Digital Economy Act: This Means War!

Baking surveillance, control and censorship into the very fabric of our networks, devices and laws is the absolute road to dictatorial hell

The Digital Economy Act declares war on people who illegaly downloiad TV shows such as second world war drama The Pacific. Photograph: HBO/Rex Features

With the rushed passage into law of the Digital Economy Act this month, the fight over copyright enters a new phase. Previous to this, most copyfighters operated under the rubric that a negotiated peace was possible between the thrashing entertainment giants and civil society.

But now that the BPI and its mates have won themselves the finest law that money can buy – a law that establishes an unprecedented realm of web censorship in Britain, a law that provides for the disconnection of entire families from the net on the say-so of an entertainment giant, a law that shuts down free Wi-Fi hotspots and makes it harder than ever to conduct your normal business on the grounds that you might be damaging theirs – the game has changed.

I came to the copyfight from a pretty parochial place. As a working artist, I wanted a set of just copyright rules that provided a sound framework for my negotiations with big publishers, film studios, and similar institutions. I worried that the expansion of copyright – in duration and scope – would harm my ability to freely create. After all, creators are the most active re-users of copyright, each one of us a remix factory and a one-person archive of inspirational and influential materials. I also worried that giving the incumbent giants control over the new online distribution system would artificially extend their stranglehold over creators. This stranglehold means that practically every media giant offers the same awful terms to all of us, and no kinder competitor can get our works into the hands of our audiences.

I still worry about that stuff, of course. I co-founded a successful business – Boing Boing, the widely-read website – that benefits enormously from not having to pay fealty to a distributor in order to reach its readers (by contrast, the old print edition of Boing Boing folded when its main distributor went bankrupt while owing it a modest fortune and holding onto thousands of dollars’ worth of printed materials that we never got back). My novels find their way onto the bestseller list by being distributed for free from my website simultaneous with their mainstream bookstore sales through publishers like Macmillan and HarperCollins and Random House.

My whole life revolves around the digital economy: running entrepreneurial businesses that thrive on copying and that exploit the net’s powerful efficiencies to realise a better return on investment.

Parliament has just given two fingers to me (and every other small/medium digital enterprise) by agreeing to cripple Britain’s internet in order to give higher profits to the analogue economy represented by the labels and studios.

But today, my bank-balance is the least of my worries. The entertainment industry’s willingness to use parliament todi impose censorship and arbitrary punishment in the course of chasing a few extra quid is so depraved and terrible that it has me in fear for the very underpinnings of democracy and civil society.

In the US, the MPAA and RIAA (American equivalents of the MPA and the BPI) just submitted comments to the American Intellectual Property Czar, Victoria Espinel, laying out their proposal for IP enforcement. They want us all to install spyware on our computers that deletes material that it identifies as infringing. They want our networks censored by national firewalls (U2’s Bono also called for this in a New York Times editorial, averring that if the Chinese could control dissident information with censorware, our own governments could deploy similar technology to keep infringement at bay). They want border-searches of laptops, personal media players and thumb-drives.

They want poor countries bullied into diverting GDP from humanitarian causes to enforcing copyright. And they want their domestic copyright enforcement handled, free of charge, by the Department of Homeland Security.

Read moreDigital Economy Act: This Means War!

Homeland Security and FBI Raid Militias in Multiple States

1 of 2:

Added: 28. March 2010

2 of 2:

Added: 28. March 2010

The FBI was conducting raids Saturday night at multiple locations in southeast Michigan.

Action News has learned Homeland Security and the Joint Anti-terrorism Task Force is also involved in a major operation.…

Apparently they are rounding up militia members…listen in…

FBI agents raid Hammond location…

Police, federal agents in raids in Sandusky, Huron…

US: Lawmakers Propose National ID Card

Graham, left, and Schumer, are calling for national ID cards to combat illegal immigration. (AP)

Lawmakers are proposing a national identification card – what they’re calling “high-tech, fraud-proof Social Security cards” – that would be required for all employees in the United States.

The proposal by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-New York) and Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina) comes as the states are grappling to produce another national identification card at the behest of the Department of Homeland Security. Virtually none of the states are in compliance with this Real ID program – adopted in 2005 – requiring state motor vehicle bureaus to obtain and internally scan and store personal information like Social Security cards and birth certificates for a national database.

Now comes a bid for a second card.

Homeland Security officials pointed to the Sept. 11 hijackers’ ability to get driver’s licenses in Virginia using false information as justification for the proposed $24 billion Real ID program. Schumer and Graham point to illegal immigration as cause for their plan.

“We would require all U.S. citizens and legal immigrants who want jobs to obtain a high-tech, fraud-proof Social Security card. Each card’s unique biometric identifier would be stored only on the card; no government database would house everyone’s information,” they said. “The cards would not contain any private information, medical information or tracking devices. The card would be a high-tech version of the Social Security card that citizens already have.”

Jim Harper, director of information policy studies at the Cato Institute, suggests the plan would undoubtedly lead to a national database. He added that “there is no practical way of making a national identity document fraud-proof.”

What’s more, Richard Esguerra, the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s in-house activist, notes that a national ID card likely would expand from its stated purpose.

“Because of the ID card’s proposed universality, it will likely be requested and required by airlines, insurance agencies, health care providers, mortgage lenders, credit card companies, and so forth,” he said.

Read moreUS: Lawmakers Propose National ID Card

US Government Preparing For Civil Unrest In America

Legislation to Establish Internment Camps on US Military Bases

FEMA Camps Courtesy of Google Earth (Click on image to enlarge.)

The Economic and Social Crisis

The financial meltdown has unleashed a latent and emergent social crisis across the United States.

