Neuroscientist: Brain only fully ‘matures’ in middle age

The brain never stops evolving, if  its owner continues to evolve.

Stem cells will always mirror our evolution in the brain.

If the brain owner does not evolve, then the stem cells in the brain are discarded.

This has been scientifically proven, but I cannot find the link at the moment.

Evolution is the difference between brain users and brain owners.

Scientists used to believe that your brain stopped physically evolving in early childhood but new research has shown that keeps changing well into middle age.

Brain scans have shown that prefrontal cortex – the area just behind your forehead – continues to change shape in your 30s and 40s.

The discovery is particularly significant as the prefrontal cortex is a key area of the brain and is often thought said to be key to what makes us human.

It is said to be involved with decision making, social interaction and many other personality traits.

Professor Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, a neuroscientist at University College London, revealed the new thinking at the British Neuroscience Christmas symposium in London.

She said: “Until about 10 years ago we pretty much assumed that the human brain stopped developing in early childhood.

“But we now understand from brain imaging that that is far from the truth and that many human brains keep on developing for many decades.

“The area of the brain that goes through the most protracted development is the prefrontal cortex right at the front of the brain.

“It is the part of the brain that is involved in high cognitive function such as decision making, planning and social behaviour. It is also to do with understanding other people.

“It starts develop in early childhood, is reorganised in late adolescence and continues developing well into the 30s and 40s.

Read moreNeuroscientist: Brain only fully ‘matures’ in middle age

EPA Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees, Leaked Document Shows

And those government traitors also approved a pesticide that is used to induce cancer in lab animals:

California Approves One Of The World’s Most Dangerous Cancer Chemicals As Pesticide

And your government finishes off local and organic farming and you won’t be allowed to save your seeds:

And Now: Democrats Pull Fast One With S. 510 Food Safety Bill

Recommended reading:

Heavy Honeybee Die-Off Continues; New Study Shows Pollen And Hives Laden With Pesticides

Study: ‘High-Fructose Corn Syrup and Its Toxicity to the Honey Bee’

Organic Bees Surviving Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)

Yes, organic bees survive CCD, which almost proves that a pesticide must be responsible for CCD.

The world honey bee population has plunged in recent years, worrying beekeepers and farmers who know how critical bee pollination is for many crops. A number of theories have popped up as to why the North American honey bee population has declined–electromagnetic radiation, malnutrition, and climate change have all been pinpointed. Now a leaked EPA document reveals that the agency allowed the widespread use of a bee-toxic pesticide, despite warnings from EPA scientists.

The document, which was leaked to a Colorado beekeeper, shows that the EPA has ignored warnings about the use of clothianidin, a pesticide produced by Bayer that mainly is used to pre-treat corn seeds. The pesticide scooped up $262 million in sales in 2009 by farmers, who also use the substance on canola, soy, sugar beets, sunflowers, and wheat, according to Grist.

The leaked document (PDF) was put out in response to Bayer’s request to approve use of the pesticide on cotton and mustard. The document invalidates a prior Bayer study that justified the registration of clothianidin on the basis of its safety to honeybees:

Clothianidin’s major risk concern is to nontarget insects (that is, honey bees). Clothianidin is a neonicotinoid insecticide that is both persistent and systemic. Acute toxicity studies to honey bees show that clothianidin is highly toxic on both a contact and an oral basis. Although EFED does not conduct RQ based risk assessments on non-target insects, information from standard tests and field studies, as well as incident reports involving other neonicotinoids insecticides (e.g., imidacloprid) suggest the potential for long-term toxic risk to honey bees and other beneficial insects.

The entire 101-page memo is damning (and worth a read). But the opinion of EPA scientists apparently isn’t enough for the agency, which is allowing clothianidin to keep its registration.

Read moreEPA Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees, Leaked Document Shows

Sunscreen Chemicals Found in 85 Percent of Human Milk Samples

See also:

Sunscreen Causes Cancer! (Natural News)

CDC Finds 97 Percent of Americans Contaminated by Sunscreens (Natural News)

Sunscreens do cause cancer, especially skin cancer (!), as they contain several dangerous chemicals.

(NaturalNews) Before you apply creams, lotions, cosmetics and sunscreens to your skin, it might be a good idea to find out what’s really in them. What’s more, you need to know those ingredients aren’t necessarily just coating the outside layers of your skin. For example, as NaturalNews previously reported, UCLA scientists have recently discovered nanoparticles in cosmetics and sunscreens can enter and wander throughout the body, potentially disrupting body functions on a sub-cellular level (…). And now, for the first time, a study just published in the international science journal Chemospherehas shown that a group of chemicals known as UV (for ultraviolet radiation) filters are turning up in humans internally — and the phenomenon is widespread.

