Lost Civilizations: Greenland, the Geo Pole, and Ice Ages (Part I) – Pyramids, Atlantis, and the Shifting Crust (Part II) – Mathematical Proof of an Unbelievable Reality (PART III) – El Caracol, the Ancient Observatory (Part IV)

For more info visit Mario Buildreps’ YouTube channel:


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The Independent in 2015: Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say

Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say

H/t reader kevin a.

Related info:

How solar minimums affected Greenland

The State of Ice and Snow Northern Hemisphere 2017 (Video)

New Greenland ice core reveals warmer temperatures 120,000 years ago

Greenland’s Petermann Glacier Advancing Ten Feet Per Day (Satellite Images Reveal The Truth)

“Net Increase In Greenland Ice Mass…First Time This Century” Amid Northern Hemisphere Cool-Down

Greenland snow and ice mass an “embarrassment” to alarmists

Read moreThe Independent in 2015: Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say

How solar minimums affected Greenland

How solar minimums affected Greenland:

Huge areas of the country became increasingly barren and less and less suitable for cattle farming.

How solar minimums affected Greenland

By J. H. Walker

Some say it was unrelenting cold and then ice, not global warming, that forced the Vikings out of Greenland.

But it was much, much worse than that. The majority of the Greenland Viking colony didn’t leave, they died in place though unrelenting cold and then ice, famine and disease, brought by the Wolf, and then Spoorer Grand Solar Minimums.

Read moreHow solar minimums affected Greenland

“Net Increase In Greenland Ice Mass…First Time This Century” Amid Northern Hemisphere Cool-Down

“Net Increase In Greenland Ice Mass…First Time This Century” Amid Northern Hemisphere Cool-Down:

The Arctic and the Northern Hemisphere surprise experts with impressive snow and ice gains, decade-long stability.

H/t reader kevin a.

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Greenland snow and ice mass an “embarrassment” to alarmists

Greenland snow and ice mass an “embarrassment” to alarmists:

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi of Weatherbell Analytics says Greenland snow and ice mass balance is “way, way, way above normal,

adding that it is “the climate story nobody is talking about it because it’s an embarrassment given what was being said two years ago, really.

Read moreGreenland snow and ice mass an “embarrassment” to alarmists

AND NOW: Greenland fires ignite global warming fears – “Fire itself will add to the problem and accelerate thawing of permafrost”

Greenland fires ignite global warming fears – “Fire itself will add to the problem and accelerate thawing of permafrost”

H/t reader squodgy:

“Greenland got that name because????

When the Dane Erik the Red discovered it the world was warmer.

When the Romans invaded UK, the world was warmer, so much so, they introduced Grape growing for successful Vineyards.

It is peat that has caught fire. I once saw a lightning bolt ignite peat & the fire lasted a year.”

Related info:

Greenland Breaks July Cold Record 2nd Year in a Row, Volcanic Steam Vents Open Media Downplays (Video)

Greenland is gaining ice and snow cover

Temperature has been decreasing as CO2 increased … Greenland ice cores tell the story

Greenland: Record cold – Smashes previous record – Coldest July temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere

Fake Melt Days on #Greenland Showing Up at NSIDC to Prevent Latest Start Record (Video)

Danish Meteorological Institute Moves To Obscure Recent Record #Greenland Ice Growth

Hey NASA Look at DMI’s Greenland Ice Budget Graph to Get the Correct Information (Video)

Bermuda Record Cold, China Blizzards, Greenland Record Snow Gain (Video)

Greenland Ice Sheet defying alarmist predictions – Showing massive growth

Greenland Enters 2017 Adding Extraordinary Amounts Of Ice And Snow

Greenland was nearly ice-free for extended periods during the Pleistocene

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Greenland: Record cold – Smashes previous record – Coldest July temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere

Record cold in Greenland – Smashes previous record:

Minus  33°C at Summit, Greenland.  In July!

How much ice do you think is melting at -33°C?

4 July 2017  – It is the coldest July temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere, says Tony Heller.

The new record of -33C ( 27.4°F) smashes the old record of -30.7°C (-23.26°F).

Read moreGreenland: Record cold – Smashes previous record – Coldest July temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere

Hey NASA Look at DMI’s Greenland Ice Budget Graph to Get the Correct Information (Video)

Apr 20, 2017
Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) has for the second year shown record ice growth across the Greenland Ice Sheet, but NASA shows a 281 gigaton loss, oops that off by 200 gt. Also new coloration on NSIDC Greenland ice changes now use red and orange to indicate ice gains and blue indicates losses. Now you will see what fake news is. Don’t get caught un-prepared stock up on survival food today! http://foodforliberty.com/adapt2030 Make Money Now Off Weather Predictions Here – https://tradegenius.co/go/ref/23 Rid Your Body of Unwanted Toxins Now! https://www.getthetea.com Support ADAPT 2030 on PATREON http://www.patreon.com/adapt2030 ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age FB Page https://www.facebook.com/Miniiceage David’s Website http://www.oilseedcrops.org You can also find this Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast on iTunes / Stitcher Radio / Soundcloud Podcast Lee Wheelbarger http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/adapt… NASA Greenland Ice Variation https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/… NSIDC Greenland Ice Melt http://nsidc.org/greenland-today/gree… http://nsidc.org/greenland-today/ DMI Greenland Melt https://www.dmi.dk/en/groenland/maali…

H/t reader kevin a.

