Scientists Detect Highest Cesium Levels In A Year In Fukushima City: Rooftop Moss Exceeds 1.7 Million Becquerels

From the article:

“… radioactive cesium levels were unusually high …”

Oh, really?

Researchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area

(More links are down below.)

Scientists detect highest cesium levels in a year in Fukushima (Asahi Shimbun, July 4, 2013):

FUKUSHIMA–Radioactive cesium levels found in moss on a rooftop in downtown Fukushima exceeded 1.7 million becquerels, the highest levels detected in a year, researchers said.

Ryoji Enomoto, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, who led the team, said radioactive cesium levels were unusually high in the samples collected.

The city is located more than 50 kilometers from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.

Read moreScientists Detect Highest Cesium Levels In A Year In Fukushima City: Rooftop Moss Exceeds 1.7 Million Becquerels

ZDF Bureau Chief: Very High Radioactive Dose Of 65 Microsieverts Per Hour In Fukushima City – ‘Informed Officials 3 Month Ago, Nothing Happened Until Today!’ – Many Children Pass By Everyday

ZDF Bureau Chief: Very high radioactive dose of 65 microsieverts per hour in Fukushima City — “Informed officials 3 month ago, nothing happened until today!” — Many children pass by everyday (PHOTO) (Enennews, May 17, 2013)

Radioactive Mud In Fukushima School Pools Tops 100,000 Becquerels Per Kg (Asahi Shimbun)

Radioactive Mud In Fukushima School Pools Tops 100,000 Becquerels (Asahi Shimbun, April 22, 2013):

FUKUSHIMA—Radioactive cesium levels exceeding 100,000 becquerels per kilogram were measured in mud accumulated at the bottom of swimming pools at two high schools in and around Fukushima city.

Mud in the pool of a third high school in Minami-Soma, which is closer to the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, showed at least 8,000 becquerels per kilogram.

Read moreRadioactive Mud In Fukushima School Pools Tops 100,000 Becquerels Per Kg (Asahi Shimbun)

Over 5,000,000 Bq/m² Of Cesium-137 In Fukushima City (Video)


“They Know All”: Over 5,000,000 Bq/m² of Cesium-137 in Fukushima City (ENENews, Feb 16, 2013):

Title: Over 5,000,000 Bq/? of Cs137-Soil Contamination. Fukushima City
Source: guardianofmiyagi
Date Published on Feb 16, 2013

Video Description

Miyagi Radiation-Monitoring Committee (MIRMC), Organizer and two Japanese medical doctors: Don’t Forget 3.11. Don’t Forget Fukushima Daiichi Accident. NHK Never Rebroadcast. They Know All…

*Note the video shows 5,000 kBq/m² of Cesium-137, which is equal to 5,000,000 Bq/m²

Fukushima City ‘Death River’: 430,000 Bq/Kg (VIDEO)

“Death River”: Radiation detector goes over limit in Fukushima City — 430,000 Bq/kg of cesium (VIDEO) (ENENews, Jan 25, 2013):

Title: “Death River” Over 30?Sv/h, Over 400,000 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium
Author: guardianofmiyagi
Date Aired: June 10, 2012
Date Published: Jan 25, 2013

Abukuma River near Watari District of Fukushima City (~60 km from Fukushima Daiichi)

Radioactive Japan: 40,700 Bq/Kg From HOUSEHOLD Ash In Fukushima City

40,700 Bq/Kg from ash of a household in Fukushima city (Fukushima Diary, Jan 20, 2013):

According to the radiation test of household grocery by Fukushima city government, 40,700 Bq/Kg of cesium was measured from ash.

The measurement was from 12/1 to 12/28/2012.

They also measured 2,201 Bq/Kg from copper pheasant.

School Facilities In Fukushima City Exceed Radiation Limit By 1,000% – Hot Spots Around Playground Equipment Especially Disturbing

AFP: School facilities in Fukushima city exceed radiation limit by 1,000% — Many hot spots around playground equipment are especially disturbing – Greenpeace (ENENews, Oct 23, 2012):

Title: Japan’s radiation monitoring unreliable: Greenpeace
Source: AFP
Author: Kyoko Hasegawa
Date: Oct 23, 2012

Government radiation monitoring in areas near Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is unreliable, Greenpeace charged on Tuesday, with heavily populated areas exposed to 13 times the legal limit.