In fact, the investigation, conducted by a Swiss National Research Program called Endocrine Disrupters: Relevance to Humans, Animals and Ecosystems, found UV filters, which are common in cosmetics and sunscreens, were present in 85 percent of human milk samples tested. What does this mean for adults, much less babies taking in this contaminated milk? The alarming truth is, no one knows.

For the study, during the fall and summer of 2004, 2005 and 2006, human milk was sampled from mothers who had given birth at the University Women’s Hospital in Basel, Switzerland. The research participants also answered detailed questionnaires in order to document their use of different types of cosmetic products and sunscreens.

When the women’s breast milk was analyzed, tests revealed the milk samples contained a huge list of chemicals including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), synthetic musk fragrances, pesticides, phthalates, parabens, flame retardants (polybrominated diphenylethers), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) — and cosmetic UV filters. What’s more, the UV filter chemicals were surprisingly widespread; they were comparable in concentrations to PCBs, which have long been known to contaminate the environment.

“Research on the effects of endocrine disrupters (chemicals interfering with hormone actions) has shown that it is of utmost importance to obtain information on simultaneous exposure of humans to different types of chemicals because endocrine active chemicals can act in concert. Information on exposure is particularly important for the developing organism at its most sensitive early life stages. Human milk was chosen because it provides direct information on exposure of the suckling infant and indirect information on exposure of the mother during pregnancy,” research team leaders Margret Schlumpf and Walter Lichtensteiger said in a media statement.

Read moreSunscreen Chemicals Found in 85 Percent of Human Milk Samples

Study: Vitamin D And Sunlight Reduce Breast Cancer Risk By 43 Percent

Related information:

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New Study: UV Light Dramatically Lessens Multiple Sclerose Symptoms

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Michael Holick M.D.,Ph. D.: Vitamin D and Prevention of Chronic Diseases (MUST-SEE!!!)

Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D (Flashback)

US: Vitamin D deficiency common in children

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Vitamin D and Mental Health

The Truth About Vitamin D Toxicity

Woman with a diet rich in Vitamin D who are exposed to plenty of sunlight are less likely to develop breast cancer

A diet packed with Vitamin D combined with high levels of sunlight could reduce the risk of breast cancer in women by 43 per cent.

A new study of 70,000 women conducted over ten years revealed that a diet high in Vitamin D had no effect on its own.

One theory is that consuming a diet rich in Vitamin D makes a difference only when there is already a sufficient amount produced from sun exposure.

Therefore, when sun exposure is low, diet intake does not make any difference to risk of disease.

Read moreStudy: Vitamin D And Sunlight Reduce Breast Cancer Risk By 43 Percent

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘Gulf Coast Oil Spill’ (Full Length Video)


YouTube removed the video. I’ve found a replacement.

YouTube Added: 18.02.2011


Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Worldwide Water Conspiracy

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Police State (And FEMA Concentration Camps)

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Plum Island

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Wall Street

Corruption Study: 1 in 4 Worldwide Paid a Bribe in 2010

And if you are “fighting” anything, in this case corruption, then it will grow even bigger, that is the law.

See also:

Nigeria: Halliburton Plans $500 Million Plea Bargain in Cheney Corruption Case!

Nigeria to Charge Dick Cheney in $180 Million Bribery Case, Issue Interpol Arrest Warrant

List of Bribed US Senators To Support Senate Bill S. 510 (‘Food Safety Modernization Act’)

Japan bribes small nations with cash and prostitutes to gain support for the mass slaughter of whales

International Fund to Buy Off Taliban Leaders in Afghanistan Will Cost Hundreds of Millions

A man pockets money at a market in Lagos, Nigeria. One person in four worldwide paid a bribe during the past year, according to a study released Thursday to mark International Anti-Corruption Day (AFP/File/Pius Utomi Ekpei)

BERLIN (AFP) – One person in four worldwide paid a bribe during the past year, according to a study released Thursday to mark International Anti-Corruption Day.

The study, by the Berlin-based non-governmental agency Transparency International, focuses on small-scale bribery and was put together from polls conducted among more than 91,000 people in 86 countries and territories.

In the past 12 months, one in four paid a bribe to one of nine institutions, such as health, education or tax authorities, according to the 2010 Global Corruption Barometer.

But it was the police who proved most corrupt, according to the study which reported that 29 percent of those having dealings with police said they had paid a bribe.

