CDC Admits Vaccines Contain Formaldehyde, MSG, Mercury And Aluminum

Imagine my total absence of shock.

What’s really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury (Natural News, Oct 24, 2012):

Have you ever wondered what’s really in vaccines? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s vaccine additives page, all the following ingredients are routinely used as vaccine additives:

Aluminum – A light metal that causes dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You should never inject yourself with aluminum.

Antibiotics – Chemicals that promote superbugs, which are deadly antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year.

Formaldehyde – A “pickling” chemical used to preserve cadavers. It’s highly toxic to the nervous system, causing blindness, brain damage and seizures. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services openly admits that formaldehyde causes cancer. You can see this yourself on the National Toxicology Program website, featuring its 12th Report on Carcinogens.

There, the formaldehyde Fact Sheet completely neglects to mention formaldehyde in vaccines. This is the “dirty little secret” of government and the vaccine industry. It does state, however, that “…formaldehyde causes myeloid leukemia, and rare cancers including sinonasal and nasopharyngeal cancer.”

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) – A neurotoxic chemical called an “excitotoxin.” It causes brain neurons to be overexcited to the point of death. MSG is toxic even when consumed in foods, where it causes migraine headaches and endocrine system damage. You should NEVER inject MSG into your body. But that’s what health workers do when they inject you with vaccines.

Thimerosal – A methyl mercury compound that causes severe, permanent nervous system damage. Mercury is highly toxic to the brain. You should never touch, swallow or inject mercury at any dose. There is no safe dose of mercury! Doctors and vaccine pushers LIE to you and say there is no mercury in vaccines. Even the CDC readily admits vaccine still contain mercury (thimerosal).

In addition, National Toxicology Programs admits in its own documents that:

Read moreCDC Admits Vaccines Contain Formaldehyde, MSG, Mercury And Aluminum

NYT: Radiation Levels In Fish Off Japan’s Coast Not Declining – Fukushima Reactor Site Leaking Into Ocean

NYTimes: Contamination levels not declining off Japan — Chemist: Fukushima reactor site leaking into ocean? (ENENews, Oct 25, 2012):

Title: Fishing for Answers off Fukushima
Source: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Originally published: October 25, 2012
Emphasis Added

[… WHOI marine chemist Ken Buesseler] points out that levels of contamination in almost all classifications of fish are not declining […]

As a result, Buesseler concludes that there may be a continuing source of radionuclides into the ocean, either in the form of low-level leaks from the reactor site itself or contaminated sediment on the seafloor.  […]

“What we really need is a better understanding of the sources and sinks of cesium and other radionuclides that continue to drive what we’re seeing in the ocean off Fukushima.” […]

New York Times, Oct. 25, 2012:

“The fact that many fish are just as contaminated today with cesium 134 and cesium 137 as they were more than one year ago implies that cesium is still being released into the food chain,” Mr. Buesseler wrote.

View Buesseler’s report here

Onset Of Puberty In Girls Has Fallen By 5 Years Since 1920 – Study: Boys Are Reaching Puberty Earlier

From the article:

“No one is sure what is causing the change”

It is caused by substances/chemicals in our food that mimick hormones and by substances/chemicals that can trigger/force hormonal changes in the human body.


The Age of Treason: 1958 Book Exposes Current Chemical Attack on Humanity

Insider Exposed NEW WORLD ORDER Plans In 1969 (MP3 & Transcipt)

So we really know more than just one reason for this.

One reason is BPA:

Food Industry Refuses To Take Out Harmful BPAs

Age 10 The ‘New Norm’ For Puberty In Girls Thanks to Chemicals Like BPA:

Toxic BPA is featured in the vast majority of plastics used commercially today. This chemical has the property of mimicking estrogen when leeched into the body.

More Than 90 Percent Of Canadians Are Contaminated With Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Bisphenol-A (BPA) Found In Virtually All Canned Foods

From the article:

“Some parents are worried that children may be missing out on a normal childhood.”

This criminal society is not only robbing these children of a normal childhood:

Study: BPA Leads To Birth & Fertility Defects (… And Is Linked To Diabetes & Breast Cancer)

Red Alert For Humanity: Chemical Damage Can Be Inherited By Offspring Through Unlimited Generations

How ‘Scientific Poisoners’ Threaten The Future Of Life On Planet Earth

WAR ON HEALTH – The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny (Documentary):

What can you do?

