– “They Know All”: Over 5,000,000 Bq/m² of Cesium-137 in Fukushima City (ENENews, Feb 16, 2013):
Title: Over 5,000,000 Bq/? of Cs137-Soil Contamination. Fukushima City
Source: guardianofmiyagi
Date Published on Feb 16, 2013Video Description
Miyagi Radiation-Monitoring Committee (MIRMC), Organizer and two Japanese medical doctors: Don’t Forget 3.11. Don’t Forget Fukushima Daiichi Accident. NHK Never Rebroadcast. They Know All…
*Note the video shows 5,000 kBq/m² of Cesium-137, which is equal to 5,000,000 Bq/m²