Read moreCorruption Study: 1 in 4 Worldwide Paid a Bribe in 2010

Dark Jupiter-Sized Object May Haunt Edge of Solar System

See also:

NASA Scientists Search For ‘Nemesis’ (‘Nibiru’, ‘Planet X’) An Invisible ‘Death Star’ That Circles The Sun

A century of comet data suggests a dark, Jupiter-sized object is lurking at the solar system’s outer edge and hurling chunks of ice and dust toward Earth.

“We’ve accumulated 10 years’ more data, double the comets we viewed to test this hypothesis,” said planetary scientist John Matese of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. “Only now should we be able to falsify or verify that you could have a Jupiter-mass object out there.”

In 1999, Matese and colleague Daniel Whitmire suggested the sun has a hidden companion that boots icy bodies from the Oort Cloud, a spherical haze of comets at the solar system’s fringes, into the inner solar system where we can see them.

In a new analysis of observations dating back to 1898, Matese and Whitmire confirm their original idea: About 20 percent of the comets visible from Earth were sent by a dark, distant planet.

This idea was a reaction to an earlier notion that a dim brown-dwarf or red-dwarf star, ominously dubbed Nemesis, has pummeled the Earth with deadly comet showers every 30 million years or so. Later research suggested that mass extinctions on Earth don’t line up with the Nemesis predictions, so many astronomers now think that object doesn’t exist.

“But we began to ask, what kind of an object could you hope to infer from the present data that we are seeing?” Matese said. “What could possibly tickle [comets’] orbits and make them come very close to the sun so we could see them?”

Rather than a malevolent death star, a smaller and more benign companion called Tyche (Nemesis’ good sister in Greek mythology) could send comets streaming from the Oort Cloud toward Earth.

Read moreDark Jupiter-Sized Object May Haunt Edge of Solar System

Study: Acupuncture works directly on the brain to reduce the amount of pain we feel

Acupuncture works just perfect.

Here is just one simple example from my own practice:

It takes usually only 1 acupuncture treatment to ‘cure’ an acute tonsillitis (instead of ‘suppressing’ the infection with antibiotics), 3 treatments at the most.

A 100% success rate!

Sounds like a placebo doesn’t it?

Acupuncture’s effect ‘isn’t just psychological’

Acupuncture doesn’t just work as a placebo, MRI scans appear to show Photo: GETTY

It limits activity in parts of the brain tasked with gauging pain, an experiment on 18 volunteers found.

Crucially, researchers believe the study shows that acupuncture does not only work on a psychological level – as a ‘placebo’ – but that is also has a direct ‘dampening’ effect on the brain’s pain processing centres.

Many critics believe acupuncture only works as a placebo.

The experiment, conducted by researchers at the Department of Complementary and Integrative Medicine at University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, looked at brain scans of volunteers who were given mild electric shocks.

Firstly they were given the shocks without acupuncture, and then they were given the same shocks while acupuncture needles were placed between the toes, below the knee and near the thumb.

Researchers then compared MRI scan images – which can measure the small metabolic changes that take place in active parts of the brain – to see whether the responses differed.

Dr Nina Theysohn, who will present the research in Chicago on Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, said: “Activation of brain areas involved in pain perception was significantly reduced or modulated under acupuncture.”

Read moreStudy: Acupuncture works directly on the brain to reduce the amount of pain we feel

Scientists: Mercury Turns Male Ibis Birds Gay

Vaccines and amalgam fillings that are loaded with mercury, fluorinated drinking water like in the Russian gulags and the Nazi concentration camps to make people docile and infertile and anti-depressants like Prozac, whose main ingredient is also fluoride, …

The list of intentional contamination of the people goes on and on.

And now …

California Approves One Of The World’s Most Dangerous Cancer Chemicals As Pesticide:

It’s called methyl iodide, and even some chemists won’t go near it. It’s such a powerful and reliable carcinogen that researchers use it to induce cancer in lab animals.

Close bond: The white Ibis is one of the birds that is being badly affected by mercury in its diet, new research has shown

Water pollution is posing a threat to bird ­populations by causing males to mate with each other.

Scientists believe poisonous metal compounds entering the food chain can affect sexuality, causing a reduction in offspring.

They found that even relatively low levels of methylmercury in the diet of male white ibises caused the birds to pair up with each other, snubbing females.

As a result fewer females breed and fewer chicks are produced.

Methylmercury is a form of mercury – the metal which is liquid at room temperature and is better known as quicksilver. It has been seeping into groundwater from ­industry for years.

