Dr. Rima E. Laibow on the Contamination of the Food Supply & Deadly Antibiotics

Added: 5. Februar 2010

Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who believes passionately in the right every American to choose a personal health path that is free of government or corporate interference.

She has practiced drug-free, natural medicine for 35 years by seeking the underlying cause of every illness and ailment. Over During this time, she has enjoyed remarkable success with a wide assortment of cataclysmic problems and health promotion efforts.

Like other healers who trust the innate ability to heal, she believes in using nutrients and other natural options to find, define and treat the problems which underlie degenerative, chronic diseases. The key is supporting the immune and other crucial body systems. Dr. Laibow has seen results from these techniques so often in her patients and in her personal life, that she believes the medicine of the future is the medicine of cooperation with nature.

Dr. Laibow is the President of the NeuroTherapy Certification Board which she helped establish in order to strengthen and develop the field of NeuroBioFeedback and bring it into wide-spread use as a powerful, non-toxic tool for modern medicine.
Because of Dr. Laibows awareness of the wide variety of powerful natural, non-toxic options available to treat the underlying causes of disease, she is focused on maintaining these choices for all Americans.

Based on her understanding of the impact of poor nutrition and chemical/pesticide toxicity on the declining health of America, Dr. Laibow is determined to help Americans maintain their right to choose health promotion rather than illness care in their efforts to protect themselves from disease and toxic harm.

Related information:

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

One Nation Under Siege – Full Theatrical Release

Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs

Pfizer ordered to pay up over ‘AIDS-like’ virus infections


In what is being hailed as a major victory for workers in the biotech and nanotech fields, a former scientist with pharmaceutical firm Pfizer has been awarded $1.37 million for being fired after raising the alarm over researchers being infected with a genetically engineered “AIDS-like” virus.

Becky McClain, a molecular biologist from Deep River, Connecticut, filed a lawsuit against Pfizer in 2007, claiming she had been wrongly terminated for complaining about faulty safety equipment that allowed a “dangerous lentivirus” to infect her and some of her colleagues.

The Hartford Courant describes the virus as “similar to the one that can lead to acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS.” Health experts testified that the virus has affected the way McClain’s body processes potassium, which they say causes McClain to suffer complete paralysis as often as a dozen times per month, the Courant reports.

McClain’s lawsuit (PDF) asserted that Pfizer had interfered with her right to free speech, and that she should have been protected from retaliation by whistleblower legislation.

Read morePfizer ordered to pay up over ‘AIDS-like’ virus infections

The Health Care Dictatorship: A Crime Against America

(NaturalNews) It’s amazing that the day before the health care “reform” bill is passed in America, the FDA announces that one of the most popular statin drugs sold in America causes so much kidney damage that it might kill you. And then the day after this health care bill passes, the FDA announces that a popular rotovirus vaccine made by Merck is being halted because it is contaminated with a mysterious DNA sequence from a pig virus called porcine circovirus type 1 or PCV-1.

The reason this is important is because cholesterol drugs and vaccines represent what conventional American medicine is all about: Drugs and injections. It’s not about health and prevention; it’s about drugs and injections (and surgery too, of course).

And the legislation that was just passed is focused entirely on how to expand the failed system of drugs and injections so that it causes harm to everyone rather than just those who voluntarily choose to be suckered into it. This is the medical equivalent of a wartime draft that forces soldiers into battle against their will. Except this isn’t a war against some foreign enemy — it’s a war being waged against your body by the pharmaceutical industry, the cancer industry, the surgery pushers and all the corporations that prey upon the public for their sick-care profits.

Read moreThe Health Care Dictatorship: A Crime Against America

Rotarix Rotavirus Vaccine Contaminated With Pig Virus DNA

About 1 million children in the United States and about 30 million worldwide have gotten Rotarix vaccine, the FDA says.

(CNN) — Federal health authorities recommended Monday that doctors suspend using Rotarix, one of two vaccines licensed in the United States against rotavirus, saying the vaccine is contaminated with material from a pig virus.

“There is no evidence at this time that this material poses a safety risk,” Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg told reporters in a conference call.

Rotarix, made by GlaxoSmithKline, was approved by the FDA in 2008. The contaminant material is DNA from porcine circovirus 1, a virus from pigs that is not known to cause disease in humans or animals, Hamburg said.

Read moreRotarix Rotavirus Vaccine Contaminated With Pig Virus DNA

Health Care Bill Dooms America to Pharma-Dominated Sickness And Suffering

More change we can believe in!

(NaturalNews) Today the medical mafia struck another devastating blow to the health and freedom of all Americans. With the support of an inarguably corrupt Congress that has simply abandoned the real needs of the American people, the sick-care industry has locked in a high-profit scheme of disease and monopoly-priced pharmaceuticals in a nation that can ill afford either one.

