UK Column News – 4th October 2019 (Video)

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and David Ellis with today’s news update from the UK Column.

START – Brexit: Boris’ statement to the House – no deal ahead…?
Northern Ireland to leave customs union with the UK but stay in single market
DUP drops opposition to border in the Irish Sea after another cash bung…
Labour’s Corbyn: this is a rehashed version of a previously rejected proposal
Treason May’s deal (with a slight amendment) is back on the table…?
Steve Baker MP turns through 180 degrees in just a few days
EU military union (EU defence union) is a big part of the public’s concern
The public must keep up the pressure for answers from MPs
Misinfo: Ben Wallace MP conflates EU defence union with membership of NATO
Ben Wallace MP meeting was hosted by US defence manufacturer Raytheon
How do EU defence union, NATO and other bi-lateral defence deals interact…?
Government is still silent on all of these matters…
Ben Wallace MP deliberately conceals the plan for EU defence union
Boris confirms that ‘huge collaboration across the front’ will continue
36:20 – Royal Marines official Stonehouse Barracks leaving date confirmed
British military history is slowly being erased for future generations
Boris to go ahead with second prorogation of Parliament on 8 October
BBC: Court to consider if Prime Minister can be jailed over no-deal Brexit…
Can the legal personality of the Prime Minister be taken over by a court…?
Could king Mark Sedwill legally sign off on the deal on Boris’ behalf…?
43:32 – Business Leader: the unconventional rise of Dale Vince
Vince’s company Ecotricity now turning over millions and donating to Labour
46:55 – Ian R. Crane’s 5G tour dates: tour continues tonight in Edinburgh
Rory Stewart steps down as MP & leaves Tory party to run for Mayor of London
Comedy Gold: David Lammy “Sadiq Khan has been a unifying force for London”

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UK Column News – 30th September 2019 (Video)

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Vanessa Beeley with today’s news update from the UK Column.START – Boris’ gambit…

Secret plan to make Speaker of the House John Berkow prime minster
Powers that (shouldn’t) be still trying to setup ‘government of national unity’…?
This is a deliberate, orchestrated coup by the government of occupation
‘Abuse is virtually constant’: female MPs speak about the threats they face
Have any of these threats been specified or reported to the Police…?
Dominic Cummings: the term ‘surrender’ will be shoved down their throats
EU defence union viral video: who has made these commitments and assurances…?
Simon Bean MBE: as Lord James stated – ‘we must know the truth’
Former NCO Bean MBE points out the critical date of 1st November
The Hill: why trying to impeach Trump and oust Johnson may end in tears
The Sun Feb 2017: Brexit-bashing Lords receive £500k in EU pensions a year…
Independent Sept 2003: Kinnock in firing line of investigation into Brussels fraud claim
EU Observer: Commission admits huge Eurostat fraud
EU whistleblower Marta Andreasen fired for speaking out…
EU slush funding: how the EU bought power and corrupted the UK
Europe’s hidden hand: EU funding for political NGOs in Arab-Israeli conflict
23:08 – Ian R. Crane’s 5G tour dates: continuing tonight in Hull
24:20 – UK Column article: White helmets and Hala Systems
The grotesque militarisation of ‘humanitarianism’ in Syria
British government has invested £2.7 billion into ‘humanitarian aid’
Regime change in Syria is still the long-term globalist plan
Chicago-based Hala Systems staffed from bluechip military industrial complex
Who is funding Hala Systems…?
Focus of NGOs is always Assad’s ‘crimes’ but never terrorist ‘crimes’…
US specialists helping terrorists to develop drones and chemical weapons…?
Hala Systems: ties to Frank Giustra and the Clinton Foundation among others
Frank Giustra: an enabler providing funding for NGOs involved in human trafficking
White helmets stand accused of organ trafficking, human trafficking, child abduction
The harvest of war…
Middle East Eye: Twitter executive for Middle East is British Army ‘psyops’ soldier
This explains difficulty getting traction with Twitter messages on Middle East matters
45:30 – Breitbart 2017: Wales to be transformed into world’s first migrant ‘sanctuary’

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World News (June 7, 2018 Edition): Putin: “WW3 Would Be The End Of Civilization” – Opioids Are Responsible For 20% Of Millennial Deaths – UK Met Office “loses” 300 year database, uses noise to generate ‘hottest ever’ spam headline

…and it has been planned for a looong time by TPTB.

