Apr 20, 2017
Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) has for the second year shown record ice growth across the Greenland Ice Sheet, but NASA shows a 281 gigaton loss, oops that off by 200 gt. Also new coloration on NSIDC Greenland ice changes now use red and orange to indicate ice gains and blue indicates losses. Now you will see what fake news is. Don’t get caught un-prepared stock up on survival food today! http://foodforliberty.com/adapt2030 Make Money Now Off Weather Predictions Here – https://tradegenius.co/go/ref/23 Rid Your Body of Unwanted Toxins Now! https://www.getthetea.com Support ADAPT 2030 on PATREON http://www.patreon.com/adapt2030 ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age FB Page https://www.facebook.com/Miniiceage David’s Website http://www.oilseedcrops.org You can also find this Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast on iTunes / Stitcher Radio / Soundcloud Podcast Lee Wheelbarger http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/adapt… NASA Greenland Ice Variation https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/… NSIDC Greenland Ice Melt http://nsidc.org/greenland-today/gree… http://nsidc.org/greenland-today/ DMI Greenland Melt https://www.dmi.dk/en/groenland/maali…
H/t reader kevin a.
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