And this Pharma-funded betrayal, it turns out, was led by the Democrats. Passed on a 219-212 vote that was only accomplished thanks to closed-door, last-minute secret meetings among the last holdouts, this new legislation puts America under the stranglehold of the medical mafia while doing absolutely nothing to address real health care reform. There is no mention in the bill, for example, of vitamin D for preventing cancer, or orthomolecular medicine for preventing degenerative disease. There’s not even a word about protecting health freedom or ending the century of oppression that has been waged against naturopathic practitioners by the AMA, FDA and FTC.

The new legislation does, however, lock in billions of dollars in monopoly profits for the pharmaceutical companies — the same companies who spent millions of dollars pushing for its passage and who depend on the continuation of sickness and disease for their future profits.

There’s only one problem with this health care reform bill: It doesn’t reform health care. It has almost nothing to do with health care at all, in fact: It’s really more of an effort to expand a broken sick-care system. When faced with the problem that our sick-care system doesn’t work, Congress somehow decided that fixing the problem merely involved expanding the failures to include everyone!

Read moreHealth Care Bill Dooms America to Pharma-Dominated Sickness And Suffering

Big Pharma researcher Dr. Reuben admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck

Dr. Scott Reuben

(NaturalNews) It’s being called the largest research fraud in medical history. Dr. Scott Reuben, a former member of Pfizer’s speakers’ bureau, has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals.

Now being reported across the mainstream media is the fact that Dr. Reuben accepted a $75,000 grant from Pfizer to study Celebrex in 2005. His research, which was published in a medical journal, has since been quoted by hundreds of other doctors and researchers as “proof” that Celebrex helped reduce pain during post-surgical recovery. There’s only one problem with all this: No patients were ever enrolled in the study!

Dr. Scott Reuben, it turns out, faked the entire study and got it published anyway.

It wasn’t the first study faked by Dr. Reuben: He also faked study data on Bextra and Vioxx drugs, reports the Wall Street Journal.

As a result of Dr. Reuben’s faked studies, the peer-reviewed medical journal Anesthesia & Analgesia was forced to retract 10 “scientific” papers authored by Reuben. The Day of London reports that 21 articles written by Dr. Reuben that appear in medical journals have apparently been fabricated, too, and must be retracted.

After being caught fabricating research for Big Pharma, Dr. Reuben has reportedly signed a plea agreement that will require him to return $420,000 that he received from drug companies. He also faces up to a 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine.

He was also fired from his job at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. after an internal audit there found that Dr. Reuben had been faking research data for 13 years. (http://www.theday.com/article/20100…)

Business as usual in Big Pharma

What’s notable about this story is not the fact that a medical researcher faked clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industry. It’s not the fact that so-called “scientific” medical journals published his fabricated studies. It’s not even the fact that the drug companies paid this quack close to half a million dollars while he kept on pumping out fabricated research.

The real story here is that this is business as usual in the pharmaceutical industry.

Dr. Reuben’s actions really aren’t that extraordinary. Drug companies bribe researchers and doctors as a routine matter. Medical journals routinely publish false, fraudulent studies. FDA panel members regularly rely on falsified research in making their drug approval decisions, and the mainstream media regularly quotes falsified research in reporting the news.

Fraudulent research, in other words, is widespread in modern medicine. The pharmaceutical industry couldn’t operate without it, actually. It is falsified research that gives the industry its best marketing claims and strongest FDA approvals. Quacks like Dr Scott Reuben are an important part of the pharmaceutical profit machine because without falsified research, bribery and corruption, the industry would have very little research at all.

Read moreBig Pharma researcher Dr. Reuben admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck

Exposed: ‘Scandalous abuse’ of the elderly prescribed antipsychotics in hospital, leading to 23,000 deaths a year

Tens of thousands of vulnerable dementia patients are being prescribed ‘chemical cosh’ drugs in hospital wards in a ‘scandalous abuse’ of the elderly, ten leading health organisations have said in a letter to The Daily Telegraph.

Alzheimer’s patients with diabetes experience slower decline in memory, surprise research findings suggest. Photo: GETTY

Three quarters of nurses have seen people with dementia in general wards in hospital prescribed antipsychotic drugs that are known to double the risk of death and triple the risk of a stroke in these patients, research has shown.

It is the first time the scale of the abuse in hospital wards is exposed, following warnings that 100,000 dementia patients in care homes are prescribed the drugs leading to the deaths of 23,000 a year.

Ten leading charities, carers groups and experts have written to The Daily Telegraph saying: “We cannot stand by while this scandalous abuse of vulnerable citizens continues.”

