Journalist Fired Over Flu Pandemic Lawsuit



Journalist Fired Over Flu Pandemic Lawsuit:

Kurt Nimmo
July 7, 2009

Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister, who recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several high ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism, has been fired from her job. “On Monday, I was unexpectedly fired from my job as European Correspondent of the Renewable Energy World website,”

Jane Bürgermeister contends offshore banksters have cooked up an engineered flu virus in order to realize their eugenics plan for mass extermination.

“Because there is reason to believe this decision was related to my filing charges alleging bioterrorism against the people of the USA and the rest of the world, and because I am entitled as a citizen to report a crime if there is credible evidence, I intend to file a lawsuit against Pennwell, a magazine,” she explains. “I have heard of other journalists fired or harassed for covering this subject.”

In a document entitled Bioterrorism Evidence, Bürgermeister points to an international corporate criminal syndicate and extensively details its plan to carry out mass genocide against the American people by unleashing a deadly flu virus and instituting a forced vaccination program.

Read moreJournalist Fired Over Flu Pandemic Lawsuit

Expert Confirms Flu Shot Behind Deadly Epidemic That’s Killed Thousands

Expert Confirms Flu Shot Behind Deadly Epidemic That’s Killed Thousands: 

Influenza epidemic caused by vaccines itself according to health officials

As thousands continue to die from the deadly flu outbreak, health officials have now come forward to confirm that the influenza epidemic was actually caused by the vaccine itself.

According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), this year’s dominant strain is H3N2, which is far more severe than other previous strains, leading to more extreme, and often fatal, symptoms.

Read moreExpert Confirms Flu Shot Behind Deadly Epidemic That’s Killed Thousands

Flu vaccine BOMBSHELL: 630% more “aerosolized flu virus particles” emitted by people who received flu shots… flu vaccines actually SPREAD the flu

Flu vaccine BOMBSHELL: 630% more “aerosolized flu virus particles” emitted by people who received flu shots… flu vaccines actually SPREAD the flu:

A bombshell new scientific study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) finds that people who receive flu shots emit 630% more flu virus particles into the air, compared to non-vaccinated individuals. In effect, this finding documents evidence that flu vaccines spread the flu, and that so-called “herd immunity” is a medical hoax because “the herd” is actually transformed into carriers and spreaders of influenza.

The bombshell finding is documented in a study entitled Infectious virus in exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community. The study authors are Jing Yan, Michael Grantham, Jovan Pantelic, P. Jacob Bueno de Mesquita, Barbara Albert, Fengjie Liu, Sheryl Ehrman, Donald K. Milton and EMIT Consortium.

Details of this bombshell study have been revealed by Sayer Ji at Green Med Info, a site that’s rapidly becoming one of the world’s most authoritative sources on intelligent analysis of real science. Green Med Info has published 500 studies that document the adverse effects (and injury) of vaccines. Find that extensive list at this link.

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More young people being seriously afflicted with hallucinations and self-abuse after taking TAMIFLU … why won’t the FDA recall the dangerous drug?

More young people being seriously afflicted with hallucinations and self-abuse after taking TAMIFLU … why won’t the FDA recall the dangerous drug?

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Reader squodgy:

“The Pharma label for the Australian Flu, H3N2, smacks of artificial genetic mutation, which can only originate from Government covert operation.

That’s not scaremongering, it’s fact.

It all started with the Spanish Flu, which was basic H1N1, and originated in Kansas, but naturally mutated to a more virulent strain, when carried to France at the end of WWl, resulting in the total World deaths of at least 50 million people.

There is no evidence that it was a deliberate plot. But the realisation of the potential for Biological warfare led to Porton Down, Fort Detrick and many other laboratories charged with weaponising viruses and bacteria.

Most outbreaks, such as Ebola and AIDS can be sourced to places which coincidentally are near a biological research lab.

Bird Flu, H5N1, raised interest for the Agenda 21 brigade when a few human fatalities occured in China over the millenium. Generally it wasn’t transferrable between humans.