What is at stake is the fraudulent confiscation of lifelong savings and pension funds, the appropriation of tax revenues to finance the trillion dollar “bank bailouts”, which ultimately serve to line the pockets of the richest people in America.

This economic crisis is in large part the result of financial manipulation and outright fraud to the detriment of entire populations, leading to a renewed wave of corporate bankruptcies, mass unemployment and poverty.

The criminalization of the global financial system, characterized by a “Shadow Banking” network has resulted in the centralization of bank power and an unprecedented concentration of private wealth.

Obama’s “economic stimulus” package and budget proposals contribute to a further process of concentration and centralization of bank power, the cumulative effects of which will eventually resul in large scale corporate, bankruptcies, a new wave of foreclosures not to mention fiscal collapse and the downfall of State social programs. (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, America’s Fiscal Collapse, Global Research, March 2, 2009).

The cumulative decline of real economic activity backlashes on employment and wages, which in turn leads to a collapse in purchaisng power. The proposed “solution” under the Obama administration contributes to exacerbating rather than alleviating social inequalities and the process of wealth concentration.

The Protest Movement

When people across America, whose lives have been shattered and destroyed, come to realize the true face of the global “free market” system, the legitimacy of  Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and the US administration will be challenged.

A latent protest movement directed against the seat of economic and political power is unfolding.

How this process will occur is hard to predict. All sectors of American society are potentially affected: wage earners, small, medium and even large businesses, farmers, professionals, federal, State and municipal employees, students, teachers, health workers, and unemployed. Protests will initially emerge from these various sectors. There is, however, at this stage, no organized national resistance movement directed against the administration’s economic and financial agenda.

Obama’s populist rhetoric conceals the true nature of macro-economic policy. Acting on behalf of Wall Street, the administration’s economic package, which includes close to a trillion dollar “aid” package for the financial services industry, coupled with massive austerity measures,  contributes to precipitating America into a bottomless crisis.

“Orwellian Solution” to the Great Depression: Curbing Civil Unrest

At this particular juncture, there is no economic recovery program in sight. The Washington-Wall Street consensus prevails. There are no policies, no alternatives formulated from within the political and economic system. .

What is the way out? How will the US government face an impending social catastrophe?

The solution is to curb social unrest. The chosen avenue, inherited from the outgoing Bush administration is the reinforcement of  the Homeland Security apparatus and the militarization of civilian State institutions.

The outgoing administration has laid the groundwork. Various pieces of “anti-terrorist” legislation (including the Patriot Acts) and presidential directives have been put in place since 2001, largely using the pretext of the “Global War on Terrorism.”

Homeland Security’s Internment Camps

Directly related to the issue of curbing social unrest, cohesive system of detention camps is also envisaged, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon.

A bill entitled the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in the US Congress in January. It calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations.

The stated purpose of  the “national emergency centers” is to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster.” In actuality, what we are dealing with are FEMA internment camps. HR 645 states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.”

There has been virtually no press coverage of HR 645.

These “civilian facilities” on US military bases are to be established in cooperation with the US Military. Modeled on Guantanamo, what we are dealing with is the militarization of FEMA internment facilities.

Once a person is arrested and interned in a FEMA camp located on a military base, that person would in all likelihood, under a national emergency, fall under the de facto jurisdiction of the Military: civilian justice and law enforcement including habeas corpus would no longer apply.

HR 645 bears a direct relationship to the economic crisis and the likelihood of mass protests across America. It constitutes a further move to militarize civilian law enforcement, repealing the Posse Comitatus Act.

In the words of  Rep. Ron Paul:

“…the fusion centers, militarized police, surveillance cameras and a domestic military command is not enough… Even though we know that detention facilities are already in place, they now want to legalize the construction of FEMA camps on military installations using the ever popular excuse that the facilities are for the purposes of a national emergency. With the phony debt-based economy getting worse and worse by the day, the possibility of civil unrest is becoming a greater threat to the establishment. One need only look at Iceland, Greece and other nations for what might happen in the United States next.” (Daily Paul, September 2008, emphasis added)

The proposed internment camps should be seen in relation to the broader process of militarization of civilian institutions. The construction of internment camps predates the introduction of HR 645 (Establishment of Emergency Centers) in January 2009. There are, according to various (unconfirmed) reports, some 800 FEMA prison camps in different regions of the U.S. Moreover, since the 1980s, the US military has developed “tactics, techniques and procedures” to suppress civilian dissent, to be used in the eventuality of mass protests (United States Army Field Manual 19-15 under Operation Garden Plot, entitled “Civil Disturbances” was issued in 1985)

Read moreUS Government Preparing For Civil Unrest In America

FBI Turns Image Of Gaspar Llamazares, A Well Known Spanish Politician, Into A Official Mug Shot Of Osama Bin Laden


There is an English version at the end of the following (first) article.

The second article is from the The Sydney Morning Herald.

Wake up AMERICA! Wake up WORLD! They think you are all f$$$$$$ stupid!

This is priceless! Thank you FBI! Thank you!


FBI admits Spanish politican was model for ‘high-tech’ Osama bin Laden photo-fit (Telegraph):

The US state department was forced to withdraw the mocked up photo-image, circulated around the world last week, after the discovery that it was not quite as technically sophisticated as the FBI had originally claimed.
🙂 ROFL! 🙂

Spanish MP’s photo ‘used for Bin Laden poster’ (BBC News)

Wie aus einem spanischen Politiker Bin Laden wird

Es ist schon bemerkenswert, wie man einen Toten dauernd am Leben erhält, um damit den “Krieg gegen den Terror” begründen zu können. Osama Bin Laden ist seit Dezember 2001 tot, beerdigt, im Nirwana, es gibt kein einziges Lebenszeichen von ihm, alle “Botschaften” seit bald 9 Jahren sind nachweislich Fälschungen. Deshalb finden die Amerikaner auch den “meist gesuchten Terroristen” nicht, es gibt auch keine Fotos die ihn zeigen und das FBI musste eins erfinden.

