Was FACT-FREE CONJECTURE (Guardian)
– Norway – Breaking Story: The Second Tragedy Is The Lies (Veterans Today)
– Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than One Shooter on Island; Oslo Police Drilled Bomb Blasts; Was It NATO’s Revenge for Norway’s Decision to Stop Bombing Libya? (Webster Tarpley, July 24, 2011):
Washington DC, July 24, 2011 – The tragic terror attacks in Norway display a number of the telltale signs of a false flag provocation. It is reported that, although the world media are attempting to focus on Anders Behring Breivik as a lone assassin in the tradition of Lee Harvey Oswald, many eyewitnesses agree that a second shooter was active in the massacre at the Utøya summer youth camp outside of Oslo. It has also come to light that a special police unit had conducted drills or exercises near the opera house in downtown Oslo which involved the detonation of bombs during 2010– exactly what caused the bloodshed a few hundred meters away this Friday. Further research reveals that United States intelligence agencies had been conducting a large-scale program of recruiting retired Norwegian police officers with the alleged purpose of conducting surveillance inside the country. This program, known as SIMAS Surveillance Detection Units, provided a perfect vehicle for the penetration and subversion of the Norwegian police by NATO.
A motive for the attack is also present: as part of its attempt to mount an independent foreign policy, including the imminent diplomatic recognition of a Palestinian state as part of a general rapprochement with the Arab world, Norway was leading the smaller NATO states in dropping out of the imperialist aggressor coalition currently bombing Libya. Norway was scheduled to stop all bombing and other sorties against the Gaddafi forces as out of August 1 at the latest.
Finally, the CIA limited hangout operation known as Wikileaks has already furnished a prefabricated off-the-shelf case for incompetence and malfeasance against the current Norwegian government that is doing all these things – in the form of a series of real or doctored dispatches which document the alleged negligence of this government in dealing with the terrorist threat, all in the view of US State Department officials.
Related info:
– News Coverage Of Norway Mass-Killings Was FACT-FREE CONJECTURE (Guardian)
– Norway – Breaking Story: The Second Tragedy Is The Lies (Veterans Today)
More Fascism, ahm, Zionism:
– Fascism: Israeli Parliament Passed A Law Banning Boycotts Against The State And Its Settlements (Christian Science Monitor)
– Influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Non-Jews Are Donkeys, Created To Serve Jews (Jerusalem Post)
– Israel: Influential Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Calls For Palestinians To ‘Perish From The World’ (Daily Mail)
– Joe Biden on Shalom TV: ‘I am a ZIONIST’
– Norway killer espoused right-wing philosophy (JTA):
BERLIN (JTA) — The confessed perpetrator in the attack in Norway that killed at least 76 people espoused a right-wing philosophy against Islam that also purports to be pro-Zionist.
Anders Behring Breivik is charged with detonating a car bomb outside Oslo’s government headquarters, which houses the office of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, that killed eight people and of shooting and killing at least 68 mostly young people at a political summer camp on nearby Utoya Island. The July 22 massacre reportedly was the the worst attack in Norway since the end of World War II.
In numerous online postings (?), including a manifesto published on the day of the attacks, Breivik promoted the Vienna School or Crusader Nationalism philosophy, a mishmash of anti-modern principles that also calls for “the deportation of all Muslims from Europe” as well as from “the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.”
According to the manifesto, titled “2083: A European Declaration of Independence” and published under the pseudonym Andrew Berwick, the Vienna School supports “pro-Zionism/Israeli nationalism.”
See also:
– Norway – Breaking Story: The Second Tragedy Is The Lies (Veterans Today)
– The news coverage of the Norway mass-killings was fact-free conjecture (Guardian, July 24, 2011):
Let’s be absolutely clear, it wasn’t experts speculating, it was guessers guessing – and they were terrible.
I went to bed in a terrible world and awoke inside a worse one. At the time of writing, details of the Norwegian atrocity are still emerging, although the identity of the perpetrator has now been confirmed and his motivation seems increasingly clear: a far-right anti-Muslim extremist who despised the ruling party.
Presumably he wanted to make a name for himself, which is why I won’t identify him. His name deserves to be forgotten. Discarded. Deleted. Labels like “madman”, “monster”, or “maniac” won’t do, either. There’s a perverse glorification in terms like that. If the media’s going to call him anything, it should call him pathetic; a nothing.