Since then Government bodies have carried out mutation trials to create serious pandemic strains, initially to increase its rate of fatalities and then to modify it so it can be contagious between humans, the best and most destructive example being H7N9, created in Holland by Erasmus Labs for the CIA, which they claim is securely locked away.

I wonder where, and under who’s custody?

Always worth avoiding BigPharma if possible.”

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Mother-of-two, 34, claims she was left blind, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and covered in a rash ‘after having the FLU JAB’ and fears she may never recover

Mother-of-two, 34, claims she was left blind, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and covered in a rash ‘after having the FLU JAB’ and fears she may never recover:

  • Jennifer Whitney, 34, was diagnosed with MS just weeks after her flu shot
  • She was forced by boss to have the shot, then sacked for taking time off work
  • Symptoms included her hair falling out, blisters all over her face and body
  • The mother-of-two was also left blind for 10 months and unable to conceive 
  • Doctors confirmed her immune system was attacking her brain and nerves
  • A naturopath believes the MS was likely to have been caused by the vaccine 

A mother went blind in one eye and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis just weeks after getting the flu shot, she has claimed.

Jennifer Whitney, from Mukilteo, Washington, had the vaccine due to the insistence of her boss – despite being concerned about any side effects.

Read moreMother-of-two, 34, claims she was left blind, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and covered in a rash ‘after having the FLU JAB’ and fears she may never recover

BOMBSHELL: Flu shots scientifically proven to weaken immune response in subsequent years… researchers stunned

BOMBSHELL: Flu shots scientifically proven to weaken immune response in subsequent years… researchers stunned:

A medical study conducted at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years.

Lisa Christian, PhD, the lead researcher on the study, concluded, “Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody responses in the current year.”

The study proves yet again that the official narrative of the flu shot industry — and its complicit corporate-run media — is false and deliberately deceptive. Far from offering bulletproof protection, flu shots actually make people more vulnerable to influenza infections, which of course contributes to more people catching the flu and then falsely thinking they need more flu shots for “more protection.”

Read moreBOMBSHELL: Flu shots scientifically proven to weaken immune response in subsequent years… researchers stunned

Jon Rappoport: When the most basic logic fails to penetrate the mind

When the most basic logic fails to penetrate the mind:

“He has the disease, but he doesn’t have the disease.”

by Jon Rappoport

June 27, 2017

As a freelance reporter, a main thrust of my research over the past 35 years has been medical fraud. Deep fraud. Fraud that takes place in research labs, where “new diseases” are discovered.

I wrote a number of articles about the so-called SARS outbreak of 2003. Health agencies and governments built up a ton of hysteria and sold it to the global public.

A few basic “facts”: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) includes the following symptoms—cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat. It originated in South China. It is caused by the SARS coronavirus. SARS is unique. It is a newly discovered condition. The coronavirus is newly discovered.

Read moreJon Rappoport: When the most basic logic fails to penetrate the mind

“Lining up Like Sheep”: Obamacare, States Forcing Vaccines on All Healthcare Workers Statewide or They’re Fired

From the article:

“Why the flu?” of all things. Why specifically that worthless vaccine of all vaccines?

The ‘new’ flu vaccine contains squalene (MF-59)!!!

CDC: Frequently Asked Flu Questions 2016-2017 Influenza Season:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensed a new seasonal influenza (flu) vaccine containing adjuvant for adults 65 years of age and older. An adjuvant is an ingredient added to a vaccine to create a stronger immune response to vaccination. FLUAD™ [155 KB, 13 pages] was licensed in November 2015 and will be available during the 2016-2017 flu season. It contains the MF59 adjuvant, an oil-in-water emulsion of squalene oil. FLUAD™ is the first adjuvanted seasonal flu vaccine marketed in the United States. For more information visit: FLUAD™ Flu Vaccine With Adjuvant.

They’ve already tried to put squalene into people with the swine flu vaccine and then added it to the seasonal flu vaccine.