This is the first scientific study to show how the pollutant appears to alter sexual preference.

U.S. researcher Peter Frederick ­captured 160 young white ibises – a coastal wading bird – and gave them food laced with methylmercury.

The birds were split into four groups. One group ate food with 0.3? parts per ­million (ppm) methylmercury, which most U.S. states would regard as too high for human consumption.

A second group was fed 0.1 ppm, and the third 0.05 ppm, a low dose that wild birds would be exposed to frequently. The fourth group received food clear of the poison.

All three dosed groups had significantly more homosexual males than the control group. Male-male pairs courted, built nests together and paired off for several weeks.

Higher doses increased the effect, with 55 per cent of males in the 0.3 ppm group affected.

Overall, male-male mating was blamed for 81 per cent of unproductive nests in the dosed groups.

‘We knew mercury could depress their testosterone levels,’ explained Dr Frederick.

‘But we didn’t expect this. In the worst-case scenario, the production of young would fall by 50 per cent.’ Other birds would probably be similarly affected, he said.

However, Dr Frederick, of the Florida University, and fellow researcher Nilmini Jayasena, of the Peradeniya University, Sri Lanka, admitted it was far from clear if methylmercury could be linked to similar effects in mammals.

Read moreScientists: Mercury Turns Male Ibis Birds Gay

Harvard Scientists Dramatically Reverse The Ageing Process In Mice – Now For Humans

Related information:

Scientists take a step closer to an elixir of youth

Scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine for ‘immortality enzyme’ and research on cell division

Li Ching-Yun lived 197 years (Inquiry Put Age At 256) – The New York Times May 6, 1933

A Genuine ‘Elixir of Life’ – Not Only For Mice

Harvard scientists were surprised that they saw a dramatic reversal, not just a slowing down, of the ageing in mice. Now they believe they might be able to regenerate human organs

In mice, reactivating the enzyme telomerase led to the repair of damaged tissues and reversed the signs of ageing. Photograph: Robert F. Bukaty/AP

Scientists claim to be a step closer to reversing the ageing process after rejuvenating worn out organs in elderly mice. The experimental treatment developed by researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, turned weak and feeble old mice into healthy animals by regenerating their aged bodies.

The surprise recovery of the animals has raised hopes among scientists that it may be possible to achieve a similar feat in humans – or at least to slow down the ageing process.

An anti-ageing therapy could have a dramatic impact on public health by reducing the burden of age-related health problems, such as dementia, stroke and heart disease, and prolonging the quality of life for an increasingly aged population.

“What we saw in these animals was not a slowing down or stabilisation of the ageing process. We saw a dramatic reversal – and that was unexpected,” said Ronald DePinho, who led the study, which was published in the journal Nature.

“This could lead to strategies that enhance the regenerative potential of organs as individuals age and so increase their quality of life. Whether it serves to increase longevity is a question we are not yet in a position to answer.”

Read moreHarvard Scientists Dramatically Reverse The Ageing Process In Mice – Now For Humans

ROFL: Climate Change Scientists Warn of 4C Global Temperature Rise

BS we can take a bath in!

Team of experts say such an increase would cause severe droughts and see millions of migrants seeking refuge

Monday 29 November 2010Nomadic pastoralists Turkana tribesmen herd goats and sheep to a almost dry dam on the outskirts of Gakong, in northwestern Kenya on 13 December 2009. Photograph: Stephen Morrison/EPA

A hellish vision of a world warmed by 4C within a lifetime has been set out by an international team of scientists, who say the agonisingly slow progress of the global climate change talks that restart in Mexico today makes the so-called safe limit of 2C impossible to keep. A 4C rise in the planet’s temperature would see severe droughts across the world and millions of migrants seeking refuge as their food supplies collapse.

“There is now little to no chance of maintaining the rise in global surface temperature at below 2C, despite repeated high-level statements to the contrary,” said Kevin Anderson, from the University of Manchester, who with colleague Alice Bows contributed research to a special collection of Royal Society journal papers published tomorrow. “Moreover, the impacts associated with 2C have been revised upwards so that 2C now represents the threshold [of] extremely dangerous climate change.”

The new analysis by Anderson and Bows takes account of the non-binding pledges made by countries in the Copenhagen Accord, the compromise document that emerged from the last major UN climate summit, and the slight dip in greenhouse gas emissions caused by the economic recession. The scientists’ modelling is based on actual tonnes of emissions, not percentage reductions, and separates the predicted emissions of rich and fast-industrialising nations such as China. “2010 represents a political tipping point,” said Anderson, but added in the report: “This paper is not intended as a message of futility, but rather a bare and perhaps brutal assessment of where our ‘rose-tinted’ and well-intentioned approach to climate change has brought us. Real hope and opportunity, if it is to arise at all, will do so from a raw and dispassionate assessment of the scale of the challenge faced by the global community.”