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Greenland Enters 2017 Adding Extraordinary Amounts Of Ice And Snow

Greenland Enters 2017 Adding Extraordinary Amounts Of Ice And Snow:

Greenland’s ice sheet kicked off 2017 gaining about eight gigatons of snow and ice, which is well above what’s usually added to the ice sheet Jan. 1 for the last 24 years, according to Danish meteorologists.

In fact, Greenland’s ice sheet has been gaining ice and snow at a rate not seen in years based on Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) data. DMI reports the Greenland ice sheet’s “mass surface budget” has been growing significantly since October.

Greenland’s “surface mass budget” for winter 2016-2017 is already more than two standard deviations higher than the northern ice sheet’s mean snow and ice accumulation over the last 24 years. DMI data shows the ice sheet added 8 gigatons of ice and snow Jan. 1, well above the standard deviation for that day.

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Update 22/10/2016: Ex-Hurricane NICOLE brings snow bomb to Greenland – 12 gigatons record ice accumulation in one day (see chart.)

H/t reader kevin a.

Google translation:
Update 22/10/2016: Ex-Hurricane NICOLE brings snow bomb to Greenland – 12 gigatons record Eiszuwachs in one day (see chart.)
The accumulated mass balance of Grönlandeisschildes shows on 19/10/2016 at just under 12 gigatons (12 billion tons) the highest daily gain since Beginnn the measurements (top graph, the blue line). The gray area is the range of a standard deviation of the calculated day mean (mean / average – dark gray line). Original text: “Top: The total daily contribution to the surface mass balance from the entire ice sheet (blue line, Gt / day). Bottom: The accumulated surface mass balance from September 1st to now (blue line, Gt) and the season 2011-12 (red) which had very high summer melt in Greenland. For comparison, the mean curve from the period 1990-2013 is shown (dark gray). The same calendar day in each of the 24 years (in the period 1990-2013) will have its own value. These pictures are from the light gray band. . For each calendar day, However, de lowest and highest values of the 24 years havebeen left out “Source: http://www.dmi.dk/en/groenland/maalinger/greenland-ice-sheet-surface-mass- budget/

After the harsh cold October 2016, the weather models are threatened with an unusually early winter break at the October / November 2016 monthly change.

In this case, snowfall down to the lowlands is possible.

The JRC is now expecting an imminent slump in polar ice in large parts of Europe on the night of 1 November 2016.

On the back of a large low-pressure system over north-eastern Europe air masses are performed with temperatures around minus -35 ° C in approximately 5500 m height to Central Europe in a broad stream.

Die akkumulierte Massebilanz des Grönlandeisschildes zeigt am 19.10.2016 mit knapp 12 Gigatonnen (12 Milliarden Tonnen) den höchsten Tageszuwachs seit Beginnn der Messungen (obere Grafik, blaue Linie). Die graue Fläche ist der Bereich einer Standardabweichung vom rechnerischen Tagesmittel (Mean/Durchschnitt – dunkelgraue Linie). Originaltext: “Top: The total daily contribution to the surface mass balance from the entire ice sheet (blue line, Gt/day). Bottom: The accumulated surface mass balance from September 1st to now (blue line, Gt) and the season 2011-12 (red) which had very high summer melt in Greenland. For comparison, the mean curve from the period 1990-2013 is shown (dark grey). The same calendar day in each of the 24 years (in the period 1990-2013) will have its own value. These differences from year to year are illustrated by the light grey band. For each calendar day, however, the lowest and highest values of the 24 years have been left out.” Quelle: http://www.dmi.dk/en/groenland/maalinger/greenland-ice-sheet-surface-mass-budget/

Nach dem bisher kalten Oktober 2016 nicht nur in Deutschland drohen die Wettermodelle mit einem ungewöhnlich frühen Wintereinbruch zum Monatswechsel Oktober/November 2016.

Dabei sind Schneefälle bis ins Flachland möglich.

GFS rechnet heute mit einem käftigen Einbruch hochreichender eisiger Polarluft in großen Teilen Europas in der Nacht zum 1. November 2016.

Auf der Rückseite eines umfangreichen Sturmtiefs über Nordosteuropa werden in breitem Strom Luftmassen mit Temperaturen um minus -35°C in rund 5500 m Höhe nach Mitteleuropa geführt.

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Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever: ‘We’re Told That The Ice In Greenland Will Disappear’ … But There’s No Warming There (Video)


Where’s the warming in Greenland? – Video:

“We’re told that the ice in Greenland will disappear,” says Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever. But there’s no warming there.

“There’s information on the internet, which is wonderful, says Giaever. “And I looked it up.”

There are four harbors in Greenland, says Giaever. They are Upernavik, Iluissat/Jakobshavn, Nuuk/Godthab and Tasiilaq/Ammassalik.

Look at Giaever’s chart. On the left you see the five coldest years. On the right, the five warmest years.

Now look at the dates. “The warmest years are basically in the 1930s,” says Giaever. “Those are the facts. Those are the temperatures the people in the harbors in Greenland has measured over the years. And it doesn’t look like it’s getting any warmer.”

Read moreNobel Laureate Ivar Giaever: ‘We’re Told That The Ice In Greenland Will Disappear’ … But There’s No Warming There (Video)