On Friday night’s news, they were calling him something else. He was a suspected terror cell with probable links to al-Qaida. Countless security experts queued up to tell me so. This has all the hallmarks of an al-Qaida attack, they said. Watching at home, my gut feeling was that that didn’t add up. Why Norway? And why was it aimed so specifically at one political party? But hey, they’re the experts. They’re sitting there behind a caption with the word “EXPERT” on it. Every few minutes the anchor would ask, “What kind of picture is emerging?” or “What sense are you getting of who might be responsible?” and every few minutes they explained this was “almost certainly” the work of a highly-organised Islamist cell.
In the aftermath of the initial bombing, they proceeded to wrestle with the one key question: why do Muslims hate Norway? Luckily, the experts were on hand to expertly share their expert solutions to plug this apparent plot hole in the ongoing news narrative.
Why do Muslims hate Norway? There had to be a reason.
Read moreNews Coverage Of Norway Mass-Killings Was FACT-FREE CONJECTURE (Guardian)
See also:
For your information…
– Breaking Story: The Second Tragedy is the Lies (Veterans Today, July 23, 2011):
“The attack in Oslo also came 65 years to the very day after the Israeli Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem”
– Eileen Fleming
Remembering my manners and putting aside cheap journalism for humanity, the staff at Veterans Today offers its condolences and best to the families of the dead and the people of Norway. Every life is precious.
Breaking: Norwegian police show their hand in terror coverup:
“A police official said the suspect appears to have acted alone in both attacks, and that “it seems like this is not linked to any international terrorist organizations at all.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity because that information had not been officially released by Norway’s police.
“It seems it’s not Islamic-terror related,” the official said (Ed. shooter was an Israeli supporter). “This seems like a madman’s work.”
Norwegian news agency NTB said the suspect wrote a 1,500-page manifesto before the attack in which he attacked multiculturalism and Muslim immigration. The manifesto also described how to acquire explosives and contained pictures of Breivik, NTB said. Oslo police declined to comment on the report.
To those who profit from such things, the talking heads filling our TV screens with wild and self serving conjecture, Mr. Bolton, I am talking about you in particular, I wish you my absolute worst. As it turns out, the killer’s political views and maniacal rhetoric are identical to yours.
There have been so many of “you” out there, running your fat little mouths that we and our relatively unlimited resources are going to be taking a long hard look. We are now suspicious as hell.
The group targeted during the shooting attacks was 600 members of the Norwegian Labor Party, which had called for a boycott of Israeli products and recognition of a Palestinian state, a group that had drawn considerable ire from Israel and its supporters, one of which was the shooter.
New questions:
A second shooter was reported by some survivors.
Initial reports that our “terrorist,” now said to be a farmer with unlimited access to tons of fertilizer to be used to make explosives, has one minor glitch to it. He is an organic farmer and would have had NO access to chemical fertilizer, certainly not tons of it sold to someone with well established ties to extremist organizations. An “invisible hand” seems to be operating here.The Norwegian Air Force operated/operates 20 helicopters nearby for search and rescue/hostage/counter-terrorism. Even without the high level terror alert status Norway was on because of threats tied to NATO involvement in Libya, marine rescue response would have demanded helicopters be “hot on the pad.” The police “excuse” that helicopters would take too long and driving out in hopes of finding a boat as a form of “counter-terrorism response” is not going to hold water.
The police uniform and credentials, the extremely poor response time, the shooters weapons skills, all point toward too many coincidences.
Norway has 20 of these nearby, some slated for emergency use, 5 minute response
Now that the “Muslim” terrorist story has done its damage, the second story is out, a “lone wolf,” right winger. This would make him fodder for an intelligence agency that would mold him into something to pull out of their bag of tricks when needed. Story two, the “right winger” has its own problems and its own smell.
The timing of this is all wrong, not just the timing but the scale.
The car bombing carries the signature of an intelligence agency. Nobody else bothers with such things. We had recent experiences in Abuja and prior to that in Alexandria. Both of these were executed to promote strife between Christians and Muslims. The perpetrators of the Alexandria church bombing were Israeli. As for Abuja, the story is more complicated, there are more players including one suspicious European intelligence agency. We will withhold judgement. That the largest bombing in Nigeria was directly under my hotel window was an odd coincidence.
