The Independent in 2015: Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say

Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say

H/t reader kevin a.

Related info:

How solar minimums affected Greenland

The State of Ice and Snow Northern Hemisphere 2017 (Video)

New Greenland ice core reveals warmer temperatures 120,000 years ago

Greenland’s Petermann Glacier Advancing Ten Feet Per Day (Satellite Images Reveal The Truth)

“Net Increase In Greenland Ice Mass…First Time This Century” Amid Northern Hemisphere Cool-Down

Greenland snow and ice mass an “embarrassment” to alarmists

Read moreThe Independent in 2015: Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say

SHOCK WEATHER WARNING: Coldest winter for 50 YEARS set to bring MONTHS of heavy snow to UK

Some people who are able to read nature predict this to be the winter of the century for Central Europe.

Forecasters have warned Britain faces a repeat of the devastating winter of 1962/63

SHOCK WEATHER WARNING: Coldest winter for 50 YEARS set to bring MONTHS of heavy snow to UK:

BRITAIN is facing the most savage winter in more than 50 years with months of heavy snowfall and bitter Arctic winds set to bring the country to a total standstill.

Sub-zero temperatures and violent snow storms could hit as soon as late October as a freak ocean cooling in the Atlantic threatens to trigger a historic, nationwide whiteout.

Emergency services have been warned to prepare for a repeat of the devastating 1962/63 winter which saw rivers and lakes freeze over across Britain.

Read moreSHOCK WEATHER WARNING: Coldest winter for 50 YEARS set to bring MONTHS of heavy snow to UK

Gulf Stream Is Slowing Down Faster Than Ever – Greenland Anomaly


H/t reader squodgy:

Following on from the California problem and what is looking like a definite HAARP redirectional blocking of the Jetstream, to position a loop which draws dry air up from the Baja & Mexican area, I wish to draw your attention to the following links.

Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say (Independent, March 23, 2015)

If, as mentioned, Greenland is suffering from an unusual anomaly in the form of a persistent high pressure block, this will have the affect of heating, similar to California, thus hastening the melting of the ice cap and releasing more & more fresh water into the Atlantic to sink below the Gulfstream thus diffusing its power.

Read moreGulf Stream Is Slowing Down Faster Than Ever – Greenland Anomaly

Naval Research Laboratory Charts Show Damaged Loop Current

Source: Naval Research Laboratory

(Click on images to enlarge.)

Dec. 26, 2010

Dec. 26, 2009

Dec. 26, 2010

Dec. 26, 2009

Don’t miss:

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘Gulf Coast Oil Spill’

Europe: Coldest Winter in 1,000 Years On Its Way, Connected To Gulf Stream Changes, Say Scientists

Life on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone

Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico Has Stalled From BP Oil Disaster!

Global Cooling and the New World Order:

The Bilderberg group discussion agenda in 2010:

“The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.”

Global Cooling!

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘Gulf Coast Oil Spill’ (Full Length Video)


YouTube removed the video. I’ve found a replacement.

YouTube Added: 18.02.2011


Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Worldwide Water Conspiracy

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Police State (And FEMA Concentration Camps)

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Plum Island

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: Wall Street

Europe: Coldest Winter in 1,000 Years On Its Way, Connected To Gulf Stream Changes, Say Scientists

See also:

Life on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone

Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico Has Stalled From BP Oil Disaster!

Global Cooling and the New World Order:

The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.

Yes, ‘Global Cooling’ was on the Bilderberg agenda!

Global warming is a scam:

Professor Harold Lewis: ‘Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud I Have Seen In My Long Life’

Kiwigate: Global Warming Scam Revealed in Court

Coldest winter in 1,000 years on its way

After the record heat wave this summer, Russia’s weather seems to have acquired a taste for the extreme.

Forecasters say this winter could be the coldest Europe has seen in the last 1,000 years.

The change is reportedly connected with the speed of the Gulf Stream, which has shrunk in half in just the last couple of years. Polish scientists say that it means the stream will not be able to compensate for the cold from the Arctic winds. According to them, when the stream is completely stopped, a new Ice Age will begin in Europe.

So far, the results have been lower temperatures: for example, in Central Russia, they are a couple of degrees below the norm.

“Although the forecast for the next month is only 70 percent accurate, I find the cold winter scenario quite likely,” Vadim Zavodchenkov, a leading specialist at the Fobos weather center, told RT. “We will be able to judge with more certainty come November. As for last summer’s heat, the statistical models that meteorologists use to draw up long-term forecasts aren’t able to predict an anomaly like that.”

In order to meet the harsh winter head on, Moscow authorities are drawing up measures to help Muscovites survive the extreme cold.

Most of all, the government is concerned with homeless people who risk freezing to death (The government? Sure!) if the forecast of the meteorologists come true. Social services and police are being ordered to take the situation under control even if they have to force the homeless to take help.