Neil Hunt, Chief Executive of Alzheimer’s Society said: “The massive over prescription of antipsychotics to people with dementia is an abuse of human rights, causing serious side effects and increasing risk of death. These powerful drugs should only be used in a small number of cases. The Government must take action to ensure that these drugs are only ever used as a last resort.”

They have called on the government to publish its long-overdue review of the use of antipsychotics which ministers promised would be out in May of this year.

Rebecca Wood, Chief Executive of the Alzheimer’s Research Trust, said: “While the Department of Health prevaricates, thousands of people are being put at risk through the misuse of antipsychotics.”

There are 700,000 people in Britain with dementia and the numbers are rising rapidly.

Antipsychotics have a sedative effect and are not licensed for use in dementia but are prescribed when patients become agitated or difficult and often then are left on them for long periods.

A survey by the Alzheimer’s Society of over 1,000 nurses and nurse managers working on general wards in hospitals found more than three quarters said antipsychotics were used always or sometimes and one quarter said that the drugs were used inappropriately.

Read moreExposed: ‘Scandalous abuse’ of the elderly prescribed antipsychotics in hospital, leading to 23,000 deaths a year

European health officials: ‘H1N1 pandemic false alarm, inquiry to expose the truth’

More from Dr. Wodarg:

German health expert’s swine flu warning; Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a politician and a specialist in lungs, hygiene and environmental medicine. He is the chairman of the health committee in the German parliament and European Council.

European health officials have launched an investigation into whether the seriousness of the swine flu outbreak was exaggerated. They blame pharmaceutical giants for pressuring the World Health Organisation to declare it a pandemic.

This allowed drug companies to make huge profits even though the virus was not as deadly as regular seasonal flu. What outcome would there be for the drug companies at the centre of the investigation?

RT discusses this with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg who initiated the probe.

Added: 13. Januar 2010

Read moreEuropean health officials: ‘H1N1 pandemic false alarm, inquiry to expose the truth’

PIMCO’s Bill Gross warns on risks of US deficit: ‘Our government doesn’t work anymore, or perhaps more accurately, when it does, it works for special interests and not the American people.’

Wake up America!

Peter Schiff on Fast Money: ‘America is broke’; ‘The Fed created a currency crisis’; ‘Dollar to collapse 50-70% or more’

US: Public Pensions Face $2 Trillion Deficit

U.S. Avoids Technical Default By Three Days

Gross warns on risks of US deficit

Bill Gross

Jan. 7 (Financial Times) – Bill Gross, the influential bond fund manager who is one of the world’s biggest investors in sovereign debt, said it was unlikely that the US economy was strong enough for the government to “gracefully exit” stimulus spending programmes or that private investors would be capable of absorbing the balance in deficit funding.

In a monthly investment outlook Mr Gross, managing director and a founder of Pimco, which has $940bn under management, commented on US healthcare legislation, the resulting budget deficits and the potential impact on financial markets.

The four-page commentary, entitled “Let’s Get Fisical”, included a scathing attack on the workings of the US political system. He urged the American people to use social networking sites like Twitter to have their voices heard over individual political donors.

“Our government doesn’t work anymore, or perhaps more accurately, when it does, it works for special interests and not the American people,” said Mr Gross. “When special interests, even singular citizens, write a cheque, it represents a perversion of democracy, not the exercise of the First Amendment.”

In highlighting that just $500m spent in healthcare lobbying by labour, insurance, “big pharma” and related corporate interests would generate a $50bn-$100bn annual return, he said, “What amazes me most of all is that politicians can be bought so cheaply.”

Mr Gross said that while he was “distressed” at the state of US democracy, a rational money manager could not afford to “get mad” when it comes to investing clients’ money. Global investment managers have a choice of sovereign credits where “stable inflation and fiscal conservation are available”, he said.

Read morePIMCO’s Bill Gross warns on risks of US deficit: ‘Our government doesn’t work anymore, or perhaps more accurately, when it does, it works for special interests and not the American people.’

As an American, I refuse to buy mandatory health insurance … that supports Big Pharma

Breaking Americans down, one family at a time

“… if tens of millions of Americans can’t afford health insurance now, how are they supposed to afford to pay the fine for not buying any?”

“… the whole point of the health care reform bill is to destroy American families.”

Why would the IRS now be invoked to enforce this medical racket? The answer can only be that somewhere at the top of government, someone is diligently working to destroy America.

The collapse of an empire isn’t pretty.


(NaturalNews) Even if Obama’s health care reform bill becomes law, mandating that all Americans buy health insurance policies for a failed system of “sick care”, I will refuse to comply. I’ve read the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and nowhere in that document do I find that the federal government has the power to force consumers to purchase for-profit insurance products from private companies.