A rise of 4C could be seen as soon as 2060 in a worst case scenario, according to research in the same journal, led by the Met Office’s Richard Betts and first revealed in the Guardian last year. Betts accepts the scenario is extreme but argues it is also plausible given the rapidly rising trend in emissions.

Read moreROFL: Climate Change Scientists Warn of 4C Global Temperature Rise

Federal Magistrate Orders CIA To Produce Records And Witnesses About LSD And Other Experiments ‘Allegedly Conducted On Thousands Of Soldiers From 1950 Through 1975’

CIA brain experiments pursued in veterans’ suit

The CIA is notorious for its Cold War-era experiments with LSD and other chemicals on unwitting citizens and soldiers. Details have emerged in books and articles beginning more than 30 years ago.

But if military veterans have their way in a California law suit (PDF),  the spy agency’s quest to turn humans into robot-like assassins via electrodes planted in their brains will get far more exposure than the drugs the CIA tested on subjects ranging from soldiers to unwitting bar patrons and the clients of prostitutes.

It’s not just science fiction — or the imaginings of the mentally ill.

In 1961, a top CIA scientist reported in an internal memo that “the feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated…Special investigations and evaluations will be conducted toward the application of selected elements of these techniques to man,” according to “The CIA and the Search for the Manchurian Candidate,” a 1979 book by former State Department intelligence officer John Marks.

“[T]his cold-blooded project,” Marks wrote, “was designed … for the delivery of chemical and biological agents or for ‘executive action-type operations,’ according to a document. ‘Executive action’ was the CIA’s euphemism for assassination.”

The CIA pursued such experiments because it was convinced the Soviets were doing the same.

Victims have sought justice for years, in vain. Now, almost 40 years later, a federal magistrate has ordered the CIA to produce records and witnesses about the LSD and other experiments “allegedly conducted on thousands of soldiers from 1950 through 1975,” according to news accounts.

U.S. Magistrate Judge John Larsen’s Nov. 17 order exempted the agency from having to testify about electrode tests on humans, but Gordon P. Erspamer, lead attorney for the veterans, says “we are pursuing this as well.”

“There is no question that these experiments were done,” Erspamer said by e-mail Tuesday, “but defendants say that they used private researchers and test subjects drawn from prisons, hospitals and nursing homes as subjects, not active duty military [personnel]. CIA said it had no one knowledgeable on this topic.”

Read moreFederal Magistrate Orders CIA To Produce Records And Witnesses About LSD And Other Experiments ‘Allegedly Conducted On Thousands Of Soldiers From 1950 Through 1975’

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Body Scanners More Dangerous Than Feds Admit

Dr. Russell Blaylock is a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, lecturer, and editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report.

The growing outrage over the Transportation Security Administration’s new policy of backscatter scanning of airline passengers and “enhanced pat-downs” brings to mind these wise words from President Ronald Reagan: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.’”

So, what is all the concern really about — will these radiation scanners increase your risk of cancer or other diseases? A group of scientists and professors from the University of California at San Francisco voiced their concern to Obama’s science and technology adviser John Holdren in a well-stated letter back in April.

The group included experts in radiation biology, biophysics, and imaging, who expressed “serious concerns” about the “dangerously high” dose of radiation to the skin.

Radiation increases cancer risk by damaging the DNA and various components within the cells. Much of the damage is caused by high concentrations of free radicals generated by the radiation. Most scientists think that the most damaging radiation types are those that have high penetration, such as gamma-rays, but in fact, some of the most damaging radiation barely penetrates the skin.

One of the main concerns is that most of the energy from the airport scanners is concentrated on the surface of the skin and a few millimeters into the skin. Some very radiation-sensitive tissues are close to the skin — such as the testes, eyes, and circulating blood cells in the skin.

This is why defenders using such analogies as the dose being “1,000-times less than a chest X-ray” and “far less than what passengers are exposed to in-flight” are deceptive. Radiation damage depends on the volume of tissue exposed. Chest X-rays and gamma-radiation from outer space is diffused over the entire body so that the dose to the skin is extremely small. Of note, outer space radiation does increase cancer rates in passengers, pilots, and flight attendants.