The environmental group said authorities were wasting time cleaning up evacuated areas and should prioritise decontamination efforts in places where people live, work and play.

Greenpeace found that in some parks and school facilities in Fukushima city, home to 285,000 people, radiation levels were above three microsieverts per hour. Japan’s recommended radiation limit is 0.23 microsieverts per hour. […]

Rianne Teule, Greenpeace’s radiation expert:

Read moreSchool Facilities In Fukushima City Exceed Radiation Limit By 1,000% – Hot Spots Around Playground Equipment Especially Disturbing

Fukushima City: 34% Still Want To Evacuate

34% of Fukushima city people want to evacuate, local gov “Measures need to be taken” (Fukushima Diary, Sep 16, 2012):

For the questionnaire, 34% of the people answered they want to evacuate Fukushima city, and local government staff is commenting they need to take measures about this situation.

Read moreFukushima City: 34% Still Want To Evacuate

Hot Particles And Measurement Of Radioactivity (Fairewinds Video)

Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen and Boston Chemical Data Corporation’s Founder Marco Kaltofen have an in-depth conversation regarding the challenges of measuring radiation exposures to people around the globe. Kaltofen explains the scientific methodology involved in accurately analyzing and measuring radioactive releases from Fukushima Daiichi, including the impact of hot particles on human physiology.

May 8, 2012

Laboratory Test Results: Tokyo Soil Samples

Arnie Gundersen: Hi, I am Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds.  This is the first video on the new Fairewinds site.  We worked really hard to make it user friendly and searchable and we hope you like it.  If you have any questions, please send us a comment.

You recall Marco Kaltofen.  He presented at the American Public Health Association a couple of months ago and we heard his presentation.  Today, I had a longer conversation with Mr. Kaltofen.  Mr. Kaltofen runs the Boston Chemical Data Corporation and he is a professional engineer.  He talks about radiation in the environment and especially radiation from the Fukushima accident.  I hope you enjoy the conversation between Mr. Kaltofen and me.

Read moreHot Particles And Measurement Of Radioactivity (Fairewinds Video)

Fukushima City: 20,000 Bq/Kg Radioactive Cesium In Vacuum Cleaner Filters

– France’s ACRO Finds Radioactive Cesium in Vacuum Cleaner Filters in Fukushima, Iwate (EX-SKF, Dec. 15, 2011):

The highest is Watari District in Fukushima City, close to 20,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium. Kashiwa City in Chiba and Ichinoseki City in Iwate, about 200 kilometers south and north of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant respectively, also tested rather high, with close to 6,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium.

Read moreFukushima City: 20,000 Bq/Kg Radioactive Cesium In Vacuum Cleaner Filters

Scientist Marco Kalthofen’s Presentation To The American Public Health Association: Americium (A Byproduct Of Plutonium Decay) Hot Particles Detected In Tokyo – ‘My University Is Annoyed With Me’: Auto Air Filters From Fukushima City (65 Km From Nuke Plant) So Radioactive Have To Be Buried At Radioactive Waste Disposal Site In US

At 12:30 into the video.

New Video of Scientist Kaltofen Presenting to American Public Health Association (Fairewinds Associates, Dec. 8, 2011):

New Video of Scientist Kaltofen Presenting to American Public Health Association from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.


A professional video of Marco Kaltofen’s presentation to the American Public Health Association was recently made available to Fairewinds. Kaltofen states that hot particles are contaminating portions of northern Japan. He also states that auto air filters from Fukushima, that he tested in his Massachusetts laboratory, are so radioactive that they have to be disposed of in a buried radioactive waste disposal site in the US. Additionally, he expresses concerns for the mechanics who work on cars in Fukushima Prefecture.

Read moreScientist Marco Kalthofen’s Presentation To The American Public Health Association: Americium (A Byproduct Of Plutonium Decay) Hot Particles Detected In Tokyo – ‘My University Is Annoyed With Me’: Auto Air Filters From Fukushima City (65 Km From Nuke Plant) So Radioactive Have To Be Buried At Radioactive Waste Disposal Site In US

‘Decontamination’ For 2012 Fukushima Cherry Blossom Festival

“Decontamination” for Next Year’s Cherry Blossom Viewing Season in Fukushima City (EX-SKF, Dec. 9, 2011):

Where in Fukushima City?