Read moreWorld News (June 7, 2018 Edition): Putin: “WW3 Would Be The End Of Civilization” – Opioids Are Responsible For 20% Of Millennial Deaths – UK Met Office “loses” 300 year database, uses noise to generate ‘hottest ever’ spam headline

World News (May 14, 2018 Edition): ‘Terrible massacre’: Israel kills 55, injures 2,771 Gaza protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – Bill Gross’s Ex-Wife Stole A $35M Picasso From Their Bedroom And Replaced It With A Hand Drawing – Tesla Bursts Into Flames After “Violent Crash” In Switzerland, Killing Driver Trapped Inside – War On Cash Goes into Full Effect — Purchases Over $10,000 ILLEGAL in Australia – Hawaii Residents Flee Volcano As New Fissure Sends Lava “Several Hundred Feet Into The Air”

‘Terrible massacre’: Israel kills 55, injures 2,771 Gaza protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem

Israel Kills 52, Wounds 1,700 Gazans In “Terrible Massacre” As US Opens Jerusalem Embassy

Bill Gross’s Ex-Wife Stole A $35M Picasso From Their Bedroom And Replaced It With A Hand Drawing

– (And another) Tesla Bursts Into Flames After “Violent Crash” In Switzerland, Killing Driver Trapped Inside

War On Cash Goes into Full Effect — Purchases Over $10,000 ILLEGAL in Australia

Hawaii Residents Flee Volcano As New Fissure Sends Lava “Several Hundred Feet Into The Air”

Melania Trump Hospitalized For “Benign Kidney Condition” As Harry Reid Undergoes Pancreatic Cancer Surgery

Hellfire-Missile-Equipped Strykers Sent To Europe To Counter Russia

– Russia Deploys Exotic New Weapon: A “Budget Surplus”

The Army takes over Rio de Janeiro to Combat Organised Crime 

Mexico, the most violent in 20 years 

Retirees Face A “Pension Crisis” Of Their Own

Venezuela Prepares for Possible US Aggression 

First Venezuela, now Argentina on the verge of financial catastrophe

220 cases of “nightmare bacteria” with antiobiotic-resistant genes recorded in 27 states

Confirmed: Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat and Sick

Read moreWorld News (May 14, 2018 Edition): ‘Terrible massacre’: Israel kills 55, injures 2,771 Gaza protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – Bill Gross’s Ex-Wife Stole A $35M Picasso From Their Bedroom And Replaced It With A Hand Drawing – Tesla Bursts Into Flames After “Violent Crash” In Switzerland, Killing Driver Trapped Inside – War On Cash Goes into Full Effect — Purchases Over $10,000 ILLEGAL in Australia – Hawaii Residents Flee Volcano As New Fissure Sends Lava “Several Hundred Feet Into The Air”

World News (May 6, 2018 Edition): “This Is As Bad As It Gets”: Magma Flowing From Hawaii’s Kilauea Forces Thousands To Flee – “To His Dying Breath”: McCain Regrets Picking Palin, Wants Pence But Not Trump At Funeral

“This Is As Bad As It Gets” – Magma Flowing From Hawaii’s Kilauea Forces Thousands To Flee:

After first erupting on Thursday, Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano has continued to send molten magma up through the eight fissures that have now opened up in the ground in a part of Hawaii that is home to several ritzy neighborhoods, including the tony Leilani Estates, where residents have been forced to flee as the eruptions, as well as several powerful earthquakes, have destroyed power lines and disrupted and left parts of the surrounding area without water.

One area resident summed up the neighborhood’s plight in a statement to the Los Angeles Times.

“This is as bad as it gets,” said John Bennett, 61, a resident of the Leilani Estates neighborhood forced to evacuate. “We can’t go back in yet. I feel lost. I don’t know what to think. I’ve never been in this situation before.”

The estimated 1,800 people who live in the affected area have sought temporary respite in government shelters. Others have moved in friends on other islands. 

FBI Refuses To Pursue Personal Strzok-Page Texts; Grassley Goes Nuclear

Hedge Fund CIO: “This Is The Greatest Challenge In Asset Management Today”:

“Today’s greatest challenge in asset management is that the biggest pension funds need to generate 7.5% returns in perpetuity or face insolvency. An annual loss would be debilitating, a multi-year loss devastating.”

