The Global Famine Begins: UN Announces That The Worst Food Crisis Since World War II Is Happening Right Now

The Global Famine Begins: UN Announces That The Worst Food Crisis Since World War II Is Happening Right Now:

We always knew that this would start happening.  Earlier this month, I wrote about the severe economic problems that are plaguing South America, but up to this point I have neglected to discuss the horrific famines that are breaking out all over Africa.  Right now there is a desperate need for food in South Sudan, Somalia, northeast Nigeria, Eritrea and Kenya.  And Yemen, even though it is not technically part of Africa, is being affected by many of the same factors that are crippling nations all over eastern Africa.  The United Nations says that more than 20 million people could die from starvation and disease if nothing is done.  When I write about economic collapse, this is the kind of thing that I am talking about, and we are starting to see alarming conditions spread across the globe.  Many believe that we could never possibly face this kind of food crisis in the western world, but unfortunately wishful thinking will only get you so far.

Read moreThe Global Famine Begins: UN Announces That The Worst Food Crisis Since World War II Is Happening Right Now

Study: Mad Cow Disease Prions ‘Can Be Spread Through Air’

Risky business: People who work in abattoirs, slaughterhouses and laboratories could face a higher risk of catching BSE

Mad cow disease can be spread by airborne particles, researchers warn.

And they fear that those who work in abattoirs, slaughterhouses and laboratories could be at risk.

Their study shows prions, the infectious agents which cause BSE and its human form, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, can be dangerous if carried through the air.

In tests, mice who breathed them in developed the brain disease with ‘frightening’ speed and died.

The discovery could also explain why some of the victims in the 1990s were vegetarians.

Read moreStudy: Mad Cow Disease Prions ‘Can Be Spread Through Air’

Genetic Apocalypse: The Genetic Integrity of The Human Race is Collapsing


(NaturalNews) The day will soon come that informed women will refuse to date, marry or have children with men who follow poor nutritional habits. “You eat junk foods? Put your pants back on and get out!”

You see, scientific evidence is mounting on the relationship between food choice and genetic integrity. Men who eat a lot of processed meats, fast foods and junk foods have low sperm quality. But it’s more than just an infertility question… it’s also a question of the transgenerational genetic integrity of his offspring.

A man who pursues an unhealthy diet, it turns out, not only increases the risk of numerous diseases in his direct offspring (cancer, diabetes, infertility, etc.), he also increases that risk for multiple generations of offspring.

This was recently demonstrates in a laboratory study conducted by Georgetown University Medical Center and presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (…) which showed that cancer risk attributable to the junk food fed to parent rats was passed through two generations even if the direct offspring ate a healthy diet.

In other words, for all you women out there, if you choose to have children with a man who’s eating junk foods, not only will your children have an increased risk of disease, but their children will, too! And that’s true even if your children follow a healthy lifestyle!

Now sure, if you’re not concerned about your family line, then just mate with anybody who can produce sperm — and there are a lot of those to choose from. But two, three or four generations from now, the sperm that you chose to combine with your own eggs may turn out to be a ticking genetic time bomb that ends your family line forever through DNA mutations leading to disease and infertility.

The genopocalypse

I call this coming wave of global infertility the “genopocalypse,” which of course means the “genetic apocalypse.” This is all explained in a video I recently posted on www.NaturalNews.TV which you can view at:…

The genetic integrity of the human race is collapsing due to exposure to DNA-altering toxic chemicals in foods, medicines, household products and personal care products. The cumulative toxic burden in first-world citizens has now reached such a high level of toxicity that genetic integrity may no longer be guaranteed from one generation to the next. Infertility rates are skyrocketing, and even when babies are born through infertility intervention clinics, they suffer far higher rates of genetic mutations and abnormalities than babies conceived naturally.

We are now watching the genetic migration of the human race. It is slowly transitioning to a race of infertile mutants who express very high rates of diseases like cancer and health conditions like infertility. No one knows whether genetic integrity can be recovered once it compromised. The very nature of gene inheritance leaves that doubtful.

The upshot of all this is that people who want a family future must be careful to choose healthy reproductive partners. Beyond the quality of the person you are deciding to have children with, you need to consider the quality of their eggs and sperm.