Alle Geheimdienstexperten wissen das Bin Laden tot ist und deshalb der Krieg in Afghanistan, der mit seiner Suche begründet wird, eine Lüge ist. Sogar US-Verteidigungsminister Robert Gates bestätigt, dass den USA seit Jahren keine verwertbaren Erkenntnisse über den Aufenthaltsort Bin Ladens vorlägen. Hallo, der ist zu Staub zerfallen, die ganze Welt wird über jemand den es nicht mehr gibt verarscht.

Das FBI hat jetzt ein neues computergeneriertes Fahndungsfoto von Bin Laden veröffentlicht, so wie er Heute angeblich aussehen könnte. Und jetzt stellt sich heraus, dass die “Vorlage” für dieses Fahndungsfoto, ein Foto eines spanischen Politikers ist, Gaspar Llamazares! Jedenfalls ist die Haarpracht absolut identisch, alle Wellen und Haarlocken stimmen genau überein! Geburtsjahr ist bei beiden 1957.


Aber nicht nur die Haare sind identisch, auch die Stirn und die Falte von Schläfe zu Schläfe wurden von Llamazares übernommen, fast das halbe Gesicht.

Das Foto, welches das FBI für Bin Laden benutzt, stamm aus einem Wahlplakat von Gaspar Llamazares bei den Wahlen 2004. Die Affen vom FBI haben einfach mit Photoshop das Haar von Llamazares 1 zu 1 genommen und auf den Kopf von Bin Laden kopiert. Nix mit künstlicher Alterung durch Computersimulation. Was sind das nur für Amateure und Idioten?

Louis E. Grever, Direktor der Wissenschafts- und Technologieabteilung des FBI, sagte am 14. Januar 2010 bei der Veröffentlichung: “Die Bilder sind ein wichtiges Beispiel dafür, wie der wissenschaftliche und technologische Fortschritt genutzt wird, um Flüchtige zu finden und vor Gericht zu bringen.” Das ist ja eine Lachnummer, in dem man einfach mit Photoshop und “copy & paste” den Kopf von jemanden anderen nimmt?

In diesem Ausschnitt sieht man die Gleichheit noch besser:

Gaspar Llamazares ist ein bekannter spanischer linker Politiker und Mitglied der Kommunistischen Partei Spaniens. Es zeigt den UI-Stellvertreter als Kandidaten für das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten für die zweite Legislaturperiode. “Es war auf allen Plakatwänden in Spanien, auf allen Zäunen, es ist ein offizielles Bild“, sagt einer aus der Partei. Jetzt will die Partei von den US-Behörden wissen, wie sie dazu kommen sein Bildnis für ein künstliches Fahndungsfoto von Bin Laden zu nehmen.

Wie muss man sich fühlen, wenn das Abbild des eigenen Haares und der Stirn auf dem Fahndungsfoto des FBI über den “Oberterroristen” Bin Laden weltweit in allen Medien erscheint?

Gaspar Llamazares sagt, Bin Ladens Sicherheit ist nicht gefährdet, aber meine schon. Wie kommt das FBI dazu mein Abbild zu verwenden? Der Abgeordnete und ehemalige General-Koordinator der IU, sagte, dass bis vor kurzem er nur ungern nach Amerika reiste, aber von jetzt an gehe er nicht in dieses Land, weil dies “zu Schwierigkeiten führt.” Seine Sorge über diese Angelegenheit ist, dass diese Art der Verwendung von Fotos “Menschen betrifft, die nicht unter einem gerichtlichen Verfahren stehen oder ein Verbrechen begangen haben.

Ausserdem stellt sich die Frage: “Was bedeutet das Bild eines politischen Führers in den FBI-Akten? Ich hoffe, dies ist die Chance, ihre Inkompetenz zu beweisen“, fügte er hinzu. Mittlerweile hat ein FBI-Sprecher zugegeben, die Behörde hat die Fotografie von Llamazares verwendet, um eine Skizze des meistgesuchten Terroristen der Welt zu zeichnen.

Der FBI-Sprecher Ken Hoffman räumte ein, dass seine Behörde für das digital veränderte Foto Bin Ladens ein Bild von Llamazares von Google Images verwendet habe.

Das spanische Aussenministerium wurde ersucht, eine Erklärungen von der US-Regierung zu verlangen. Es wird auch erwartet, das Innenministerium soll mit der Europäischen Polizei überprüfen, ob das Foto wirklich aus Google genommen wurde oder aus FBI-Akten stammt. Llamazares hat eine Erklärung oder einen Anruf vom US-Botschafter in Madrid erwartet und meint, “es ist das Mindeste was sie tun könnten.

Der juristische Dienste der Vereinigten Europäischen Linken wird untersuchen, wie sie vorgehen wollen, ob eine rechtliche Beschwerde gegen die Verletzung der Persönlichkeitsrechte des Abgeordneten vorliegt.

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass die ach so seriösen Medien (lach) ungeprüft ein Foto verbreiten und als Propagandaorgan für die Kriegshetzer dienen. Siehe meinen Artikel: “Ein falsches Foto von Neda wird für Propaganda verwendet” oder diesen Artikel “Wie die Medien die Berichterstattung über den Iran fälschen

English version:

The FBI has published a computer generated mug shot of Bin Laden recently to show how he could look like today. Now it has turned out, that the “template” for this mug shot is a photo of the Spanish politician Gaspar Llamazares! The hair piece is absolutely identical, the waves and curls match exactly. The year of birth of both is 1957!

