A is for Aspartame – The magic powder that turns diet soda into brain poison.
B is for Bailout money – Because all we really need is another trillion dollars.
C is for Codex Alimentarius – Because we all need to be protected from dangerous vitamins, right?
D is for Dumbing Down – No matter how uneducated the kids are, there’s always a public school willing to compromise its standards just enough to let them pass.
E is for Environmental Policy – Because treating the rivers and waterways like America’s toilet makes for fascinating beach swimming.
F is for FDA (or Foreclosures) – Just what we need: A Big Pharma tyranny enforcement branch in Washington D.C.
G is for Genetically Modified Organisms – Because playing God with the food supply sounded like such a great idea, we just couldn’t resist.
H is for Health insurance (or lack thereof) – Just another financial scam to enslave Americans in a medical police state while denying them access to real health services.
I is for Intellectual Property laws – Corporations already own patents on 20% of the human genome, including your genes.
J is for Junk food – Is it junk? Or is it food? It looks like food, but nourishes like junk. Let’s all eat some more…
K is for Krispy Kreme doughnuts – Because as long as we’re all gonna be clinically obese, we might as well die with a smile on our faces and donut powder on our lips.
L is for corporate Lies – Just when you thought they ran out of ’em, they miraculously come up with new ones. (http://www.naturalnews.com/027483_S…)
M is for Mainstream Media and Mammograms – The Mainstream Media pushes mammograms, a brilliant technology for causing breast cancer and heart damage.
N is for National debt – It’ll never be paid off, but it’s fun to watch it expand. I wonder what happens when it gets too high?
O is for Oil – Why build wind farms when you can just buy more oil from the Arab states or drill in the Amazon?
P is for Pharmaceuticals – Because you were all born deficient in patented chemicals, and Big Pharma is determined to “correct your imbalances.” There’s a fee involved, of course.
Q is for Quacks – Oncologists, vaccine pushers, c-section surgeons and nutritionally-illiterate physicians who push patented chemicals instead of real health solutions.
R is for Real Estate Bubbles – Because buying a home is the best investment you can ever make… until suddenly it isn’t.
S is for SSRI drugs – Need a little violence in your school? Psychiatric drugs are standing by, ready to help unleash a few flying bullets.
T is for Tyranny – Whether we’re talking about the FTC, FDA, DEA, CDC, IRS or DHS, a little tyranny goes a long way towards keeping the sheeple in line.
U is for Unemployment – It’s the worst since 1945, and that’s if you believe the official government numbers that don’t even count people who gave up looking for work.
V is for Vaccines – The greatest quackery yet cooked up by drug pushers. See “Q” above.
W is for Wall Street – A place where crooks can turn greed and aggression into insane profits.
X is for X-rays and medical imaging – You’re in luck: Just when you were hoping for a little DNA mutation, your doctor orders another CT scan. (http://www.naturalnews.com/023582.html)
Y is for Yard sales – Because what we really want to see when driving around the neighborhood is all our neighbors’ junk strewn across their front lawns.
Z is for Zillions – Which is how much fiat money will soon be printed by the Federal Reserve when other nations stop buying worthless U.S. debt.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
by: Mike Adams
Source: Natural News