Watch out for damaged eggs

So far, we’ve talked about how women need to watch out for damaged sperm. But the good news for men is that sperm regenerates every few days, so by simply changing your diet right now, you can begin to produce healthier sperm a few days later. Switching to a healthy diet for 3 – 6 months can result in radically improved sperm quality.

For women, it’s a whole different story. Women, you see, are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have in their lives. Those eggs were formed as a fetus, and the health of those eggs is largely determined by the diet of the pregnant mom carrying the female fetus.

Read moreGenetic Apocalypse: The Genetic Integrity of The Human Race is Collapsing

New Airborne Killer Fungus (Cryptococcus gattii) Found in US, Has Already Killed Six

Killer fungus seen in Pacific Northwest (CNN)

Infections from a new strain are unpreventable-and the strain is spreading.

The new
Cryptococcus gattii fungus strain, magnified.

A new strain of hypervirulent, deadly fungus has been discovered in the United States, a new study says.

The outbreak has already killed six people in Oregon, and it will likely creep into northern California and possibly farther, experts say.

The new strain is of the species Cryptococcus gattii, an airborne fungus native to tropical and subtropical regions, including Papua New Guinea, Australia, and parts of South America. An older strain of the fungus was frst detected in North America in British Columbia, Canada, in 1999.

No one knows how the species got to North America or how the fungus can thrive in a temperate region, experts say.

Read moreNew Airborne Killer Fungus (Cryptococcus gattii) Found in US, Has Already Killed Six

The Health Care Dictatorship: A Crime Against America

(NaturalNews) It’s amazing that the day before the health care “reform” bill is passed in America, the FDA announces that one of the most popular statin drugs sold in America causes so much kidney damage that it might kill you. And then the day after this health care bill passes, the FDA announces that a popular rotovirus vaccine made by Merck is being halted because it is contaminated with a mysterious DNA sequence from a pig virus called porcine circovirus type 1 or PCV-1.

The reason this is important is because cholesterol drugs and vaccines represent what conventional American medicine is all about: Drugs and injections. It’s not about health and prevention; it’s about drugs and injections (and surgery too, of course).

And the legislation that was just passed is focused entirely on how to expand the failed system of drugs and injections so that it causes harm to everyone rather than just those who voluntarily choose to be suckered into it. This is the medical equivalent of a wartime draft that forces soldiers into battle against their will. Except this isn’t a war against some foreign enemy — it’s a war being waged against your body by the pharmaceutical industry, the cancer industry, the surgery pushers and all the corporations that prey upon the public for their sick-care profits.

Read moreThe Health Care Dictatorship: A Crime Against America

One-third of Boulder’s deer infected with chronic wasting disease

A new study shows one out of three mule deer in south Boulder suffers from chronic wasting disease – and those results mean the traditional approach of killing infected animals to fight the disease probably won’t work, researchers say.

Chronic Wasting Disease Study Results (PDF)

“Everything that’s been tried to control chronic wasting disease really fails in the face of that kind of infection rate,” said Heather Swanson, a wildlife ecologist for Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks Department.

Read moreOne-third of Boulder’s deer infected with chronic wasting disease

A Killer Without Borders

An Armenian doctor showing chest x-rays used to track a patient’s tuberculosis that has been resistant to drug therapy. Nicholas D. Kristof/The New York Times

Garik Hakobyan, 34, an artist, carries an ailment, XDR-TB, an incurable form of tuberculosis.

As if you didn’t have enough to worry about … consider the deadly, infectious and highly portable disease sitting in the lungs of a charming young man here, Garik Hakobyan. In effect, he’s a time bomb.

Mr. Hakobyan, 34, an artist, carries an ailment that stars in the nightmares of public health experts – XDR-TB, the scariest form of tuberculosis. It doesn’t respond to conventional treatments and is often incurable.

XDR-TB could spread to your neighborhood because it isn’t being aggressively addressed now, before it rages out of control. It’s being nurtured by global complacency.

When doctors here in Armenia said they would introduce me to XDR patients, I figured we would all be swathed in protective clothing and chat in muffled voices in a secure ward of a hospital. Instead, they simply led me outside to a public park, where Mr. Hakobyan sat on a bench with me.