But not only is the hair identical, also the forehead and the crease going from temple to temple was taken from Llamazares, nearly half the face.

The photo that the FBI used for Bin Laden comes from an election poster of Gaspar Llamazares from the election in 2004. The apes at the FBI just used Photoshop and copied 1 to 1 the head and put it on Bin Laden. No artificial aging process by computer simulation. What kind of amateurs and idiots are they?

Louis E. Grever, the director of the science and technology department at the FBI said on January 14 2010 when it was published: “The photos are an important example how science and technological advancement is used to find fugitives and bring them to justice.” That’s a joke, just by using Photoshop and “copy & paste” to take the head of somebody else?

Gaspar Llamazares is a well known Spanish leftist politician and member of the communist party of Spain. The portrait shows the UI party assistant secretary as candidate for prime minister in the second legislative period. “It was on all billboards in Spain, on all fences, its an official picture,” said someone from the party. Now the party wants to know from the US government, how it came about that his picture was used for the artificial mug shot of Bin Laden.

What must it feel like when the image of your own hair and forehead appears on the FBI mug shot of the “biggest terrorist” Bin Laden in all the worlds media?

Gaspar Llamazares says: The safety of Bin Laden is not in danger, but mine is. Why did the FBI use my image? The parliamentarian and former general coordinator of the IU said, up to a short while ago he reluctantly travelled to America, but from now on he will not go there, because „it brings difficulties.” His worry about this matter is, that this use of photos “hits people who are not in a court process or committed any crimes.

Samstag, 16. Januar 2010

Source: Alles Schall und Rauch

Hair today, gone tomorrow: FBI artists take bin Laden to the barber

The greying of Osama bin Laden … the FBI issued the images at centre and right, altered by forensic artists, showing how the al-Qaeda leader may have changed his appearance. Photo: Reuters, AFP

LONDON: The FBI has published fresh photographs of Osama bin Laden in an attempt to track down the al-Qaeda leader.

In one ”aged progressed” mugshot, he is portrayed in Western clothes with wavy grey and black hair and a trimmed beard; another shows him in his traditional outfit, with a white turban and a flowing, but greyer, beard.

Forensic artists used digital enhancement to modify bin Laden’s features in an attempt to show what he might look like now.

The FBI also published ”aged progressed” mugshots of another 17 terrorists wanted by the US, which can be seen on the State Department website.

The photos were released as the US announced it would further strengthen air security. The new measures are to be introduced after intelligence reports that individuals associated with al-Qaeda in Yemen were seeking to attack planes, US interests overseas and targets in the US, said an official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

They include randomly screening more passengers, more federal air marshals and including more people on the Government’s terrorism watch list, the Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, said.

”We are taking an additional set of aviation-security precautions to protect the American people,” she said in a statement.

The Transportation Security Administration, which Ms Napolitano oversees, increased security restrictions after the failed attempt on December 25 to blow up a Detroit-bound Northwest airliner.

Travellers in the US may notice more random screening, officers who specialise in detecting suspicious behaviour and wider use of bomb-detection equipment, said Greg Soule, a security spokesman. Security was being increased throughout airports.

”Passengers travelling should not expect to see the same thing at every airport,” he said.

January 16, 2010

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald


DHS Threatens Blogger Who Posted New TSA Screening Directive

TSA Special Agent John Enright, left, speaks to Steven Frischling outside the blogger’s home in Niantic, Connecticut, after returning Frischling’s laptop Wednesday.
Photo: Thomas Cain/

Special agents from the TSA’s Office of Inspection interrogated two U.S. bloggers, one of them an established travel columnist, and served them each with a civil subpoena demanding information on the anonymous source that provided the TSA document.

The document, which the two bloggers published within minutes of each other Dec. 27, was sent by TSA to airlines and airports around the world and described temporary new requirements for screening passengers through Dec. 30, including conducting “pat-downs” of legs and torsos. The document, which was not classified, was posted by numerous bloggers. Information from it was also published on some airline websites.

“They’re saying it’s a security document but it was sent to every airport and airline,” says Steven Frischling, one of the bloggers. “It was sent to Islamabad, to Riyadh and to Nigeria. So they’re looking for information about a security document sent to 10,000-plus people internationally. You can’t have a right to expect privacy after that.”

Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman Suzanne Trevino said in a statement that security directives “are not for public disclosure.”

“TSA’s Office of Inspections is currently investigating how the recent Security Directives were acquired and published by parties who should not have been privy to this information,” the statement said.

Frischling, a freelance travel writer and photographer in Connecticut who writes a blog for the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, said the two agents who visited him arrived around 7 p.m. Tuesday, were armed and threatened him with a criminal search warrant if he didn’t provide the name of his source. They also threatened to get him fired from his KLM job and indicated they could get him designated a security risk, which would make it difficult for him to travel and do his job.

“They were indicating there would be significant ramifications if I didn’t cooperate,” said Frischling, who was home alone with his three children when the agents arrived. “It’s not hard to intimidate someone when they’re holding a 3-year-old [child] in their hands. My wife works at night. I go to jail, and my kids are here with nobody.”

Frischling, who described some of the details of the visit on his personal blog, told Threat Level that the two agents drove to his house in Connecticut from DHS offices in Massachusetts and New Jersey and didn’t mention a subpoena until an hour into their visit.

Read moreDHS Threatens Blogger Who Posted New TSA Screening Directive

Report: Swindler duped CIA and DHS over Al-Qaeda decoding scam

A con artist convinced the CIA that he could decode secret messages sent by Al-Qaeda through Al-Jazeera broadcasts

(AFP) WASHINGTON — A con artist convinced the CIA and other US agencies in 2003 that he could decode secret messages sent by Al-Qaeda through Al-Jazeera broadcasts, Playboy magazine reported.

