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More links on cancer causing mobile phones are down below.
A landmark court case has ruled there is a link between using a mobile phone and brain tumours, paving the way for a flood of legal actions.
Britain is one of only a few countries in Europe where customers still have to contact their existing mobile phone provider to tell them they are leaving, rather than phoning a new supplier and letting them sort out the paperwork.
– Mobile phones can cause brain tumours, court rules. (Telegraph, Oct 19, 2012):
Innocente Marcolini, 60, an Italian businessman, fell ill after using a handset at work for up to six hours every day for 12 years.
Now Italy’s Supreme Court in Rome has blamed his phone saying there is a “causal link” between his illness and phone use, the Sun has reported.
Mr Marcolini said: “This is significant for very many people. I wanted this problem to become public because many people still do not know the risks.
“I was on the phone, usually the mobile, for at least five or six hours every day at work.
“I wanted it recognised that there was a link between my illness and the use of mobile and cordless phones.
“Parents need to know their children are at risk of this illness.”
British scientists have claimed there is insufficient evidence to prove any link to mobiles.
But the respected oncologist and professor of environmental mutagenesis Angelo Gino Levis gave evidence for Mr Marcolini — along with neurosurgeon Dr Giuseppe Grasso.
They said electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile and cordless phones can damage cells, making tumours more likely.
Prof Levis told The Sun: “The court decision is extremely important. It finally officially recognises the link.
“It’ll open not a road but a motorway to legal actions by victims. We’re considering a class action.”
Mr Marcolini’s tumour was discovered in the trigeminal nerve — close to where the phone touched his head.
It is non-cancerous but threatened to kill him as it spread to the carotid artery, the major vessel carrying blood to his brain.
His face was left paralysed and he takes daily morphine for pain.
Alasdair Philips of Powerwatch, which campaigns for more research on mobile use, said: “This is an interesting case and proves the need for more studies.
“People should limit mobile and cordless use until we know more.”
The World Health Organisation urged limits on mobile use last year, calling them a Class B carcinogen.
But a spokesman for Britain’s Health Protection Agency said: “The scientific consensus is that mobile phones do not cause cancer.”
International radiation biology expert Michael Repacholi said: “Studies show no evidence of cancer. But if you are worried, use a headset, hands-free or loudspeaker.”
Media lawyer Mark Stephens said the verdict could “open the floodgates” — even though there is no direct obligation on British courts to follow the Italians’ lead.
He said: “It is possible people will begin legal action here, but I think the chances of success are less. I think they’ll join any class action in Italy.”
More information:
– Military Reports Alarming Breast Cancer Rates Among Troops
– Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt: Smart Meters & EMR – The Health Crisis Of Our Time (Video)
– NEW Urgent Warning To All Cell Phone Users (Video)
– World Famous Physicist Chris Busby Explains How Mobile Phones Cause Cancer (Video)
– WHO Panel Warns That Cell Phone Use May Cause Cancer
– Study Finds Cell Phones May Have Caused Mysterious Worldwide Bee Deaths
– Ban Mobile Phones And Wireless Networks In Schools, Say European Leaders
– Study: Teens Deprived Of Laptops And Smart Phones Suffer Cold Turkey
– The Seletun Scientific Statement: Unprecedented EMF Exposure Puts The Global Population At Risk
– Groundbreaking Study Finds Cellphone Radiation Changes Brain Activity
– Study: Radiation From Wi-Fi Networks Makes Trees Sick
– Study: Regular Mobile Phone Use Linked To Tinnitus
– The International Interphone Study Confirms: The Use Of Mobile Phone Is Carcinogenic:
The official publication of the first intermediate results of the International Interphone Study from the International Research Centre on Cancer (CIRC) dependent on WHO confirms the increased tumors and cancer cases due to the use of mobile phone
The Use Of Mobile Phone Is Carcinogenic: Here (PDF)
INTERPHONE Results latest update Oct. 08, 2008: Interphone Results Update (PDF)
– Mobile Phone Radiation to Unleash Epidemic of Brain Tumors:
(Natural News) A new review of more than 100 studies on the safety of mobile phones has concluded that cellular devices are poised to cause an epidemic of brain tumors that will kill more people than smoking or asbestos.