Swine Flu Vaccine Forced With Seasonal Flu Jab Programme On Patients

Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine’s Dirty Little Secret Exposed

Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women

“No one should take the swine flu vaccine–it is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200% increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease). This virus H1N1 kills by causing a “cytokine storm”, which means that it cause the body’s immune system to overreact and that is why it is killing young people and is a mild disease in the elderly. (The elderly have weakened immune systems.) This vaccine is a very powerful immune stimulator and carries the real possibility of making the lethality of the virus much greater.”
– Dr. Russell Blaylock

‘Somebody’ decided to put 1 million times more squalene into the H1N1 swine flu vaccine than into the vaccine that has been linked to the Gulf War syndrome, according to Dr. Rima Laibow and Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen.

So what if there is a real engineered ‘super flu’ coming?

More info here:

China: Scientists Created New Deadly Viral Strains In Veterinary Laboratory By Mixing Bird-Flu Virus With Human Influenza That Could ‘Cause A Global Pandemic Killing Millions of People’

Baxter (The Same Company That Sent 72 Kg Of Avian Flu Vaccines Contaminated With Live H5N1 Virus And Filed The Swine Flu Vaccine Patent A Year Ahead Of Outbreak) Recalls 300,000 Flu Vaccines For Serious Adverse Reactions


“Lining up Like Sheep”: Obamacare, States Forcing Vaccines on All Healthcare Workers Statewide or They’re Fired:

Listen to this healthcare worker in Georgia discuss how the federal government through Obamacare is threatening to withhold Medicare and Medicaid payments to health institutions unless they mandate flu vaccines specifically for at least 97% of their healthcare workers statewide… In turn, the healthcare institutions are threatening to fire everyone who refuses to take these vaccines because its bottom lines for them.

She’s objecting to the vaccine… and she has a really good question: “Why the flu?” of all things. Why specifically that worthless vaccine of all vaccines?

Read more“Lining up Like Sheep”: Obamacare, States Forcing Vaccines on All Healthcare Workers Statewide or They’re Fired

Nasal Flu Vaccine: For British Kids And Not Americans?


Some of us, in the northern climes, are approaching that point of the year when we choose to huddle up in heated buildings, reduce our activity as well as the amount of time in the fresh air. Yes, a perfect environment for pathogens to circulate with a vengeance.  Such conditions also herald the annual flu jab push. Or for the kids, the much more convenient nasal spray. We ask: why is it that British kids are being asked to line for the nasal spray when the leading US health authority on vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), has declared that “the nasal spray flu vaccine (live attenuated influenza vaccine or LAIV) should not be used during 2016-2017”. The reason is simple: a study looking at the effectiveness of the nasal spray flu vaccine that was made available in May this year showed it did not confer any protection for those aged 2 to 17 who were studied.

News reports, such as this one from London’s Metro, are full of the benefits of the flu vaccine and are, in particular, encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated. For kids, it’s all about the nasal vaccine. Whereas in previous years children aged 2-4 were offered the conventional jab, it’s now on offer as a non-invasive nasal spray for children up to the age of 7.

Read moreNasal Flu Vaccine: For British Kids And Not Americans?

Donation & The Many Benefits Of Cistus Incanus

Cistus incanus
The hairy rockrose (Cistus incanus), a native to the Mediterranean tea plant, contains a large quantity of polyphenols. Especially in Greece the cistus-tea has a long tradition, however, has passed into oblivion over the years. In 1999, Cistus Incanus has won the „European Medicinal Plant of the Year“ award and was thus rediscovered. (More info, incl. scientific studies, down below.)

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Thirty-fourth donation in 2016.

Infinite Unknown reader A.S. donated $5.

Thank you for your support!

Very much needed and appreciated.

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Donations in June: $60, £50, €30, $10 (AUD)

Read moreDonation & The Many Benefits Of Cistus Incanus

Canada And The Great Flu Hoax

Canada and the great flu hoax:

Under the radar: a November 25, 2012, CBC News article by Kelly Crowe, “Flu deaths reality check.”