Duped by claims that “bar codes” on Al-Jazeera television contained targeting information for Al-Qaeda attacks, former president George W. Bush’s administration raised the terror alert and cancelled several transatlantic flights in December 2003, the report said, citing former CIA officials.

The swindler at the center of the scam was Dennis Montgomery, head of a small software company in Reno, Nevada. He persuaded the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Homeland Security that his technology could decipher messages with flight numbers and longitudes and latitudes meant for Al-Qaeda operatives.

With assistance from French intelligence, CIA officials eventually concluded there were no secret messages in Al-Jazeera television broadcasts, said the report, published in the magazine’s latest edition.

“A branch of the French intelligence services helped convince the Americans that the bar codes were fake,” it said.

CIA and French officials asked another technology company to find or re-create codes from Al-Jazeera transmissions and “found definitively that what Montgomery claimed was there was not,” it said.

But even after the CIA stopped cooperating with Montgomery, he succeeded in convincing other government agencies that he had valuable code-breaking technology.

In January 2009, he signed a three-million-dollar research contract with the US Air Force, according to Playboy.

Read moreReport: Swindler duped CIA and DHS over Al-Qaeda decoding scam

A to Z of what’s wrong with America

A is for Aspartame – The magic powder that turns diet soda into brain poison.

B is for Bailout money – Because all we really need is another trillion dollars.

C is for Codex Alimentarius – Because we all need to be protected from dangerous vitamins, right?

D is for Dumbing Down – No matter how uneducated the kids are, there’s always a public school willing to compromise its standards just enough to let them pass.

E is for Environmental Policy – Because treating the rivers and waterways like America’s toilet makes for fascinating beach swimming.

F is for FDA (or Foreclosures) – Just what we need: A Big Pharma tyranny enforcement branch in Washington D.C.

G is for Genetically Modified Organisms – Because playing God with the food supply sounded like such a great idea, we just couldn’t resist.

H is for Health insurance (or lack thereof) – Just another financial scam to enslave Americans in a medical police state while denying them access to real health services.

Read moreA to Z of what’s wrong with America

NSA To Build $1.5 Billion Cybersecurity Data Center

“Gaffney gave assurances that the work going on at the data center will protect civil liberties.”


Whistleblower: NSA spied on everyone, targeted journalists

The massive complex, comprising up to 1.5 million square feet of building space, will provide intelligence and warnings related to cybersecurity threats across government.


The National Security Agency, whose job it is to protect national security systems, will soon break ground on a data center in Utah that’s budgeted to cost $1.5 billion.

The NSA is building the facility to provide intelligence and warnings related to cybersecurity threats, cybersecurity support to defense and civilian agency networks, and technical assistance to the Department of Homeland Security, according to a transcript of remarks by Glenn Gaffney, deputy director of national intelligence for collection, who is responsible for oversight of cyber intelligence activities in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

“Our country must continue to advance its national security efforts and that includes improvements in cybersecurity,” Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, said in a statement. “As we rely more and more on our communications networks for business, government and everyday use, we must be vigilant and provide agencies with the necessary resources to protect our country from a cyber attack.”

Read moreNSA To Build $1.5 Billion Cybersecurity Data Center

President Obama signs law blocking release of torture photos


President Barack Obama received a great deal of media attention on Wednesday for signing a historic hate-crimes bill into law. But, on the same day, the US president also signed a Homeland Security spending bill that received far less attention, even though it effectively blocks efforts by activists to reveal photos of detainee abuse in US custody.

“We are disappointed that the president has signed a law giving the Defense Department the authority to hide evidence of its own misconduct, and we hope the defense secretary will not take advantage of that authority by suppressing photos related to the abuse of prisoners,” Jameel Jaffer, national security director for the ACLU, said in a statement.

Earlier this month, the House and Senate inserted language into the Homeland Security appropriations bill that would shield photos of detainees in the US’s war on terror from the Freedom of Information Act. The language, which was added at the prodding of Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), effectively blocks an ACLU lawsuit currently before the courts that would have forced the government to release the photos under Freedom of Information statutes.

As Daphne Eviatar noted at the Washington Independent, “President Obama initially agreed to release the photos, but changed his mind after consulting with Defense Secretary Robert Gates and others at the Pentagon, who warned the photos would endanger US servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

At issue are 21 photos of detainees in US custody that the Department of Defense has been fighting tooth and nail from releasing. As Raw Story reported earlier this year, those photos may show acts of sexual abuse being carried out against detainees.

Major General Antonio Taguba, the author of a report on allegations of detainee abuse in U.S. prisons in Iraq, said that photos exist depicting the following:

–An American soldier apparently raping a female prisoner.
–A male translator apparently raping a male detainee.
–A female prisoner having her clothing forcibly removed to expose her breasts.

Other photographs depict sexual assaults on prisoners with a truncheon, wire and a phosphorescent tube, according to Taguba.

Read morePresident Obama signs law blocking release of torture photos

US government report recommends blocking popular internet websites during pandemic flu outbreak


(NaturalNews) The US government has issued a new report that recommends blocking access to popular websites during a pandemic outbreak in order to preserve internet bandwidth for investors, day traders and securities clearing house operations. The concern is that a pandemic would cause too many people to stay at home and download YouTube videos and porn, hogging all the internet bandwidth and blocking throughput for investment activities, thereby causing a stock market meltdown.