Why You Should Only Eat Organic Food

Some parents are worried that children may be missing out on a normal childhood.

Boys are reaching puberty earlier, says study (Guardian, Oct 20, 2012):

New report by the American Academy of Paediatrics shows that boys as young as nine are showing signs of maturity

The study covered a large sample. It looked at more than 4,000 boys in 41 US states aged six to 16 years. Based on the so-called Tanner stages of development – a technique doctors use to measure stages of puberty – genital changes in boys started around the age of 9 or 10, and pubic hair appeared between age 10 and 11 and a half, on average.

Onset of puberty in girls has fallen by five years since 1920 (Guardian, Oct 21, 2012):

No one is sure what is causing the change

In the late 1980s, Marcia Herman-Giddens was working in a paediatric clinic at Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina when she noticed a puzzling phenomenon. More and more girls aged eight or nine who visited the clinic had started to sprout pubic hair and breasts. At the time, medical orthodoxy held that the average age of puberty for girls in the west was over 11. The numbers of under-10s that Herman-Giddens was seeing did not fit with this scenario. She began collecting data that eventually produced a study with the American Academy of Pediatrics that studied 17,000 girls and found that the average age of breast-budding among white girls was 9.9 years while for black girls it was 8.8.

The discovery was hugely controversial. Many doctors refused to accept the fact that more and more girls had begun to mature sexually before they had reached the age of 10. “The Lolita syndrome [the prurient fascination with the sexuality of young girls] created a lot of emotional interest,” recalls Herman-Giddens, now at the University of North Carolina. “As a feminist, I wish it didn’t.”

Today most doctors accept that the age of onset of puberty is dropping steadily. Many studies have showed this to be the case for girls, and new research carried out by Herman-Giddens, and published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, has found the same for boys. The age of onset of biological adulthood continues to plunge. Consider the statistics provided by German researchers. They found that in 1860, the average age of the onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. In 1920, it was 14.6; in 1950, 13.1; 1980, 12.5; and in 2010, it had dropped to 10.5. Similar sets of figures have been reported for boys, albeit with a delay of around a year.

Read moreOnset Of Puberty In Girls Has Fallen By 5 Years Since 1920 – Study: Boys Are Reaching Puberty Earlier

Japan Government Paid TV Company $1 Million To Run ‘Support By Eating’ Ads

Ministry of Agriculture paid TV company $1,090,000 for “Support by eating” TV commercial,with fishery agency bankrupt (Fukushima Diary, Oct 23, 2012):

The sum of subsidy that Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries paid for mass media was reported. On the other hand, disaster areas are not paid enough and suffering from lack of finance.
Event : Damaged by 311 and went bankrupt
Company : Otsuchi fishery cooperative In Iwate prefecture
Time : 1. 2012
Money : 0 JPY (0 USD)

Event : TV commercial “Support by eating”
Company : Most of the TV companies
Time : Summer of 2011. (Broadcast 800 times in the summer of 2011, 1200 times in this spring)
Money : 87,000,000 JPY (1,089,836 USD)
In this TV commercial, Japanese idol group TOKIO is acting. However, it was their volunteer, they were not paid.

Related article:

Japanese idol to promote “Support by eating” got seriously dark under-eye circles:

Mr. Yamaguchi from Tokio is a Japanese idol to promote “Support by eating”.He had a brief whole body counter check and had 20.47 Bq/Kg of cesium 137 measured.[Link]

Insane Japan: Traitor Edano Wants Spent Fuel Stored In Tokyo And Other Big Cities

Edano, Minister of Economy, “Nuclear Spent fuel should be stocked in Tokyo and other big city areas” (Fukushima Diary, Oct 23, 2012):

The entire spent fuel pools in Japan will be completely full within 6 years from now. (cf. Rokkasho reprocessing plant, “If JP Gov abandons fuel reprocessing, we’ll send back spent fuel”)

In his latest book, Edano, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry commentes like this below


It’s rational for big cities such as Tokyo to accept nuclear spent fuel (in dry cask storage) because they have been having the benefit from nuclear power.



Radioactive Cesium Level Of Fukushima Rice Exceeds Allowable Limit (Kyodo News)

Radioactive cesium level of Fukushima rice exceeds allowable limit (Kyodo News, Oct 24, 2012):

Rice produced by a farmer in Sukagawa, Fukushima Prefecture, returned a radioactive cesium reading of 110 becquerels per kilogram, exceeding the regulatory maximum of 100, the prefectural government said Wednesday.