Crowe highlights the often-parroted, official Canadian estimate of between 2000 and 8000 yearly deaths from flu.

Then she gets down to business.

At the time of the CBC News article (11/25/2012), the FluWatch/Public Health Agency of Canada figures for 2012 flu deaths in Canada? How many deaths?


One death.

I just checked FluWatch for flu deaths so far in 2015. None. Zero.

Read moreCanada And The Great Flu Hoax

The Flu Shot & Pregnant Women (Video)

Aug 17, 2015


Follow the current rush to vaccinate pregnant mothers and see why the potential risks appear to be validated. In the past, the toxic load of adjuvants and known immunoexcitotoxicity to the unborn child was a major contradiction. What has changed from then till now? As autism rates rises to the highest in recorded history, communities are demanding answers.

Read this and weep:

Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women

More info:

Pregnant women to be vaccinated against flu for first time: Genocide!

Irrefutable Proof That Influenza Vaccines Routinely Given To Pregnant Women Still Contain Mercury

Jon Rappoport: ‘No One Has Asked Snowden Any Challenging Questions About His Background! Who Is He?’


Dr. Steve Pieczenik, former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State on EDWARD SNOWDEN: A Manufactured Avatar of the US Intelligence Community (Video)

Veil of Lies: Edward Snowden And Wikileaks (Veterans Today)

And yes, Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange isn’t the real deal either:

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange on 9/11 and Bilderberg

Don’t miss Jon Rappoport’s point at 24:27.

Highly recommended interview.

Jon Rappoport: “No One Has Asked Snowden Any Challenging Questions About His Background! Who Is He?”

Mar 19, 2015

Unanswered questions for ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden (Jon Rappoport, March 18, 2015):

Now that the documentary, Citizen Four, has been released, and now that it has won an Oscar, it’s time to revisit unanswered questions, which I raised soon after Snowden’s identity was revealed to the world. (Spygate archive here)

This is not an article about the value of the documents Edward Snowden took from the NSA. I leave those judgments to others.

This article is about Snowden himself and his back-story.

So far, I see no reporter who has directly asked Snowden even faintly challenging questions about his background.

Read moreJon Rappoport: ‘No One Has Asked Snowden Any Challenging Questions About His Background! Who Is He?’

FLULAVAL Vaccine Insert Admits: “… there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL”

Flulaval - Flu Shot Hoax

Flu shot hoax admitted: “No controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza” (Natural News, Jan 27, 2015):

The flu shot is a fraud. But it’s a fraud that’s so deeply embedded in the delusional pro-vaccine culture of the pharma-controlled medical industry that even well-meaning doctors and pharmacists (who are otherwise very intelligent) fail to realize flu shots don’t work. In fact, flu shot vaccine inserts openly admit there is no scientific evidence demonstrating flu shots work. See the vaccine insert photos below for proof.

This is probably why people who receive the flu shot almost never receive the insert sheet. It’s not handed out by doctors and pharmacists because they don’t want people to realize the extent of the pseudoscience behind the flu shot scam. It’s so much easier to demand blind obedience while screaming “SCIENCE!” than to actually allow people to read the science and realize the science conclusively states there is “…no decrease in influenza disease after vaccination.”

Read moreFLULAVAL Vaccine Insert Admits: “… there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL”

Expose EbolaGate, Arrest The Perps, Stay Healthy With Vitamin C (Video)


The pandemic laws setting up a coup in the US.

And yes, natural cures are suppressed by the elitists.

There is not one disease that cannot be cured (or at least totally stopped from progressing any further).