This isn’t an April Fool’s joke. It’s all based on a public report issued by the Government Accounting Office (GAO), available from their website at

In this article, I’m going to explain how a pandemic outbreak could theoretically bring down Wall Street. But to get to that, you’ll first need to find out what the GAO said in its curious report (see below). Parts of this article are presented as satire, but the underlying facts quoted here are all true and verifiable (links are provided to all sources).

This report in question is entitled, “GAO Report to Congressional Requesters, INFLUENZA PANDEMIC” and includes this subtitle: Key Securities Market Participants Are Making Progress, but Agencies Could Do More to Address Potential Internet Congestion and Encourage Readiness.

As the report explains:

In a severe pandemic, governments may close schools, shut down public transportation systems, and ban public gatherings such as concerts or sporting events. In such scenarios, many more people than usual may be at home during the day, and Internet use in residential neighborhoods could increase significantly as a result of people seeking news, entertainment, or social contact from home computers. Concerns have been raised that this additional traffic could lead to congestion on the Internet that would significantly affect businesses in local neighborhoods, such as small doctors’ offices or business employees attempting to telework by connecting to their employers’ enterprise networks.

Can Hulu, Twitter and porn destroy Wall Street?

Read moreUS government report recommends blocking popular internet websites during pandemic flu outbreak

US intelligence budget: $75 billion and 200,000 employees; Fusion centers to access classified military intelligence

Continuing change!

Dennis Cutler Blair (born 1947), is the third and current Director of National Intelligence and a retired United States Navy four-star admiral.

Speaking at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club September 15, Director of National Intelligence Admiral Dennis C. Blair, disclosed that the current annual budget for the 16 agency U.S. “Intelligence Community” (IC) clocks-in at $75 billion and employs some 200,000 operatives world-wide, including private contractors.

In unveiling an unclassified version of the National Intelligence Strategy (NIS), Blair asserts he is seeking to break down “this old distinction between military and nonmilitary intelligence,” stating that the “traditional fault line” separating secretive military programs from overall intelligence activities “is no longer relevant.”

As if to emphasize the sweeping nature of Blair’s remarks, Federal Computer Week reported September 17 that “some non-federal officials with the necessary clearances who work at intelligence fusion centers around the country will soon have limited access to classified terrorism-related information that resides in the Defense Department’s classified network.” According to the publication:

Read moreUS intelligence budget: $75 billion and 200,000 employees; Fusion centers to access classified military intelligence

Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones: ‘The Elite have changed there Timeline’ – ‘Within two years you will not recognize America’ – ‘War is planned after two years, starting in the middle east area and spreading to the entire world’

Yes, Lindsey Williams is repeating himself all of the time, also advertising his new DVDs and he could have said all of it in maybe 5-10 minutes but …

… I did not want to keep this information from you.

Remember this is just “information” of what Lindsey Williams has been told.

“Within two years you will not recognize America.”

“After two years you will be so poor you will not be able to rebel.”

“Gold and silver are all you can rely on.”

“By 2012 the dollar will be dead.”

“War is planned after two years, starting in the middle east area and spreading to the entire world.”

October 19, 2009

Part 1 of 8:

Read moreLindsey Williams on Alex Jones: ‘The Elite have changed there Timeline’ – ‘Within two years you will not recognize America’ – ‘War is planned after two years, starting in the middle east area and spreading to the entire world’

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano: Terrorists with al-Qaeda leanings are in US

“U.S. national security adviser James Jones said last weekend that the al Qaeda presence has diminished, and he does not “foresee the return of the Taliban” to power.”

“He said that according to the maximum estimate, al Qaeda has fewer than 100 fighters operating in Afghanistan without any bases or ability to launch attacks on the West.”
Source: The San Francisco Chronicle

Looks like those dangerous terrorists are now closer to home. “Home” because it was the CIA that funded al-Qaeda in the first place. ‘Al-Qaeda’ means ‘the base’. It originally referred to an actual specific operational base for mujahideen during Soviet occupation funded by the CIA.


Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said law-enforcement authorities are tracking terrorists with al-Qaeda leanings in the U.S.

“It is fair to say there are individuals in the United States who ascribe to al-Qaeda-type beliefs,” Napolitano said in an interview with Bloomberg Television today. “And so it makes information-sharing, it makes effective law enforcement and it makes the shared responsibility of law enforcement ever so important.”

Information-sharing between federal, state and local law- enforcement agencies is “much improved” since the Sept. 11 attacks, she said.

In September, U.S. authorities indicted Najibullah Zazi, 24, an Afghan immigrant and former Denver airport shuttle-van driver, on federal terrorism conspiracy charges. They said bomb-making instructions were found on a laptop computer in his rental car.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said the case had connections to al-Qaeda, the terrorist group that attacked the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001.

The threat of attack “is always with us,” Napolitano said today. Benchmark stock indexes trimmed gains after her comments.

Read moreHomeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano: Terrorists with al-Qaeda leanings are in US

ACLU: Congress moving to block release of torture photos

Ask yourself: Who would want to hide the Truth?

(“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”)

More change!


A little-noticed provision in a homeland security funding bill could end efforts to make public photos of prisoners abused in US custody abroad, the American Civil Liberties Union stated on Wednesday.

Members of the House and Senate have added a provision proposed by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) to the funding bill that would make such photos exempt from the Freedom of Information Act, meaning that, if the law is upheld, the Pentagon could continue to suppress the photos, the ACLU said.

The measure would strike at the heart of the civil liberties group’s efforts to make some two thousand photos of alleged abuse public. The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information request for the photos with the Department of Defense in 2003; they have been in court fighting for the photos’ release ever since.

In 2005, a US District Court judge in New York ordered the photos released, but the Bush administration appealed the ruling. In 2008, an appeals court upheld the ruling and again ordered the photos to be released.