Read moreDr. Russell Blaylock: Body Scanners More Dangerous Than Feds Admit

Transplanting Plum Island to Kansas: Is the US food supply at risk? (Yes!)


Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Plum Island

The controversial animal disease research laboratory, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, located on the relatively remote island off the tip of Long Island will be moving to the heartland of America, Manhattan, Kansas, sometime on or around 2014.

The National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) will be planted on Kansas State University and according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), it will not be a laboratory of bioweapons saying that anthrax, plague, ebola and smallpox will NOT be studied there at the proposed state of the art BSL-4 lab. Ok, I’ll take the DHS at their word for the moment because my concern is not human pathogens, but animal pathogens.

There are eight animal and livestock diseases that will be studied at the facility; Nipah virus, Hendra virus, African swine fever, Rift Valley fever, Japanese Encephalitis virus, Foot and Mouth disease (FMD), Classical Swine fever and Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia.

So being in the heartland of America where there is hundreds of thousands if not millions of cattle and swine, based on previous safety and security issues from Plum Island and other facilities, how can we be sure that this will not devastate our food supply and economy?

I want to focus on Foot and Mouth Disease.

Read moreTransplanting Plum Island to Kansas: Is the US food supply at risk? (Yes!)

Airport Body Scanners: Why You should REJECT ‘Routine’ NON-Diagnostic X-ray

See also:

Full-Body Scanners Emitting ‘High-Energy’ Radiation Increase Cancer Risk

Recent “News” and media misinformation touting airport x-ray scanners “safety” is misleading!

Policies that allow the traveling population to be subject to greater exposure of ionizing, non-diagnostic x-ray will lead to greater incidence of thyroid disease, and greater burden on the health care system of this country. Ultimately it also means more money out of your hands, and into the hands of the pharmaceutical giants, the insurance companies who will raise their rates again with the excuse of greater disease rates, and the manufacturers of these airport x-ray scanners. None of these entities care that your long-term health is at risk, proportionately with greater x-ray exposure.

Do you remember the last time you got x-rays at the dentist? They used a “thyroid shield” as an addition to the lead apron, in an attempt to block any scatter radiation from reaching your thyroid gland in your neck. Scatter radiation is often labeled as “harmless,” yet they use a shield for this at the dentist’s office. Why? The thyroid is one of the most vulnerable tissues in your body.

Have you also noticed that any time a person takes your x-ray, they leave the room? Guess why. It is to reduce their exposure to scatter radiation. Cumulative scatter radiation is unhealthful. This is a fact. It is not at all comparable to ultraviolet radiation, that you experience every time you go out into the sun, or fly in a plane. X-radiation is classified as ionizing radiation, while ultraviolet radiation is NOT. When they tell you your exposure from scatter radiation from each scan (classified as ionizing radiation) is less than your exposure to “background” radiation (including aspects from ultraviolet radiation that are NOT a type of ionizing radiation), they are comparing x-ray to daylight. It is not an intellectually honest comparison. Sunlight is not ionizing radiation.  “Cumulative scatter radiation is unhealthful. This is a fact.”

The effects of x-ray exposure are not immediately measurable. The wrong question to ask is if one scan has been shown to be “harmful.” There is no short-term way to measure the long-term effects. This common question only considers the short term consequences, which cannot be measured, and is therefore a foolish, misleading question. Every time this obnoxious question is asked, the wrong issue is addressed and the confused public continues to line up at the airport for a dose of ionizing scatter radiation.

The real issue is the long term effects of large populations being exposed to non-diagnostic ionizing radiation, and the disaster it poses for our own health and our healthcare system. We are commencing this disaster right now, by this short-sighted and dangerous policy.

Read moreAirport Body Scanners: Why You should REJECT ‘Routine’ NON-Diagnostic X-ray

Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF And Others Working On GM Wheat

This year, your bread dishes are probably not genetically modified — consumer and food industry opposition has so far prevented any GM wheat from making it to your table. So your biscuits, thickened gravy and turkey stuffing are made with flour from traditionally bred wheat.

But several seed companies, including Monsanto, Syngenta, BASF and others, are working on transgenic wheat. U.S. Wheat Associates, an industry group, said in early 2010 that GM wheat is still several years away, but efforts are ongoing to improve its acceptance among international consumers.

Monsanto Co., the world’s largest producer of genetically modified seed, backed off commercialization of “Roundup Ready” wheat several years ago, amid concerns it could hurt the U.S. wheat market. But earlier this month, the firm said it’s the “right time” to pursue development of drought-resistant and high-yielding wheat.