Read moreEurope: Coldest Winter in 1,000 Years On Its Way, Connected To Gulf Stream Changes, Say Scientists

Life on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone


Naval Research Laboratory Charts Show Damaged Loop Current

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: ‘Gulf Coast Oil Spill’

Europe: Coldest Winter in 1,000 Years On Its Way, Connected To Gulf Stream Changes, Say Scientists

Global Cooling and the New World Order:

The Bilderberg group discussion agenda in 2010:

“The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.”

Global Cooling!

Related article:

Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico Has Stalled From BP Oil Disaster!

I am not saying that you should panic now.

I was thinking for a few days about whether I should post this article or not.

This is just for your information.

(Click on images to enlarge)

The latest satellite data establishes that the North Atlantic Current (also called the North Atlantic Drift) no longer exists and along with it the Norway Current. These two warm water currents are actually part of the same system that has several names depending on where in the Atlantic Ocean it is. The entire system is a key part of the planet’s heat regulatory system; it is what keeps Ireland and the United Kingdom mostly ice free and the Scandinavia countries from being too cold; it is what keeps the entire world from another Ice Age. This Thermohaline Circulation System is now dead in places and dying in others.

This ‘river’ of warm water that moves through the Atlantic Ocean is called, in various places, the South Atlantic Current, the North Brazil Current, the Caribbean Current, the Yucatan Current, the Loop Current, the Florida Current, the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current (or North Atlantic Drift) and the Norway Current.


The thermohaline circulation is sometimes called the ocean conveyor belt, the great ocean conveyor, or the global conveyor belt.

It is a university level physics experiment to use a tub of cool water and inject a colored stream of warm water into it. You can see the boundary layers of the warm water stream. If you add oil to the tub it breaks down the boundary layers of the warm water stream and effectively destroys the current vorticity . This is what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic Ocean.

The entire ‘river of warm water’ that flows from the Caribbean to the edges of Western Europe is dying due to the Corexit that the Obama Administration allowed BP to use to hide the scale of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster. The approximately two million gallons of Corexit, plus several million gallons of other dispersants, have caused the over two hundred million gallons of crude oil, that has gushed for months from the BP wellhead and nearby sites, to mostly sink to the bottom of the ocean. This has helped to effectively hide much of the oil, with the hopes that BP can seriously reduce the mandated federal fines from the oil disaster. However, there is no current way to effectively ‘clean up’ the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, which is about half covered in crude oil. Additionally, the oil has flowed up the East Coast of America and into the North Atlantic Ocean, and there is no way to effectively clean up this ‘sea bottom oil’. It is likely, based on numerous reports, that the oil is still flowing in massive amounts from multiple places on the seabed floor. This effectively means, that even if we had the technology in place to somehow clean up the free flowing thick crude oil deep in the ocean, it would likely not be enough to reverse the damage to the Thermohaline Circulation System in the Atlantic Ocean.

Read moreLife on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone

Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico Has Stalled From BP Oil Disaster!


Life on this Earth Just Changed: The North Atlantic Current is Gone

Global Consequences if Current Fails to Reorganize


This could be the most significant man-caused Earth Changes news thus far in my lifetime.  This morning, Lesie Pastor informed the New Energy Congress of a report by Your Own World USA that as of July 28,

Oceanographic satellite data now shows that the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico has stalled as a consequence of the BP oil spill [volcano] disaster. This according to Dr. Gianluigi Zangari, an Italian theoretical physicist, and major complex and chaotic systems analyst at the Frascati National Laboratories in Italy.

He further notes that the effects of this stall have also begun to spread to the Gulf Stream. This is because the Loop Current is a crucial element of the Gulf Stream itself and why it is commonly referred to as the “main engine” of the Stream.

The concern now, is whether or not natural processes can re-establish the stalled Loop Current. If not, we could begin to see global crop failures as early as 2011.

Read moreLoop Current in the Gulf of Mexico Has Stalled From BP Oil Disaster!

US Scientists: The Gulf Stream ‘Is NOT Slowing Down’

gulf-stream-is-not-slowing-down Data came from the global network of Argo floats in the oceans

The Gulf Stream does not appear to be slowing down, say US scientists who have used satellites to monitor tell-tale changes in the height of the sea.

Confirming work by other scientists using different methodologies, they found dramatic short-term variability but no longer-term trend.

A slow-down – dramatised in the movie The Day After Tomorrow – is projected by some models of climate change.

The research is published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The stream is a key process in the climate of western Europe, bringing heat northwards from the tropics and keeping countries such as the UK 4-6C warmer than they would otherwise be.

It forms part of a larger movement of water, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which is itself one component of the global thermohaline system of currents.

Between 2002 and 2009, the team says, there was no trend discernible – just a lot of variability on short timescales.

The Atlantic overturning circulation is still an important player in today’s climate
Josh Willis, Nasa

The satellite record going back to 1993 did suggest a small increase in flow, although the researchers cannot be sure it is significant.

“The changes we’re seeing in overturning strength are probably part of a natural cycle,” said Josh Willis from Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California.

Read moreUS Scientists: The Gulf Stream ‘Is NOT Slowing Down’