Initially, the incoming Obama administration said it would comply with the ruling. But the administration reversed itself on the issue in May, and asked the Supreme Court to hear the case. The court is expected to decide on October 9 if it will hear the case.

But all efforts to make those photos public could be scuttled if a law exempting them from Freedom of Information requests is passed and upheld.

Read moreACLU: Congress moving to block release of torture photos

US wants to enlist Girl Scouts to combat pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters

The Obama Youth.

Girl scouts display various badges. The United States wants to enlist its 3.4 million Girl Scouts in the effort to combat hurricanes, pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a campaign Tuesday to entice the blue, brown and green-clad multitudes to be even more prepared, with the promise of a new patch if they pitch in. (AFP/Getty Images/File/Jason Merritt)

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The United States wants to enlist its 3.4 million Girl Scouts in the effort to combat hurricanes, pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a campaign Tuesday to entice the blue, brown and green-clad multitudes to be even more prepared, with the promise of a new patch if they pitch in.

The young scouts will be able to emblazon their sashes or vests with the patch if they undergo the training which readies them for an emergency.

“This new preparedness patch will increase citizen preparedness and enhance our country’s readiness for disasters,” said DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano in a statement.

“As a former Girl Scout, I know the ‘Be Prepared’ motto well, and I look forward to working with the Girl Scouts to spread the preparedness message to all of our nation’s citizens.”

Read moreUS wants to enlist Girl Scouts to combat pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters

ACLU sues the Department of Homeland Security over laptop searches

An airport screener looks at a laptop computer. The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol now has the ability to copy the contents of laptops from any travelers entering the United States. (AP)

The American Civil Liberties Union on Wednesday sued the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to uncover documents related to laptop searches at the border.

“The ACLU believes that suspicionless searches of laptops violate the First and Fourth Amendments,” the group wrote in the suit, filed in a New York District Court.

In July 2008, the Customs and Border Protection agency within DHS published formal guidelines for laptop border searches that gave CBP officials permission to search laptops and electronic devices at the border. Court cases on the topic have generally found that citizens should have diminished expectations of privacy when re-entering the country because the U.S. has a right to protect itself and control what crosses its borders.

Critics of the policy claim that laptop searches are an invasion of privacy – a personal computer holds a lot more information than a suitcase full of clothes or briefcase full of paperwork. What’s to stop CBP from copying the contents of your computer and keeping it on file indefinitely, they have argued

As a result, the ACLU wants to know exactly what types of data the government has collected. The organization first filed a Freedom of Information request in June 2009, but after some back and forth between the ACLU and DHS, the ACLU said that it had “exhausted the applicable administrative remedies” and that “DHS and its components have wrongfully withheld the requested records from the ACLU.”

Read moreACLU sues the Department of Homeland Security over laptop searches

H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: October Surprise Prevention

German health expert’s swine flu warning; Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer?:
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a politician and a specialist in lungs, hygiene and environmental medicine. He is the chairman of the health committee in the German parliament and European Council.

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Harmful Effects of Swine Flu Vaccine

Swine Flu: The DynCorp ‘COINCIDENCE’

The core essence of “Greater Things” is that there is always a better way to do things — anything — whether it be religion, politics, science, academia — anything. To the extent that we get institutionalized and codified in a set belief system, is the extent that we inhibit the ability to grow and learn new and better ways. – Dr. Andrew Moulden.


A growing number of doctors, other health professionals and citizens are attempting to prevent the humanitarian disaster planned for this October when the new H1N1 vaccine is to be deployed in a grand scale, military, war on terror manoeuvre .

Primum non nocere” (“First do no harm”), medical ethics standard attributed to Hippocrates that became obligatory for physicians prior to practicing medicine in the 4th century AD is still upheld by some doctors who oppose the worldwide October plan including what Global Research Director, Michel Chossudovsky warns is a military operation leading to global militarization control of individuals.

An under-reported first International Swine Flu Conference being held in Washington DC this weekend includes sessions on “conducting morgue operations,” “mass fatality planning” and “unwillingness to follow government orders,” and “training teachers to screen for symptoms …and “transport ill students.”(Jesse Woodrow, They have planned to take kids from schools for Mass Vaccinations and Quarantines WAKE UP!) (video)

Dr. Chossudovsky asserts that chilling reports such as those recently released in the UK about mass morgues are “totally fabricated” and “[t]here is absolutely no scientific evidence to support these claims.” (Michel Chossudovsky, Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Government is Planning Mass Graves in Case of H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic, Global Research, August 21, 2009) (online)

“Realities are turned upside down. The British government is deliberately misleading the British public,” states Chossudovsky.

“There is ample evidence, documented in numerous reports, that the WHO’s level 6 pandemic alert is based on fabricated evidence and a manipulation of the figures on mortality and morbidity resulting from the N1H1 swine flu,” he advises. (emphasis added)

CBS in London reported, “Experts estimate swine flu to be about as dangerous as seasonal flu, and there usually isn’t a high demand for those vaccines.” (CBS, Gov’ts Worry About H1N1 Vaccine Contracts, London, July 16, 2009.  (online)

Read moreH1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: October Surprise Prevention

Former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge: I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert To Help Bush Win


In a new book, former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge reveals new details on politicization under President Bush, reports US News & World Report’s Paul Bedard. Among other things, Ridge admits that he was pressured to raise the terror alert to help Bush win re-election in 2004.

Ridge was never invited to sit in on National Security Council meetings; was “blindsided” by the FBI in morning Oval Office meetings because the agency withheld critical information from him; found his urgings to block Michael Brown from being named head of the emergency agency blamed for the Hurricane Katrina disaster ignored; and was pushed to raise the security alert on the eve of President Bush’s re-election, something he saw as politically motivated and worth resigning over.