The very basis of the health care reform bill is, at its core, unconstitutional. If this mandate is allowed to stand, it sets a dangerous precedent for the U.S. government to require us to purchase other products and services from whatever industries it chooses to support. What’s next? Will the government pass a law forcing us to buy pharmaceuticals at thousands of dollars a year? Will it force us to purchase U.S.-made automobiles in order to boost the automobile industry? Is our economic free choice now centrally planned by our own government operating like Communist China?

This is a serious question that Constitutional scholars will no doubt be debating in the months ahead. But who am I kidding anyway? The U.S. government has long since abandoned the U.S. Constitution and no has any intention of abiding by it. Want proof? Read just one amendment: the 10th amendment.

Check out the website www.TenthAmendmentCenter.com which carries a highly relevant article on this matter: Health Care Nullification and Interposition (http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com…). It paraphrases James Madison, saying, “…state governments not only have the right to resist unconstitutional federal acts, but that, in order to protect liberty, they are ‘duty bound to interpose’ or stand between the federal government and the people of the state.”

Read moreAs an American, I refuse to buy mandatory health insurance … that supports Big Pharma

AstraZeneca Paid $500,000 to Psychiatrist For Testing Seroquel on Patients

“Company documents publicized in federal court demonstrate that AstraZeneca Plc. knew about the risks associated with Seroquel as far back as 2000. Currently, AstraZenca Plc. facing more than 15,000 consumer claims alleging the antipsychotic drug Seroquel causes diabetes.
Source: Alliance For Human Research Protection

See also: A Silenced Drug Study Creates An Uproar (Washington Post)


(NaturalNews) A federal lawsuit has been filed against pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca for its role in paying Chicago psychiatrist Dr. Michael Reinstein nearly $500,000 over the course of a decade to conduct research and to promote its anti-psychotic drug, Seroquel. Reinstein is being accused of wrongfully preying on thousands of mentally-ill patients in order to rake in profits for AstraZeneca.

Reinstein has a long history of working with AstraZeneca, receiving regular payments for speeches he would make across the country promoting the drug. AstraZeneca was also paying a for-profit research company, Uptown Research Institute, who in turn was paying Reinstein consulting fees for his services.

Cited in the lawsuit was the fact that Reinstein would continually prescribe roughly double the amount of drugs other psychiatrists would prescribe for the same conditions. When patients would report their pain and suffering due to the tremendous side effects of such drugs and their abnormally high dosages, Reinstein would largely ignore their concerns.

Other accusations include illegitimately prescribing Seroquel for various other conditions, including losing weight, despite the fact that studies show the drug actually causes weight gain. Reinstein was found to have made numerous false claims about Seroquel in promotional material, claims that would result in the destruction of people’s lives and health.

When all was said and done, more than 1,000 patients a year received Seroquel prescriptions from Reinstein at a cost of $7.6 million to taxpayers. It is unknown how many billions of dollars AstraZeneca has made from the widespread efforts of Reinstein in promoting the drug nationwide for all those years.

Read moreAstraZeneca Paid $500,000 to Psychiatrist For Testing Seroquel on Patients

Roche studies based on scientific fraud: Tamiflu revealed as complete hoax

“The upshot of all this is that governments around the world are flushing billions of dollars down the drain stockpiling a drug that doesn’t work — a drug promoted via propaganda and scientific fraud.”

Tamiflu: Roche studies based on scientific fraud

(NaturalNews) When it comes to selling chemicals that claim to treat H1N1 swine flu, the pharmaceutical industry’s options are limited to two: Vaccines and anti-virals. The most popular anti-viral, by far, is Tamiflu, a drug that’s actually derived from a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called star anise.

But Tamiflu is no herb. It’s a potentially fatal concentration of isolated chemical components that have essentially been bio-pirated from Chinese medicine. And when you isolate and concentrate specific chemicals in these herbs, you lose the value (and safety) of full-spectrum herbal medicine.

That didn’t stop Tamiflu’s maker, Roche, from trying to find a multi-billion-dollar market for its drug. In order to tap into that market, however, Roche needed to drum up some evidence that Tamiflu was both safe and effective.

Roche engages in science fraud

Roche claims there are ten studies providing Tamiflu is both safe and effective. According to the company, Tamiflu has all sorts of benefits, including a 61% reduction in hospital admissions by people who catch the flu and then get put on Tamiflu.

The problem with these claims is that they aren’t true. They were simply invented by Roche.

A groundbreaking article recently published in the British Medical Journal accuses Roche of misleading governments and physicians over the benefits of Tamiflu. Out of the ten studies cited by Roche, it turns out, only two were ever published in science journals. And where is the original data from those two studies? Lost.

The data has disappeared. Files were discarded. The researcher of one study says he never even saw the data. Roche took care of all that, he explains.