Read moreNorway – Breaking Story: The Second Tragedy Is The Lies (Veterans Today)
See also:
Norway Terror Attack Is False Flag Operation
YouTube Added: 22.07.2011
– Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast (InfoWars, July 22, 2011):
In yet another example of how almost every major terror event is accompanied by a security drill focused around the same scenario, Oslo police were conducting a bombing exercise at a location near the Oslo Opera House just 48 hours before a terrorist blast hit a government building in the Norwegian capital.
According to the translated version of an Aftenposten report, “Anti-terror police fired explosive charges at a training center in Oslo, two hundred meters from the Opera, but forgot to notify the public.”
The exercise occurred on Wednesday and revolved around anti-terror units attacking a disused building at the edge of Bjørvika pier with bombs and firearms.
“The men lowered themselves down from the roof and in through the window that had just been blown out, while they fired hand their weapons,” states the report, noting that the exercise was “dramatic,” produced “violent bangs,” and was watched by spectators at the nearby Opera House.
A video of the drill that accompanies the story shows police scaling the side of a building with an explosion going off below them before they enter the window and start firing.
Police had to publicly apologize today for not informing the public about the exercise.
Although it’s too early to judge the nature of this exercise, the fallback of a drill, which gives the state an excuse should any evidence of complicity in the real attack emerge, has been evident in previous major terror events, including both 7/7 and 9/11.
In the case of the London bombings, a consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th, a “coincidence” many skeptics of the official story have dismissed as a statistical impossibility.
– A 32 Year Old Freemason, Christian, Conservative and Nationalist Arrested for Oslo Bombing and Shootings (Red Ice Creations, July 23, 2011):
Anders Behring Breivik has been arrested for the shootings in Utøya. The suspected gunman is a 32-year-old Norwegian man who posed as a police officer. He is also being linked to the bombings in Oslo.
His wiki thread currently reads:
Anders Behring Breivik (born 13 February 1979) is suspected of being the perpetrator of the 2011 Norway attacks. On 22 July 2011, he approached a Labour Party youth camp, posing as a police officer. He then proceeded to open fire on the 13 to 25 year old youth present, reportedly killing at least 10. He has also been linked with the bomb blast that took place approximately two hours earlier, and is now in police custody.
Behring studied at the Oslo Commerce School, and is a self-described Conservative, Christian and Nationalist. He is also described as a one-time freemason. He owns the company Breivik Geofarm.
The reference to his ties to freemasonry can be found on TV 2, the largest commercial television station in Norway. See here.
His Twitter account, that only has one post from July 17th says:
One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.
Also, every profile picture on his Facebook account was uploaded on July 17, 2011, just five days before the attacks.
Who is this guy?
– Oslo hit by double terror attack (Vancouver Sun, July 22, 2011)
– Big Blasts at Government Buildings in Oslo; 2 Dead (New York Times, July 22, 2011):
OSLO — Powerful explosions shook central Oslo on Friday afternoon, blowing out the windows of several government buildings, including one housing the office of the Norwegian prime minister. Media reports said that at least two people were killed and several more injured; a spokeswoman for the prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, said he was “safe and not hurt.”
Shortly after the apparent bomb attack, a man dressed as a police officer opened fire on a youth political meeting on the island of Utoya in the Oslo fjord, about 25 miles from the city, the police said. There were initial reports that Prime Minister Stoltenberg was scheduled to attend the meeting.
“The situation’s gone from bad to worse,” said Runar Kvernen, spokesman for the National Police Directorate under the Ministry of Justice and Police.As fear spread through the capital, the police moved to lock down a wide area of the city center, where the streets were already nearly deserted.
– Giant blast hits government buildings in Oslo, Norway (CNN, July 22, 2011):
[Update: 1:10 p.m. ET, 7:10 p.m. Oslo] NRK journalist Linda Reinholdsen told CNN she was told many of the youth have been evacuated from the mainland island where a shooter has opened fire. But not much more detail than that is known.
Reinholdsen also said that there is an indication that the death toll may climb from the blasts.