Watari District, where rice with radioactive cesium exceeding the national provisional standard has been discovered, where Professor Yamauchi of Kobe University has said again and again that “decontamination” didn’t work and that it even increased the contamination.

I hear it is a very popular place for springtime cherry blossom viewing and partying, with hundreds of thousands of tourists each year visiting the place. Faced with another dismal season, the owner of the land where the trail to the mountain starts decided to “decon”.

From Yomiuri Shinbun (12/10/2011):


On December 10, a decontamination experiment was conducted at “Hanami-yama” [cherry blossom viewing mountain] in Watari District of Fukushima City, in preparation for the next year’s viewing season.


The place is famous for cherry blossoms, with about 300,000 tourists visiting each year. However, this year, the number of tourists dropped dramatically to only 94,000 because of the March 11 earthquake/tsunami and the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident. It is located in the mountains and the radiation levels are relatively high. So the owner of the land where the trailhead to the mountain is located asked a firm in Sasebo City in Nagasaki Prefecture to decontaminate. The firm is noted for its asbestos countermeasures.

Read more‘Decontamination’ For 2012 Fukushima Cherry Blossom Festival

Radiation Expert: The Situation In Fukushima Is Rapidly Spinning Out Of Control

Living with Fukushima City’s radiation problem (Greenpeace, Dec. 8, 2011):

While walking through the highly contaminated outskirts of Fukushima City last week, I suddenly realized that this capital of the prefecture is as far from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site as my hometown is from Borssele where the only Dutch nuclear power plant in the Netherlands is located —about 60 km. While people in the 20 km exclusion zone around the Fukushima disaster site have been evacuated, the residents of this densely populated city have already waited nine months for decontamination of their houses, gardens and parks without getting any official government support for relocation, not even for children and pregnant women.

Read moreRadiation Expert: The Situation In Fukushima Is Rapidly Spinning Out Of Control

Radioactive Koriyama City (Sakabuta Park): Deadly 33.53 MicroSieverts/Hour

YouTube Added: Nov 19, 2011


On 19 Nov 2011, I measured radiation in SAKABUTA park of Koriyama city, Fukushima pref. Japan.
The monitorinig place is at the center of Koriyama city, 60 km from Fukushima Nuclear power plant.
The monitor indicates 1.64 micro Sievert per hour in air at chest hight, 33.53 on the road side sand of the park.

Read moreRadioactive Koriyama City (Sakabuta Park): Deadly 33.53 MicroSieverts/Hour

Radiation In Japan: ‘Blowing In The Cold Autumnal Wind’ … or … How F****** Stupid Can They Get?

Total insanity continuous to hit new record highs in Japan.

#Radiation in Japan: “Blowing in the Cold Autumnal Wind” (EX-SKF, Nov. 17, 2011):

Everyday I get up in the morning hoping that people in Japan will wake up to the dire situation they are in and start doing something. Anything. Everyday I am disappointed. When they do something, it is almost always “WTF….?” Yesterday was no exception.

Here’s a collection of small news in Japan from yesterday that made me recite the haiku by the master Matsuo Basho – “When I say something, as soon as the word leaves my lips, it’s blowing in the cold autumnal wind” – there’s no use in saying.

Read moreRadiation In Japan: ‘Blowing In The Cold Autumnal Wind’ … or … How F****** Stupid Can They Get?

630 Bq/Kg Cesium In Rice From Fukushima City (NHK)

Total insanity (Fukushima City):

‘Let’s Die Together’ – Radioactive Ekiden Marathon In Fukushima – Radiation Levels As High As Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Zone (Pics – Video)

#Radioactive Rice: 630 Bq/kg Cesium from Rice in Fukushima City (EX-SKF, Nov. 16, 2011):

For those of you who wrote to me that Fukushima rice was “safe” because it all “tested” well below the safety limit of 500 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium, sorry. NHK has a piece of bad news for you.

630 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium has been detected from the rice grown and harvested in Onami District of Fukushima City in Fukushima. It was discovered only because one farmer asked the local JA to test his rice.

The video clip accompanying the NHK News says 630 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium from brown rice, and 300 becquerels/kg from white (milled) rice.

The entire Onami District was declared good to ship the rice, after the Fukushima prefectural government tested 2 samples in one location in Onami District.

Onami District of Fukushima City has high radiation contamination, and that’s where the volunteers have been sent to “decontaminate”, scooping out the sludge in the drain by hand, among other pleasant activities. (If you read Japanese, here’s a report by very pro-nuke Nikkei Business on “decontamination” volunteering in Onami:

NHK News Japanese (11/16/2011):


It has been revealed that 630 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium, exceeding the national provisional safety limit, was detected from the rice harvested in a location in Onami District of Fukushima City [in Fukushima Prefecture]. Fukushima Prefecture has requested the farmers in Onami District to refrain from shipping this year’s crop.

Read more630 Bq/Kg Cesium In Rice From Fukushima City (NHK)

‘Let’s Die Together’ – Radioactive Ekiden Marathon In Fukushima – Radiation Levels As High As Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Zone (Pics – Video)

“Let’s die together” marathon (Fukushima Diary, Nov. 13, 2011):

Running course in the contamination area.

During WWW2, Japanese government gathered female students in okinawa and made a nurse team, called Star Lily Corps.

When US army landed on Okiwana, they were forced to work give medical care for Japanese army and 224 of 297 girls and teachers died.

Some of them fell off from the cliff to commit suicide. It was a female version of Kamikaze.

Now Japanese government is going into the same insanity.

They are holding a marathon relay race in Fukushima city. source

At this moment when this article is being written, teenage runners are running.

The radiation level is as high as mandatory evacuating area in Chernobyl.

Thousands of people called the administrators to stop the race but it ended up started.

Runners are 13 ~ 31 years old.

Most of them are teenagers.

Read more‘Let’s Die Together’ – Radioactive Ekiden Marathon In Fukushima – Radiation Levels As High As Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Zone (Pics – Video)

Radioactive Ekiden Marathon Race: Girls Are Running in Radiation Often Higher Than In ‘No Entry’ Zone

Madness continuous to hit new record highs.


Radioactive ‘Ekiden’ Marathon Race In Fukushima City In 1 Microsievert/Hr Radiation For Teenage Female Runners

AGAIN, Fukushima city should have been evacuated a looooong time ago.

#Radioactive Ekiden Road Race: Girls Are Running in Radiation Often Higher Than That in Front of J-Village (EX-SKF, Nov. 12, 2011):

J-Village is located just inside the 20 kilometer radius from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, and is the staging area for the plant work. Ordinary citizens cannot even enter (it is a “no entry” zone).

But the female athletes as young as 13 are running in the Ekiden Road Race in Fukushima City in the radiation often much higher than at J-Village. And the nation is supposed to cheer for the wonderful recovery of Fukushima Prefecture by watching these girls run.

The following are the actual air radiation measurements on the Ekiden course from the blog posts (here and here) of a TV writer who calls himself “Chidai”, on November 12. He measured the air radiation levels at 1 meter off the ground on the Ekiden course.

First, he shows the radiation at J-Village, as comparison:

0.91 microsievert/hour, in front of J-Village, right before the roadblock:

Now the Ekiden course in Fukushima City.

1.23 microsievert/hour, in front of the athletic stadium where the event starts:

0.91 microsievert/hour, first left-turn in the 1st segment, 400 meters from the stadium gate:

1.41 microsievert/hour, in front of Fukushima Horse Race Track:

There are many more locations that registered even higher radiation. He also says that when he measured at 5 centimeters off the ground, the radiation levels jumped everywhere.

One irony about the 1.41 microsievert/hour in front of the race track: he wryly and angrily notes that the race track is closed for this year, having canceled all races out of concern for the thoroughbred horses that are worth tens of millions of yen. The race track is doing the decontamination, replacing the turf for the horses. Yet, it is perfectly OK for all concerned to have underage girls run in the radiation.

The writer is sorry that he couldn’t have the event canceled. He is asking “What are we doing? Is this the “recovery” we want for Fukushima? Are we human, to allow this to happen? ”

Shame on the city. Shame on the athletic association and the corporate sponsors. And shame on the parents of these girls for being so willing to risk their daughters’ health for… For what?