So the Cochrane Collaboration, tasked with reviewing the data behind Tamiflu, decided to investigate. After repeated requests to Roche for the original study data, they remained stonewalled. The only complete data set they received was from an unpublished study of 1,447 adults which showed that Tamiflu was no better than placebo. Data from the studies that claimed Tamiflu was effective was apparently lost forever.

As The Atlantic reports, that’s when former employees of Adis International (essentially a Big Pharma P.R. company) shocked the medical world by announcing they had been hired to ghost-write the studies for Roche.

It gets even better: These researchers were told what to write by Roche!

As one of these ghostwriters told the British Medical Journal:

“The Tamiflu accounts had a list of key messages that you had to get in. It was run by the [Roche] marketing department and you were answerable to them. In the introduction …I had to say what a big problem influenza is. I’d also have to come to the conclusion that Tamiflu was the answer.”

Read moreRoche studies based on scientific fraud: Tamiflu revealed as complete hoax

Deadly ‘super flu’ spreads across Ukraine, WHO lies to the public, MSM maintains silence

Deadly flu continues to spread across Ukraine, criminal World Health Organization lies to the public, MSM maintains radio silence.


There are many aspects to this story. It is impossible to know where to begin — let alone cover all the pertinent facts in just one article. Those who have followed my Zerohedge columns in the past may be aware the subject of pandemic influenza has been a regular feature, precisely because there have been multiple signs indicating a global pandemic would be exploited (and perhaps even initiated) by governments and international banks for political purposes.

The signs have been building, including as I previously reported, forced quarantine orders inadvertently published by the CDC. What do these people know which the public does not?



Over the past two weeks, what appears to be a particularly virulent form of the flu has been spreading in Ukraine and adjacent Eastern European countries. This new flu is, in my opinion, a lethal new strain which has mutated (or was released). I speak with a background in virology. This new mutated flu virus appears to have a remarkable affinity for the lungs and is causing deaths to a much higher extent than the previous swine flu. Something in the virus has changed. I have covered this incredibly important story for two weeks now in my weekly column This Week In Mayhem, which is generally published on Monday mornings.

Regardless, there has been almost zero (NOTHING. NADA. SILENCE.) mention of the Ukraine epidemic in the mainstream media, a fact which I find both astonishing and profoundly disturbing. There is apparently collusion at the highest levels of government and media to suppress this information. There are now 1.3 million infected in Ukraine, and over 75,000 hospitalized — IN FOURTEEN DAYS. This is very serious! Based on previous clinical data we can expect over 8,000 to be dead or soon to be dead. Forward projection of the epidemic is difficult because the clinical attack rate is unknown  — but myself and my associates remain concerned it may be quite high. Deaths globally may be in the millions. Let’s hope this is not the case.

An example of viral pneumonia.   Yeah, fail.
The new flu strain, which I contend is spreading in Ukraine and Belarus, is characterized by a lightning form of viral pneumonia — very similar to what happened in 1918. The new flu virus appears to have profound tissue affinity for sialic acid receptors deep in the lungs, replicating in the alveoli. To put it mildly, the lungs fill with blood.  Quotes from Ukrainian officials included quotes such as “total destruction of the lungs.” Ukrainian Doctor Viktor Bachinsky has stated, “The virus causing the deaths is extremely aggressive — it doesn’t first infect the throat (as is common in flu), but strikes the lungs directly.”   In Ukraine’s western Chernovetsky region, an epicenter of the outbreak, doctors have said lab tests showed at least some of the fatalties appeared to be caused by a flu dissimilar to both common flu and swine flu.  In other words, a mutant flu.  This claim of a ‘mutant flu’ has been echoed by Ukrainian public health officials such as Dr. Vasyl Lazoryshynetz.  Unfortunately, as noted in the above Russia Today video, pharmacies across the country are sold out of antivirals. To the hard of thinking — yes, this is currently happening in Ukraine.

I have multiple sources confirming spot outbreaks of viral pneumonia in Eastern Europe, including official and non-official entities.  In terms of the current situation, there appear to be a high number of pneumonia patients in Ukrainian and Belerusian hospitals.  This epidemic has not shut down Ukrainian society yet, but it has caused many people to become concerned, and to buy up essential medicines.  Reports from doctors in Belarus indicate they do not expect this deadly new flu epidemic to peak until Christmas or later.  This is why it is important to analyze the situation and viral genetics now, and if necessary, contain the spread of the virus while it is still possible — something the criminals at WHO do not appear interested in doing. These idiots at WHO have yet to release the viral gene sequences (even though they have had them for two weeks), and are now outright lying in their press releases, which I detail later. In terms of how dangerous this new flu strain could potentially be, I conducted a rough analysis of the Ukrainian government statistics, yielding a projected case fatality rate (CFR) of 0.61% — over six times as lethal as seasonal flu.