The review was conducted by neurosurgeon Vini Khurana, who has received more than 14 awards in the past 16 years, who made headlines worldwide with his warnings. He called upon the industry to immediately work to reduce people’s exposure to the radiation from mobile phones.
– 2 Billion may suffer from Mobile Cancer by 2020: Study:
The studies and survey conducted by Australian Health Research Institute indicates that due to billions of times more in volume electromagnetic radiation emitted by billions of mobile phones, internet, intranet and wireless communication data transmission will make almost one-third of world population (about two billions) patient of ear, eye and brain cancer beside other major body disorders like heart ailments, impotency, migraine, epilepsy.
– Dangers of the wireless cell phone wi-fi and emf age – Dr. George Carlo:
Dr. George Carlo was the leading scientist of the biggest study ever ($28-million) conducted on Cell Phones.
Dr. Carlo was hired as an independent scientist by the industry to prove that cellphones are safe. Yet Dr. George Carlo hissed all red flags possible (incl. cancer)!
– Study: Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain after Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Mobile Phones (PDF)
German translation: Salford Studie (Vollversion) (PDF)
Leif G. Salford,1 Arne E. Brun,2 Jacob L. Eberhardt,3 Lars Malmgren,4 and Bertil R. R. Persson>3
1Department of Neurosurgery, 2Department of Neuropathology, 3Department of Medical Radiation Physics, and 4Department of Applied Electronics, Lund University, The Rausing Laboratory and Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
– Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your baby:
They found that mothers who did use the handsets were 54 per cent more likely to have children with behavioural problems and that the likelihood increased with the amount of potential exposure to the radiation. And when the children also later used the phones they were, overall, 80 per cent more likely to suffer from difficulties with behaviour. They were 25 per cent more at risk from emotional problems, 34 per cent more likely to suffer from difficulties relating to their peers, 35 per cent more likely to be hyperactive, and 49 per cent more prone to problems with conduct.
– Mobile phone radiation wrecks your sleep
– Men who use mobile phones face increased risk of infertility
– Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience? or Environmental Hazard?
– Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider’s Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage by Dr. George Carlo
– Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves by B. Blake Levitt
– Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience? or Environmental Hazard? by B. Blake Levitt
B. Blake Levitt is an award-winning journalist who has specialized in medical and science writing for nearly two decades. She has researched the biological effects of non-ionizing radiation since the late 1970’s. A former New York Times writer, she has written widely on medical issues for both the lay and professional audience. Her work has appeared in numerous national publications.
I recently read a book about the dangers of exposure to electromagnetic radiation written by Claude Ledbetter. His theory is that Electromagnetic Radiation magnetizes the iron in our bodies. The following is an excerpt from the book “This Could Be YOU! “I believe that the iron molecules flowing through our bloodstream become slightly magnetized when passing through a magnetic field, causing them to become attracted to each other and to cluster slightly. Also, while in a magnetic field, they can be drawn into the capillaries and tissues more than they normally would be. The oxidizing or dissolving of this iron, caused by our ingestion of salts and acids, may over time etch, decay, dissolve, and disintegrate the surrounding tissue.” If you want to read more go to his web site.
Cell phones and smart phones have more than 10 different sources that expose you to electromagnetic radiation. (copied from
Speaker/Magnet (Magnetic Radiation from the speaker is more than 10 times higher when phone is in use at higher volumes.)
Screen (when activated)
Battery – Constantly emits Electromagnetic Radiation even when phone is off.
Antenna – Microwave radiation is emitted from mobile phone antenna (when phone is on), due to constant transmission with cell phone towers.
Cell phone towers constantly transmit microwave radiation direct to all cell phones.
WiFi (when activated)
Bluetooth (when activated)
DLNA (when activated)
Tethering (when activated)
GPS (when activated)