Read moreRadioactive Ekiden Marathon Race: Girls Are Running in Radiation Often Higher Than In ‘No Entry’ Zone

AND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

What are you doing???

This is not a cleaning problem!!!

Fukushima city should have been evacuated (a long time ago), not decontaminated.


Researchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area

Prof. Chris Busby: Fukushima Like the TITANIC – The Japanese Government Is Completely Out Of Order And If It Continuous Its Course Of Action Then It Is A Criminal Organization – ‘I Am Too Frightened To Go Closer To Meltdowns Than 100 Km’ Because Of High Levels Of Radiation

Evacuate FUKUSHIMA: Japanese Journalist Takashi Hirose: ‘It’s Like Killing Our Own Children, I Cannot Allow It To Happen’ – Teachers Force School Children To Eat Food That Their Parents Told Them Not To Eat

Prof. Chris Busby On HOT PARTICLES – ‘The Citizens Of Fukushima Are Living In An Area Which The Soviet Union Would Have Considered To Be An Exclusion Zone In Terms Of Radioactivity’!

WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government ‘Shaking With Anger’: ‘What Are You Doing?’ (Part 1, 2, 3)

Kobe University Radiation Expert Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi On Fukushima City (290,000 People): ‘Evacuation Must Be Conducted As Soon As Possible’

Alert: Greenpeace Radiation Measurements In Fukushima City: Hot Spots At 500-700 Times Normal!!! (Video)

Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately

Prof. Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University On The UGLY TRUTH About The Nuclear Disasters Of Chernobyl And Fukushima (Video)

Fukushima Now Equal To 50 Plus Chernobyls & 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses Of Radiation

110 Volunteers and Residents to “Decon” High Radiation Area in Fukushima City (EX-SKF, Oct. 28, 2011):

Everybody knows the decon doesn’t work, everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost. But so it goes, and everybody knows.

Or not. Maybe not these 110 volunteers from all over the country with good intentions, who chose to go to one of the very high radiation area (Onami District) in Fukushima City in Fukushima Prefecture to do the decontamination work.

Part of Onami District was “decontaminated” back in August as the “model” decontamination by the cleaning contractors hired by the city. In most locations, the radiation was hardly reduced, and in some locations the radiation after the “decontamination” went up. (Take a look at the results of the decon in August in my Japanese blog post.)

As you see in the photo by Yomiuri Shinbun, the district is in the mountains. Radioactive materials will continue to come from the mountains, no matter how (and how many times) they “decon” the roads and houses.

But Japanese media reports the effort by the volunteers and the residents of Onami District of Fukushima City trying to decontaminate, as if it’s a good thing. This one from Yomiuri Shinbun (10/29/2011):


On October 29, decontamination work started in Onami District in Fukushima Prefecture with volunteers and the residents participating.

Read moreAND NOW: 110 Volunteers and Residents to ‘DECONTAMINATE’ High Radiation Area in Fukushima City

Researchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area

Critics urge Japan to widen nuclear evacuation zone (Monsters & Critics, Oct 20, 2011):

Tokyo – Scientists, environmentalists and citizens groups have called for Japanese authorities to evacuate more areas in the wake of March’s nuclear accident after finding wider radiation contamination than officially reported.

Researchers have found up to 6.15 million becquerels per square metre of soil in Fukushima city, 60 kilometres north-west of a nuclear power plant that has been leaking radioactive material into the environment since it was damaged in an earthquake and tsunami in the spring.

The measurement is four times higher than the levels used to declare mandatory evacuation areas around Chernobyl, Ukraine, after the 1986 nuclear accident there, the Japanese branch of the environmental organization Friends of the Earth said.

‘The government should encourage children and pregnant women to evacuate’ the affected areas, Kanna Mitsuta, a Friends of the Earth researcher who participated in the survey, said Thursday.

Residents in the town’s district of Watari also found their Geiger counters going off their scales, which go up to 10 microsieverts per hour, Mitsuta said.