Lastly, there are signs the virus is genetic engineered.



The Ukrainian government has been releasing daily data updates on the numbers of “acute respiratory infections” , the number of related hospitalizations , and the number of deaths since Oct 28, 2009.  These reported numbers have increased substantially over the past two weeks, from near zero before Halloween to over a million as of today. It is important to remember that these statistics are not laboratory confirmed H1N1 cases (due to the state of the Ukrainian medical system), but we can cautiously assume at this point the vast majority of ARI (acute respiratory infection) in Ukraine with rapid progression to viral pneumonia are caused by influenza A virus. This is because a large subset of these samples are coming up positive of Influenza A, and a smaller subset tested by rt-rtPCR are coming up positive for influenza A/H1N1, or what is more commonly known as ‘swine flu’. This suggests we are dealing with a viral epidemic of influenza.

(Click on images to enlarge.)



This is not ‘swine flu’ as previously known. Statistically, the only way for this to be ‘swine flu’ is if it has mutated (or if the data is wrong). . . We will get to that in a minute.

Read moreDeadly ‘super flu’ spreads across Ukraine, WHO lies to the public, MSM maintains silence

Health Care Statements In Congress Were Ghostwritten By Lobbyists Working For Genentech

Don’t miss: Health Care Treason: Tell The Senate No, We Will Sue

“One of the reasons I have long supported the U.S. biotechnology industry is that it is a homegrown success story that has been an engine of job creation in this country.” This written statement by Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina on the health care bill was identical to one by Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer and used language suggested by lobbyists.

WASHINGTON — In the official record of the historic House debate on overhauling health care, the speeches of many lawmakers echo with similarities. Often, that was no accident.

Statements by more than a dozen lawmakers were ghostwritten, in whole or in part, by Washington lobbyists working for Genentech, one of the world’s largest biotechnology companies.

E-mail messages obtained by The New York Times show that the lobbyists drafted one statement for Democrats and another for Republicans.

The lobbyists, employed by Genentech and by two Washington law firms, were remarkably successful in getting the statements printed in the Congressional Record under the names of different members of Congress.

Genentech, a subsidiary of the Swiss drug giant Roche, estimates that 42 House members picked up some of its talking points — 22 Republicans and 20 Democrats, an unusual bipartisan coup for lobbyists.

Read moreHealth Care Statements In Congress Were Ghostwritten By Lobbyists Working For Genentech

A to Z of what’s wrong with America

A is for Aspartame – The magic powder that turns diet soda into brain poison.

B is for Bailout money – Because all we really need is another trillion dollars.

C is for Codex Alimentarius – Because we all need to be protected from dangerous vitamins, right?

D is for Dumbing Down – No matter how uneducated the kids are, there’s always a public school willing to compromise its standards just enough to let them pass.

E is for Environmental Policy – Because treating the rivers and waterways like America’s toilet makes for fascinating beach swimming.

F is for FDA (or Foreclosures) – Just what we need: A Big Pharma tyranny enforcement branch in Washington D.C.

G is for Genetically Modified Organisms – Because playing God with the food supply sounded like such a great idea, we just couldn’t resist.

H is for Health insurance (or lack thereof) – Just another financial scam to enslave Americans in a medical police state while denying them access to real health services.

Read moreA to Z of what’s wrong with America

Dr. Roby Mitchell Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert!

Dr. Mitchell also makes the squalene (Adjuvant MF-59) – Guillain-Barre Syndrome’ connection.

You really don’t have to be a doctor to make that connection.

Dr. Mitchell also mentions mercury. So how much mercury is in the vaccine?

Doctor, cited on FOX News as expert on infectious diseases, would not give highly toxic swine flu vaccine to his children:

“I have more concern about the vaccine than I do about the swine flu.”

‘Vaccine has 25,000 times the level of mercury then would be considered toxic if it was food or water.’

Watch Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to know more about what mercury does to you and your children.

Dr. Roby Mitchell, M.D. (www.drfitt.com) issues a retraction to nurses he originally advised to get the H1N1 flu vaccination. After reading the insert of the vaccine, he retracted his advice.

This video exposes what is actually IN the vaccine our government is so eager to inject into our population.

Added: 13. November 2009

Read moreDr. Roby Mitchell Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert!

Poland: Health Minister Says No To The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine For The Entire Country


Date: 12th Nov 09

Read morePoland: Health Minister Says No To The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine For The Entire Country

White House Pharma Deal to Net Industry $137 Billion

America sold out again by another elite puppet President!