Dave Weigel, writing for the Washington Independent, notes that in the past, Ridge has denied manipulating security information for political reasons. In 2004, for example, he said, “We don’t do politics in the Department of Homeland Security.”

Read moreFormer Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge: I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert To Help Bush Win

Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in the US

National Guard Takes Over School In Swine Flu “Vaccine Riot” Drill

Congressman Paul Broun: Obama Could Use Pandemic To Declare Martial Law


The Pentagon has approached Congress to grant the Secretary of Defense the authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel throughout the United States in times of emergency or a major disaster.

This request has already occasioned a dispute with the nation’s governors. And it raises the prospect of U.S. military personnel patrolling the streets of the United States, in conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.

In June, the U.S. Northern Command distributed a “Congressional Fact Sheet” entitled “Legislative Proposal for Activation of Federal Reserve Forces for Disasters.” That proposal would amend current law, thereby “authorizing the Secretary of Defense to order any unit or member of the Army Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Navy Reserve, and the Marine Corps Reserve, to active duty for a major disaster or emergency.”

Taken together, these reserve units would amount to “more than 379,000 military personnel in thousands of communities across the United States,” explained Paul Stockton, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and America’s Security Affairs, in a letter to the National Governors Association, dated July 20.

The governors were not happy about this proposal, since they want to maintain control of their own National Guard forces, as well as military personnel acting in a domestic capacity in their states.

Read morePentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400,000 Military Personnel in the US

No Supporting Evidence For DHS “Rightwing Extremism” Report

Homeland Security report based on random postings of a known disinfo website


A freedom of information act request has revealed that the Department of Homeland Security’s now infamous “rightwing extremism” report, released in April, was not based on any reliable supporting evidence whatsoever.

According to the DHS, the report was compiled based purely on around 50 internet articles, the credibility of which is severely questionable.

Read moreNo Supporting Evidence For DHS “Rightwing Extremism” Report

NVIC on swine flu and the consequences for you!

Related info: US Military To Work With FEMA During Swine Flu Pandemic

Important timeline of video:
1:40 Vaccines acquired immunity is temporary while immunity gained after recovering from influenza is longer lasting.
3:10 Few choices will be allowed and every child from 6 months to 18 years must have an annual flu shot.
3:22 Call by American health officials to give the first doses of experimental swine flu vaccines in a school setting.
3:45 Now a flu pandemic raised to phase 6 which is equivalent to homeland securities Code Red warning of an imminent terrorist attack.
4:08 When the CDC declares a public health emergency that declaration allows the food and drug administration to fast track experimentation drugs and vaccines which do not have to be tested as thoroughly as others which go through the normal FDA process.
4:35 Congress has given a group of drug companies $1 billion to fast track experimental swine flu vaccines.
4:55 People who already have sensitive immune systems will be particularly at risk of the experimental vaccines.
5:10 State officials are allowed to enter homes and businesses without the consent of the occupants to investigate and quarantine individuals without their consent.
6:30 Public demonstrations are classed as low level terrorism.
6:45 Plans are being made to make selected airports quarantine centers where airplanes will be rerouted for passenger health inspection.
7:00 Experimental vaccines to be given first to children in schools.

Baxter sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu material destined for vaccines confirmed by Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger

More information:
New Zealand orders 300,000 doses of untested and unapproved swine flu vaccine
Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on vaccination and the autism coverup
Children may get swine flu vaccine shots first this fall; Schools might even be turned into shot clinics
Dr. Russell Blaylock on 1976 Swine Flu and Current Outbreak
Vaccines Found to Cause Diabetes in Children
Vaccine Nation – Director’s Cut
Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 – 2007)

About my 2-hour interview with the Austrian anti terrorism unit and the criminal charges filed in Florida

In the meantime, I’ve been for an interview at the

The Security Directorate Vienna
For the Protection of the Constitution
and For Fighting Terrorism

following an invitation, which can be seen at this link.

I presented more evidence, arguments and facts concerning Baxter and the 72 kilos of live bird flu material, which was sent out to 16 laboratories from its facilities in Austria in February – material which was destined for vaccines in four countries: Slovenia, Czech Republic, Germany and Austria.

Related article: Baxter: Product contaminated with live H5N1 avian flu virus

The original live bird flu virus came from WHO.

The Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger confirmed that Baxter sent out 72 kilos in Parliamentary Answers dated May 20th, 2009.

He also revealed he had undertaken no steps to conduct a full in investigation into Baxter’s breach of biosafety level 3 regulations.

He claimed the 72 kilos of live bird flu material had been destroyed, but gave no details of that process; the suspicion has been raised the 72 kilos is still in circulation.

The original parliamentary questions tabled on March 20th (also in German), — which the Health Minister was obliged by law to answer within 8 weeks –, can also be seen on the download-site for all documents on a secure website in Switzerland:

Under Austria’s Influenza Pandemic Plan of 2005, WHO and the EU are set to take charge of Austria via a special crisis management team (SKKM) to be set up in the Federal Ministery of Interior in the event of a “pandemic” emergency.

Innoculating the entire Austrian population with (Baxter) shots is a declared objective of the SKKM. The injections will contain a mix of “whole virus”, mercury and adjuvants – and so be very toxic.

Similar pandemic plans exist in countries all over Europe.

In some countries, such as France, the injections could be mandatory.

This week I will file a new set of criminal charges against the Health Minister, Alois Stöger, the Chancellor Werner Faymann, Dr Dagmar Belakowitsch-Jenewein and others for their role in the cover up of Baxter’s crime here in Austria.

Read moreBaxter sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu material destined for vaccines confirmed by Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger