Greenpeace: Fukushima Schools Unsafe For Children With Radiation Readings As Much As 70 Times Above Safety Limit

Greenpeace: Fukushima schools unsafe after clean-up (Reuters, Aug 29, 2011):

Greenpeace said on Monday that schools and surrounding areas located 60 km (38 miles) from Japan’s tsunami-hit nuclear power plant were unsafe for children, showing radiation readings as much as 70 times internationally accepted levels.

The environmental group took samples at and near three schools in Fukushima city, well outside the 20 km exclusion zone from Tokyo Electric Power’s stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex in Japan’s northeast.

“No parent should have to choose between radiation exposure and education for their child,” said Kazue Suzuki, Greenpeace Japan’s anti-nuclear project head.

Read moreGreenpeace: Fukushima Schools Unsafe For Children With Radiation Readings As Much As 70 Times Above Safety Limit

Fukushima Soil Contamination Exceeds Chernobyl Dead Zone At 34 Locations In 6 Municipalities, In One Location The Contamination Level Is More Than 10 Times The Chernobyl Level

And the ‘entire country is to become the nuclear waste disposal site’:

DOOMED: Japan Gov. To Allow All RADIOACTIVE Material To Be Burned And Buried

Soil Contamination in 34 Locations in Fukushima Exceeds Chernobyl Confiscation/Closed Zone Level (EX-SkF, August 29, 2011):

In one location, the contamination level is more than 10 times the Chernobyl level.

What a surprise. Now that PM Kan is out, the government dribbles out the information that it withheld as it de-emphasized and even attacked the reports of high soil contamination as measured by private entities including citizens’ groups.

The most contaminated location found so far is Okuma-machi, where Fukushima I Nuke Plant is located: 29,460,000 becquerels per square meter with cesium-134 and cesium-137 combined, 15,450,000 becquerels per square meter if only cesium-137 is counted.

The confiscated/closed zone after the Chernobyl accident is set in locations whose cesium-137 level in soil exceeds 1,480,000 becquerels per square meter. The level of cesium-137 in the location in Okuma-machi is 10 times that of the Chernobyl confiscated/closed zone.

From Yomiuri Shinbun (3:05AM JST 8/30/2011):


The soil contamination as the result of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident was reported on the August 29 meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science.

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The survey found 34 locations in 6 municipalities exceeding the level of the confiscation/closed zone of the Chernobyl accident (1,480,000 becquerels/square meter of cesium-137 in soil). The purpose of the survey was to understand the radiation exposure of the residents. Prime Minister Kan said on August 27 that there might be locations where the residents wouldn’t be able to return for a long time. The survey data validates the prime minister’s comment.

Read moreFukushima Soil Contamination Exceeds Chernobyl Dead Zone At 34 Locations In 6 Municipalities, In One Location The Contamination Level Is More Than 10 Times The Chernobyl Level

DOOMED: Japan Gov. To Allow All RADIOACTIVE Material To Be Burned And Buried

They burn that waste and radioactive rain will come down in Canada and the US as nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen said.

New Scientific Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, As Contamination Spreads In Japan And Worldwide (Video):

Third, the burning of radioactive materials (building materials, trees, lawn grass, rice straw) by the Japanese government will cause radioactive Cesium to spread even further into areas within Japan that have been previously clean, and across the Pacific Ocean to North America.

Thanks to the Japanese elite puppet government we will have a continuous worldwide radioactive contamination of the environment and ourselves.

If you do not stand up Japan your ‘entire country is to become the nuclear waste disposal site’.

Japan’s Ministry of Environment to Allow #Radioactive Ashes to Be Buried in Regular Waste Final Disposal Sites (EX-SKF, August 27, 2011):

Here we go. Radioactive Japan (or at least East Japan). Now all radioactive debris and garbage can and will be burned and buried.

The news headlines at various media outlets say “ashes that contain up to 100,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium”, but if you read the news carefully, as long as there are “countermeasures” to prevent the leakage of radioactive cesium into the surrounding environment, the Ministry is prepared to allow the ashes with any amount of radioactive materials to be buried in regular waste final disposal facilities.

From NHK News (8/28/2011):


Regarding the ashes after burning the disaster debris and regular household garbage contaminated with radioactive materials, the Ministry of the Environment has decided on a policy that will allow the burial of ashes that exceed 8,000 becquerels/kg of radioactive cesium, as long as there are countermeasures in place to prevent the leakage into the ground water.

Read moreDOOMED: Japan Gov. To Allow All RADIOACTIVE Material To Be Burned And Buried

Source: U.S. Strike on Iran Nearing

Contrary to some claims that the Bush administration will allow diplomacy to handle Iran’s nuclear weapons program, a leading member of America’s Jewish community tells Newsmax that a military strike is not only on the table – but likely.

“Israel is preparing for heavy casualties,” the source said, suggesting that although Israel will not take part in the strike, it is expecting to be the target of Iranian retribution.

“Look at Dick Cheney’s recent trip through the Middle East as preparation for the U.S. attack,” the source said.

Cheney’s hastily arranged 9-day visit to the region, which began on March 16, included stops in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, Turkey, and the Palestinian territories.

Tensions in the region have been rising.

While Israel was conducting the largest homefront military exercises in its history last week, Israel’s National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer warned Tehran about expected attacks on the Jewish state.

“An Iranian attack will prompt a severe reaction from Israel, which will destroy the Iranian nation,” he said.

He predicted that in a future war, “hundreds of missiles will rain on Israel,” but added that Iran “is definitely aware of our strength.”

Read moreSource: U.S. Strike on Iran Nearing