Ron Paul: Nancy Pelosi pulled Iran bill on orders of Israel

in a speech given on 06 june 2008, in reston, virginia, at the hyatt regency, reston, to the future of freedom foundation, ‘restoring the republic 2008: foreign policy and civil liberties’ conference,

Congressman Ron Paul, tells how speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, acting on orders of Israel and AIPAC, ‘deliberately’ pulled a supplemental bill requiring congressional approval for attacking Iran.

Source: You Tube

2 thoughts on “Ron Paul: Nancy Pelosi pulled Iran bill on orders of Israel”

  1. This should be front-page news! This should have a thousand or more Diggs, but it doesn’t. People in this country need to wake up and realize our country is not being run for our benefit. Our leaders take their orders from Israel, not from the voter and taxpayers of America.

    Voting for Obama is not going to change this – he recently made his peac with AIPAC and promised to do anything it takes to protect nuclear Israel from Iran which doesn’t have any nukes.

    May God help us, because the average voter isn’t smart enough to make the right choice!

  2. Congressmen Kucinich, Capuano and Moran each independently fingered AIPAC as the reason for that provision in the suplemental getting pulled. Imagine the level of disgust required for them to cross AIPAC! AIPAC had conducted a lobbying campaign to that end. This is not unlike Cong sending a delegation to Condoleezza Rice just before Anapolis, with a petition signed by 77 senators requesting that a precondition to talks must be Palestine relinquishing all of its demands. Government won’t work for the People until the People demand full public campaign financing. Too bad the People are so clueless!


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