Read moreMonsanto, Syngenta, BASF And Others Working On GM Wheat

Massive European Pyramids Discovered in Bosnia

The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, is the first European pyramid to be discovered and is located in the heart of Bosnia, in the town of Visoko.

Because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, it has been named the “Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”. There are four more ancient structures on the site, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, Bosnian Pyramid of the Love and Temple of the Earth, with a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels.

Scientists work on drug to erase your memories

First fluoridate the drinking water like the Nazis and the Russians did in the concentration camps and gulags to make the prisoners docile and infertile and give the people antidepressants with fluoride as main ingredient like Prozac, then further chemically lobotomize them with even more drugs and vaccines and all is (Or)well in 1984.

More information on fluoride below the following article.

(NaturalNews) Drug researchers are working on a mind-altering chemical that could erase your memories. It’s all being pursued under the umbrella of “mental health” with claims that this could help victims of emotional trauma. The idea that you can “heal” a patient by chemically lobotomizing them is, of course, entirely consistent with the core mythology of modern medicine: If something’s wrong, you should poison it, burn it, irradiate it or cut it out… and then pronounce the patient “healed!”

In the case of memory-erasing drugs, scientists are reportedly working on a drug that would remove certain proteins from the brain’s “fear center.” This is based on the ludicrous idea, by the way, that memories are recorded solely by physical proteins in the brain — an idea that’s obviously based on an entirely outmoded mechanistic model of the human mind and brain.

Then again, modern medical science seems to be hopelessly stuck in the Dark Ages, believing that there must be a chemical cure for everything. Hence the ongoing waste of billions of dollars searching for a cancer cure as if it were some sort of acquired infection.

“Erasing a memory and then everything bad built on that is an amazing idea, and I can see all sorts of potential,” said Kate Farinholt, executive director of the mental health support and information group NAMI Maryland, in a Baltimore Sun story (…). But even she can see this approach could be fraught with danger: “Completely deleting a memory, assuming it’s one memory, is a little scary. How do you remove a memory without removing a whole part of someone’s life, and is it best to do that, considering that people grow and learn from their experiences?”

Read moreScientists work on drug to erase your memories

US Scientists Develop Laser Camera That Takes Photos Around Corners

Ramesh Raskar explains how the camera can shoot around corners

A camera that can shoot around corners has been developed by US scientists.

The prototype uses an ultra-short high-intensity burst of laser light to illuminate a scene.

The device constructs a basic image of its surroundings – including objects hidden around the corner – by collecting the tiny amounts of light that bounce around the scene.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology team believe it has uses in search and rescue and robot vision.

“It’s like having X-ray vision without the X-rays,” said Professor Ramesh Raskar, head of the Camera Culture group at the MIT Media Lab and one of the team behind the system.

Read moreUS Scientists Develop Laser Camera That Takes Photos Around Corners

Study of Stranded Dolphins Shows Many to Be Near-Deaf (Thanks to Navy Sonar)

Navy Sonar

Hearing crucial in animals’ ability to feed, navigate

Rescue workers helped a dolphin on Lieutenant Island in Wellfleet, Mass., in March, when two groups of white-sided dolphins wounded up being stranded on Cape Cod. (Steve Heaslip/Cape Cod Times via Associated Press) By

WASHINGTON — New research into the cause of dolphin “strandings’’ — incidents in which weakened or dead dolphins are found near shore — has shown that in some species, many stranded creatures share the same problem.

They are nearly deaf, in a world where hearing can be as valuable as sight.

That understanding — gained from a study of dolphins’ brain activity — could help explain why such intelligent animals do something so seemingly dumb. Unable to use sound to find food or family members, dolphins can wind up weak and disoriented.

Researchers are unsure what is causing the hearing loss: It might be old age, birth defects, or a cacophony of man-made noise in the ocean, including Navy sonar, which has been associated with some marine mammal strandings in recent years.

The news, researchers say, is a warning for those who rescue and release injured dolphins: In some cases, the animals might be going back to a world they can’t hear.

“Rehab is pretty time-consuming and pretty expensive,’’ said David Mann, a professor at the University of South Florida and the study’s lead author. If the dolphin can’t hear, he said, “there’s almost no point in rehabbing it and releasing it.’’

Read moreStudy of Stranded Dolphins Shows Many to Be Near-Deaf (Thanks to Navy Sonar)

CERN Scientists Capture Atoms Of Elusive ‘Antimatter’ For First Time

The physicists combined positrons and antiprotons in beginning with 30,000 antiprotons cooled to 200? above absolute zero, or 200 kelvin, and 2 million positrons cooled to about 40 kelvin.