“It’s pretty safe outside, because his coughs are dispersed,” one doctor explained, “but you wouldn’t want to be in a room or vehicle with him.” Then I asked Mr. Hakobyan how he had gotten to the park.

“A public bus,” he said.

He saw my look and added: “I have to take buses. I don’t have my own Lincoln Continental.” To his great credit, Mr. Hakobyan is trying to minimize his contact with others and doesn’t date, but he inevitably ends up mixing with people.

Afterward, I asked one of his doctors if Mr. Hakobyan could have spread his lethal infection to other bus passengers. “Yes,” she said thoughtfully. “There was one study that found that a single TB patient can infect 14 other people in the course of a single bus ride.”

Read moreA Killer Without Borders

Music Shown to Facilitate the Development of Neurons in the Brain

Mozart Requiem (KV 626)

(NaturalNews) Music, the universal language of mood, emotion and desire, connects with us through a wide variety of neural systems. Researchers have discovered evidence that music stimulates specific regions of the brain responsible for memory, language and motor control. They have located specific areas of mental activity linked to the emotional responses elicited by music. Now new research conclusions have identified how the affect of music could replicate the effects of hormone replacement therapy in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

The August 7 issue of Medical Hypotheses reports these conclusions resulting from experience that has shown music to be useful in therapy for neuropsychiatric disorders resulting from both functional and organic origins. However, the mechanisms of the action of music on the brain have remained largely unknown despite an increase in scientific studies on the topic.

The results of past studies have clarified that music influences and affects cranial nerves in humans from fetus to adult. To explain how it works at the cellular level, researchers proposed that the neurogenesis, regeneration and repair of the cerebral nerves are the result of adjustments through the secretion of steroid hormones ultimately leading to cerebral plasticity.

Read moreMusic Shown to Facilitate the Development of Neurons in the Brain

Codex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

This article is a must read.

Related video:
Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs
(Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D.)


By: Dr. Gregory Damato, Ph.D.

(NaturalNews) Codeath (sorry, I meant Codex) Alimentarius, latin for Food Code, is a very misunderstood organization that most people (including nearly all U.S. congressmen) have never heard of, never mind understand the true reality of this extremely powerful trade organization. From the official Codex website ( the altruistic purpose of this commission is in “protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations”. Codex is a joint venture regulated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO).

Read moreCodex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection

Alarm as nurse and dog are treated for bovine TB

A veterinary nurse and her dog have contracted bovine TB, raising fears that the high level of disease in some parts of the country could spread to more humans and pets.

The woman, from Cornwall, has been treated for the respiratory infection. Her daughter has also been tested for the disease and has received medication, The Times has learnt.

Read moreAlarm as nurse and dog are treated for bovine TB

Teen finds MSG slows brain cell growth

Test by high school student working with researchers reveals food additive’s direct effect on neuronal ability

CALGARY – A Calgary researcher is getting ready to publish a groundbreaking study that links a popular food additive to reduced growth in the brain cells of snails — work that could have major implications for children’s health.

Not bad for a teenager.

Michelle Ah-Seng is a 17-year-old high school student from Cochrane, just west of Calgary. She’s also the lead researcher on a University of Calgary study that offers the first solid proof that high concentrations of MSG, an additive used to boost flavour in everything from fast food to canned soups, can stunt the growth of brain cells.

“It has been shown that (in a pregnant woman), MSG will cross through the placenta and can affect the fetus,” said Ah-Seng.

Related articles:
MSG: Causes obesity, is toxic and destroys your brain
Your Food is Toxic and Makes You Sick, Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD
Chemical Additives – Are They Slowly Killing Our Children?
Interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock on devastating health effects of MSG, aspartame and excitotoxins

“Fetuses are still developing, and their brain cells are starting to grow and starting to reach out to each other. If MSG has been inhibiting or stunting the growth, then the cells basically won’t reach out to one another.”

Ah-Seng is one of 22 Grade 11 students spending six weeks of their summer vacation in labs and clinics at the University of Calgary as part of the 2008 Heritage Youth Researcher Summer Program, funded by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.

Her project involved directly dosing brain cells culled from snails with a concentration of monosodium glutamate equal to what might commonly be found in human blood or cerebral spinal fluid after eating a meal containing the additive, such as a bag of chips. Not only did the MSG inhibit growth of the snail’s brain cells, it also limited communication between them. The implications for human health aren’t hard to infer.