“There are still a lot of people dead inside the government building,” she said. “There are going to be a lot of people injured, a lot of people dead.”
[Update: 1:08 p.m. ET, 7:08 p.m. Oslo] Heide Bronke, a State Department Spokesperson, said the U.S. condemns “these despicable acts of violence.”
“We are continuing to monitor the situation, including the safety and security of U.S. citizens,” Bronke said. “Our hearts are with the victims and their families, and we have reached out to the Norwegian Government to express our condolences.”
[Update: 1:05 p.m. ET, 7:05 p.m. Oslo] National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor tells CNN: “The president was briefed on the explosion and reported shootings in Oslo by Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan.
Read moreGiant Blasts Hit Government Buildings In Oslo – Norway Hit By Double Terror Attack
1 of 3:
2 of 3:
3 of 3:
(AFP) — Norway’s Roman Catholic Church received so many email tip-offs about possible pedophile priests following revelations of abuse by a bishop that its computer crashed, a senior cleric said.
“I received so many email tip-offs about possible aggressions and other sexual abuse that the computer server crashed,” Bishop of Oslo and Trondheim Bernt Eidsvig was quoted as saying by the tabloid paper Verdens Gang.
Bernt disclosed on Wednesday at the request of the Vatican that one of Norway’s former bishops, German Georg Mueller, had abused a choirboy in the early 1990s.
Read moreNorway Catholic Church Computer Server Crashed By Flood Of Pedophile Priests Abuse Claims
Any ideas?
Strange spiral: Residents in northern Norway were left stunned after the lightshow, which almost looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies above them
Confusion: The Norwegian Meteorological Institute was flooded with calls after the light storm
What’s blue and white, squiggly and suddenly appears in the sky?
If you know the answer, pop it on a postcard and send it to the people of Norway, where this mysterious light display baffled residents yesterday.
Speculation was increasing today that the display was the result of an embarrassing failed test launch of a jinxed new Russian missile.
Mr Slyngstad remains committed to his investment strategy
Yngve Slyngstad likens his first year in the job to that of steering a supertanker through what others have described as a “perfect storm”, characterised by tight access to credit, falling asset values and soaring commodity prices.
He always knew it would be a challenge, though he had not been prepared for exactly how choppy the waters would be.
It all came to a head earlier this month when it was revealed that Mr Slyngstad’s fund suffered a loss of more than $90bn (£61bn) last year.
The loss was so big, it wiped out pretty much everything Norway’s so-called oil fund had made since it started investing Norway’s oil and gas earnings in the global financial markets 12 years ago.
Critics were quick to point out that the hit was equivalent to a loss of more than $18,000 for every man, woman and child in the country – the exact people whose retirement wealth Mr Slyngstad’s 217-strong team were supposed to be safeguarding.
Mr Slyngstad is in charge of The Government Pension Fund of Norway – the second largest sovereign wealth fund in the world after that of the United Arab Emirate – having taken charge in January last year.
Read moreGovernment Pension Fund of Norway lost more than $90 billion
Related article:
– Investors Behind Doomsday Seed Vault May Provide Clues to Its Purpose:
The group of investors includes The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation, and the Government of Norway.
The elite has always been known for their altruism, working for the benefit of mankind:
“If you control the oil you control the country; if you control the food you control the population.”
– Henry Kissinger
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(BBC NEWS) — Almost 90,000 food crop seed samples have arrived at the “doomsday vault” in the Arctic Circle, as part of its first anniversary celebrations.
The four-tonne shipment takes the number of seeds stored in the frozen repository to more than 20 million.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, built 130m (426ft) inside a mountain, aims to protect the world’s food crop species against natural and human disasters.
The £5m ($7m) facility took 12 months to build and opened in February 2008.
“The vault was opened last year to ensure that, one day, all of humanity’s existing food crop varieties would be safely protected,” explained Cary Fowler, executive director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT).
“It’s amazing how far we have come towards accomplishing that goal.”
FRANKFURT: The European Central Bank, spooked by soaring prices for food and fuel, raised interest rates Thursday, joining several other central banks in battling a global eruption of inflation.
The quarter-point hike, which the bank had signaled last month, had little initial effect on markets, with the euro treading water against the dollar and stocks staying relatively steady. Central banks in Sweden and Norway also raised rates this week, citing inflation. On Thursday, Indonesia raised its key interest rate for the third time this year, while India raised its key lending rate twice last month.
The Federal Reserve in the United States, where short-term interest rates are only half of those in Europe, has so far declined to join them.
The European Central Bank’s decision deepens a recent divergence in monetary policy across the Atlantic, ending a long period when it tended to follow the course set by the Fed.
But the sharp rise in inflation has put Europe’s bank into a policy bind because it has been accompanied, in recent days, by evidence that the economy here is deteriorating much like that of the United States.
Manufacturing activity in the 15 countries that use the euro shrank in June for the first time in three years, according to a survey of European purchasing managers. In Spain and Ireland, where a collapse in housing prices has magnified the problems, there is a real risk of recession.
Still, the European Central Bank, hewing to its inflation-fighting mandate, pressed on with the expected increase, moving the benchmark rate to 4.25 percent from 4 percent. Among other things, it is intended as a warning to unions not to use higher inflation as a lever to demand hefty wage increases.
Say goodbye to the Dollar and to Wall Street.
Got Gold and Silver? – The Infinite Unknown
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It was not clear, before an afternoon news conference chaired by the bank’s president, Jean-Claude Trichet, whether the rate increase would be a one-time gesture or the start of a cycle of tighter monetary policy.
Several economists said they doubted the bank could tighten much further, given the parlous economic situation.
“The ECB is hiking at a time when confidence is plummeting,” said Thomas Mayer, the chief European economist at Deutsche Bank. “The question is, ‘what do you do when asset prices fall at the same time that consumer prices rise?’ The central bankers seem to have reached the end of the line.”
(NaturalNews) It’s got all the exciting elements of a science fiction novel. A seed bank as strong as a fortress built into the side of a mountain in the remote arctic wilderness built for the purpose of preserving food sources in the event of a disaster. Among the specifications for the bank are dual blast-proof doors with motion sensors, two airlocks, and one-meter thick walls of steel reinforced concrete.
“If you control the oil you control the country; if you control the food you control the population.” — Henry Kissinger
Built on the island of Spitsbergen in the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean in the country of Norway, a group of wealthy corporations has invested millions of dollars in their project named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The mission statement is: “So that crop diversity can be conserved for the future”.
The seed vault will have the capacity to house up to 4.5 million different varieties of seeds from all over the planet. The Doomsday Vault will officially open on February 26, 2008. There will be no full time staff necessary to operate the seed vault. It has been designed to run itself independent of human direction. Svalbard will be managed and overseen by the Rome-based Global Crop Diversity Trust.
The question begs asking – Why the need for this super fortress seed bank when adequate protective measures for the earth’s seeds already exist around the world? Delving into the details of this project is an interesting undertaking.
The group of investors includes The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation, and the Government of Norway. Both Monsanto Corporation (US based) and Syngenta Foundation (Swiss based) are leading agricultural companies active in the development of genetically modified (GMO) plant seeds and related agricultural chemicals.
Read moreInvestors Behind Doomsday Seed Vault May Provide Clues to Its Purpose (Part 2)
LAGOS, NIGERIA (31 January 2008)-Twenty-one boxes filled with 7,000 unique seed samples from more than 36 African nations were shipped to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a facility being built on a remote island in the Arctic Circle as a repository of last resort for humanity’s agricultural heritage.The vault is being built by the Norwegian government as a service to the global community, and a Rome-based international NGO, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, will fund its operation. The vault will open on 26 February 2008.
The shipment, which was sent by the Ibadan, Nigeria-based International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), consists of thousands of duplicates of unique varieties of domesticated and wild cowpea, maize, soybean, and Bambara groundnut. The seeds from the IITA genebank in Ibadan, Nigeria, were packed in 21 boxes weighing a total of 330 kg. The processing by IITA staff took several months, and the boxes were packaged over a three-day period, with 10 staff checking the accession list, reporting errors, and adjusting the inventory, as needed.
The seeds were shipped on to Oslo on route to the village of Longyearbyen on Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, where the vault has been constructed in a mountain deep inside the Arctic permafrost.
Read moreAfrican seed collection first to arrive in Norway on route to Arctic seed vault