While it is the first time that the radiation level of Fukushima-produced rice surpassed the current limits introduced in April, the rice produced by the farmer has not been put on distribution channels, the local government said.

Of 320 bags of rice produced by the Sukagawa farmer, only a bag of the Koshihikari brand of unpolished rice showed the excessive level of radioactive cesium.

MSM Launches Another Attack On Organic Food … After New York Times’ Mark Bittman’s Apology For Using Junk Science In His Article

Mainstream Media Launches Another Phony War Against Organic (Natural Society, Oct 23, 2012):

The mainstream media is invoking déjà vu with their latest laughable attempt to frame yet another study that actually highlighted the benefits of organic into a hysterical anti-organic news frenzy. This time, however, some publications are actually publishing the truth on the matter. Why? Because last time that the mainstream media conglomerate decided to smear the last organic foods study’s findings and proclaim how great pesticides and GMOs are for you and your family, it ended in a major apology by the New York Times.And it was this piece, a response to the uproar from the public following the alternative news media’s response to the mainstream media spin (including my piece first released on the night of the study with a video breakdown), that signified the final nail in the coffin for the mainstream media’s previous assault on organic foods. In the apology piece, New York Times columnist Mark Bittman states:

“That was dumb of me… I’m sorry. This junk science deserves a response. Ignoring it isn’t enough. I apologize.”

But now, once again, some sources such as CBS have begun spinning the latest organic food study. In this study, just like the last one, it was found that organic food contained less brain-damaging pesticides, has higher concentrations of antioxidants, doesn’t contain GMOs, brain-tumor-linked artificial sweeteners, mercury-containing high-fructose corn syrup, and so on. However many sources don’t seem to care about the facts. Instead, they title something like ‘Organic Same as Conventional Say Docs’. Meanwhile, some are erring on the side of the truth to avoid backlash.

But don’t take my word for it, just look at the below image from Google News. Notice the difference in titles? You can clearly see instances of nutritional doublespeak, in which news agencies title an article something wildly incorrect and then go on to say the opposite inside the content of the story. Considering that many — if not most — news readers glance at the title and keep reading onward, this is highly effective.

Media Blackout on GMOs, Real Issues Surrounding Conventional Food

Titles such as ‘Organic food no better than conventional for kids’ ultimately lead to content explaining that organic food contains less pesticides and less antibiotic-resistant bacteria (that can result in resistant diseases like the white plague), but that it’s not ‘entirely conclusive’ whether or not this matters. Peer-reviewed research may argue otherwise, with pesticides linked to over 60 negative conditions including:

Read moreMSM Launches Another Attack On Organic Food … After New York Times’ Mark Bittman’s Apology For Using Junk Science In His Article

Leuren Moret: Fukushima-Depopulation Update; Fukushima 300 Times Chernobyl; Exposes General Albert Stubblebine; Offers Solutions

YouTube Added: 15.05.2012


In this exclusive wide-ranging May 15, 2012 interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD), updates the viewing audiences on the status of the ongoing Fukushima radiation-depopulation rollout, stating that “Fukushima radiation has taken over our planet.” Leuren Moret also exposes inaccuracies in a recent Fukushima “Estimate of the Situation” video by former Gen. Albert S. Stubblebine (U.S. Army, Ret.). Stubblebine has publicly denied his involvement in a secret 1968 – 73 DARPA time travel and teleportation program despite direct eye witness whistleblower testimony to the contrary by Washington State attorney Andrew D. Basiago. Leuren Moret also offers solutions on how humanity can adapt positively to the challenges of this Fukushima radiation false flag depopulation plan, instigated by an international war crimes racketeering organization led by the Dutch and British Monarchs and City of London bloodline families including the Rothschilds.

Study: Marijuana Effective In Multiple Sclerosis Relief

See also:

Scientists: Cannabis Plant Extract Not Only Found To Stop Aggressive Cancer Cells From Spreading But Also Returns Them Back To Normal Cells

Cured Too, A Cancer Story (Film By David Triplett)

Government Study: THC From Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

The Reason Hemp Is Illegal: The Marijuana Conspiracy

Green Car Made From Hemp And Powered By An Electric Motor

Hedge Fund Manager: Goodbye and F—- You

Study Indicates Marijuana is Effective in Multiple Sclerosis Relief (Natural Society, Oct 22, 2012):

It seems as if for every study on marijuana uses, there is another revelation that it does, in fact, have worthwhile medical applications. Another such study was recently published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, where scientists found that a cannabis extract has positive effects on the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms.MS can be a debilitating disease, which has a variety of negative symptoms including muscle stiffness and pain and a subsequent difficulty sleeping. According to Medical News Today, about 90% of people diagnosed with MS have muscle pain and stiffness. It’s this pain, paired with the fact that many pharmaceutical solutions simply can’t relieve it without negative side effects, that “a growing number of MS patients have tried out alternative remedies and therapies, including cannabis.”