“There’s no difference between a snail brain cell and a rat or a human brain cell, only that there are fewer of them and (they’re) larger,” said Naweed Syed, Ah-Seng’s supervisor and a neuroscientist with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary’s faculty of medicine.

Read moreTeen finds MSG slows brain cell growth

Homeopathic Alternatives to Antibiotics

(NaturalNews) Homeopathic medicine actually gained its greatest popularity primarily due to its impressive successes in the treatment of infectious diseases in the 19th century. The death rates in American and European homeopathic hospitals from cholera, scarlet fever, typhoid, and yellow fever were typically two to eight times less by percentage than those in conventional hospitals (Bradford, 1900; Ullman, 2007). As a result of these successes, at the turn of the 20th century there were over 100 homeopathic hospitals and 22 homeopathic colleges, including Boston University, University of Michigan, New York Medical College, and Hahnemann College of Medicine.

If homeopathy can have such significant results in treating people suffering from these serious infectious diseases, there is little doubt that it can be similarly effective in treating the various common infectious diseases today.

And yet, the average American knows little or nothing about homeopathy. Even many people who are passionate about alternative medicine know little about the science and art of homeopathy.

What is so different about homeopathy?

Read moreHomeopathic Alternatives to Antibiotics

Stem cells apparently cure boy’s fatal disease

The treatment uses umbilical and marrow cells to help develop normal skin. Doctors say it may move his genetic disorder, recessive epidermolysis bullosa, ‘off the incurable list’ for other patients.

Using stem cells from umbilical cord blood and bone marrow, researchers have apparently cured a fatal genetic disease in a 2-year-old Minneapolis boy, which could open the door for other stem cell treatments.

For the first time in his life, Nate Liao is wearing normal clothes, eating food that has not been pureed, and playing with his siblings.

“Nate’s quality of life is forever changed,” said Dr. John Wagner of the University of Minnesota Medical School, who performed the treatment. “Maybe we can take one more disorder off the incurable list.”

(Stem cells are the cure for all disease, including cancer, thats why the elite does not want the public to know about it. – The Infinite Unknown)

Read moreStem cells apparently cure boy’s fatal disease

Vitamins A, C and E Increase Mortality! (and other nonsense from the realm of junk science)

(NaturalNews) The latest attack on vitamins A, C, E, selenium and beta-carotene comes from the Cochrane Library, a widely-read source of information on conventional health matters. In the paper published yesterday, these antioxidants were linked with a higher risk of mortality (“they’ll kill you!”), and now serious-sounding scientists have warned consumers away from taking vitamins altogether. But with all the benefits of antioxidants already well known to the well-informed, how did the Cochrane Library arrive at such a conclusion? It’s easy: The researchers considered 452 studies on these vitamins, and they threw out the 405 studies where nobody died! That left just 47 studies where subjects died from various causes (one study was conducted on terminal heart patients, for example). From this hand-picked selection of studies, these researchers concluded that antioxidants increase mortality.

Just in case the magnitude of the scientific fraud taking place here has not yet become apparent, let me repeat what happened: These scientists claimed to be studying the effects of vitamins on mortality, right? They were conducting a meta-analysis based on reviewing established studies. But instead of conducting an honest review of all the studies, they arbitrarily decided to eliminate all studies in which vitamins prevented mortality and kept people alive! They did this by “excluding all studies in which no participants died.” What was left to review? Only the studies in which people died from various causes.

Brilliant, huh? This sort of bass-ackward science would earn any teenager an “F” in high school science class. But apparently it’s good enough for the Cochrane Library, not to mention all the mainstream press outlets that are now repeating these silly conclusions as scientific fact.

Read moreVitamins A, C and E Increase Mortality! (and other nonsense from the realm of junk science)

Mumps found to have made alarming comeback in U.S.

BOSTON – Mumps made an alarming comeback in the United States in 2006 and may take years to completely eradicate, federal health experts reported on Wednesday.

The outbreak of the viral disease came despite the widespread use of a second dose of a mumps vaccine, produced by Merck, beginning in 1990.

Read moreMumps found to have made alarming comeback in U.S.