Read moreResearchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area

300,000 Bq/Kg Of Radioactive Cesium In Fukushima City Soil

#Radiation in Japan: 300,000 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium from Soil in Fukushima City (EX-SKF, Oct. 4, 2011):

NGO “FoE Japan (Friends of Earth Japan) did its own survey of radiation contamination in Watari District in Fukushima City with the help from Professor Tomoya Yamauchi of Kobe University. Watari District has high radiation levels throughout the district, but the national government has so far refused to designate anywhere in the district as “evacuation recommended” area.

If the government designate an area as such, the government has to pay for the relocation cost. As the result, the designation in other cities like Date City has been very arbitrary and spotty, rendering the whole exercise worthless. Often, the residents are simply moved to the other parts of the same city with slightly lower radiation.

Read more300,000 Bq/Kg Of Radioactive Cesium In Fukushima City Soil

Greenpeace: Fukushima Schools Unsafe For Children With Radiation Readings As Much As 70 Times Above Safety Limit

Greenpeace: Fukushima schools unsafe after clean-up (Reuters, Aug 29, 2011):

Greenpeace said on Monday that schools and surrounding areas located 60 km (38 miles) from Japan’s tsunami-hit nuclear power plant were unsafe for children, showing radiation readings as much as 70 times internationally accepted levels.

The environmental group took samples at and near three schools in Fukushima city, well outside the 20 km exclusion zone from Tokyo Electric Power’s stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex in Japan’s northeast.

“No parent should have to choose between radiation exposure and education for their child,” said Kazue Suzuki, Greenpeace Japan’s anti-nuclear project head.

Read moreGreenpeace: Fukushima Schools Unsafe For Children With Radiation Readings As Much As 70 Times Above Safety Limit

Unbelievable: 12,600 High School Students From All Over Japan Gather In Fukushima For Annual Cultural Festival

See also:

WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government ‘Shaking With Anger’: ‘What Are You Doing?’ (Part 1, 2, 3)

#Radiation in Japan: 12,600 High School Students from All Over Japan Gather in Fukushima for Annual Cultural Festival (EX-SKF, August 3, 2011):

As ultra-hot spots exceeding 5 sieverts/hour are being discovered Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant and as the situation of serious radiation contamination is finally starting to sink in, what do they do in Fukushima Prefecture?

Hold the annual high school cultural festival, gathering high school students from all over Japan to Fukushima, in cities where high-radiation hot spots have been discovered throughout, or highly radioactive rice hay/meat cow has been found, or both. In one of the cities, Fukushima City, cobalt-60 has been detected in the soil in a park.

Business as usual, extend and pretend that everything is back to normal. Radiation? What radiation?

The 35th All Japan High School Cultural Festival in Fukushima 2011 started, as scheduled, on August 3. A variety of events organized by the high school students (yes, students in Fukushima Prefecture had been so hard at work), with the help of teachers and administrators, will be held in cities like:

Fukushima City
Koriyama City
Sukagawa City
Shirakawa City
Aizu Wakamatsu City
Kitakata City
Minami Soma City
Iwaki City

The event is organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Boards of Education in each city in Fukushima, both under the Ministry of Education and Science.

Asahi Shinbun, which is one of the special sponsors of the event, reports, with hardly a mention of the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident or radiation contamination in Fukushima. All it says about radiation is that “some venues have been changed because of a concern for radiation level…” It’s just a “concern”, not the real thing:

From Asahi Shinbun (8/3/2011):

? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????

The 35th Annual All Japan High School Cultural Festival in Fukushima 2011 started as scheduled on August 3. The event is organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and others and sponsored by companies including Asahi Shinbun. There was a doubt as to whether the event would be held because of the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, but now 12,600 high school students from all over the country come to Fukushima, and will compete in 15 events that include chorus, art and craft, game of “go”, Japanese chess.

Read moreUnbelievable: 12,600 High School Students From All Over Japan Gather In Fukushima For Annual Cultural Festival

Guinea Pigs: Children In Fukushima To Be Given Regular Cancer Tests … Instead Of Necessary Evacuation!

Fukushima City has 290.000 citizens and the Japanese government probably thinks that it is to big to evacuate.

This Is Outrageous: Japanese Government Killing Its Own People In Fukushima (Video)

Fukushima City has to be evacuated NOW!

