– Colombians Douse Venezuelan Refugees in ‘Rotten Urine’ in Protest:
Angry Colombians have demonstrated their frustration at the growing numbers of Venezuelan refugees seeking refuge in their country by dousing them with rotten urine.
Venezuelan outlet El Nacional details the life of Luz Amparo Durán León, who claims to have slept in urine-soaked sheets after people threw two pots of it at her from a building. Durán is staying in Cucutá, a town on the Venezuelan border in Colombia.
“They threw two pots of rotten urine from a second floor of the building,” she said. “Where have we come to? It makes me sad.”
Durán is one of the thousands of Venezuelans who have fled to Colombia to escape the worsening economic and political crises engineered by the leftist Maduro regime.
“I’m in this country looking for an opportunity not only for myself, but for my children,” Durán said. “The time came when we could not take it anymore. The end arrived in Venezuela after we brought fruits to Colombia to sell them and had to buy food here to take home.”
“The hardest thing that I have had to live is that my son left the house. My son left the country to help his family,” she continued. “He wanted to study Systems Engineering or enter a gastronomic institute.”
Tensions between Venezuelan migrants are boiling over in cities heavily affected by the migration crisis, with locals fearing high levels of unemployment, a rise in crime, and potentially, the undercutting of wages.
In Cúcuta, local residents recently held an anti-migration protest that led to the eviction of more than 200 Venezuelans living in a sports field.
An estimated 550,000 Venezuelans have emigrated to Colombia in the past two to three years, with the government pledging to meet the humanitarian challenge by providing food, medicine, and education for young people.
Last week, around 300 residents in the Brazilian border town of Mucajaí stormed and expelled migrants from an abandoned school building in an act of protest following the death a local man allegedly at the hands of three Venezuelans.
Brazilian authorities have said they will relocate thousands of Venezuelans in an attempt to spread the burden, although thousands of people continue to arrive as the situation in Venezuela continues to worsen.
Amid unprecedented levels of hyperinflation, Venezuela’s monthly minimum wage is now equivalent to less than two U.S. dollars a month, making it impossible for millions of people to access basic living resources such as food, medicine, and electricity.
H/t reader kevin a.
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