Read moreStudy: Marijuana Effective In Multiple Sclerosis Relief

School Facilities In Fukushima City Exceed Radiation Limit By 1,000% – Hot Spots Around Playground Equipment Especially Disturbing

AFP: School facilities in Fukushima city exceed radiation limit by 1,000% — Many hot spots around playground equipment are especially disturbing – Greenpeace (ENENews, Oct 23, 2012):

Title: Japan’s radiation monitoring unreliable: Greenpeace
Source: AFP
Author: Kyoko Hasegawa
Date: Oct 23, 2012

Government radiation monitoring in areas near Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is unreliable, Greenpeace charged on Tuesday, with heavily populated areas exposed to 13 times the legal limit.

The environmental group said authorities were wasting time cleaning up evacuated areas and should prioritise decontamination efforts in places where people live, work and play.

Greenpeace found that in some parks and school facilities in Fukushima city, home to 285,000 people, radiation levels were above three microsieverts per hour. Japan’s recommended radiation limit is 0.23 microsieverts per hour. […]

Rianne Teule, Greenpeace’s radiation expert:

Read moreSchool Facilities In Fukushima City Exceed Radiation Limit By 1,000% – Hot Spots Around Playground Equipment Especially Disturbing

Japan Nuclear Expert: ‘There Is No Solution’ For Fukushima – ‘We Will Have To Give Up’

Japan Nuclear Expert: “There is no solution, we will have to give up” at Fukushima plant (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 22, 2012):

Interview with Prof. Hiroaki Koide
Upload by: Whangarei Palace Zama
Filmed: Oct. 18, 2012
Published: Oct. 21, 2012
Translation: Fukushima Diary

Hiroaki Koide, Kyoto University Reactor Research Institute: There are a lot of problems and Tepco and Japanese government state they are going to pick the melted fuel up someday, somehow. I personally think it’s impossible. Because there is no solution, we will have to give it up. We will have to build stone coffin like Chernobyl for reactor 1, 2 and 3. However, at least they must remove the fuel assemblies on the bottom of spent fuel pools somehow before building stone coffin.

Watch Koide’s interview here

Radiation Levels Rising Every Month Since Decontamination In Fukushima

Japan Newspaper: Radiation levels rising every month since decontamination in Fukushima district — Gov’t won’t help or even respond — “Are they forcing us to tolerate high radiation?” (ENENews, Oct 23, 2012):

Title: One year on, Fukushima still fights uphill battle to decontaminate farming district
Source: Mainichi Japan
Date: Oct. 18, 2012
h/t Fukushima Diary

[…] The residents of the Onami district are frustrated with the government’s inaction, with one of them saying, “Are they forcing us to tolerate high radiation doses?”

[…] because the district is not in a government-designated evacuation zone, there is no government support for local residents.

[…] The Fukushima Municipal Government believes that the high radiation doses have gathered in street gutters as a result of “soil re-deposition” in which radioactive substances were pushed down by rains and winds.

Read moreRadiation Levels Rising Every Month Since Decontamination In Fukushima



View Fukushima here:

Fukushima is clearly NOT on fire.

And this ‘NEWS’ …

… is actually from March 12, 2011:

And this? (The article has now been removed.)

Well, it’s a ‘CON’trail (which turns out to be more toxic than a chemtrail).

It would also take about 3-5 days for any radioactive cloud from Fukushima to hit the west coast and not 2 weeks as stated in the disinfo article.

So those guys (i.e. Robert Hauck, Joshua Simons) at the Cybertribenetwork have much to answer for.

So far there is no evidence whatsoever that this is true.

And so I call that the ‘hoax of the century’, because if this were true the entire northern hemisphere is done for. This would be the end of the world as we know it.