Prof. Chris Busby On HOT PARTICLES – ‘The Citizens Of Fukushima Are Living In An Area Which The Soviet Union Would Have Considered To Be An Exclusion Zone In Terms Of Radioactivity’!

Kobe University Radiation Expert Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi On Fukushima City (290,000 People): ‘Evacuation Must Be Conducted As Soon As Possible’

Alert: Greenpeace Radiation Measurements In Fukushima City: Hot Spots At 500-700 Times Normal!!! (Video)

Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately

Prof. Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University On The UGLY TRUTH About The Nuclear Disasters Of Chernobyl And Fukushima (Video)

The Japanese people are used as guinea pigs:

AND NOW: Japanese Government Sets 100 Millisieverts As New Lifetime Standard

Fallout! (60 Minutes): Japan’s Recovery Won’t Be Measured In Years, But Centuries – Michio Kaku: These Humans Are Guinea Pigs!

Radiation ‘Experiment’ In Japan Just Got Bigger, As Fukushima To Fit All Infants, Kindergarteners, School Children With Radiation Monitoring Badges:

… these are not “dosimeters” but “glass badges” that passively collect radiation information. It won’t help these children or their parents to avoid high-radiation areas and spots, it won’t tell them how much radiation they will have been exposed unless they are sent in to a company to interpret the data.

Nuclear scientist Leuren Moret has high-level insider information. Listen to the entire interview:

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Nuclear Genocide Of Babies And Children In Japan, US, Canada Grows – Elitist Depopulation Agenda – Global Nuclear Holocaust

Children in Fukushima to be given regular cancer tests (Telegraph, July 26, 2011):

Children living in the nuclear-hit Fukushima region of Japan are to undergo regular cancer tests for the rest of their lives.

Fukushima prefectural government plans to carry out regular ultrasound examinations on all residents who were 18 years old or under when the nuclear crisis broke out on March 11.

The tests, designed to spot early symptoms of thyroid cancer, will be conducted every two years until the age of 20 and then every five years, according to Japanese news reports.

An estimated 360,000 young residents will be entitled to the free medical tests, which will start operating from October this year, with further in-depth urine and blood testing taking places if any abnormalities are discovered.

Read moreGuinea Pigs: Children In Fukushima To Be Given Regular Cancer Tests … Instead Of Necessary Evacuation!

This Is Outrageous: Japanese Government Killing Its Own People In Fukushima (Video)

Original video here.


Fukushima City has 290.000 citizens and the Japanese government probably thinks that it is to big to evacuate.

Leuren Moret has high-level insider information. Listen to the entire interview:

Independent Scientist Leuren Moret: Nuclear Genocide Of Babies And Children In Japan, US, Canada Grows – Elitist Depopulation Agenda – Global Nuclear Holocaust

Fukushima City has to be evacuated NOW!

Prof. Chris Busby On HOT PARTICLES – ‘The Citizens Of Fukushima Are Living In An Area Which The Soviet Union Would Have Considered To Be An Exclusion Zone In Terms Of Radioactivity’!

Kobe University Radiation Expert Prof. Tomoya Yamauchi On Fukushima City (290,000 People): ‘Evacuation Must Be Conducted As Soon As Possible’

Alert: Greenpeace Radiation Measurements In Fukushima City: Hot Spots At 500-700 Times Normal!!! (Video)

Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People) Is In Danger: Greenpeace Detects Cobalt-60 And High Radiation ‘Hot Spots’ – Children Should Be Evacuated Immediately

Prof. Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University On The UGLY TRUTH About The Nuclear Disasters Of Chernobyl And Fukushima (Video)

The Japanese people are used as guinea pigs:

AND NOW: Japanese Government Sets 100 Millisieverts As New Lifetime Standard

Fallout! (60 Minutes): Japan’s Recovery Won’t Be Measured In Years, But Centuries – Michio Kaku: These Humans Are Guinea Pigs!

Radiation ‘Experiment’ In Japan Just Got Bigger, As Fukushima To Fit All Infants, Kindergarteners, School Children With Radiation Monitoring Badges:

… these are not “dosimeters” but “glass badges” that passively collect radiation information. It won’t help these children or their parents to avoid high-radiation areas and spots, it won’t tell them how much radiation they will have been exposed unless they are sent in to a company to interpret the data.