Onset Of Puberty In Girls Has Fallen By 5 Years Since 1920 – Study: Boys Are Reaching Puberty Earlier

From the article:

“No one is sure what is causing the change”

It is caused by substances/chemicals in our food that mimick hormones and by substances/chemicals that can trigger/force hormonal changes in the human body.


The Age of Treason: 1958 Book Exposes Current Chemical Attack on Humanity

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So we really know more than just one reason for this.

One reason is BPA:

Food Industry Refuses To Take Out Harmful BPAs

Age 10 The ‘New Norm’ For Puberty In Girls Thanks to Chemicals Like BPA:

Toxic BPA is featured in the vast majority of plastics used commercially today. This chemical has the property of mimicking estrogen when leeched into the body.

More Than 90 Percent Of Canadians Are Contaminated With Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Bisphenol-A (BPA) Found In Virtually All Canned Foods

From the article:

“Some parents are worried that children may be missing out on a normal childhood.”

This criminal society is not only robbing these children of a normal childhood:

Study: BPA Leads To Birth & Fertility Defects (… And Is Linked To Diabetes & Breast Cancer)

Red Alert For Humanity: Chemical Damage Can Be Inherited By Offspring Through Unlimited Generations

How ‘Scientific Poisoners’ Threaten The Future Of Life On Planet Earth

WAR ON HEALTH – The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny (Documentary):

What can you do?

Why You Should Only Eat Organic Food

Some parents are worried that children may be missing out on a normal childhood.

Boys are reaching puberty earlier, says study (Guardian, Oct 20, 2012):

New report by the American Academy of Paediatrics shows that boys as young as nine are showing signs of maturity

The study covered a large sample. It looked at more than 4,000 boys in 41 US states aged six to 16 years. Based on the so-called Tanner stages of development – a technique doctors use to measure stages of puberty – genital changes in boys started around the age of 9 or 10, and pubic hair appeared between age 10 and 11 and a half, on average.

Onset of puberty in girls has fallen by five years since 1920 (Guardian, Oct 21, 2012):

No one is sure what is causing the change

In the late 1980s, Marcia Herman-Giddens was working in a paediatric clinic at Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina when she noticed a puzzling phenomenon. More and more girls aged eight or nine who visited the clinic had started to sprout pubic hair and breasts. At the time, medical orthodoxy held that the average age of puberty for girls in the west was over 11. The numbers of under-10s that Herman-Giddens was seeing did not fit with this scenario. She began collecting data that eventually produced a study with the American Academy of Pediatrics that studied 17,000 girls and found that the average age of breast-budding among white girls was 9.9 years while for black girls it was 8.8.

The discovery was hugely controversial. Many doctors refused to accept the fact that more and more girls had begun to mature sexually before they had reached the age of 10. “The Lolita syndrome [the prurient fascination with the sexuality of young girls] created a lot of emotional interest,” recalls Herman-Giddens, now at the University of North Carolina. “As a feminist, I wish it didn’t.”

Today most doctors accept that the age of onset of puberty is dropping steadily. Many studies have showed this to be the case for girls, and new research carried out by Herman-Giddens, and published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, has found the same for boys. The age of onset of biological adulthood continues to plunge. Consider the statistics provided by German researchers. They found that in 1860, the average age of the onset of puberty in girls was 16.6 years. In 1920, it was 14.6; in 1950, 13.1; 1980, 12.5; and in 2010, it had dropped to 10.5. Similar sets of figures have been reported for boys, albeit with a delay of around a year.

What factors lie behind this trend? Why are our children reaching biological adulthood at earlier and earlier ages? And what are the medical implications of this? Answers to these questions are still debated, although most scientists and health experts believe that the initial decline in the age in puberty was linked to general improvements in health in the west that began in the late 19th century. The trouble is that this drop, which was expected to stop, has simply continued at the same rate: a decline in four to five months in age of onset for each passing decade.

This relentless slide has begun to worry doctors who have proposed a host of causes to explain it. Increasing obesity is often quoted. In the young it is thought to increase blood levels of oestrogens that promote breast development and early studies seemed to confirm this by linking puberty to higher body mass index. However, a Danish study released last year in the journal Paediatrics found puberty occurring earlier in children regardless of body mass index at age seven.

Other factors that may be involved include a diet that is increasingly high in sugar and fat and declining physical activity. The cause could also be environmental, say other researchers – in particular, exposure to endocrine disrupters, chemicals in the environment that act on hormones.

Widespread industrial and pharmaceutical pollutants have already been shown to harm the normal sexual development of fish and animals. By extension, they may also contribute to earlier or disrupted puberty in children, these scientists contend.

As to the likelihood that precocious puberty poses perils for young people, this is still debated – though many parents worry that early sexual development puts strain on children who are being robbed of years of innocent childhood.

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