The Reactor 4 SFP situation has certainly the potential to destroy our civilisation:

Worldwide Extinction Level Event In The Making: Ground Under Fukushima Unit 4 Is Sinking, Structure On Verge Of Complete Collapse

Nuclear Expert: Fukushima spent fuel has 85 times more cesium than released at Chernobyl — “It would destroy the world environment and our civilization… an issue of human survival” -Former UN adviser (Department Of Nuclear Engineering University Of California, Berkeley)

And what are we doing to prevent this from happening? (Almost) NOTHING!!!

I reported many times experts saying that it now takes just one strong earthquake and our world is finished.

If this report is a hoax … and it most probably is … then may the bastard who came up with this get what he deserves.

(If, however, the report … against all odds … is correct than you better flee to Argentina NOW!)

Hoax? Researcher Claims “Explosions” Witnessed at Fukushima Reactor (Prison Planet, Oct 22, 2012):

Conspiracy websites are buzzing with claims that spent fuel pools at the Fukushima nuclear reactor have exploded, with radiation levels off the charts, although the story appears almost certainly to be a hoax.

A post currently circulating on numerous websites quotes a “researcher” named Michael Eckstein who purportedly lives 50 miles from Fukushima in Japan.

“Explosions and fires have occurred at spent fuel pools two and four over the past four days and now radiation levels are spiking enormously,” states the post.

“THIS IS THE WORST-CASE SCENARIO BECAUSE OF THE THOUSANDS OF TONS OF PLUTONIUM CONTAINED IN THESE SPENT FUEL POOLS. This is now vapourizing into the atmosphere and being disseminated with the winds. Major cloud and radiation spike estimated to hit west coast of USA in two weeks or less.”

Eckstein claims that he was set to do an interview with CNN today about the story, but that has yet to materialize, again suggesting the claims are not legitimate.

The post goes on to claim that “mass panic” has led to panic buying of food, that airports are flooded with people, and that schools have been ordered to keep children inside.


GM Wheat May Damage Human Genetics Permanently

GM Wheat May Damage Human Genetics Permanently (GreenMedInfo, Oct 18, 2012):

The Australian government, in the form of its science research arm, is joining Agribusiness profiteering by designing a GM wheat that could kill people who eat it & be inherited by their children.

We have not yet seen the worst damage that genetic engineering may do. Australia’s governmental agency, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), is developing a wheat species that is engineered to turn off genes permanently.

Professor Jack Heinemann at the University of Canterbury’s Centre for Integrated Research in Biosafety  has studied the wheat’s potential. Digital Journal reports that he says1:

What we found is that the molecules created in this wheat, intended to silence wheat genes, can match human genes, and through ingestion, these molecules can enter human beings and potentially silence our genes. The findings are absolutely assured. There is no doubt that these matches exist.

The implications are clarified by Professor Judy Carman of Flinders University:

If this silences the same gene in us that it silences in the wheat—well, children who are born with this enzyme not working tend to die by the age of about five.

Silencing the equivalent gene in humans that is silenced in this genetically modified wheat holds the potential of killing people. But it gets worse. Silenced genes are permanently silenced and can be passed down the generations.

Read moreGM Wheat May Damage Human Genetics Permanently

The GMO Ticking Time Bomb (Documentary)





A Rat’s Tale (Video)

YouTube Added: 14.10.2012


Animator Jeff Bigman has done it again. Enjoy his funny and revealing 1 minute piece, “A Rat’s Tale”, from our Non-GMO Theater series. Jeff Bigman was also the chief animator for the movie, Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives, which is available online this week for free.

Italy’s Supreme Court: Mobile Phones Can Cause Brain Tumors

Don’t miss:

Former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert And UK Intelligence Services Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangers And Lethality Of Microwave Technology (Video – 2:19:36)

More links on cancer causing mobile phones are down below.

A landmark court case has ruled there is a link between using a mobile phone and brain tumours, paving the way for a flood of legal actions.

Britain is one of only a few countries in Europe where customers still have to contact their existing mobile phone provider to tell them they are leaving, rather than phoning a new supplier and letting them sort out the paperwork.

Mobile phones can cause brain tumours, court rules. (Telegraph, Oct 19, 2012):

Innocente Marcolini, 60, an Italian businessman, fell ill after using a handset at work for up to six hours every day for 12 years.

Now Italy’s Supreme Court in Rome has blamed his phone saying there is a “causal link” between his illness and phone use, the Sun has reported.