More on (not just) Vitamin C:

Dr. Andrew Saul: 6 Proven Ways To Improve Your Health (Video)

Related info:

CDC Suggests ‘Hermetically Sealed Coffins’ For Ebola Victims – AKA ‘FEMA Coffins’

Oct 12, 2014

Read moreExpose EbolaGate, Arrest The Perps, Stay Healthy With Vitamin C (Video)

Analyzing Epidemics

Analyzing epidemics (John Rappoport, Oct 11, 2014):

Let’s face it; a whole lot of people would believe three cows bumping into each other in a field was an epidemic, if they were told it was.

If tomorrow, the CDC came out with the pronouncement that the moon was a giant virus, many people would hide in their cellars.

Conversely, Brian Williams could call people dropping like flies in Times Square the result of one tainted hot dog in Des Moines, and viewers would find a way to buy it.

For years, the CDC trumpeted the yearly death toll from flu, in the US, as 36,000, and no one blinked or trembled. Not a problem. Why? Because no one in charge said: “epidemic.”

Read moreAnalyzing Epidemics

CDC Finds Flu Virus Cross-Contamination, Closes 2 US Government Labs

And again, what could possibly go wrong?

MED CDC Anthrax

CDC closes 2 labs following safety breaches (Miami Herald, July 11, 2014):

WASHINGTON — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has closed two laboratories in Atlanta and stopped sending out infectious agents and other biological materials from its highest-level bio-security labs due to recent safety and security lapses.

The lapses include the accidental exposure of CDC lab personnel to anthrax and the previously unreported shipment of a deadly strain of bird flu to another government lab. No one has been found to have been infected.

Inquiry into US government labs finds flu virus cross-contamination (Guardian, July 11, 2014):

Two labs shut down as CDC reveals findings of inquiry prompted by anthrax exposure and discovery of insecure smallpox vials

Senior US science officials have shut down two government laboratories that were the subject of “serious and troubling” safety lapses, and suspended some transfers of potentially dangerous germs.

Dr Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control, revealed on Friday that in addition to the exposure of anthrax and the discovery of insecure smallpox vials, which had already been disclosed, inquiries had discovered the cross-contamination of flu viruses.

Frieden said the discoveries raised “serious and troubling questions” in announcing the new safety measures on Friday. “Fundamentally, what they revealed was totally unacceptable behavior,” said Frieden. “These events should never have happened.”

Read moreCDC Finds Flu Virus Cross-Contamination, Closes 2 US Government Labs

Controversial US Scientist Creates Deadly New Flu Strain For Pandemic Research

What could possibly go wrong?

French Research Facility ‘Loses’ Thousands Of Tubes Containing DEADLY VIRUS

Related info:

American Scientists Recreate Deadly Spanish Flu Virus … Which Was Responsible For Killing 50 Million People

China: Scientists Created New Deadly Viral Strains In Veterinary Laboratory By Mixing Bird-Flu Virus With Human Influenza That Could ‘Cause A Global Pandemic Killing Millions of People’

Scientists Push To Resume Research On Deadly Man-Made Flu Virus

All 40 H5N1 Exposed Ferrets DIED:

….air flowed into the next cage. killing all 40 exposed ferrets.

US Government Paid Dutch Researchers To Mutate Deadly H5N1 Virus And Make It Go AIRBORNE!!!:

The discovery has led advisers to the United States government, which paid for the research, to urge that the details be kept secret and not published in scientific journals to prevent the work from being replicated by terrorists, hostile governments or rogue scientists.

Scientists Develop Deadly Strain Of Bird Flu That Could Kill Millions, Want To Publish Full Details Of How They Did It

The H1N1 flu virus from 2009
The H1N1 flu virus from 2009

Exclusive: Controversial US scientist creates deadly new flu strain for pandemic research (Independent, July 1, 2014):

A controversial scientist who carried out provocative research on making influenza viruses more infectious has completed his most dangerous experiment to date by deliberately creating a pandemic strain of flu that can evade the human immune system.

Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has genetically manipulated the 2009 strain of pandemic flu in order for it to “escape” the control of the immune system’s neutralising antibodies, effectively making the human population defenceless against its reemergence.

Read moreControversial US Scientist Creates Deadly New Flu Strain For Pandemic Research