– NYTimes: Contamination levels not declining off Japan — Chemist: Fukushima reactor site leaking into ocean? (ENENews, Oct 25, 2012):
Title: Fishing for Answers off Fukushima
Source: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Originally published: October 25, 2012
Emphasis Added[… WHOI marine chemist Ken Buesseler] points out that levels of contamination in almost all classifications of fish are not declining […]
As a result, Buesseler concludes that there may be a continuing source of radionuclides into the ocean, either in the form of low-level leaks from the reactor site itself or contaminated sediment on the seafloor. […]
“What we really need is a better understanding of the sources and sinks of cesium and other radionuclides that continue to drive what we’re seeing in the ocean off Fukushima.” […]
New York Times, Oct. 25, 2012:
“The fact that many fish are just as contaminated today with cesium 134 and cesium 137 as they were more than one year ago implies that cesium is still being released into the food chain,” Mr. Buesseler wrote.
View Buesseler’s report here
Enviroreporter.com also has some good information on this subject. Why the Japanese continue to do nothing while our food, water, soil and air systems are destroyed is beyond me. They are also corporate controlled, and this putting business ahead of people is insane. They are helping to advance our own extinction. Not in 100 years, but over the next few if and when reactor #4 collapses. Pure madness.
Thanks for staying on topics regular media doesn’t dare touch. The brave bloggers like you are my remaining hope. Freedom of the press is gone, our government is corrupt, and too many people are fools and go on sleeping through the demise of our world.
Marilyn Gjerdrum