Related articles:
President Obama: Penalties have to be high enough to force people to buy health insurance

Pelosi Healthcare Bill: Buy Insurance or Go To Jail
Landmark health care bill passes House on close vote
Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Health reform legislation ‘a bailout for insurance companies’
President Obama Lobbies Senate, Favors Insurance Industry Version of Health Care Reform
The US Government: Bought and Paid For
Fall Of The Republic – The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama (The Full Movie HQ)


The deal struck between the pharmaceutical lobby, the White House and Senate Democrats has drastically improved Big Pharma’s expected profits, a private industry report finds.

IMS Health, a company that supplies the pharmaceutical companies with sales data, predicts that new health reform legislation — combined with a projected upswing in the economy — will result in a net gain of more than $137 billion in total market sales over the next four years. The new assessment was contained in document obtained by the Huffington Post.

Back in March, that same firm projected a compound annual growth rate of -0.1 percent in the period of 2008 through 2013. In October, with the general outlines of health care reform clearly in place, it revised that number to a positive 3.5 percent for over the same period.

What happened in those seven months? The economy started looking up, for one, as did the overall prospects of health care reform. But the industry also won a major lobbying victory.

PhRMA, the lobby entity for the industry’s heavy hitters, reached a secret deal with the White House and the Senate Finance Committee in June. As detailed in a memo first published by The Huffington Post, the Obama administration agreed to oppose congressional efforts to use government leverage to bargain for lower drug prices. The White House also agreed not to shift some drugs from Medicare Part B to Medicare Part D, which would have cost the industry billions in reduced reimbursements. All this in exchange for $80 billion over ten years to help push for reform.

The Senate version of the healthcare bill still conforms to the deal (that the White House has still never officially confirmed). The House bill is in the same ballpark, although it would cost Big Pharma an extra $14 billion.

Read moreWhite House Pharma Deal to Net Industry $137 Billion

Swine flu peaks out before vaccines make it into widespread distribution

(Infinite Unknown) Why has President Obama declared swine flu to be a national emergency? Swine flu infections have peaked out already. Swine flu is a very mild flu, that kills far, far less people than the normal seasonal flu. So why the emergency? (What does the government know that the people don’t know?)

In my opinion the only reason President Obama declared swine flu a national emergency is that FEMA can take over.
(Notice also that a national emergency overrides some of your constitutional rights.)

Congressman Ron Paul asks why President Obama’s daughters haven’t been vaccinated against swine flu???:

Ron Paul on H1N1:

Remember that Ron Paul is not only an outstanding politician, that understands economics and knows what he is talking about when he opens his mouth, but also a medical doctor.

The official reasons you’ve been given why Obama’s daughters haven’t been vaccinated against swine flu are nothing but excuses (or better obvious lies).

President Obama doesn’t want his daughters to be vaccinated against swine flu. Basta!


(NaturalNews) Swine flu infections have peaked out in the USA, even before drug companies could get their vaccines injected into everyone. According to CDC findings announced recently in Atlanta, one in five U.S. children have already experienced the flu this month, and most of those were likely H1N1 swine flu cases, the CDC says.

This comes from a survey of over 10,000 U.S. households conducted by the CDC.

Meanwhile, flu vaccine shipments are way behind schedule. There have been supply problems from the start, and as of right now, relatively few Americans have yet been injected with the swine flu vaccine. (Many have stood in line for hours trying to be injected, but were told to go home with the vaccine ran out.)

Out of nearly 14,000 suspected flu cases tested during the week ending on October 10, 2009, 99.6% of those were influenza A, and the vast majority of those were H1N1 swine flu infections. (http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/) This is a very strong indication that swine flu infections have peaked during October, 2009.

Further supporting that notion, researchers from Purdue University just published a paper in the October 15 issue of Eurosurveillance (a science journal about communicable disease) in which researchers stated that the H1N1 swine flu epidemic would peak during “week 42” (the end of October). Week 42 just passed. It’s over.

The AJC is also reporting this week that swine flu is “retreating” in Georgia, where hospital visits from the flu are markedly down (http://www.ajc.com/health/swine-flu…) and fewer illnesses are being reported in schools, too.

Even the WHO is reporting a downward trend in many areas, saying, “In tropical areas of the world, rates of illness are generally declining, with a few exceptions. …In tropical Asia, of the countries that are reporting this week, all report decreases in respiratory disease activity.” (http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_10_…)

Meanwhile, even as the swine flu infection peaks out, the shortage of swine flu vaccines means few people have yet been vaccinated. The shortage is causing “chaos” in clinics across the country, news reports say, and flu vaccination events have been cancelled due to the non-arrival of expected vaccines.

And what, exactly, is causing this shortage of vaccines? According to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, they’re being caused by “production failures” at the drug manufacturing facilities.

Read moreSwine flu peaks out before vaccines make it into widespread distribution

Dr. Gary Null Speaking Out at the NYS Assembly Hearing on Vaccinations, Fraud, Junk Science, Crimes Against Humanity and Profit

Must-see! (ALL of them.)