The experiment took place inside a magnetic trap known as an Ioffe-Pritchard online today in Nature.

That trap was only ‘deep’ enough to capture the slowest-moving antiatoms.

After mixing the protons and positrons, the trap was turned off and electric fields used to sweep any remaining charged particles out the device.

They then turned off the magnetic trap and looked for any lingering antiatoms drifting into the material and annihilating to produce detectable particles.

In 335 trials, the physicists saw a total of 38 trapped atoms—about one every 10 trials.

Physics breakthrough as scientists at CERN capture atoms of elusive ‘antimatter’ for first time

Starship Enterprise takes on a Klingon warship in Star Trek. The spacecraft used antimatter to power its ‘warp drive’

Now scientists say they have captured a sample of real-life antimatter for the first time.

In an astonishing breakthrough, a team of British and international physicists were able to ‘trap’ 38 atoms of anti-hydrogen in a laboratory for a fraction of a second.

While the experiment is unlikely to lead to the warp engines, anti-matter drives or the faster than light travel of Star Trek, it could shed light on the nature and origins of the Universe.

Antimatter is the mirror of ordinary matter. Normal atoms are made up of positively-charged nuclei orbited by negatively-charged electrons.

However, their antimatter counterparts are the wrong way round. They have negative nuclei and positively-charged electrons.

When matter and antimatter meet they instantly annihilate each other, releasing a burst of energy.

Since it was first proposed by the British physicist Paul Dirac in 1931, antimatter has been a staple of science fiction.

Read moreCERN Scientists Capture Atoms Of Elusive ‘Antimatter’ For First Time

Study: Radio Wave Beams Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

Scientists claim zapping kidneys with a radio beam produces dramatic improvement and could ‘revolutionise’ treatment

A doctor gauges a patient’s blood pressure: scientists say the new treatment deactivates renal nerves, which play a role in raising blood pressure. Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

A new technique that lowers blood pressure by zapping the kidneys with a radio beam could “revolutionise” treatment, it was claimed today.

The therapy produced a dramatic improvement in patients who had been unable to control their high blood pressure with drugs.

Scientists believe it could lead to a completely new approach to managing high blood pressure, a significant risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.

The treatment, reported today in an online edition of the Lancet medical journal, deactivates renal nerves, which play a role in raising blood pressure.

Read moreStudy: Radio Wave Beams Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

Scientist Investigating How Mosquitoes Transmit Diseases Dies From Ingested Cyanide

Dr. Chitra Chauhan

TEMPLE TERRACE – A University of South Florida researcher stumbled out of her hotel room Monday night and told two guests she had ingested cyanide, police said.

Chitra Chauhan, 33, wife and mother of a 3-year-old, was pronounced dead at a hospital about two hours later, victim of an apparent suicide. A small amount of potassium cyanide was found on a table in her room.

The nature of Chauhan’s work and the manner of her death turned what investigators characterized as a private act into a public spectacle.

Read moreScientist Investigating How Mosquitoes Transmit Diseases Dies From Ingested Cyanide

MIT Scientists Develop GMO Plant That Produces Pharmaceutical Drugs

(NaturalNews) Splicing and dicing natural plant compounds and patenting them for profit may be a thing of the past for drug companies, at least in terms of them having to do it manually in a laboratory. It might seem like something out of a science fiction movie, but a team of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has actually developed a way to genetically engineer plants that are programmed to create pharmaceutical drugs instead of their natural healing compounds.

You read that right. Sarah O’Connor and her colleagues from MIT added bacterial genes to periwinkle plants that altered their natural alkaloid production system, causing them to accept external chemical additions. Chemists then added halogens like chlorine and bromine to the plants’ biosynthetic mechanisms, which altered the composition of the final alkaloids. So instead of producing their natural alkaloids, the altered periwinkles literally started producing synthetic pharmaceutical drug versions of those alkaloids instead.

The process is similar to the type of genetic engineering that takes place with food crops, except this process goes a step further. Dubbed “metabolic engineering”, the process of altering the actual molecular output of plants shapes the very compounds they produce. And by manipulating these expressions, scientists can induce plants to grow a variety of different synthetic compounds that can be patented by drug companies.

The work is highly disturbing because periwinkles and other plants already produce natural, safe compounds that serve a therapeutic purpose. Vinblastine, the alkaloid naturally produced by periwinkles that was manipulated as part of the study, is already effective at treating cancer, for instance.

Read moreMIT Scientists Develop GMO Plant That Produces Pharmaceutical Drugs