Mr Marcolini said: “This is significant for very many people. I wanted this problem to become public because many people still do not know the risks.

“I was on the phone, usually the mobile, for at least five or six hours every day at work.

“I wanted it recognised that there was a link between my illness and the use of mobile and cordless phones.

“Parents need to know their children are at risk of this illness.”

Read moreItaly’s Supreme Court: Mobile Phones Can Cause Brain Tumors

Dr. Oz Show: Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Safe? Pt 1 & Pt 2 — How To Cut Genetically Modified Foods Out Of Your Diet (Videos)

View Part 1 of Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Safe?

View Part 2 of Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Safe?

Watch Dr. Oz explain how to cut genetically modified foods out of your diet.

See also:

Download The Non-GMO Shopping Guide

More information on GMOs:

GM food alters your DNA, changes your brain waves, destroys your immune system, your organs and makes you infertile.

Study: GMO Toxins Found In Nearly All Pregnant Women, Unborn Babies

Read moreDr. Oz Show: Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Safe? Pt 1 & Pt 2 — How To Cut Genetically Modified Foods Out Of Your Diet (Videos)

Antidepressants Cause Brain Bleeding, Hemorrhagic Strokes

Fluoride is THE main ingredient in Prozac.

Fluoride is THE main ingredient in rat poison.

So of course antidepressants cause stomach, brain etc. bleeding.


Fluoride destroys the brain (accumulates in the pineal gland and causes it to calcificate), the bones, the organs, rips the DNA apart and causes cancer.

Hitler and Stalin used it in concentration camps and gulags as mass control instrument to make the prisoners docile and infertile.


Former Governor Jesse Ventura: It Was The Nazis That First Put Fluoride Into Water! Fluoride Is the MAIN INGREDIENT In Prozac! (Video)

Fluoride: A Chronological History

Prozac 94% Fluoride! Nazi’s Favorate Drug

Antidepressants Could Make Your Brain Bleed, Cause Hemorrhagic Strokes (Natural Society, Oct 19, 2012):

Thickened arteries, heart disease, depression, suicide, and now, we can add bleeding of the brain to the long list of side effects of antidepressants. Though the risk is admittedly very small, researchers declared on Wednesday that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may raise the risk of hemorrhagic strokes, which happen when the brain bleeds.

SSRIs include a wide variety of common antidepressents, including Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, and Paxil. These drugs are also linked to an increased risk of stomach bleeding.

Read moreAntidepressants Cause Brain Bleeding, Hemorrhagic Strokes

Radioactive Japan: Government Changes Rules, Makes Radioactive Rice ‘Safe’

#Radioactive Japan: Government Changes Rules, and 102.8Bq/kg of Cesium in Rice Becomes 100Bq/kg, Rice Safe and Good to Sell (EX-SKF, Oct 18, 2012):

Rice harvested this year in a district in Iwaki City in southern Fukushima was found with 102.8 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium.

Not a problem.

Because under the little-noted guideline from the Ministry of Health and Welfare on March 15 this year before the provisional safety standard of 500 becquerels/kg of cesium expired, you are supposed to round down or up the 3rd digit and use only the first 2 digits. (Jiji article below says the notice was issued on July 5, but the original notice was on March 15.)

So, 102.8 becomes 100. Exactly the safety limit, and that’s fine with the Fukushima prefectural government. They say it is “sufficiently safe”, meaning the rice will be sold.

From Jiji Tsushin (10/18/2012):

Read moreRadioactive Japan: Government Changes Rules, Makes Radioactive Rice ‘Safe’

Gavin Allwright Talks About Fukushima: The Children Are Radioactive – People Are Living In Denial – Receiving Hate Mail For Leaving – Reactor 4 SFP Situation!!!


More on reactor 4 SFP here:

Worldwide Extinction Level Event In The Making: Ground Under Fukushima Unit 4 Is Sinking, Structure On Verge Of Complete Collapse

YouTube Added: Oct 16, 2012

Man from Fukushima Chokes Up: The children are radioactive — People that stayed are in denial — We received hate mail for leaving (VIDEO) (ENENews, Oct 16, 2012):

[…] House 10 km from Iitate-mura […] 16 times the background radiation, so according to the Japanese government that’s safe […]

We received hate mail for leaving […]

Read moreGavin Allwright Talks About Fukushima: The Children Are Radioactive – People Are Living In Denial – Receiving Hate Mail For Leaving – Reactor 4 SFP Situation!!!