“There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway.”
– Dr. J. Anthony Morris (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the FDA)

1 of 3:

Added: October 19, 2009

Read moreDr. Gary Null Speaking Out at the NYS Assembly Hearing on Vaccinations, Fraud, Junk Science, Crimes Against Humanity and Profit

FDA Allows Use of Experimental Antiviral Drug to Treat H1N1

Experimental antiviral drug used on Americans? Americans are now used as guinea pigs.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is allowing the use of an experimental antiviral drug to treat severe cases of H1N1 or swine flu.

The drug, Peramivir, is currently being developed by BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc. and is undergoing testing required for regular FDA approval.

The FDA issued a so-called emergency use authorization late Friday that allows doctors to use Peramivir, which is delivered intravenously, in certain hospitalized adult and pediatric patients with confirmed or suspected H1N1 influenza.

A handful of doctors have already treated patients with severe cases of H1N1 using Peramivir obtained through the agency’s expanded access rules that allow individual patients to obtain experimental drugs if certain conditions are met. The emergency-use authorization allows use of the drug without prior FDA approval.

The FDA said there’s only limited clinical data about whether Peramivir is safe and effective, but “based upon the totality of scientific evidence available, it is reasonable to believe that peramivir IV may be effective in certain patients.”

Read moreFDA Allows Use of Experimental Antiviral Drug to Treat H1N1

Swine flu vaccine supplier Baxter overcharged Medicaid, has to pay back millions

Baxter again!!!
Big Pharma: Baxter, CSL Sued Over Accusations of Blood Monopoly
Baxter Filed Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak

Baxter sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu material destined for vaccines confirmed by Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger
Baxter: Product contaminated with live H5N1 avian flu virus

Trinity Gilmore and Taryn Cephas with H1N1 vaccines
Two year-old Trinity Gilmore, gets one of the first doses of the H1N1 vaccine at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, USA, 06 Oct 2009. Photograph: Tannen Maury/EPA

A company producing swine flu vaccine for Britain has paid millions of pounds in out-of-court settlements after being accused of fraudulently overcharging for medicines.

Baxter, the US pharmaceutical giant, reached at least seven huge settlements over the past 12 months, some of them for millions of dollars. The company had been accused of fraud amid allegations that it had overpriced medicines by as much as 1,300%.

The disclosure comes days after Baxter’s vaccine, Celvapan H1N1, was given approval by the European Medicines Agency and will raise fears about the growing costs of the swine flu pandemic. Vaccines are expected to cost the government £155m over the next four years.

Baxter became involved in prolonged litigation after being accused of fraudulently overcharging Medicaid, the US health programme that provides a safety net for the poorest families. Executives from the company paid out $2m to the Kentucky state government this year. Jack Conway, the Kentucky attorney general, said: “All of this could have been easily avoided if Baxter… had done what the law requires: report truthful prices.

“Taxpayers are footing the bill for these inflated drug prices, and my office is seeking to recover the money the Medicaid programme lost as a result of this deception and overpayment.”

Read moreSwine flu vaccine supplier Baxter overcharged Medicaid, has to pay back millions

Dr. Leonard Horowitz: The CDC’s Vaccination Genocide

Date: 9th Oct 09

Read moreDr. Leonard Horowitz: The CDC’s Vaccination Genocide

US Pharmaceutical Factories Dumping Huge Quantities of Drugs Into Public Sewers, Rivers and Waterways

(NaturalNews) In spite of claims by pharmaceutical companies that they do not discharge their products into the water supply, federal researchers have discovered that waters downstream of pharmaceutical plants are more heavily contaminated with drug residue than waters elsewhere in the country.

In one study, conducted by scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), researchers tested the water entering two water treatment plants down the sewer line of several pharmaceutical factories, as well as at other plants not receiving sewage from drug plants. Researchers discovered drugs at “much higher detection frequencies and concentrations” at the plants receiving effluent from pharmaceutical factories. Drugs detected included opiates, a barbiturate and a tranquilizer.

In a second study, researchers from the Environmental Protection Agency tested the water entering a wastewater treatment plant in the city of Kalamazoo, Mich., down the sewage line from a Pfizer drug factory. They found that the water entering the plant was exceptionally high in levels of the antibiotic lincomycin, which the factory was producing at that time.

“There’s some product going down the drain,” said Bruce Merchant, the city’s public services director.

Prior studies have shown that lincomycin can cause genetic mutations, and that it encourages the growth of cancer cells when combined with minute concentrations of a number of other drugs that are common in surface water.

Read moreUS Pharmaceutical Factories Dumping Huge Quantities of Drugs Into Public Sewers, Rivers and Waterways