“To His Dying Breath”: McCain Regrets Picking Palin, Wants Pence But Not Trump At Funeral

NSA Spying Explodes: Over 530 Million US Phone Records Collected In 2017

Paper Gold Market Normalizing, Silver Getting Even More Extreme:

“… gold’s technicals are improving and silver’s are so positive that you have to wonder if there’s a catch, though what that would be isn’t obvious…”

Trump Reportedly Not Invited to Senator McCain’s Funeral

Erupting Volcano in Hawaii Releases Life-Threatening Toxic Gas (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Read moreWorld News (May 6, 2018 Edition): “This Is As Bad As It Gets”: Magma Flowing From Hawaii’s Kilauea Forces Thousands To Flee – “To His Dying Breath”: McCain Regrets Picking Palin, Wants Pence But Not Trump At Funeral

Theresa May: “As we leave the EU, I’ve made it my first priority to protect the rights of EU citizens.”

‘Treason’ May obviously got her priorities ‘right’!

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Theresa May rejects EU’s plan for Northern Ireland border, says will never agree to it

Theresa May rejects EU’s plan for Northern Ireland border, says will never agree to it:

British Prime Minister Theresa May says a European Union draft proposal for Northern Ireland’s border threatens the “constitutional integrity” of the UK, and that she will “never” agree to it

“The draft legal text the Commission have published would, if implemented, undermine the UK common market and threaten the constitutional integrity of the UK by creating a customs and regulatory border down the Irish Sea, and no UK prime minster could ever agree to it,” May said Wednesday at the weekly Prime Minister Question session in the British House of Commons.

May declared she will be making it clear to EU officials that her government will never sign up to the document: “I will be making it crystal clear to President Juncker and others that we will never do so.”

The EU’s draft withdrawal agreement includes a proposal to effectively keep Northern Ireland inside the bloc’s single market and customs union in order to ensure there will be no hard border with Ireland, an EU member state.

Read moreTheresa May rejects EU’s plan for Northern Ireland border, says will never agree to it

EU ‘wants Brexit Britain to accept ECJ rulings indefinitely’

EU ‘wants Brexit Britain to accept ECJ rulings indefinitely’:

The EU will demand that Brexit Britain be subject to rulings from the European Court of Justice indefinitely, according to the Financial Times.

The text of the “governance mechanism” is due to be presented tomorrow, however, according to officials who have seen it, any Brexit agreement will require Britain to accept the ECJ as the ‘ultimate arbiter’ of disputes.

Failure to comply with rulings could see the UK face sanctions such as having it’s access to the Single Market cut off.

So, basically, the EU wants the ECJ not only to dictate the law to a sovereign nation in Brexit Britain, it has also threatened to hold the UK to ransom if it dares disagree with the court’s rulings…

Read moreEU ‘wants Brexit Britain to accept ECJ rulings indefinitely’

EU’s £24bn BOMBSHELL: Lithuania admits Brexit cost is DOUBLE the previous estimate

EU’s £24bn BOMBSHELL: Lithuania admits Brexit cost is DOUBLE the previous estimate:

ONE-FIFTH of the EU budget will be lost when Britain leaves the bloc, according to the Lithuanian head of state, who warned that difficult decisions will have to be made to make up this significant loss.

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite told the press yesterday at the informal Brussels summit that the EU would lose around a fifth of its budget due to Brexit.The shock figure is far greater than previous estimates, and adds to Jean-Claude Juncker’s financial headache ahead of an expected row over how to deal with the financial shortcoming.

The Lithuanian leader did not reveal the exact figure, but the last EU budget came to 140bn euros a year, or one percent of economic output in the bloc.

Read moreEU’s £24bn BOMBSHELL: Lithuania admits Brexit cost is DOUBLE the previous estimate

UK Column News – 16th February 2018 (Video)

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today’s news update:

START – Oxfam: misconduct and abuse enquiry from last year found nothing
04:51 – SNP sex-row minister Mark McDonald receives ‘golden goodbye’
06:21 – Scottish Chief Constable resigns so complaints will never be heard
12:11 – Met Police appoints Sir Stephen House as assistant commissioner…
15:12 – Peter Cherbi: job should have gone to an independent non-cop
16:48 – Heather Capital £400 million hedge fund fraud: inquiry dropped…
20:47 – Brexit: who is Femi Oluwole…?
23:04 – Former GCHQ director Robert Hannigan: interdependence is essential
27:23 – Brexit – no exit: treason against the people’s democratic mandate
28:28 – 21st Century Wire: France to re-introduce compulsory conscription…?
30:42 – Israel: have they really destroyed up to 50% of Syrian air defence…?
33:08 – Julian Assange: senior judge linked to dark and dirty deep state
38:18 – Craig Murray: Lord Carlile is expert at protecting his associates…
39:44 – Scottish Freedom of Information: grant for information research rejected
42:55 – Fife Council spends almost £50 million on severance payments…
44:00 – The Young Foundation: unaccountable big society at work
45:35 – Participatory Democracy: as long as you agree, you can participate…
46:10 – US Navy Zumwalt Class ship: billions spent, but still not working

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Social engineering, brainwashing & mind-control work… This man’s explanation of why young people should stop Brexit is flooring people

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Farage warns ‘Brexit betrayal’ would plunge UK into crisis

H/t reader squodgy:

“Chaos on the menu.
The Bankster PTB want Brits who voted OUT, to pay the penalty.”

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UK Column News – 9th February 2018: A Franco British Common Purpose (Video)

Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson are joined by Alex Thomson and David Scott for today’s news update from the UK Column.

START – A Common Purpose: Britain and France are now one country…?
06:14 – Franco-British Council: PwC now involved in military decisions
11:05 – Russia ‘gate’: Christopher Steele – hero or hired gun…?
15:46 – Finance: Bank of England – interest rates to rise…crash coming…?
19:55 – Washington Times: George Soros creating disruption across the globe
24:39 – Scotland not immune: Scotland ‘selected’ for open government…
29:41 – Ex-Met detective child abuse whistleblower: walk donations rising
30:33 – Fresh Start Foundation update: future roadshow dates
31:55 – Demand for probe into SNP ‘meddling’ in Freedom of Information cases
34:55 – Scottish Police Chief Constable Gormley tenders his resignation
37:04 – Charles Howeson trial: media only allowed to report trial date
37:39 – Political Correctness goes mad: mention of mankind no longer allowed…?
39:09 – World End of Women Day…? Human eggs grown in laboratory…

H/t reader eric:

From 19.55, a well evidenced link of how Soros is organising and funding violence in USA.”

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British officials in secret discussions with Brussels to extend Brexit transition period to almost three years

So that the financial collapse will happen during the transition period…

British officials in secret discussions with Brussels to extend Brexit transition period to almost three years:

British officials are in discussions with Brussels about extending the Brexit transition period to almost three years, The Telegraph has learnt.

The official Government target for transition is “around two years” but many senior Whitehall officials remain privately concerned about the practicality of such a short transition, given potentially massive changes that would be required by a “hard” Brexit.

The Telegraph understands that although it is not formally Government policy, Britain has discreetly begun sounding out senior EU figures over whether transition could be extended amid growing disarray within the Cabinet over the ultimate terms of a long-term deal with the EU.

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UK Column News – 18th January 2018 (Video)

UK Column News – 18th January 2018:

Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with today’s news update from the UK Column.

START – Fake News: Donald Trump’s list in the headlines
05:25 – The smokescreen of normality: Brexit is a scam
06:14 – Franco British Council: undermining British Sovereignty
23:45 – Nigel Farage busy destroying UKIP…Hague calls for disbanding
25:21 – PFI and PF2: capital value £60bn, cost to the taxpayer £199bn…
27:49 – RBS: hanging their customers…?
29:48 – Rt. Hon David Gauke: defending independent judiciary & rule of law
33:19 – Prime Minister (temporary replacement) bill 2017-2019…
36:34 – Grenfell Tower: housing boss quits six months after tragedy

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Study: ‘No Deal’ Will Cost the EU £507bn, While Britain Gains £641bn

Study: ‘No Deal’ Will Cost the EU £507bn, While Britain Gains £641bn:

A new study has calculated a ‘No Deal’ Brexit would cost the EU some £507 billion, while the UK reaps a £641 billion windfall.

Cardiff University’s Professor Patrick Minford argues that, for the United Kingdom, “a breakdown would be a short-term nuisance but a substantial economic gain [over the longer term]”.

For the EU, on the other hand, ‘No Deal’ is “both a short-term nuisance and a substantial economic loss [over the longer term]”.

Read moreStudy: ‘No Deal’ Will Cost the EU £507bn, While Britain Gains £641bn