Leuren Moret: Fukushima-Depopulation Update; Fukushima 300 Times Chernobyl; Exposes General Albert Stubblebine; Offers Solutions

YouTube Added: 15.05.2012


In this exclusive wide-ranging May 15, 2012 interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD), updates the viewing audiences on the status of the ongoing Fukushima radiation-depopulation rollout, stating that “Fukushima radiation has taken over our planet.” Leuren Moret also exposes inaccuracies in a recent Fukushima “Estimate of the Situation” video by former Gen. Albert S. Stubblebine (U.S. Army, Ret.). Stubblebine has publicly denied his involvement in a secret 1968 – 73 DARPA time travel and teleportation program despite direct eye witness whistleblower testimony to the contrary by Washington State attorney Andrew D. Basiago. Leuren Moret also offers solutions on how humanity can adapt positively to the challenges of this Fukushima radiation false flag depopulation plan, instigated by an international war crimes racketeering organization led by the Dutch and British Monarchs and City of London bloodline families including the Rothschilds.

Bilderberg 2011: The Full Official Attendee List

Bilderberg Group 2011: Full Official Attendee List:

“Thanks to the fantastic work of Bilderberg activists, journalists and the Swiss media, we have now been able to obtain the full official list of 2011 Bilderberg attendees. Routinely, some members request that their names be kept off the roster so there will be additional Bilderbergers in attendance.


  • Coene, Luc, Governor, National Bank of Belgium
  • Davignon, Etienne, Minister of State
  • Leysen, Thomas, Chairman, Umicore


  • Fu, Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Huang, Yiping, Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University


  • Eldrup, Anders, CEO, DONG Energy
  • Federspiel, Ulrik, Vice President, Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
  • Schütze, Peter, Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB


  • Ackermann, Josef, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank
  • Enders, Thomas, CEO, Airbus SAS
  • Löscher, Peter, President and CEO, Siemens AG
  • Nass, Matthias, Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit
  • Steinbrück, Peer, Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance

    Read moreBilderberg 2011: The Full Official Attendee List

Bilderberg 2011: The Curtains Are Drawn

See also:

Top Swiss Banking Insider Exposes The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg 2011 security fence, or should that be ‘a massive white fence of embarrassment’? Photograph: Charlie Skelton

Breaking news. There’s been a bomb. Sorry, a “bomb”. A “tubular device” has been “found” by the police, two people have been cuffed and whisked off, and the security is tightening fast. The bomb business has only kicked off in the last hour, but a photo of the arrest is winging its way down the mountain towards me. I’ll post it up when it gets here.

So yes – seems that I spoke too soon about a chilled-out Swiss Bilderberg. The happy proximity of cameras and conference had already been broken, overnight, by a long white security fence, which blocked our view of the venue. No one seems to know who put it up, but the smart money says that it was hammered in at 3am by Jorma Ollila, the Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, while Peter Voser, the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, held the nails.

Now of course, when I describe what’s gone up as a “security fence”, what I actually mean is “privacy fence”. It’s a shower curtain, not a ring of steel. And of course, by “privacy” what I actually mean is “shame”. It’s a shame fence. A massive white fence of embarrassment. Privacy is what the delegates get when they close the door of their conference hall. Privacy is a Chatham House agreement not to discuss in public what was discussed at the various presentations and seminars of Bilderberg.

But this isn’t privacy. It’s hiding. It’s a child hiding behind the curtains in case the monsters see it, and I find it weirdly infantile. Oddly unconfident. Grown-ups, happy in what they’re doing, don’t slide down in their car seats and slip in through side doors. You’ve got the world’s most powerful people sneaking around like naughty kiddies. Naughty kiddies with secret service spotters on their hotel roof, and armed men on motorbikes flanking their limousines.

This is the bit about Bilderberg that I really don’t get. It’s an old chestnut, but let’s just take another bite at it. Let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that Bilderberg benefits us all. The citizens of the world are made safer, or happier, or healthier, or better off as a result of this meeting. Let’s just say that the head of Deutsche Bank spends four days with the head of BP in order to improve our lives.

Let’s suppose, shall we, that the amiable hosts – David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and the Queen of the Netherlands – have the interests of the general public written in big red letters at the top of their conference agenda.

Suppose all that. Then why the fence? Why do delegates fling themselves across the back seats of their limousines rather than be seen attending this helpful gathering? Why the blacked-out windows and the newspapers held in front of their faces? And why the big white fence? I don’t get it.

Why isn’t Josef Ackermann, the CEO of Deutsche Bank, waving benignly to the crowds? Why aren’t the excited participants pausing at the hotel gates to speak to the invited press? “Yes, thank you, we’re hoping to solve Europe‘s financial crisis this year – so finger’s crossed!” Why are German plane clothes policemen following members of the public around Swiss streets…? Sorry – different question. Important, but different.

Read moreBilderberg 2011: The Curtains Are Drawn

Bilderberg 2010: The Power Gallery

Bilderberg 2010: Final (Official) List of Participants:

Henry Kissinger, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin and Paul Volcker at Bilderberg 2010.

Change we can believe in! (Kissinger: Obama Will Create A New World Order)

Henry Kissinger, diplomat, strategist, Nobel laureate, wanted for questioning in Spain over war crimes

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, major stakeholder in Royal Dutch Shell

Viscount Etienne Davignon, former vice-president of the European commission, president of the Bilderberg steering committee

Paul Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve and chairman of Barack Obama’s economic recovery board (centre); James Johnson, vice-chairman of Perseus (right)

Robert Zoellick, head of the World Bank (centre); John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of the Economist (left)

Nout Wellink, president of the Bank of the Netherlands

From left to right: in background, Jyrki Katainen, Finnish minister of finance; in centre, with moustache, Dieter Zetsche, chairman of Daimler AG, head of Mercedes-Benz Cars; to right of pillar, Jorma Ollila, chairman of Nokia, member of the board of directors of Ford and non-executive chairman of Royal Dutch Shell

Neelie Kroes, Dutch politician. Former European commissioner for competition, current European commissioner for digital agenda

Olaf Scholz, vice-chairman of the German Social Democrat party (left); Craig Mundie, chief research officer of Microsoft (right)

Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, the ‘founding father’ of the EU and ‘intellectual impetus’ behind the euro, president of the thinktank Notre Europe, member of the ‘Group of 30’ (chairman, Paul Volcker)

Joaquín Almunia, European commissioner (right)

Gustavo Cisneros, Cisneros Group, richest man in Latin America (beige suit)

Peter Voser, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell

Jacob Wallenburg, director of Coca-Cola, banker, industrialist, from Sweden’s billionaire Wallenburg family

Mustafa Koç, billionaire heir to Turkish corporation Koç Holdings

Francisco Pinto Balsemão, former prime minister of Portugal and CEO of Impresa, farewells an unknown delegate

Victor Halberstadt, Bilderberg steering committee, professor of public economics at Leiden University, Netherlands, and international adviser for Goldman Sachs

Javier Solana, secretary general of Nato from 1995 to 1999, and high representative for common foreign and security policy of the European Union from 1999 until 2009. He is a Knight of the Order of St Michael and St George, and a member of the Club of Rome